Under the moonlight.

   The Evernight Goddess looked ahead.

   Her eyes were deep, as if she had seen the end of the sky, and she seemed to see the past and the future.

   "The **** of disaster and death is not to be outdone."

The voice of    fell, and the goddess of the night began to walk. As she walked, the turbulent sea began to calm down.

   Her figure began to reflect in the moonlight.

   In the reflection, she seemed to be walking on the stairs, and as she walked out little by little, there was a faint light around her.

   Then the light became more and more obvious.

  I don't know how long, she in the reflection seems to have walked into a light.

   There is a figure there.

   Arrived here, the goddess of the night just stopped.

   "You seem to be looking for another way out."

   In normal eyes, the goddess of the night is looking up at the moonlight.

  I don't know who she's talking to.

   And looking at the sea, you will find a glowing figure in front of her.

   "You can't say that, I just want to complete the transaction, just to see who is faster." A voice came from the opposite side.

   The goddess of the night stood quietly, and all the sound disappeared for a while under the dark night, even the sound of the waves never appeared.

   "The Calamity God of Death is not a good choice." She said flatly.

   "That's also an option." The opposite replied.

   "Wait and see." The Evernight Goddess stood quietly.

   This time, her eyes seemed to pass through the endless distance and came to the Dead Lake in an instant.

   Qiu Qian, who was around Mingyu Castle, lost Zhou Xu's breath in an instant.

   "Zhou Xu disappeared." She said immediately.

   "Aren't you not worried?" Zhou Ningyue said.

   Qiu Qian: "."

  I don’t worry because I can perceive the sequence and I can see him.

   Now he suddenly disappeared.

   Even her wristband could not determine the position of the sequence.

   This means that the other party may have entered some strange place.

   "Swallowed by the Dead Lake." Zhou Ningyue took Qiuqian into the sky.

   They looked in the direction of the Dead Lake, and now Li Luoshu is one to two.

  The powerful force of the sword, light, sword and shadow roared.

  Li Luoshu's swordsmanship is amazing and his hands-on experience is rich, but even so, he has already fallen into a disadvantage.

   After all, the bare hands and the person who suddenly appeared are not ordinary people.

   "Their special effects are a bit ordinary." This was the only thing Qiu Qian could see.

   Zhou Ningyue pointed to the sky and said:

   "See the stretched clouds?

   Although it is empty, there must be something terrifying.

   just doesn’t affect us.

   It was under this influence that their strength was suppressed to the rank five spirits. "

   "Sister Yue is going to unpack?" Qiu Qian asked.

   "Why untie it?" Zhou Ningyue put on the bear suit and said:

   "Five-rank battle, I can do it too.

  Go, sneak in and put something, it's okay to be found.

   I can fight and resist. "

   Qiu Qian: "."

   She didn't refuse, she just happened to be able to go in and see how Zhou Xu was doing.

  Although there will be no accident, but the sudden disappearance is still frustrating.

   At this time, Zhou Xun felt that his body was constantly falling.

  The surrounding lake is constantly retreating, and the further down you go, the darker the lake becomes.

   It was as if the night could not see the light, but fortunately Zhou Xu had a golden light on his body.

The    light covers all directions, and it can be seen that the lake water is spreading out below.

   Only as time passed, he found that some of these waters were not like water, but more like an ocean of authority receding.

   Here is the bottom of the lake of authority.

   "Which **** wants to trap me in this way?" Zhou Xu was a little puzzled.

   Those who work with bare hands are usually not easy-going people.

   But he was trapped here, and there was only Li Luoshu on it.

   I don't know if I can beat those two.

  Although Li Luoshu is a legend in the world, those people are definitely not ordinary people. When they were in the fifth rank, everyone was similar.

   At this time, a good weapon can reflect the advantage.

  Commonly speaking, he is going to lose against the lacquer.

   But the scepter given by the second uncle has the function of breaking armor, breaking through all magic defenses and sweeping all directions.

   The same level, equipment is very important.

   Although the opponent's skills may be full, but the equipment is too ordinary.

   So I was pressed and beaten by him.

  Who made him have more equipment?

   A scepter?

  No, it is a scepter with a gold ring and nine beads.

   A total of eleven divine costumes.

  Is there any reason not to fight against the opponent?

   Just waited for a while, he felt that he was not in the end.

   "My mental activities are over, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

   He was a little helpless.

   This is boring.

  Do you want to go out directly?

   He looked up and saw that if he used his thousand-year-old skill, there was a certain probability that he would be able to get out.

   Entering the end of the path, going out is like drinking water.

   One step to get out.

  In the state of the end of the Tao, distance means nothing to him, and space means little to him.

   There are very few places that he can't go to. If he doesn't know how to get to the historical relics, maybe at the end of the road, he can go directly.

