The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 40: Seeing Old Man Huang Again

Hearing Su Li's voice, Zuo Yinyang came to the door of the inn slowly.

At the door, Huang Laohan stood alone in the carriage with a smile on his face. The carriage was still filled with various mountain products. When he saw Zuo Yinyang coming out, he hurried forward to bow and said enthusiastically:

"Manager Zuo, I am the first to come to you after receiving the goods. Please see if there is anything you need, and I will pick it out for you. This time I received a lot of bacon again!"

Zuo Yinyang smiled and returned the greeting: "Uncle Huang, you are welcome. Let me see what goods are available first!"

After that, he walked straight to the front of the carriage, stretched out his hand and began to carefully select the goods.

As expected, when Zuo Yinyang touched these so-called "bacon" with his hand, the evil spirit in his body immediately reacted strongly.

There is no doubt that these seemingly ordinary "bacon" are actually those earth-blooded Tai Sui that have lost their spiritual energy.

Compared with the previous batch, the number of this batch of "bacon" has increased significantly, and more importantly, the evil spirit emanating from them is much richer and stronger than the previous batch.

"Yes, they are all useful for the inn. Uncle Huang, did you get this pile of bacon from the mountain people in Jiuliwa?" Zuo Yinyang chatted while looking at the goods.

Old Man Huang unloaded the mountain goods that Zuo Yinyang had picked up and replied, "Not this time. It's a coincidence. I just happened to meet a mountain person on the road when I was about to reach the city. He couldn't get a pass and couldn't enter the city, so he was selling on the roadside.

He happened to sell these "bacon". I remembered that our inn needed this kind of meat last time, so I took it.

But don't worry, the price is still the same as last time, cheap!"

Zuo Yinyang chuckled and said, "Haha, that's really a coincidence. I want all these bacon pieces."

While selecting bacon, he chatted with Old Man Huang about some irrelevant topics. It seemed casual, but in fact, he was intentionally or unintentionally inquiring about Old Man Huang's recent living conditions.

After Zuo Yinyang finished selecting the goods, he gave the silver to Old Man Huang according to the price of last time.

Old man Huang took the silver, thanked him and was about to leave!

When Zuo Yinyang saw him off, he casually said, "Why didn't you see your grandson with you this time, Uncle Huang!"

Old man Huang's face suddenly became gloomy, and he replied with a slightly heavy voice, "Hey, my eldest grandson, I don't know how he caught a cold after he went back last time. He was lying down for five or six days, which cost me a lot of money. Now he is still recuperating at home.

If not for this, I wouldn't have to sell goods in the cold winter. I will go to get him some tonic later."

Zuo Yinyang replied with a serious face, "So that's the case. I hope my grandson will recover soon!"

After seeing off Old Man Huang, Zuo Yinyang took Dixue Tai Sui to the room alone.

It seems that the "salted meat" he received before was not accidental, but a carefully planned plot by the evil witches.

They deliberately sent this thing to Zuo Yinyang, and they must have an unknown sinister purpose.

Dixue Tai Sui is an extremely domineering and evil spirit. Its special feature is that it can only play its greatest role when it is the freshest.

Once the earth-blood taisui is not properly preserved or picked overtime, its spiritual energy will be lost and become a worthless ordinary thing.

Although the earth-blood taisui mostly grows in the mountains, it obviously takes a lot of energy and time for the evil witches to collect such a large amount of earth-blood taisui.

After these earth-blood taisui entered his stomach, the remaining evil spirits were attracted by the same kind of breath, and suddenly became extremely active and surged wildly.

Zuo Yinyang, who had the experience last time, naturally would not miss this opportunity. He immediately performed his skills to extract these evil spirits bit by bit and put them into his body.

Then, he carefully sealed these evil spirits in his flesh and blood, waiting to slowly refine them.

And the bodies of those earth-blood taisui were completely absorbed and transformed into his own flesh and blood under Zuo Yinyang's powerful digestive ability.


