
With the sledgehammer swung, the drainage pipe downstairs was cracked and opened...


At the broken elbow, a metal wrench that was as long as a small arm fell out!

Xiao Yu, who put down the sledgehammer, looked up at the drainpipe leading directly to the roof above his head.

Good calculation!

After killing the person, throw the murder weapon into the drainpipe and fall down to get caught by the elbow.

How many people would have thought that the murder weapon would be hidden here?

This is not to say that the police are incompetent, but that the murderer is too smart and cunning!

Guo Qiang looked away from the wrench on the ground and landed on Xiao Yu.

His eyes changed.

That kind of look is no longer looking at a junior, but at a big boy.

It's looking at people of the same kind, looking at a colleague, the eyes of approval!

"You have done a good job."

Guo Qiang had a serious expression on his face, "You've done a great job!"


Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled wryly, "It's useless. Since the murderer can hide the murder weapon here, his cunning will not leave fingerprints."

In less than fifteen minutes, two police cars drove up, and six criminal police officers arrived, including the captain and two deputy captains.

The murder weapon was sent for inspection. Captain Zhao Changsheng reached out and patted Xiao Yu on the shoulder, "I will become a regular in one year, as I said. If the case is solved, I will give you credit for it."

A homicide, if it can be solved.

Everyone gets a collective (group) third-class merit at the start.

If you're lucky, it's not impossible for a person to achieve third-class merit.

The murder weapon is important physical evidence.

To catch a thief and seize stolen goods, without evidence, means that there is no picture to say, and it is difficult to convict.

After all, it is a society ruled by law, and the police must also rely on evidence when handling cases.

Again, there is no case-handling unit that doesn't like talents.

It was only the first day that an intern student came to the brigade, and he found the murder weapon that the whole brigade couldn't find. This has already explained too many problems.

This kind of talent does not rush to promise, give benefits, and detain the person first, it is easy to be kidnapped and run away.

This is no joke!

After the one-year probationary period, the probationary police officers are either dismissed, or generally stay in the unit where the probationary period is.

But there are special cases.

That is, the trainee police officers performed too well, and were targeted by other case-handling units, and they might come to poach them.

Is it like a joke?

Really not.

The police system is actually similar to the army.

Before the recruits are trained, sometimes some outstanding recruits will be "reserved".

Ordinary case-handling units in the police system, units at the same level, are definitely not good at robbing people.

What if it is a superior unit?

The detachment came down to ask for people, the city bureau came down to ask for people, and the provincial department came down to ask for people, will you let them go?

"Big team, don't do this."

The set in the system Xiao Yu knew too well, and said with a smile, "Our brigade is very close to my home!"

What's the meaning?

Close to home and convenient to everything, certainly won't be leaving!

"Ha ha!"

The team leader and the two deputy team members laughed, and the way they looked at Xiao Yu changed.

In the afternoon, Lao Guo said that Xiao Yu was not an easy child, and they didn't believe it at first.

It is only now that I realize that not only is it not simple, the art of speaking alone is not something ordinary young people can possess.

Then I thought of Xiao Yu's personal file that was affirmed by the police academy when he came to report.

And in front of him, this young man actually found all the murder weapons.

Nima, our Criminal Investigation Brigade may have really picked up the treasure!

However, before waiting for the three principal and deputy teams to be too happy.

Take the murder weapon for inspection, and the forensic doctor gave the answer.

The murder weapon has been determined, but there are no fingerprints.

It was hit by Xiao Yu!

The faces of all the old criminal investigators present became gloomy.

As Xiao Yu said, the murderer is very cunning.

The murder weapon can be hidden in such a place without leaving any fingerprints.

It can only show that the crime was carefully planned and everything was calculated.

Criminals with brains and criminals without brains are completely different concepts.

Being a policeman is also the most troublesome for some IQ crimes, which will increase the difficulty of solving the case too much.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Xiao Yu spoke.

"When you are cunning, you will keep a hundred secrets."

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Even if all his crime plans are perfect, he has forgotten that clues can't be found from the inside of the case, but also from the victim's past."

Everyone:? ? ?

Looking for clues from the victim?

Everyone is dead, and everything that needs to be investigated has been investigated. What clues are there?

"When I was in the police academy, one of my teachers once said that people who think they are smart are the most stupid people."

Xiao Yu expressed his opinion, "Because smart people are most likely to be smart and be misled by cleverness. When calculating people, it will make it more difficult for him to think about the subtlety of the layout and the superb means. However, he ignores the people who are calculated by himself. That person. A crime without a trace is a murder of passion. As long as the murderer is not such a person, then he will have a reason to kill. What reason makes him have to kill the victim?"

What he said made the eyes of the old criminal investigators present shine.


Since the murderer is so smart, the time to plan the murder will definitely not be short.

The reason for killing is the process. The victim must have done something in the past that made the murderer want to kill him, which also represents time.

Yes, we can't find out who the murderer is now.

But you can check the victim's past and find out what the victim did to trigger this long-planned murder.

Smiles appeared on everyone's faces again, and their eyes fell on Xiao Yu's body.

Especially the eyes of the captains, they were so hot.

It was like a normal boy who saw a stunning beauty taking off all her clothes and lying on the bed.

This kid must belong to our Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Anyone who dares to rob people will be interrupted by them!


PS: The book opened at 6 o'clock last night, and now it is 24 hours, and 12 chapters have been updated. My brother has worked very hard. Is anyone watching? If you have something to say, please give me a free flower monthly ticket, I will continue to update... Thank you! *

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