Lin Yi thought that Ye Jiuchen would not admit it, after all, there was no such thing at all, she made up all of it, so she decided to fight to the end no matter what the villain Blacken said.

Anyway, as long as she's not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed.

But I didn't expect Ye Jiuchen to admit it!

He admitted it!

Lin Yi was a little confused, why didn't the Blacken villain play cards according to the routine.

Ye Jiuchen's peach eyes looked at Lin Yi as if provocative, and his voice was full of smiles: "Well, I have a crush on you."

Lin Yi: "..."

I would have believed it if I hadn't seen the zero progress bar above your head.

Emperor Hui: "..."

Yun Xuan: "..."

Song Rongrong: "..."

Did they hear something they shouldn't?

Ye Jiuchen really has a crush on Lin Yi?

Because Song Rongrong had heard Lin Yi say something even more outrageous last night, she was mentally prepared for this time.

But Emperor Hui and Yun Xuan were different. They both widened their eyes and looked at Ye Jiuchen in shock and suspicion for a while, and then at Lin Yi for a while.

Especially Huidi.

If it was someone else, Ye Jiuchen would have liked it if he liked it. It would be a big deal to give him a pair of food, but Lin Yi was the daughter of the British prince. If the British prince knew about this, he would not come and demolish his palace.

Emperor Hui looked at Ye Jiuchen with some embarrassment.

Yun Xuan's brows gathered together.

Everyone knows that he is not on good terms with Ye Jiuchen, so whether Ye Jiuchen really likes someone, and who likes Ye Jiuchen, has nothing to do with him.

But the one that Ye Jiuchen executed just now was the one he deliberately placed beside Emperor Hui.

And Lin Yi...

Yun Xuan recalled the figure of Lin Yi in her mind before, and when it overlapped with the figure of the girl when she was young, she found that she could not turn a blind eye or ignore it.

Yun Xuan gave Lin Yi a fixed look, and that look contained many complicated emotions.

Lin Yi: "???"

Why is the prince looking at him like this?

What's the matter?

Yun Xuan: "Father, let's continue with what we haven't heard just now, shall we?"

Hearing what Yun Xuan said, Emperor Hui suddenly remembered that there was such a thing.

"Yes, yes, Prince, you should continue the trial first."


Ye Jiuchen was staring at Lin Yi. Hearing Yun Xuan say this, he didn't stop him, but narrowed his eyes meaningfully.

Yun Xuan turned to look at Song Rongrong and Lin Yi.

"Miss Song, this palace asks you again, do you have any evidence to prove that Miss Lin poisoned you?"

Hearing Yun Xuan calling her name, Song Rongrong instinctively raised her head, and her eyes flashed with confusion.

Song Rongrong was just regretting it.

She originally thought that Lin Yi had lied to her and wanted to snatch the crown prince's position, but according to the development just now, there seemed to be something really going on between Lin Yi and the big devil at nine thousand years old.

Suddenly hearing Yun Xuan ask her a question, Song Rongrong couldn't react.


Yun Xuan's face sank: "So, Miss Song has no evidence?"

Song Rongrong paused and suddenly remembered.

By the way!

That bitch Lin Yi poisoned himself!

"His Royal Highness, she really poisoned the minister's daughter. Although only the two of us were there when the poison was administered and no one else saw it, the poison was indeed fed into the minister's daughter's mouth, and the minister's daughter also felt it. arrive."

"But you have been standing here for a long time, and Ben Gong and the royal father have not seen any signs of poisoning in you."

Song Rongrong: "..."

Otherwise, why do you think I just forgot?

"Please ask the imperial physician." Suddenly, Lin Yi, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said something coolly.

Yun Xuan looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's face is magnanimous, his eyes are as clear as water, and his voice is also light: "Didn't you say that you are poisoned, so you can find out if you find an imperial doctor to test it?"

Yun Xuan pursed her lips, she was a little worried at first, but seeing Lin Yi so calm, she simply agreed.

"Doctor Xuan!"

Soon, the imperial doctor was announced, and Ye Jiuchen was still sitting next to Emperor Hui, who was in a high position. The whole person was lazy, as if he was basking in the sun, and he seemed to be looking at the smelly and long foot-binding cloth. play.

But his eyes, ever since he just confessed his crush on Lin Yi, have always been firmly locked on Lin Yi's body and have not moved away for a moment.

Moreover, his eyes were naked and bold, giving Lin Yi the illusion that he was being used for nothing.

Lin Yi didn't hesitate, as long as he had the skills, he would look back.

After all, in this matter of prostitution, he absolutely cannot lose.

The imperial physician checked Song Rongrong's pulse, and soon came to a conclusion.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Prince, and His Highness Nine Thousand Years Old, the Prime Minister's daughter's pulse is calm and powerful, and the body is very healthy, and there is no sign of poisoning."

"What did you say?"

Song Rongrong couldn't believe it.

"I'm obviously... She obviously stuffed me with poison!"

Lin Yi: "Song Rongrong framed the ministers and daughters for poisoning, and played hooligans with the ministers' daughters. Please ask the emperor and the prince to be the masters of the ministers and daughters!"

Song Rongrong: "..."

The prince first let the imperial doctor go, but did not immediately give a ruling.

Although his heart was towards Lin Yi, but in the current situation in the DPRK, he couldn't help but care about Prime Minister Song behind Song Rongrong.

Emperor Hui's thoughts were similar to those of Yun Xuan, the kind that no one wanted to offend.

After pursing his lips, Emperor Hui turned to look at Ye Jiuchen: "What do you think of Aiqing?"

Ye Jiuchen seemed to be accustomed to giving advice to Emperor Hui to take the blame.

Hearing Emperor Hui asking for his opinion, Ye Jiuchen's lips tickled: "Well, this minister thinks... in today's world, there is only one minister who can play hooligan with the British public daughter."

Emperor Hui: "???"

Yun Xuan: "???"

Ye Jiuchen continued to use the tone of the previous execution of the little palace maid, and said lazily and indifferently: "So the Prime Minister's daughter is trying to rob me of a woman?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Why do you have a seed, it seems that you have opened the attributes of the Blacken villain's hidden skills?

This is too nasty.

Song Rongrong was stunned for a moment, but when she met Ye Jiuchen's dark and deep pupils, her body shook involuntarily, and the next second, she fell to her knees with a "pop".

"Master Nine thousand years old misunderstood. The minister and daughter did not have any unreasonable thoughts. Everything was a misunderstanding. It was the minister and daughter who made a mistake. Please forgive me."


Ye Jiuchen smiled and looked at Lin Yi: "How do you feel about Yi'er?"

Lin Yi: "..."


God on horseback!

Dad's goosebumps are all over the place from you.

Lin Yi's expression was tensed like a mountain, and he gave Song Rongrong a cold look: "I don't think... it's not a big deal anyway, or just fine me five thousand taels of gold casually, as an apology to me. ."

Song Rongrong couldn't believe her ears.

Five thousand taels of gold?

Your horse is inlaid with gold, isn't it?

Song Rongrong raised her head and glared at Lin Yi, and was about to retaliate when she heard Ye Jiuchen agree.

"Well, so, very good."

Song Rongrong: "..."

[The author has something to say]

Thank you to Huamian baby and Xi baby for their long comments.

It's been a little busy these two days, and it may be too late to reply to the comments of the babies, but please believe that Laozi loves you!

By the way, can you book your tickets for next month? Is it possible? Is it possible? Is it possible?

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