Outside the city, the secret gathering place of evil witches, the night fell and the cold wind howled.

In the gloomy woods, only a dim candlelight swayed slightly, reflecting a few ghostly faces. Several men in black robes sat around an ancient stone altar, on which were placed several hideous vessels, emitting a disgusting stench.

An old man with wrinkles on his face slowly raised his head, and his hoarse voice echoed in the silent night: "Master, we have searched the nearby mountains and found all the Earth Blood Tai Sui we could find! If we need more, we can only go deeper into the mountains, but that will greatly increase our chances of encountering a big monster!"

Another cold voice continued: "Yes, Master, I think this is enough. We might as well try to send the intact Earth Blood Tai Sui to the kid. Only three or two pieces will be enough to help him enter the training evil realm. By then, we will The sacrifice can be completed faster!"

A creepy laugh came, and another man hissed: "Hehe, you are an idiot, do you think others are idiots? How can he not be suspicious of the spiritual object that was delivered directly in front of him!"

The voice was full of disdain and anger: "Idiot? Old hungry ghost, keep your mouth clean for your monkey master! As long as the monks around him don't notice it, what suspicion will the little kid have? Besides, only the kid can use this Earth Blood Tai Sui to practice evil.

As long as the method is right, I think it's worth a risk. Do you two ghost brothers still want to go to the mountains to find medicine?"

The man called the old hungry ghost smiled coldly, with a hint of chill in his voice: "Hehe, no matter how hard it is to find medicine, it is better than being killed by a sword!"


At this time, a woman in a black robe suddenly interrupted the argument of the crowd, and her voice was calm and firm: "Master, I think we can take a risk. It is too wasteful to extract the spiritual energy and evil spirit of this Earth Blood Tai Sui and make it into dried meat.

It is better to directly send the complete Earth Blood Tai Sui to the child. The sooner he enters the evil spirit training realm, the sooner we can complete the sacrifice!"

Several evil witches responded: "Yes, complete the sacrifice earlier!"

"I think it's okay. One day earlier, we can make plans earlier!"

The evil witches talked a lot, and their voices gradually rose.

At this time, the dark and majestic voice of the Black Mountain Altar Master sounded, overwhelming all the noise: "Humph! I asked you to go to the mountains to find some spiritual medicine, but you complained so much! Or do you think it's less risky to slaughter mortals to prepare blood animals? Now the Shangqing sword cultivator is waiting for us to take the bait in secret. Once he finds us, who among you is willing to face his sword?"

When everyone heard this, their faces changed, and they lowered their heads, not daring to speak anymore.

The leader of the Black Mountain Altar continued, "Since that kid can adapt to the evil spirit of the Earth Blood Tai Sui for some reason, we can slowly help him practice.

Once he enters the evil spirit training realm, he can save us a lot of trouble as the main sacrifice.

We no longer need a lot of mortal flesh and blood as a companion sacrifice, so the risk will be much smaller!"

He changed the subject, and his voice was a little cold: "However, the suggestions of the old monkey and Mrs. Xiu are not wrong.

I have my own arrangements for the future.

Today, I summoned you here to deploy the next plan.

Listen, that big shot can't hold on for a few days. In his current situation, he has to join us to survive.

At that time, it depends on whether that shitty sword cultivator can protect this little kid? Hehehe!"

Everyone was happy after hearing this, and they all showed excited expressions.

"Really, Altar Master? If this person can participate in the sacrifice, we will have nothing to worry about!"

"Haha, the Altar Master is really capable! With such a big shot joining us, what's the point of worrying about big things not being accomplished!"

"What a bullshit big shot, no matter how powerful a person is, when facing life and death, he is still the same as us casual cultivators, hehe!"

The Black Mountain Altar Master looked at everyone with satisfaction, nodded, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

The wind blew through the woods, making a low hum, as if foreshadowing an impending storm.


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