The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1464: Interstellar Pirates are a little good 67

After that, he covered his eyes.



She answered very seriously.

However, Junyu raised his hand to hug her and didn't let go.

The tone of speech is quite decisive

"I don't mind dying on you."

Su Yan shook his head

"I mind. Blood sheets are hard to wash."

The expression on Junyu's face solidified for a moment.

"Little boy"

Su Yankai

"Don't bully Su Xiaolei."

She turned quite bluntly.

Originally a little ambiguous atmosphere.

The name that came out suddenly was destroyed immediately.

While speaking, she took away her hand.

Face him.

Junyu helpless

"Do I look like such a bad person?"

Su Yan wanted to nod.

But I thought about it.

She has a straight face

"You are not a bad person, you are a good person."

Junyu raised his brows,

"You can say such things against your heart for him."

Su Yan was silent.

He clearly knew what he was, why did he even ask her?

She speaks

"I have spoken very hard."

"Little boy, I have no time to mess with him. As long as you don't put most of your energy on him."

Speaking of last, conditions were added.

Su Yan thought for a while

"Then do you have any wish for me to help you realize it?"

Junyu listened to her.


He didn't seem to have anything to force her to do.

He speaks

"The one just now is my wish."

"it is good"

The voice fell, Xiaohua's voice sounded

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task."

About this little brother who came out of Su Yan.

Under Su Yan's peaceful recognition of his brother, it became a fact.

One day after that, Xiao Hua’s voice suddenly sounded

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task of helping the original body revenge."

Su Yan doubts


"Host, Zhao Lili, who bullied the original body before, was sent to the military court."

Su Yan doubts

"I haven't sue her yet."

"She was taken to the hospital by you and forced the students in the class to give false testimony, saying that you have been bullying her.

Your classmate told her.

On the grounds that she has bullied you for a long time and forced perjury.

Moreover, her parents were serving in the army and were found to be embezzled and accepting bribes and are under investigation. "

So, even if Zhao Lili was released in the end.

The reputation is also bad.

After all, the students of the military academy are still different from other students.

There was **** blood on his body.

I guess, I've been looking at this Zhao Lili upset for a long time.

After Xiaohua's voice fell.

Then, the voice rang again

"Ding Dong, the system prompts that your mission is over and you will leave this world in three hours."

"So fast?"

"Host, this has something to do with your last plane forcibly overdrawing your power. Originally, you could stay until you die naturally.

It's just that your strength is overdrawn too much, and the plane can no longer stay. "

The words came off guard.

She speaks

"What if I drink five bottles of repair agent?"

"Uh, if you drink it now, you can't change what you leave in an hour.

But after you, it will be restored.

Will stay until natural death and leave. "

Just thinking.

Su Yan opened his eyes.

Is preparing to go out.

Suddenly this time.

Xiaohong didn't know where it came from.

Ping Pong Pong pulled a burlap bag and appeared.

She was still wearing that cloak.

Seeing Xiaohong's appearance, it was not for her.

I want to sneak away with the sacks.

Unexpectedly, he happened to rush to Su Yandai's room.

Xiao Hong's eyes lit up first, and her milk was milky.


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