The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1453: Interstellar Pirates are a little good 56

Su Yan listened to him carefully.

The secret medicine...

This term is a bit familiar.

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

But I can't remember for a while.

I was relieved to see Miss Su's serious expression.

In any case, Miss Su really loves their boss.

After explaining to Su Yan, there are things on the other side that need to be dealt with leniently.

Tolerance left.

Su Yan returned to the house.

Within a few hours, Huoyou woke up.

The first thing I wake up is to look for Su Yan everywhere.

Only this time, it didn't take much effort.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw her.

His lips are pale,


He shouted.

Su Yan handed a small piece of the peeled apple to his lips.

Huoyou ate honestly.

Su Yankai

"Have you always been like this?"

What she said was probably his irritability from time to time.

He nodded


He sounded aggrieved.

You should know that the side effects after he fell ill, apart from physical weakness, seem to have no other bad symptoms.

But other people have suffered.

His six relatives do not recognize it, and others are also afraid.

Su Yan asked again

"How long?"

Huoyou thought for a while

"For many years."

As for how many years, he didn't know.

Drinking this medicine is voluntary.

At that time, in that desperate situation, he could only survive in that wolf cave only by stimulating stronger mental power.

No one knows that the master who researched the secret medicine is, in some ways, one of the pirates.

While he was talking, Su Yan fed.

Feeding, Su Yan heard that he did not move.

One looked up.

He found an apple stuck in his mouth.

Seeing this, she didn't put an apple in his mouth again.

Said something very seriously

"You will be fine."

Huoyou swallowed the apple in his mouth.


"Will you despise me?"

Su Yan thought for a while, Huoyou said immediately after her meal

"I won't hurt you, nor will I get sick."

Su Yan nodded

"It's okay, you can't hurt me."

Huo You was taken aback, then smiled on his face.

Reach out to hold her hand

"Smoke is really amazing."

Su Yan nodded


For this, she never denied it.

If she is not more powerful, what should I do if someone comes to steal him from her?

Originally, Su Yan thought he just had to wait for the so-called secret medicine to get.

Just cure him.

Where do I know, moths appeared again that night.

Small flower opening

"Ding Dong, the system prompts Su Xiao that there is a 50% probability of encountering danger."

Su Yan listened to doubts

"He is in danger?"

Small flower opening

"Master, he went to the underground fighting arena at the bottom of the spaceship."

"Where to go for what?"

"do not know."

Su Yan was afraid that Su Xiao would be beaten to death there.

If you're beaten to death, isn't it impossible to complete the task?

She decided to go take a look.

I was eating dinner.

She stopped eating.

Looking up at Hoyo

"I have something to go out."

Huoyou immediately said

"I'm with you."

Su Yan looked at his weak look now and shook his head

"I'll be back soon."

Huoyou was reluctant.

But finally nodded.

Su Yan walked out.

Get on the elevator.

She asked Xiaohua

"Where is he?"

"Three floors underground."

Su Yan looked at the elevator for a long time.

"There are no three underground floors."

The lowest is only the second floor underground.

Little Flower Road

"Host, you go to the second basement first."

The elevator arrived soon.

As soon as I walked into the second underground floor, I found that there was everything here.

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