The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 6: Leaving

Zuo Yinyang was sitting on a stool, chatting with the two of them, asking and collecting information. Suddenly he looked up and looked outside.

Now his five senses have reached the limit of ordinary people, and he can easily distinguish sounds dozens of meters away. At this time, he heard a person running quickly in the direction of his small yard.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a rush of footsteps at the door of the courtyard.

"Master Zuo, I've heard about it. I've heard about it. Your inn is intact now, but it's been sealed up now. It seems like no one has done anything about it. The house and land deeds are all in the Yamen."

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a scholar's robe, holding the hem of his clothes and walking quickly towards the three of them, while speaking in a hurry.

Zuo Yinyang quickly pretended to be struggling and stood up and saluted and said: "Really? That's great. I'm sorry to bother Manager Liu. You've been taking so much trouble."

"You're welcome, Mr. Zuo," Manager Liu panted in return and continued: "I'll go to the Yamen to ask Mr. Wang to find out. He said that your inn has instructions from above and no one dares to touch it. Just wait for Mr. Go back and take over.

And Mr. Wang specifically told you to go find him in a few days. "

In the past half month, Zuo Yinyang had tried to leave here many times, but Manager Liu had stopped him for various reasons.

Today, I suddenly and hurriedly told him that he could go back and take over the inn. It seemed that the follow-up was coming.

Zuo Yinyang thought for a moment and said:

"In that case, I'd like to ask Manager Liu. I want to take two servants back tomorrow, and the yard will be returned to Manager Liu." After that, he bowed to Manager Liu again.

"Thank you very much, Manager Liu, for taking care of me these days. I will prepare a big gift to express my gratitude when Zuo goes back to settle down some day."

Manager Liu quickly helped Zuo Yinyang up and said with a smile: "Young Master Zuo, these words are serious. You are a noble person. It doesn't matter. There are many people in my place. I am always afraid of neglecting the Young Master. How dare I ask for any courtesy?"

"Guanshi Liu, don't say that. Zuo is not an ungrateful person." Zuo Yinyang continued: "I will remember everything that supervisor Liu has done in the past few days."

The two had another conversation, and then Manager Liu left with satisfaction.

Although Manager Liu is a little cautious, he has generally read some sage books. He often calls himself a Confucian scholar. He treats these orphans pretty well on weekdays. Although he is beaten and scolded, he has not heard of other harsh things, at least for the children. It is rare to have enough food and clothing.

Moreover, it was true that he took good care of himself, and Zuo Yinyang planned to make friends and thank him in the future.

After Manager Liu left, Zuo Yinyang hurriedly asked Su Li and Shagou to get ready and go to bed early.

Early the next morning, as soon as he arrived at Chenshi, he led Su Li and Shagou to say hello to Manager Liu, and then left the Salesian Bureau with the two of them.

Xianshan County is located on the southwestern border of the Southern Chu Kingdom. It is the first of the three southwest counties and has a large population. Because it is close to the Black Cloud Mountains, a treasured place for cultivation, it can be said to be a mixed bag.

There are all kinds of people, including disciples of the righteous way, monks from heretical ways, demons and evil sects, making Xianshan County the largest county in Southern Chu Kingdom.

The Salesian Bureau is located in the southwest corner of Xianshan County, far away from the Yamen in the city. Moreover, the area of ​​the County City is so large that it may take an ordinary person an hour to walk there.

Fortunately, there are carriages carrying people everywhere in the county, and Manager Liu has already made arrangements for them.

Outside the door, a large carriage was already parked on the roadside.

The three of them didn't have much luggage, so they only wore coarse cloth and traveled lightly.

Zuo Yinyang's current exaggerated fat appearance, although he has lost a lot of weight in half a month, is still different from ordinary people.

He asked for a shabby bamboo hat from Manager Liu to put on his head, and covered it with a shabby coarse cloth sheet, which barely covered his figure. He got into the carriage with the help of Su Li and Silly Gou.

It was said to be a carriage, but in fact it was pulled by a gray donkey. As soon as Zuo Yinyang got on the carriage, he saw the cart sinking.

The driver of the carriage was a sturdy middle-aged man. He looked back and muttered in a low voice: "It only costs fifteen cents. It's not a good deal." Then he said to Zuo Yinyang: "Sir, please sit still. , I never thought you were so rich, I’m afraid my car will be slower.”

Zuo Yinyang smiled slightly and replied: "It doesn't matter. I am obese, so please take your time with the handlebar style. There is no need to rush."

Handlebar smiled without saying anything.

After the three of them got on the cart, they saw him swinging his whip in the air and making a snap sound. The strong donkey in front gasped, stretched his head forward, kicked forward hard with his four hooves, and the cart started to sway and move forward.

Zuo Yinyang has been staying in the Salesian Bureau before, but this is the first time he has truly stepped out.

