"The case four years ago?"

The manager's pupils contracted, but his expression remained unchanged, "Officer, I don't know what you're talking about."

Ordinary people may not notice the changes in the eyes, but Xiao Yu who has opened the 'Falcon's Eye' can see them clearly.

As expected of an old official silver coin... Xiao Yu stared into the other's eyes, "Are you sure you don't remember?"

"I really don't know what you're talking about." The manager said indifferently.

Xiao Yu wasn't asking, and his thoughts turned.

The other party clearly still remembers, why lie?

The change in pupils showed that he had a deep memory of this incident and was nervous.

what are you trying to hide

Xiao Yu looked at Guo Qiang.

"On September 13, 2017, the police received a report, and the reporter claimed that..."

Guo Qiang narrated the case of the year and the police investigation.

During this process, Xiao Yu kept watching the changes in the expression on the manager's face.

The other party's expression was very calm.

Because it was too calm, Xiao Yu felt puzzled.

This is an expression of guilty conscience, although he is still calm after making remedies.

But the attitude of not squinting, on the contrary, showed a guilty conscience.

something wrong!

That's what solving a case is when you find a problem.

It's like seeing a cockroach, it means that there are already many cockroaches in your home...

"Oh, that's what you're asking."

The manager nodded calmly, with a stupefied look, "I remember, it did happen. However, our crematorium has filed a lawsuit against those false accusers, and they clearly want to blackmail."


Xiao Yu asked with a smile, "What are you extorting, and how much are you planning to extort?"


The manager's expression changed slightly, and he shook his head, "I can't remember what happened more than four years ago."

I can't remember, or did you deliberately divert the attention of the police?

"Okay, can we go check the inside?"

Xiao Yu said calmly: "For example, places like the corpse room."

"It shouldn't be possible."

The manager frowned, "Our crematorium has regulations, outsiders..."

A search warrant was taken out of the briefcase by a criminal policeman.

Seeing the search warrant, the manager remained silent, his expression constantly changing.

"We're not here to talk to you about rules and reason."

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "We are the police, please cooperate with the investigation."

Generally, a search warrant can only be applied for after confirming the facts of the case, and the procuratorate will help to issue it.

In special circumstances, the Criminal Investigation Brigade may also issue a certificate.

The manager's expression was not very good, and he looked at Xiao Yu coldly, "Little comrades, even if you are policemen, you still have to be reasonable, right?"

"What's the point?"

Xiao Yu asked calmly, "Is it your reasoning, or the country's laws?"

The manager's face changed and he stopped talking.


Xiao Yu ignored him, walked out of the office, and led the team straight to the inside of the crematorium.

If he still felt that the other party had a problem at the beginning.

Now, this crematorium should also have problems.

The problem is not small!


Entering the interior, the first is a mourning hall, such as a small funeral parlor, where the family members of the remains can worship.

Xiao Yu and the others happened to be in good time, and there happened to be a corpse about to be pushed into the mortuary inside.

The staff were surprised to see the police arrived.

"Don't be nervous, let's take a look."

After signaling the two criminal policemen to stay outside, Xiao Yu, Guo Qiang and the staff entered the mortuary.

There were also two employees, who seemed shocked to see the police and a little overwhelmed.

The reaction of these people is not normal.

At first glance, the performance is reasonable, but if you look closely, you will find clues.

The employees are not as calm as the manager. When Xiao Yu looked directly at them, they were a little guilty and did not dare to look at each other.

What are you afraid of?

With a calm expression, Xiao Yu gave Guo Qiang a wink.

The other party understood in seconds and went out to investigate.

Xiao Yu stayed in the mortuary and watched a cremation process.

His scalp is numb!

In a person's life, the crematorium is a stop that has to be visited.

The crematorium is a place that everyone is afraid of, and the cremation process is very...

First put the remains into a disposable packaging bag, and the furnaces used to cremate the remains are divided into ordinary furnaces and green cremation furnaces according to the level of technology and cost.

After the body goes in, it is the second step in the cremation process.

At this time, the body will be broken by steel ingots or blades, and the internal organs will leak out.

If it is not broken, the body will explode due to sudden heat and pressure in the body during burning.

Then, diesel or gasoline will be sprayed on the corpse, which will actually be sent into the furnace door.

In this way, the corpse tended to fall apart after being burned for half an hour.

An hour later, I exited from the oven door and exited the almost red-burning table, emitting a large amount of white smoke and smelling of burnt meat and bones.

There will be a special push plate to push the ashes out and put them into a metal trough.

The body turned into a pile of bone dregs and bone meal!

If the family members request, the staff will grind the remains into powder.

Of course, there is a fee.

If not, the family members can take away the ashes directly.

This is the whole process of cremation...

Walking out of the mortuary, Xiao Yu almost lost the ability to manage his expressions.

Take a deep breath, eyes clear.

The heart is fearless, the heart is fearless.

Only those who dare to turn the world upside down can move forward bravely.

If you don't have enough guts, what kind of policeman! *

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