He is a flexible and reliable child!

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu and commented in their hearts.

Are there any idiots here?

Can't hear Xiao Yu's overtones?

how is this possible!

A fool would not sit in this conference room.

You must know that in the conference room at this time, there are the head of the city bureau, three deputies, the head of the criminal investigation detachment, the head of the special police brigade... including the heads of the major case handling units in Bincheng.

Like Zhao Changshan, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, in front of many 'big bosses', he is the younger brother.

Not to mention that Xiao Yu is not even a regular police officer.

Did they ignore the suspect's obvious doubts?

surely not.

But once the case happened, after the suspect was arrested.

The facts are clear, the case is transparent, and the evidence is complete, all pointing to the suspect.

Say something bad, if they will.

With their power, they can directly send for inspection and convict the suspect.

Because of their experience in handling cases, they felt that the case was a little too smooth.

In addition, the suspect's mouth is too hard, so he refuses to admit it.

I didn't dare to be so hasty and applied for a lie detector.

It was only later that Xiao Yu discovered that something was wrong with the 'time'.

He also pointed out the suspicious points on the suspect...

The big boss of the Municipal Bureau, the second police superintendent in a white shirt sitting in the middle, turned his head to look at his deputy, and then at the others, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"The little guy is nice."

A police supervisor said, "Come into the task force."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

A look of surprise appeared on Xiao Yu's face, and he was laughing in his heart: It worked!

Is it true that he tried his best to express himself for vulgar pretense?

of course not.

Since coming to the Municipal Bureau, Xiao Yu has been planning how to join the task force in order to participate in this case.

Only in this way can we take over the case, solve the case as soon as possible, and complete the system tasks.

But the temptations of the big men are like a breeze sweeping across the face, and mistakes may be made if one is not careful.

Fortunately, the bosses didn't see that he was eager to join the task force.

Looking at the five white shirts, Xiao Yu felt envious in her heart: I will also become such a powerful boss in the future!

I was a policeman in my previous life, and I did countless meritorious deeds. In the end, I didn't get a white shirt. Unfortunately, it was a fake.

Set a small goal.

In this life, I also want to get one to wear!


What is a task force?

To put it bluntly, it is the serious crime team in film and television dramas.

The elite criminal police from various units in the system were transferred to form a temporary task force.

But this kind of special case team is not the fixed serious crime team in film and television dramas.

Most of them are formed temporarily, or are formed temporarily by the criminal investigation detachment and the serious criminal police team.

Because, there is no fixed crime team.

Movies and TV dramas are just movies and TV dramas, and there is no such thing as the Six Groups of Serious Cases!

End of the meeting.

When Xiao Yu was taken away by the head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Zhao Changshan looked sad.

Boiled duck about to fly?

A talent finally came to the brigade, will he be poached?

As a result, he saw Xiao Yu winking at him when he was about to leave.

Ha... Zhao Changshan almost laughed.

The little guy is a little interesting.

Are you telling me I won't leave the brigade?

Don't you... don't you want to 'move forward'?

Xiao Yu didn't want to.

But in the previous life, because he was good at solving crimes, he 'progressed' too quickly. Be regarded as a monster!

Sometimes meals have to be eaten in one bite.

Eating in a hurry is not good for your health.

I am only 22 years old in this life.

Xiao Yu understands the truth of going too far.

But he didn't think about it.

Some people are born like fireflies in the dark.

Even if you want to keep a low profile, is your strength allowed?


A police car drives down the road.

"Are you interested in coming to the detachment for an internship?"

Inside the car, the head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment looked at Xiao Yu beside him and asked with a smile.

Here it is, life has finally laid hands on me... The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth twitched.

This is like some companies in the previous life, where the boss had a dialogue with his subordinates.

The big boss said: "Go out to play tonight, and go romantic and chic with Boss Hong?"

You said: I don't want to. There are wives and children at home, so I can't let them down.

The big boss said: No, you want to!


Can you decline an invitation from your boss?

"Our brigade is actually quite suitable for me, and I am inexperienced and need to learn. I went to the detachment and the pressure was too great."

Xiao Yu said very tactfully, "What's more, our brigade is close to my home!"


The detachment leader smiled and said nothing more.

But he had a weird smile on his face.

Like teasing, like joking, like teasing...

Xiao Yu didn't say anything, as if he was in a daze.

This is not stupefaction, this is principle and faith.

Do you understand Marxism-Leninism?

Not long after, the police car arrived at the Criminal Investigation Detachment and drove into a compound.

Xiao Yu followed the detachment leader into an office building.

Then, came to an office hall.

Among them, eight criminal policemen are holding a group meeting.

The eight of them are all members of this task force.


Everyone stood up, looked at the detachment leader with a smile, and glanced at Xiao Yu curiously.

There is no way not to watch it.

What a handsome big boy.

Tall, with fair skin, star-like eyes, red lips and white teeth, and exquisite facial features.

If he wasn't wearing a police uniform, no one would be surprised to say that he is a star.

"This is Comrade Xiao Yu."

The detachment leader didn't talk nonsense, "According to the decision of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, Comrade Xiao Yu will join the task force from now on!"

heard the news.

Eight detectives:? ? ?

A hairy kid, or a trainee police officer, join our task force?

What an international joke! *

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