   At this time, the falling speed suddenly slowed down.


   He found an open space under the water.

   When it falls, it feels like a stone to a light touch, somewhat smooth.

   Rubbing his shoe twice, Zhou Xu came to a conclusion.

  It is easy to slip and walk with caution.

   Especially if there is water, you need to be careful.

   At this time, the surrounding lake water began to recede, and some buildings were also revealed.

   A river appeared under the lake.

   This surprised Zhou Xu.

  Is there a river on the lake?


   At this time, four huge pillars appeared, with steps in front of them, and a pedestal on the top of the steps.

  A dark figure gradually solidified on the throne.

   "Which god?" Zhou Xu asked while looking at the figure.

   "You don't seem to be worried about yourself at all." Before the figure solidified, the vast voice came down first.

   "Do your gods speak so confidently? You have to think that you are superior to others." Zhou Xu said helplessly.

   "Isn't it?" The vast voice asked.

   Week sequence: "."

  I am the Son of Magic, have you ever shown it off?

   But the other party is a god, so it is really impossible for him to be like an ordinary person.

   It’s boring to think that all gods are the same.

  Sometimes I think, the ice goddess is more suitable for communication.

  Although she will act whenever she disagrees, she is still different from these gods.

   "What authority do you hold?" Zhou Xu asked.

   "Death, disaster, night, abyss." At this time, the figure solidified.

   is a black-clothed man, who is eight-points similar to Calamity.

   He was even younger at this time.

   "The God of Calamity?" Zhou Xu was a little surprised.

  How could the calamity **** of death skip the calamity to find him?

Isn't    the calamity behind the **** of death?

   Not one mind?

   "You've heard of me." Calamity Death said with a smile.

   "I'm quite familiar with Calamity." Zhou Xu said.

   "Really? He has his own ideas, I won't stop him, it's all his ability." Calamity Death said calmly.

   "Aren't you one?" Zhou Xu wondered.

   "Yes, but no, but it doesn't matter.

   He has his ideas, I have my plans, we do not conflict. " Calamity Death looked at Zhou Xu and said:

   "I want to make a deal with you."

   "Trade?" Zhou Xu narrowed his eyes and said:

   "What do you want to trade with me?"

   "I want the all-seeing eye, I know it's on you." Calamity Death said.

   "What can I get?" Zhou Xu asked rhetorically.

   "What do you want?" Calamity Death asked.

   "Do you have the "Book of the Ancients of the Ancients"?" Zhou Xu said bluntly.

   If there is, he can be exchanged.

   "You can get it." Calamity nodded.

   "That's right, you give me the book and I will give you the eye of omniscience." Zhou Xu did not hesitate.

   "The location of that book is extremely troublesome, and you need an all-seeing eye to have absolute certainty." Calamity Death said with a smile:

   "Then why don't you take a gamble and see if I'll bring you the book after I get the All-Seeing Eye.

   I can't give an absolute reason, it's all up to you to believe me. "

   When he heard the other party's words, Zhou Xu felt that the surrounding authority had slightly fluctuated.

   He felt that Calamity and Death would not come to coax him.


"I reject.

I believe you? I look sick don't I? "Zhou Xu said disdainfully.

  What the heck, who is the villain?

   This Son of God is.

   "Huh?" Calamity Death frowned, a little surprised.

   "Is the influence of the Celestial Mountains still there?" Calamity Death asked suddenly.

   Zhou Xu tried the power of the magic seed and found that it did have an effect.

   "Aren't you also affected?"

   "That's true, but if I exert my power beyond the fifth rank, then the Celestial Mountains will not be able to save you in the first time because of the Sea of ​​Authority." Calamity Death reminded kindly.

   Hearing this, Zhou Xu laughed.

   Isn't that just right?

   But he was not in a hurry, but wanted to ask some questions.

   "Did you cooperate with the era before the Age of Mythology?" Zhou Xu asked.

   "I can't answer you this question." Calamity Death shook his head, he looked at Zhou Xu and said:

   "Is there anything else you want to ask? I'll answer whatever I can."

   "Listen to the God of Light that he knows more about the Goddess of Wisdom, and even the origin of the Goddess of Wisdom." Zhou Xu said.

   "Yes, this is true, because the Goddess of Wisdom also stayed in the abyss of the world, so I can't answer the others." Calamity Death replied.

   "How much power can you exert in the relics of history?"

   "It's very big. Although it can't reach the peak, it can do a lot of things."

   "What kind of **** is the God of Light?"

   "God with ambition, power and strength."

   Rating so high? Zhou Xu was a little surprised.

   "What about the Evernight Goddess?"

   "A **** who has ambition, courage, and is very dangerous. I have never seen a **** so cruel to me. Maybe she really just wants to see higher scenery. I am not as good as her."

