The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1450: Interstellar Pirates are a little good 53

Su Yan on the spaceship did not know these things.

She is still with Huoyou.

Go to see Su Xiao occasionally.

Only since I went there.

I don't know why.

Xiao Hua always felt that the host seemed to be a little... weird to Su Xiao.

The thought of going to see Su Xiao was not strong at all.

I used to sit there for half an hour.

Later, stay a few minutes and leave.

Little flower smack

"Host, are you too harsh on your brother?"

Well, it admits that Lord Huoyu is infinitely attractive.

But Su Xiao now lives a bit like a little cabbage that nobody wants.

Miserable and pathetic.

After being beaten inexplicably, it became like this.

His sister hasn't cared at all.

Su Yan took one and sat in the room looking at it.


"Have it?"

If Xiao Hua had a head, she would definitely nod her head fiercely to tell the host how eccentric she was.

"Host, he is only your sister.

If you don't want him again, this little cabbage will really rot in the ground. "

Su Yan bowed his head and peeled a piece of candy.

Put it in your mouth.


"Everyone should live independently. No one can live without one."

Xiaohua slapped her tongue.

The truth is such a truth.


Xiaohua's milky voice

"Host, what about Lord Junyu?"

Su Yan paused

"Well, I want to live with him."

Xiao Hua grunted.

Is this a double standard?

But soon, Su Yan tilted his head and thought for a while

"If he one day, he doesn't want to. I can live without relying on him."

Can live alone.

But it's good to have him.

Small flower opening

"So the host wants to let Xiaobaicai Su Xiao live alone?"


"He is still a teenager, only nineteen years old."

Su Yan thought for a while

"I have been a person since I can remember."

Still, survived.

When Xiao Hua heard this, she remembered something

"Host, were you locked up at birth?"

Su Yan listened to this question and was silent.

She never thought about it.

Just in memory, I seem to have been in that white prison.

Watching the torture, beating, and saying a few words to her today, she will be divided and killed by five horses tomorrow.

Day by day, it has always been like this.

Now Xiaohua asked this.

She is not clear on the contrary.

Is it true at birth?

It seems not.

She should also have parents, right?

She closed her eyes, thinking carefully.

A person can remember things, as early as three years old.

She came out of that prison when she was eleven.

Did she stay in it for nine years?


It is seven years.

She can't remember, but that sister, always remembers.

That sister died, she avenged her before leaving the prison.

She was there for seven years.

Was she locked in at the age of five?

What about the memories before the age of five?

She closed her eyes and thought for a long time.

Faintly, there seems to be some.

Only later, the experience in prison was really exciting.

Who can remember the memories before the age of five?

Xiaohua whispered

"Host, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about things before the age of five."

"Does the host think of anything?"

"Nothing at all."

"It just seems, there is a little beanie who has been following me."

Thinking about it, Su Yan really couldn't remember.

Just give up.

Su Yan gave up here.

On the contrary, Xiao Hua has spirit,

"Host, what does Xiaodouding look like? Isn't he handsome?"

"do not know."

Then, the little flower wilted.

It also thought it was a childhood sweetheart.

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