Wang Delong was running away desperately.

While running, he cursed in his heart: What the hell, how could you be so unlucky to meet the police? Blame that damned bastard, he should be beaten to death...

Running, Wang Delong ran into a shopping mall and into an underground parking lot.

He is not stupid, the streets are full of surveillance.

The police wanted to arrest him unless he could escape to a surveillance corner, and then find a way to escape.


When Wang Delong just entered the parking lot, ready to steal a car, or snatch a car and run away.

A young man steps forward.

Wang Delong's scalp went numb instantly, and his face was full of disbelief.

how did he find me

When he just escaped, Wang Delong looked behind him from time to time, and there was absolutely no one following him.

This unreasonableness made him stunned.

King Butterfly's Nose... Shut!

With a grim expression, Xiao Yu walked towards Wang Delong step by step.


After cursing, instead of running away, Wang Delong walked towards Xiao Yu with a grin on his face.

He has practiced free kick for several years and loves fitness, so he doesn't care about a little policeman.

Just talking about fighting, three or two people can't get close to him.

The cop who chased him in the first place is a perfect example.

Instead of escaping, it is better to defeat this policeman first, and it will be easier to escape...

The two gradually approached.


Wang Delong raised his thigh and kicked Xiao Yu's lower abdomen.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xiao Yu stretched out his hand sideways.


Grab Wang Delong's ankle with both palms, and exert strength with both arms.

The tall and burly Wang Delong was lifted up in an instant.


The body hit a car in the parking lot.


Wang Delong, who was lying on his back on the hood of the car, was at a loss.

Apart from being tall, the other party is obviously not that strong, with a pretty face, how could he be able to block my attack, and...

Before he recovered.

A figure appeared above his realization.

The flowing figure changed in the air, a pair of thighs bent, and a pair of knees smashed down on Wang Delong.

Instantly regained his senses, Wang Delong's face showed horror.

He is proficient in kickboxing and knows very well that the human knee is a deadly weapon.

Especially the knee bumps, knee thrusts, and knee kicks in Muay Thai, when professional boxers go all out, they can kill people!

He wants to kill me? !

The moment this idea emerged from his mind, Wang Delong's face turned pale.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yu didn't give him any chance to dodge at all.

When those knees were about to fall on Wang Delong's chest and abdomen.

No, because of Guo Qiang's injury, I was a little bit over the top... In the air, Xiao Yu was startled, and suddenly separated her knees.


A pair of knees hit Wang Delong's shoulders.



A scream came from Wang Delong's mouth.

His arms drooped like noodles at his sides.

I don't know if it's broken or dislocated.


A punch hit Wang Delong's chin, the screaming stopped abruptly, and he passed out.


Xiao Yu got up and let out a long breath.

He really understood the horror of a person when he became strong.

No, not yourself, but the system.

So scary!


Ten minutes after Xiao Yu finished making the phone call, people from the brigade arrived.

It was already noon when everyone arrived at the hospital.


Guo Qiang was injured, but fortunately not seriously.

The victim who was beaten and unconscious woke up.

Of the eight muscular men, three were seriously injured.

One had a broken throat, one suffered severe trauma, and one had both arms fractured.

The other five also had two minor concussions, and the rest are healthy.

They are all right now, and the people in the Criminal Investigation Brigade are not calm anymore.

The eyes looking at Xiao Yu one by one are like looking at a monster, beast!

It might be possible for one person to bring down eight ordinary people.

Bring down eight muscular men, are you sure you're not joking?

The most outrageous thing is that you beat everyone to the ground, and you didn't get hurt at all?


Tell me, what kind of monster did you become?

It's too good to play!

Everyone was dumbfounded, as if they had been greatly shocked.

Immediately afterwards, their breathing became rapid.

After interrogating those muscular men, the criminal investigation team got an exciting news.

Just as Xiao Yu guessed, Wang Delong has a case on him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for those muscular men to stop and attack the police in order to let him run away.

Wang Delong, male, 31 years old, resident of L city, fugitive on the Internet...alias Wang Xiaojun, hiding in this city.

What crime?

Sell ​​drugs!

If it weren't for the fact that today's victim (drug addict) suffered from drug addiction and was beaten by him when he found the fitness club, the police would not have known that Wang Delong was hiding in the fitness club.

Why did Wang Delong beat the 'client'?

Strange to say.

Because he had no money, the victim suffered from du addiction and found a gym.

This is a drug trading point, and many drug addicts come here to get goods on weekdays.

No money, still want to get the goods?

Are you sure you're not thinking about farting?

How else can I say that this victim is so weird that he actually threatened the criminal and said: If you don't give me the goods, believe it or not, I called the police?

Can this be tolerated?

The victim was chased and beaten outside from the gym.

Coincidentally, Guo Qiang, who was driving, spotted him with sharp eyes...

The reason why the criminal investigation brigade was excited was that there were no small cases involving drugs.

What's more, he also caught a fugitive online, which is already a meritorious service.

What kind of shit luck is this... Xiao Yu, who was standing in the hospital corridor, was a little dazed.

Going out to investigate a small case, can you pick up a fugitive?

Is it a coincidence? what is this else?

Unknown gifts always make people feel uneasy! *

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