   This evaluation is even higher, and Calamity Death is actually not as good as the other party.

   "Then why do you want the Omniscient Eye?" Zhou Xu asked.

  The God of Calamity and Death has more calamity and authority in the abyss, but less authority in the night.

   It stands to reason that she is stronger than the Evernight Goddess.

   "It's not as good as it is, but strong or not is not as good as it is.

   As long as I get the all-seeing eye, when I return, the winner will be me. "The Calamity Death God said seriously.

   "Although I support you, unfortunately, I won't give you anything." Zhou Xu shook his head regretfully.

   "I know, so I plan to take it myself." Calamity Death stood up and said:

   "I know you come from an unusual background, and I know it's hard to kill you.

   But as long as I don't kill you or hurt you, I won't attract the attention of those people.

   And in this case, just **** the Omniscient Eye.

   Take a bet, I can enter a higher level when I win and return.

   If you lose the big deal, you will not return, and everything will be sent to disaster. "

   At this time, Calamity Death walked towards Zhou Xu, and a huge breath appeared on him.

   There seems to be something hiding from the influence of the Celestial Mountains.

   In other words, the people from the Tianjie Mountains opened a door of convenience for him.

   The reason for using the Celestial Mountains is probably for this moment.

   "Goddess of the Night is playing so big, in the final analysis, she is gambling, her result will wait for a long time, and I can see the result now."

   At this moment, Calamity and Death seems to have returned to the peak, with the four powers added to him.

   He stood in front of Zhou Xu and said plainly:

   "Do you have anything else to say?"

   "Who killed the goddess of the earth?" Zhou Xu asked.

   "I can't answer you." Calamity Death shook his head.

   "Who else can get the "Book of Ancient Classics"?"

   "God of Light, but if I lose, I don't recommend you to cooperate with him."

   Zhou Xu did not ask any more questions, but took a step forward. Thousands of years of skill were mobilized, and Kaishan Boxing was running.

   "Then let me test your strength." Zhou Xu stepped out.

  A thousand miles without leaving.


   Zhou Xu was like a gust of wind, sweeping towards Calamity Death.

   then kicked out.


   Calamity Death blocked it with one hand, and he was shocked:

   "How can you still use such a strong power? It's a pity that it's not enough. It's far from enough to win me."


   Calamity Death began to fight back.

   Weekly Kaishan Boxing runs.

   For a while, the two of them punched back and forth, and the strong force swept in all directions, the ground cracked, and the building collapsed.

   Their figures disappeared and reappeared like rays of light.

  The waves of power moved the lake, and the sea of ​​authority was pushed up to the surface by their power.


   The figures of the two of them are getting higher and higher, and they even have to face the sea of ​​authority and rush out of the dead lake.

   Li Luoshu, who was working outside at this time, had already been forced back by the two of them.

   just never lost.

   The strength of these two surprised him.

   is just good for practicing swords.

   The more he competes, the more he feels that his background is insufficient.

   This is also the reason why he cannot fully control the supreme swordsmanship.

   Need to know more about yourself, so as to understand your own sword.

   When everything is perfect, that is the supreme swordsmanship.


  Li Luoshu slashed out with a sword, with sword intent.

   The two of them were extremely shocked, this person was too strong.

   If you give him time, it is simply limitless.

   At this time, they suddenly noticed a change in the lake surface under their feet.

   The three quickly backed away.

   Sister Yue, who was putting things by the lake, also noticed something, and she took Qiu Qian and stepped back.

   Qiuqian did not hesitate and left immediately.

   When she wanted to ask about the situation, suddenly a loud bang sounded in the lake.


  The endless lake rises into the sky.

  When everyone looked at the lake, they realized that it wasn't lake water at all, it was all condensed by authority.

   This is the sea of ​​authority.


  Two figures appeared quickly in the lake, their forces kept colliding, and the space was shattering.

   Everyone in the surrounding area retreats.

   They were suppressed after all, and neither were suppressed.

  A powerful force does not need money to explode.


   passed by with a single blow, Zhou Xu stood in the sky, he looked at the calamity in front of him and said:

   "It's really hard."

   After fighting for so long, he couldn't break through the opponent's defense at all.

too strong.

   was not on the same level as the God of Storms at that time.

   "Human, since you are not affected, then you should be stronger, if not stronger, then I win."

   At this moment, the power of Calamity Reaper solidified again.

   Divine power superimposes and becomes stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Zhou Xu sighed:

   "Then I will use all my strength".

  In an instant, the avenue surged, and the surrounding space began to collapse and reset.

   End of the road.


   At this moment, the world in Zhou Xu's eyes was different from everyone else's.

  Three thousand avenues have a panoramic view.

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