The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1496: The male lead he is always autistic 31

This is the most reasonable reason.

According to memory.

Huayan obviously doesn't like the original body.

But it showed affectionate style.

Let the original body mistakenly think that they are dating.

Moreover, Huayan also said that he did not like everyone to know.

No announcement to the media.

Hua Yan is already the president and chairman of the company.

In his family, he has absolute right to speak.

Whether he wants to marry a rich or not, matching or unmatched, no one can stop him.

Therefore, there is no need to hide from others.

Unless, the person he wants to marry is not allowed by the world.

Su Yan looked up, her eyes met Hua Zhu.

Huazhu is also looking at Su Yan.

Soon, Huazhu spoke

"Aren't you the star Su Yan?"

While speaking, Hua Yan opened the seat for Hua Zhu.

The performance is very considerate.

Su Yan blinked.


She said these two words.

"Yes, my name is Hua Zhu. I am Hua Yan's sister. I am glad to meet you."

"me too."

Finally I find you.

Xiao Hua is still caught up in Su Yan's words.

There is no response.

However, uphold the principle that its host is definitely right.

So, this is the one hidden by Huayan? ?

Well, not as good-looking as the host.

After a lot of scrutiny, Xiaohua made a judgment.

In the middle, Huayan went to the bathroom.

The cute doll-like person who just smiled changed his face in an instant.

She put the chopsticks on the table.

The back rests on the back of the chair behind him.

He looked at Su Yan with a condescending and presumptuous look.

Su Yan looked at her.

The next second, she took out her phone and turned on the recording function.

Xiao Hua looked at the host's operation and was stunned.


Su Yan speaks slowly

"I always think she will say something amazing."

"How does the host know?"

"Guess it."

The voice just fell.

Huazhu's first sentence

"You don't fit my brother, I also advise you to cut off your idea of ​​marrying into the Chinese family."

"That's my business with your brother."

"I am his sister."



It seems that Su Yan's words about whether it was a kiss stimulated her.

Huazhu spoke tit-for-tat

"My brother will not marry you."

"That's your brother's business."

"My brother loves me so much, do you think he will agree to let you in if I am not happy?"

She faintly responded.

It seemed unremarkable.

It's just that the more Su Yan didn't accept the move, the more Hua Zhu couldn't get out of his heart.

It was the first time in so many years that his brother would give up the time to eat with her and come out to meet other women.

She was terrified.

So come out and see who this person is.

She needs to stand in the position of absolute victory and beat this woman down to ensure that her brother will not marry another woman.

"In a few years, I will terminate the legal sibling relationship with my brother.

Do you understand what I mean? "


Su Yan answered.

Huazhu's fingertips hit the armrest

"You do not understand."

She said every word

"You can't marry my brother, because the only person who marries my brother is me."

Su Yan looked at her

"Unrequited love is useless. Family affection is different from love."

Xiao Hua listened to her host.

Look at the lack of expression on her face again.

Well, does your host know what family affection and love mean?

It is very curious, how does its host say these two words.

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