
Xiao Yu said to himself, ready to continue reasoning.


The door of the room was violently knocked open, and Wang Dong rushed in.

Is society so cold?

It's hard to enter my room and knock on the door...a slot stuck in Xiao Yu's mouth.

"problem occurs!"

Wang Dong roared and rushed out of the room.

Xiao Yu's complexion changed, and he got up and ran.

The two rushed out of the hotel, and a helicopter gunship had just landed in front of the gate.

"What's up?"

On the helicopter, Xiao Yu looked directly at Wang Dong.

"Suspected self-harm appears."

Wang Dong's expression was cold, "I was just discovered!"

how is this possible?

Xiao Yu stared at him incredulously, as if saying: Are you a beast?

Didn't you say that this case happens once a year?

"It's a coincidence."

Wang Dong glanced at Xiao Yu, "I was born in Bincheng two hours ago!"


Xiao Yu's face was instantly stern, and his eyes were piercingly cold.

People have a sense of territory, sometimes very similar to animals.

Bincheng is Xiao Yu's hometown, and he can't bear this kind of crime.

Little red guy, while my wild father is wandering in the wild, sneak over to steal crystals?

"Fortunately, it was in time, and people were under control."

Wang Dong said quickly: "However, the opponent's state is very wrong!"

Xiao Yu was surprised.

What's wrong?


Four hours later.

Armed helicopters landed in Bencheng, Criminal Investigation Detachment.

Xiao Yu who got off the helicopter saw an acquaintance.

The captain of the first team of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Niu Peng.

The two had worked together and met and shook hands.

Niu Peng looked at the national security officer, then at Xiao Yu, and twitched his lips.

The little guy is now mixed with people from Guoan?

Thinking of the experience of cooperating in the investigation of the Xingmen massacre, Niu Peng was deeply moved when he glanced at Xiao Yu's first-class superintendent epaulettes on Xiao Yu's shoulder.

Old Zhao is right, this kid is a dragon.

Sooner or later, it will fly out of this small depression in Bencheng!


trial room.

A man covered in blood was firmly restrained on an interrogation chair.

Even though his mouth was blocked, there was still a beast-like dull roar from his throat.

What was even more frightening was that his body was writhing wildly, trying to get out of the interrogation chair.

The handcuffs on both of his hands were already torn apart, with blood flowing...


This was the other party's first impression of Xiao Yu.

When he saw the other person's eyes, he denied the conjecture.

Those eyes turned out to be red.

The whites of the eyes are bloodshot and congested.

Shining with crazy luster, I can still see... Shu Shuang!

"The sedatives are not good for him, and I can't cure him at all~~"

Anxious shouts sounded.

It was a doctor who spoke.

Rescue what?

Xiao Yu looked at the hand of the man on the interrogation chair.

No fingers, blood flowing.

Stepping forward, swinging your thighs.


Xiao Yu's whip leg hit the crazy man's side face.

With one blow, the man collapsed limply and passed out.

Wang Dong: ...

Niu Peng: ...


"Why didn't you knock him out?"

Xiao Yu frowned and looked at Niu Peng.

Niu Peng rolled his eyes, "We are the police!"

Xiao Yu didn't say anything more.

Wang Dong glanced at Niu Peng and shook his head.

Some people can't get promoted not because of lack of ability.

But the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is not good.

How can you lead others without a flexible mind?

There are many kings of soldiers, and they change one after another, but there are very few generals.

That's the reason!


Criminal investigation detachment meeting room.

Xiao Yu is watching the surveillance video.

Night, minutes.

A man, like a walking dead, appeared on a road with a bag in his hand.

The spliced ​​Tianyan video changed the screen, and the man came to the alley behind a commercial building.

When he stopped, he happened to be standing under a surveillance video.

The man can be seen throwing his head up in the video.

Facing the video, he smiled coldly and strangely.

That smile makes people feel a little creepy!

The man sat on the ground and opened the bag.

Take out the same tool.

Dagger, pliers, hammer, screwdriver, a hand saw...

If anyone saw this, they probably thought the man was a maintenance worker.

Seeing Xiao Yu here, his eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

He's not trying to fix anything.

He was preparing for a feast.

And he himself was the main dish!

Sure enough, as Xiao Yu guessed.

The right hand of the male character picked up the hand saw, facing the raised left hand, and sawed it down...

A finger was quickly sawed off, and blood was splashed on the ground.

The finger didn't fall off, and there was still a bit of minced meat hanging on the palm of the hand.

A comfortable and weird smile appeared on the man's face.

He opened his mouth and bit the finger...

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at the pale-faced Niu Peng beside him.

It was the first time this old man saw this kind of video, and his behavior was normal.

Seeing how calm the national security team leader is... Hey, Wang Dong's face is a little pale?

Xiao Yu continued to watch the video recording.

Coincidentally, when the man ate his fifth finger.

A security patrol auxiliary policeman appeared in the alley.

When seeing the man who was eating his finger, the auxiliary policeman was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

No way, normal people can't stand this scene.

When Lian Xiaoyu was watching the video, she was hugged from behind by Mu Qingwu, almost pissing in fear.

Auxiliary security patrol police at night, a group of four, two civilian police and two auxiliary police.

When an auxiliary policeman tried to stop a self-harming man, the man attacked like crazy.

That crazy and ferocious appearance seems to be...a man-eating zombie!

The man who attacked the police auxiliary police did open his mouth and bite desperately.

An auxiliary policeman (Zhao Lihao) was accidentally bitten on the arm, his sleeve was torn off, and a piece of flesh was bitten off...

The four of them took half an hour to completely subdue the man.

The criminal police of the criminal investigation detachment who received the request for support arrived at the scene and took the man to the first team of the criminal investigation brigade...

The video is over!

"` What do you think?"

Wang Dong took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Yu.

Yuan Fang, what do you think... Xiao Yu remained silent.

Thinking about the crazy biting action of the man in the video.

He thought of a drug from his previous life.

It is similar to the man's crazy behavior after smoking.

Some people call that drug a zombie word.

It also has a name: bath salts!

"Blood test." Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

Two hours later, the forensic test results came out.

There was indeed some kind of drug remaining in the man's body.

But not bath salts.

Xiao Yu was puzzled.

What will it be? .

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