In the morning, Xiao Yu opened his eyes.

I didn't sleep all night, it's a bit uncomfortable.

For anyone who encounters this kind of case, watch the five videos.

How big of a heart do you have to be able to sleep at night...

Mu Qingwu, who came to her aunt, was sealed on the bed.

Most of the girls at this stage are lazy, uncomfortable and don't want to move.

"Stay with me for a while!"

Mu Qingwu hugged her younger brother, not letting him get up.

Actually...acting like a baby?

Xiao Yu was astonished, would her sister act like a baby?

This is nonsense, and most girls will.

Unfamiliar and not very close people can't see it at all.

It also proved that Mu Qingwu's body was a little weak at this time.

In a normal state, let a tyrant queen act like a baby to you?

I want to fart!

The young couple didn't have breakfast and stayed in bed until seven o'clock.

Xiao Yu was released by Mu Qingwu and went to work...

Stay in the Criminal Investigation Brigade all morning.

Xiao Yu's mental state is not very good.

Not because I didn't sleep last night, but because of the case.

The brain is always in a state of operation, and it seems to be out of mind.

"It's noon."

A palm slapped on the shoulder, waking up the dazed Xiao Yu.

Guo Qiang?

Li Xin and Liu Hongqiao were also there.

Now these three are his team members, so the relationship is naturally very close.

Definitely call for lunch.

Xiao Yu didn't eat in the morning, so I have to eat some in the afternoon, otherwise my body won't be able to resist.

Even while eating, his brain was still analyzing the case.

Any possibility of scrutiny.

In the end, the mind is still a mess.

have eaten.

Xiao Yu was called to the team leader's office. .

"Your position as a section officer was reported to you yesterday, and it should be approved in a few days."

Zhao Changshan took out a pair of epaulettes and handed them to Xiao Yu.

Superintendent 1!

Xiao Yu's expression changed strangely.

As Wang Dong said, he was promoted to three levels in a row.

First-class merit, plus a second-class merit.

No red line can hold back Xiao Yu's promotion.

"It's only been a month since you came to our brigade, right?"

Zhao Changshan sighed, "A rocket can't rise as fast as you!"

Not sarcastic, but sincere.

I was still a little envious, but I became sour in an instant.

"You take care of the brigade." Xiao Yu flattered.

He treats me as a subordinate, but I want him to be a lightning rod, how despicable!

"Stop joking."

Zhao Changshan's expression was complicated, "I may have to work under your command soon. At that time, you will have to take care of me, an old fellow!"

With the speed of Xiao Yu's promotion and meritorious service.

Not too long, a few years, maybe even sooner.

It is indeed possible that he will work under Xiao Yu!

After chatting for a while, Xiao Yu returned to the office lobby and sat at his desk.

Looking at the epaulettes in his hand, he couldn't get any excitement.

A promotion or something doesn't mean anything to him.

Being a policeman is just about solving crimes.

Life is alive, but please feel at ease!

Speaking of solving crimes...

The Guoan case couldn't help but come to mind.

The mental state is not right, I am too entangled in this case... Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

This case must be solved, otherwise, I will feel uneasy!

The case cannot be analyzed, it may be a matter of rank.

Ordinary people's thinking can't figure it out, so it's not a normal method.

Simulating the psychology of criminals... Xiao Yu's brain thinking has entered a state of supernormal operation.

"If, I am a criminal!"

"In the normal way of committing crimes, how can I control others to self-mutilate and commit suicide without leaving clues or evidence?"

"Negative... I can't do it in a normal criminal way!"

"Excluding the normal method, what else is there?"

"Hypnosis? Although hypnosis is feasible, if the hypnotized person encounters stimulation, pain, or violation of psychological behavior, he will naturally wake up, deny it!"

"Drugs? Drugs that can numb the nerves of the whole body, most of which will make the whole body lose its mobility, and in severe cases will make it unconscious...Negative!"

"Hypnosis + drugs? It's barely possible, but not very feasible!"

"The first is the problem of hypnosis, which cannot be completed in a short time. The second is the drug. Is there such a drug in the world?"

"Assuming that drugs exist, combined with hypnosis...Negative!"

"Through the investigation of the case by the National Security Bureau, there were too few targets who had contact with the deceased and were listed as suspects before the deceased was alive, and none of them had the possibility of committing the crime."

"Five cities committed crimes, leaving fewer clues... or even no clues!"

"Doubt one, is it possible to commit a crime without touching the dead...Negative!"

"Doubt 2, without touching the deceased, how to make him take some kind of medicine, is it possible...Negative!"

"I still have helpers? Two people? Or a gang?"

"What about the purpose? Before doing anything, people must determine a purpose?"

"I can't figure it out... is it really supernatural?"

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank, and his heart sank to the bottom.

·Ask for flowers········

But quickly calmed down, and the logic became rigorous and clear again.

"No, this is just speculation, and the possibility is basically ruled out."


"The two most obvious clues."

"One, control! Two, self-harm!"

"It's not that simple to control one person first, and it can't be done in a short time."

"The second is self-mutilation. Mobility can sometimes represent the state of mind. Even hypnosis can't do it for a person to self-mutilate. This is completely contrary to human psychology, and there is no possibility. Unless..."


"Drug control, hallucinations, when the deceased self-harmed, was he in a state of hallucinations?"

"A magical problem has arisen."

"How to control a person's fantasy, let the person in the hallucination hurt himself?"

"I can't figure out this way for the time being, so let's change my mind and break through from other places."

"It's an illusion first to rule out...assuming this is a well-planned, vicious crime."

"He will inevitably leave clues in the case, but whenever a crime is committed, there will be direct or indirect traces left at the scene..."

"on site?"


Xiao Yu slapped his forehead.

Out of my wits!

I haven't even seen the dead, and I haven't even been to the scene.

Solve this kind of case with only five videos and one dossier?

Are you stupid!

Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit.

Whether it is a wolf or a dog, you have been there first.

As the old saying goes, it's half true.

Xiao Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Dong's number.

"Xiao Yu?"

It was quickly connected, and Wang Dong's voice came.

"Well, Brother Wang, is there a faster way for me to arrive at the scene of the case?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Are you going to the scene?"

Wang Dong didn't have any nonsense, "Yes!"

Indeed there are.

Two hours later.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of countless criminal policemen.

A huge armed helicopter appeared above the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

It landed slowly and landed on the main road outside the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Not only the police were stunned.

There are drivers in some cars on the road, and there are many spectators.

Looking at the helicopter, they were also stunned.

Listening to Wu Zhi's loudspeaker, he shouted his name.

Xiao Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and walked over.

Guoan, what a prestige!


PS: Thank you readers for subscribing, thank you! Sichuan.

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