Occasionally, you will feel very refreshed when you live in silence.

When life is quiet for you, you can't stand it.

"Calling at this time, don't you have a sexual life?"

Xiao Yu was very angry, picked up the phone without looking at who it was, and connected to the roar.


Wang Dong on the other end of the phone was stunned.

Why is the little brother so irritable?

As someone who has experienced it, Wang Dong understood Xiao Yu's words in seconds.

Interrupting the little brother's good deeds?

There is a wife, and she is so beautiful.

Definitely be shameless.


"Come to the hospital."

Without wasting any time, Wang Dong said in a deep voice, "Lu Jinyan...almost died!"


Xiao Yu's anger was quenched by a pot of cold, and he ended the call.

He looked at his sister apologetically, wanting to say something.


Mu Qingwu stood up and straightened her younger brother's clothes, "I'll wait for you at home."


Hugging her sister, kissing her, Xiao turned away...

Looking at the back of her younger brother leaving until she disappeared, Mu Qingwu looked away.

I don't remember when Xiao Yu poked the soft spot in my heart.

In the past, she was lonely and lonely.

And now, not anymore.

I just want to be a sister waiting for my brother to come home.

She likes this feeling.

like very much!



The red-flag car that braked abruptly billowed a puff of smoke in front of the gate of the hospital.

Xiao Yu flew down and rushed into the hospital.

When he came to the emergency room, he saw Lu Jinyan who was being rescued through the glass window, and his expression became cold.

Half an hour ago, Lu Jinyan suddenly went crazy, eating and biting whatever he saw.

Gouging out an eyeball, eating two fingers, and slicing open the chest and abdomen with a broken glass...

If not stopped in time, rescue.

Lu Jinyan is dead!

Xiao Yu couldn't understand anymore.

Why did you start so early?

No, it has nothing to do with this.

problem focus.

What kind of means did the other party use to enter the hospital jointly controlled by the police and the national security.

And almost succeeded in controlling Lu Jinyan, and almost made him self-mutilate and commit suicide?


Xiao Yu stared at the emergency room and asked in a cold voice.

"We were careless."

Wang Dong was ashamed, "The team members..."

"Do you think it's time to talk nonsense?"

Xiao Yu turned her head and stared into Wang Dong's eyes.

Wang Dong was shocked by Xiao Yu's eyes, and shook his head, "I don't know!"

Xiao Yu:? ? ?

Although a ball of fire rose in his heart, his reason told him.

Wang Dong didn't lie, he wasn't playing tricks on him!

"Without our permission, even medical staff cannot come in and out at will."

Wang Dong grimaced, "The medical staff have checked it out, it's not them!"

"That is to say..."

Xiao Yu frowned, "Except for ghosts, is it impossible for humans to live?"

"Yes." Wang Dong nodded heavily.

If you can't figure it out by yourself, it is the best choice to ask a smart person.

After learning to benefit from everything reasonably, he called Xiao Yu.

With a sullen face, Xiao Yu walked towards the ward.

Ten thousand idiots galloped past my heart.

The ward was in a mess.

The brain made up the scene of Lu Jinyan after going crazy.

Crazy is being lured by hypnotic psychological suggestion.

Let the hypnotized force into a hypnotic state.

As last time, Xiao Yu turned on the MP.

When Lu Jinyan heard the music, he went crazy...

"No music?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Absolutely not." Wang Dong shook his head.

"That's weird, what could it be?"

After searching around, he didn't find anything that could induce hypnosis. Xiao Yu couldn't figure it out, "Call out the monitor!"

Wang Dong made preparations a long time ago and handed Xiao Yu a tablet computer.

There are three monitors, one is inside the ward, one is outside the ward, and the other is the hospital corridor.

Guoan's monitoring methods are praised.


Indeed, as Wang Dong said, except for two medical staff who had entered the ward, no one came in or out.

outside the ward.

This monitor was temporarily set up by the national security to monitor the scene outside the ward and prevent anyone from entering the ward through the window.

Through monitoring, except for a few birds flying by and landing on the window sill, there is nothing suspicious now.

In the ward.

Because Lu Jinyan behaved normally without being hypnotized.

So he can't be tied to the hospital bed all the time.

Through monitoring, it was found that Lu Jinyan behaved normally at first.

However, I don't know if it's because of the stuffiness, or because of other reasons.

He went straight to the window, opened it, and frightened away the birds that landed on the sill.

Then he closed the window again, walked back to the hospital bed and lay down.

The next moment, Lu Jinyan's state changed.

Sitting up from the hospital bed, he had a cold and terrifying expression, a morbid smile, and a look of joy and comfort on his face.


"No, it's unreasonable, it's impossible!"

Putting down the tablet, Xiao Yu shook his head.

The medical staff checked, and there was no possibility of hypnosis induced by hints.

No one approached outside the ward, only a bird.

Do you doubt that a bird can hint and lure the hypnotized?

Xiao Yu: Why can't you doubt?

He did doubt it.

However, the most intelligent bird is the crow.

The IQ of this bird is terrifyingly high.

Even so, it is impossible to suggest human beings and induce hypnosis.

What's more, those birds are just ordinary birds...


Xiao Yu suddenly picked up the tablet, staring at the surveillance video.

rewind, replay...

Xiao Yu stared at the birds that landed on the window sill.

Great tit, native name Heizi.

It is characterized by gray and black head and throat, in strong contrast with white spots on the side of the face and spots on the nape of the neck, small...

I don’t know who heard it before, but Xiao Yu remembers that this tit bird is very smart, even a little cunning, and it is difficult to domesticate, so it is still a protected bird species.

Precisely because of cleverness, if domesticated properly.

This clever little bird can indeed do something for humans.

For example...

The video paused and the screen zoomed in. Xiao Yu stared at a big tit that landed on the window edge, with a sharp and cold light flashing in his eyes.

After zooming in, you can see a black object the size of a fingernail in its beak.

Wireless Headphones!

Not only that.

There were five of these great tits, and the other four kept pecking at the glass of the window.

Video screen switching.

Lu Jinyan in the ward could see these birds, frowning.

Probably because the birds were pecking at the glass, got upset and went to chase them away.

And at the moment of opening the window.

The video changes sides and switches again.

The great tit held the wireless earphones in its mouth, let go of the bird's beak, and the earphones fell on the window sill.

Lu Jinyan opened the window, and the bird flew away.

The video screen was zoomed in, and Lu Jinyan seemed to be muttering something.

Tilt your ears, lower your head, find the earphones, look curious, pick them up, and put them on your ears...

"Fuck!" Xiao Yu swears.

The first reaction is: fake? ! .

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