when Wake up.

Xiao Yu looked at Mu Qingwu in his arms, looking a little bewildered.

Her face is as white as ice crystals, without blemishes, her nose is straight and beautiful, her lips are plump, and when her eyes are closed, her interlaced eyelashes are as thick as a brush.

I have fantasized about my other half before.

He thinks he should find someone who loves to act like a baby, right?

Or find a silly white sweet...

Unexpectedly, she will be a beautiful sister who is sometimes domineering, sometimes elegant, sometimes gentle, and sometimes cold... a ripe and dripping honey.

As now, you take a closer look.

You can also see the charm mixed with innocence and flirtatiousness from her.

Lowering her head, kissing Ruyu's beauty's face, Xiao Yu stepped out of bed lightly.

After washing up, I went to the kitchen.

While making breakfast, a pair of jade arms stretched out from behind and wrapped around his waist.

"I'll do it later?"

There was a soft feeling behind her, and Mu Qingwu's slight anger came from behind.

Yes, I agreed to eat my sister's cooking for the rest of my life.

"I'll come when I'm free, and you can do it when you're free."

Turning her head, Xiao Yu pecked on that seductive cherry lips, "I'm thirsty, sister help me pour water."

Mu Qingwu went to the side and took out the cup, and took the water from the water purifier.

Seeing that his brother's hands were busy, he handed the water glass to Xiao Yu's mouth.


"Don't drink this."

Xiao Yu tilted her head and smirked, "I want to drink from my sister's mouth."

Rolling her charming eyes, Mu Qingwu took a sip of water.

Raising the noodles, kissing Xiao Yu's lips...


Going to the provincial capital.

Today is the day of awarding honors.


Mu Qingwu is arranging the police uniform for Xiao Yu.

You must wear a police uniform when you go to the provincial capital to award honors.

Zhao Changshan on the side had a constipated expression on his face.

Invisible dog food, the deadliest!

It can be seen that the young couple in front of them are like a man and a woman who are passionately in love.

There are shadows of each other in the eyes, and there is no room for other things.

As a leader, Zhao Changshan wants to go with his subordinates to award honors.

Looking at the talented and beautiful young couple in front of him, he was actually quite puzzled.

The looks of this family have all been kissed by angels?

Too good-looking!

The next moment, a scene that shocked Zhao Changshan appeared...

Mu Qingwu tidied Xiao Yu's clothes.

Inadvertently, I saw my brother's shoelaces untied.

In luxurious clothes, she naturally squatted down and tied Xiao Yu's shoelaces.

At this moment, Mu Qingwu is still some kind of tyrant with a net worth of hundreds of billions.

She's just an older sister who wants to take care of her younger brother!

A warm current emerged in Xiao Yu's heart, "I want to eat my sister's cooking tonight."


A soft smile floated on Mu Qingwu's cold jade face.

He watched Xiao Yu enter the security checkpoint, but there was no figure in sight.

The aloof and queenly temperament returned.

With an elegant figure, Mu Qingwu walked towards the outside of the airport...


on the plane.

"What kind of shit luck did you kid have?"

Zhao Changshan was a little envious, "You know, from the time I got married to your sister-in-law, she hasn't tied my shoelaces once!"

"So did my mom and dad."

Xiao Yu laughed, "Apart from cleaning the house and cooking, my father usually takes care of my mother. Boss, you won't be... afraid of your wife?"

Now he is familiar with Zhao Changshan.

Knowing the character of the boss, it's normal to make some jokes.

"Young, is that afraid?"

Zhao Changshan glanced at Xiao Yu disdainfully, "That's called fear!"

"Pfft!" Xiao Yu burst out laughing.

But thinking about his father's family younger brother, it's really like this.

Fortunately, Mu Qingwu is a queen in appearance and a gentle sister in heart.

In case I am like my father, I have a partner like my mother.

Xiao Yu shivered...

It is estimated that at that time, as long as the neighbor next door is not surnamed Wang, then the years will be quiet!


As a provincial capital city, compared with Bencheng, City S is actually the same.

But the office building of the provincial department is not comparable to that of a younger unit like the city bureau.

Arrived at the large meeting room of the provincial hall.

At a glance, it was dark blue, and there were densely packed policemen sitting there.

Xiao Yu and Zhao Changshan sat obediently, listening to the speeches of the leaders on the stage.

In fact, it was a coincidence that Xiao Yu caught up with the special award ceremony every year.

That's why his second-class skills came down so quickly.

I remember that I also made second-class meritorious service in my previous life, and it took several months to get the medal and certificate.

After speaking for more than an hour, the award ceremony began.

An honor is an award, and a medal is also a medal.

Strictly speaking, the police system can be called a medal.

There are only first, second and third class merit and honorary title medals.

Medals reflect certain qualifications and contributions.

Medals are rewards for doing something or a task well.

At this time, someone on the stage called out Xiao Yu's name.

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes fell on Xiao Yu who got up.

Everyone was surprised to see that Xiao Yu was a young police officer who was a bit too much.

When Xiao Yu was awarded the second-class merit medal, everyone's expressions were shocked.

In this line of work, who doesn't know what second-class merit means?

Immediately afterwards, an even more shocking scene appeared.

A man in casual clothes walked up to the podium and walked up to Xiao Yu.

He took out a... first-class merit medal.

Wearing it on Xiao Yu's chest.

The whole audience was silent, and the crow and magpie were silent! *

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