To do this for the launch of a new type of product?

At the expense of five lives and extremely cruel methods to cover up?

Will it be the way I inferred?

Xiao Yu was not sure, her scalp started to tingle.

In less than half an hour, Wang Dong came back, distraught.

If it is hit by something, it seems to be frightened by something.

"Find out?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, "So fast?"

"I won't check."

Wang Dong came back to his senses, and said in a deep voice, "Just now, the Bincheng police reported that Lu Jinyan went berserk in the hospital, and the whole person went crazy!"

"Hypnosis?" Xiao Yu wondered.

Impossible, He Yu-has been controlled.

There should be no one to lure and hint Lu Jinyan into a hypnotized state.


Wang Dong looked at Xiao Yu, "It's a strong du-addiction reaction that we've never seen before!"

"Fuck!" Xiao Yu swears.

"The hospital specifically injected some anti-addiction drugs for him."

Wang shook his head, "Without any actions, I can infer that this kind of drug addiction is terrifying, five times higher than that of conch cause!"

Xiao Yu's scalp was numb.

What is conch drug?

It was recognized as the fourth most difficult drug to quit after being addicted to it.

Five times more addictive than that, dare you imagine? !

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Xiao Yu's brain.

"It turns out that those people you want to experiment with are indeed going to be killed!"

"Because, you can't let the police see this addictive scene, can you?"

"As for why it is so cruel..."

"Are you deliberately misleading the police about the side effects of this drug?"

"Do you want to divert the direction of the police investigation and let us associate it with the perverted murder case?"

"Originally, the experiment was conducted once a year, but the result was advanced for the sixth time. You deliberately threw He Yu to our police. You want to end the past cases once, right?"

"The new du product has been completely developed?"

"Didn't you think that Lu Jinyan is not dead?"

"No, it doesn't matter if he dies or not, because even if the police find out later, it's probably too late to find you, right?"

"The degree of addiction is five times that of conch... As long as the drug preparation is simple, you will, big, special?"

"You will take the recipe... away!"

Xiao Yu raised his head, his face was extremely ugly.

He thought of a new drug case in his previous life.

Ordinary people never imagined that a rural couple accidentally discovered a kind of grass root, which can be turned into a drug after being boiled.

Then, they started selling.

In just one and a half years, the rural couple earned 300 million yuan.

Its name is...milk tea!

In the end, the formula was left out, and countless drugs similar to 'milk tea' came out.

The police across the country have spent seven years in order to completely eradicate 'milk tea'.

Can you believe it?

The advent of each new drug product represents an increase in the difficulty of drug enforcement.

Representing the drug industry, the emergence of new products represents the destruction of countless families.

Assuming the formula leaks out, no one dares to imagine how much social harm it will cause!

"Arrest and release!" Xiao Yu said suddenly.


Wang Dong was stunned, "How could it be..."


A national security officer rushed in and quickly reported, "After the release, he disappeared shortly after returning to school!"


Wang Dong swung his thighs, stepped on a table, and roared, "What the hell...catch it, hurry up, you must catch it. It doesn't matter whether you live or die. The drug formula must be caught and must not be leaked!"

What Xiao Yu can think of, he can also think of.

Know that the real 'poison' is not a drug, but a formula!

Xiao Yu and Wang Dong rushed out of the laboratory.

In less than twenty minutes, a special police armed police surrounded the school.

However, Shi Shi ran away!

Standing in the dormitory where Shi Shi went, Xiao Yu said with a cold face, "Blame me, I obviously felt that there was something wrong with him the first time I saw him. But I didn't expect his reaction to be so fast."


At that time, I squinted at him, and his eyeballs shifted, thinking.

Already guessed that I was suspecting him?

That's right, being able to plan such a case, being able to experiment with a drug for five years in a row, and being a... master of hypnotism.

Your IQ should be high, right?

If you understand psychology, you will definitely understand the psychology of micro-expressions.

I can observe your every move, and you can also observe my mental activities.

·Ask for flowers········

I have lost my wits, and I am also arrogant!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

Never treat criminals as fools who haven't been caught for so long after committing a crime.

This IQ may even be higher than yours!


Nose of the King Butterfly!

A cold smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face.

We have a problem, how the hell are you running?


Xiao Yu rushed out of the dormitory building, escaped the 'smell', and ran in one direction quickly.

The school's playground, gardens, office buildings... until the outside of the school disappears.

Instead of disappearing, Xiao Yu looked at the manhole cover at his feet.

Did it run from here?

Without any hesitation, Xiao Yu lifted the manhole cover and jumped down...


in the lower passage.

Xiao Yu escaped the scent and sneaked for forty minutes before raising his head...

The manhole cover was lifted, and he appeared on the ground.

No, it's not the ground, it's an underground parking lot!

Xiao Yu raised his eyes and looked around, frowning.

There doesn't seem to be any monitoring in the parking lot.

Is this what you calculated too?

Deliberately following the city's underground drainage system, avoiding surveillance, and entering this parking lot?

drive away?

No... You didn't leave, the smell is still in the parking lot.

Xiao Yu ran away, towards an elevator in the parking lot.

The elevator leads to the top. When he just installed the elevator, he waited for the elevator door to open.

Xiao Yu's expression froze.

He saw Shi Shi, who was standing in the elevator.

Not only that, there were eight people standing in the elevator.

There are men and women, all young people.


Their expressions are all so crazy, and their eyes are flickering with rage.

Xiao Yu's scalp exploded, thinking of the five videos he had watched, and thinking of Lu Jinyan.

The deceased and Lu Jinyan in the video were in this state when they were hypnotized.

"You know, I'm waiting for you."

Shi Shi, who was behind the eight hypnotized subjects, raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "If I don't kill you, I'm uneasy!"


The eight hypnotized people roared and rushed towards Xiao Yu whose face changed slightly...


PS: Readers, today is only seven chapters and 15,000 words, my little brother can’t do it anymore, I’m crying! Sichuan.

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