The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1475: The hero is always autistic 10

When the voice fell, the female parent couldn't help being the first.

As if the enemy is strong and we are weak, there is only one way.

Sapo went crazy.

The female parent has a sharp voice

"It was your brother who beat my son, and beat my son so miserably. Why are you so arrogant!!

You are still a star! Did you do this to a public figure? ?

Even if I fight my life, I will never let you succeed! ! "

While talking, he stretched out his bright red nails and grabbed Su Yan's face.

Su Xiaolei was startled and wanted to step forward to block it.


In a blink of an eye, the female parent was taken aside by Su Yan.

He banged on the office desk.

The maternal parent was confused for a long time.

Fell directly to the ground and cried

"I hit someone!!

The star hit someone! ! "

The other two male parents can't stand it anymore.

The one who took the phone to shoot, put the phone on the table, to fight the injustice for the female parent

"Why are you still beating?

What is your attitude? !

The star is amazing.

Stars have privileges.

I can't bear to see you dragging two to eighty thousand dollars. "

As they said, the two people had already walked up to Su Yan, looking like they were threatening to discuss an explanation.

Su Yan looked at them.

Two bangs.

The two of them kicked out.

The two fell to the ground and howled.

The office is in a mess.

"I hope you remember to apologize to my brother."

She looked at the dumbfounded teacher standing next to her.

She shook her hand

"Teacher? Can I take him away?"

Or, does he stay here to continue class? "

The voice is soft and gentle.

I can't tell at all that this thin star has just kicked the two male parents under the table.

Teacher Zhang spoke quickly

"Yes, you can go."

With that, Teacher Zhang paused

"However, some of them were really beaten up badly."

"I will tell Su Xiaolei, next time you encounter this kind of thing, let him act lightly."

Teacher Zhang just wanted to nod.

Suddenly reacted,

"you you……"

"The teacher doesn't want him to stand there and be bullied?"

She was poking her heart.

Yes, those three people were beaten badly.

It is because they are deliberately provocative.

Could it be possible that the child would stand there motionless and be bullied? ?

Teacher Zhang shook his head quickly

"No, no."

"Teacher, should I take him away, or keep him here?"

"You can take it away, remember to come to class tomorrow."

Su Yan did not immediately agree.

Instead, he looked back at Su Xiaolei.

"Can you come tomorrow?"

Su Xiaolei nodded

So, Su Yan answered the teacher's words.

Turned around and took her brother away.

Originally, she planned to send people directly to his own apartment.

Su Xiaolei took two steps and stopped.

"Anything else?"

Su Xiaolei speaks

"Go to the school infirmary."

Su Yan glanced at him

"What are you going there for?"

"wrap the wound."

Su Xiaolei felt that maybe this woman thought he was made of iron.

She bleeds a little, and her body is black and blue.

Su Yan glanced at the wound on his body.

Looks not serious.

I thought it would be fine to go back and take a bath and sleep.

This brother has a lot of things.

Along the way, both of them were quiet.

There was not even a bit of excessive communication.

Su Xiaolei threw the schoolbag on his shoulder.

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