The cart moved forward slowly. The handlebars seemed to be afraid of the donkey getting hurt, so he did not sit on the cart, but followed the donkey cart aside, guiding the direction and helping to pull the cart.

It was late autumn at this time, the weather was cool, the streets were bustling with people coming and going, and the sounds of various hawkers could be heard constantly.

Su Li huddled close to Zuo Yinyang, feeling uneasy. This was his only support in the world.

But this stupid dog was heartless, smiling and lowering his head, grabbing the dough in his hand and stuffing it into his mouth piece by piece, he was very happy.

Zuo Yinyang ignored the two of them for the time being. He sat in the car and looked around through the car window.

There are two- and three-story houses on both sides of the street. There are businesses downstairs, including medical clinics, pharmacies, grocery stores, wine and food shops, and many hawkers carrying baskets and burdens hawking along the street.

There were occasionally three or two beggars along the street, all lying lazily on the side of the road, looking like they were full. It seemed that the Southern Chu country was indeed rich in products and could be called a prosperous time.

And along the way, he also discovered that there were many lonely women among the people passing by, and even many of the people doing business on the street were female shopkeepers.

If compared with the feudal society in the previous life books, this folk custom is very open.

Zuo Yinyang understood it after thinking about it secretly.

"In this world, there are all kinds of extraordinary powers that can be mastered by both men and women, so the gap between men and women is probably much smaller than in previous lives.

Just like the rescuer Zhang Xunchang, although he is a girl, he looks like a high-ranking figure at first glance.

Ability determines rights, and strength represents status. Under this influence, the relationship between men and women is much more equal than in the ancient society of previous generations. "

The handlebar style looks like an old man in the city, and he greets people from time to time along the way.

"Business is good, Lao Zhang."

"Sister Zhao, leave me a bowl of mutton soup and the intestines later."

"Let me say Zhuzhu, don't stay in the middle of the aisle. One day, a fast horse will hit you to death."


While talking, accompanied by the tinkling of copper bells, the donkey cart carrying the three people passed through four or five streets, and then walked along the water channel in the city for a stick of incense.

I jumped on the donkey cart downhill with handlebars, got off the donkey cart and helped push them uphill, and finally got a few people to the place.

"Young Master, the Yamen of our county is not far ahead. When we get to this street, the county regulations do not allow me to wait for ordinary carriages and horses to approach, so I can only send three of them here."

Pulling the donkey cart with the handlebar, he turned around and said to Zuo Yinyang.

“It’s time to work”

Zuo Yinyang got up and got out of the car. Su Li and Shagou jumped out of the car to help him.

After seeing the three people get down, he bowed his hands to them, turned around and jumped on the donkey cart, turned around and left.

Zuo Yinyang raised his head and looked at the government office in front of him. This street was obviously much wider. There were red brick walls on both sides, and the ground was covered with bluestone. Each high-gate courtyard looked like a wealthy family. There were two rows of people standing in front of the government office. The government servants were all officials riding tall horses.

The three of them walked slowly towards the yamen door.

"San'er, have you seen it?" A yamen servant dressed as a leader at the yamen gate stabbed the young yamen servant next to him with the scabbard in his hand.

Zuo Yinyang's appearance was too conspicuous, like a moving mountain of flesh, and they had already noticed it.

These government officials are different from ordinary people. They have the opportunity to come into contact with some practitioners, and they are no longer surprised by all kinds of strange body shapes and strange clothes.

"Go over and ask, don't be lazy yet."

The young yamen officer nodded, walked quickly towards Zuo Yinyang, raised his hands and asked:

"Third gentlemen, may I ask what business you have at the Yamen?"

Zuo Yinyang hurriedly returned the greeting: "Excuse me, brother, please let me know. I am waiting for the person who was rescued by Inspector Zhang a few days ago. He is no longer seriously ill. We are here to visit Mr. Wang."

When the young yamen officer heard that he was looking for the king to arrest him, and it involved monks, he didn't dare to neglect him.

"Wait a moment, you three. I'll go and pass the message right away." After saying that, he turned around to report.

Not long after, I saw a tall man coming out of the door. This man was dressed in black official uniform, holding a sword in his hand, and had a full beard.

"But Mr. Zuo is in front of you. I was thinking that you would have to rest for a few more days. I didn't want to come today. It's just the right time. Follow me into the house quickly."

After saying that, without waiting for Zuo Yinyang to react, he stepped forward and helped Zuo Yinyang towards the Yamen.

Zuo Yinyang only felt a lightness in his body, and was led forward quickly by Wang Baotou.

"It's not easy for this king to catch his head"

You must know that at this time, Zuo Yinyang looked like he had lost a lot of weight, but in fact he still weighed eight or nine hundred kilograms.

Zuo Yin Yang has been controlling his body during this period, converting the fat in his body into muscles. His muscles are tighter and his bones are denser. His actual strength has been increasing, and his control of the body has become more precise.

And this king catcher can easily drag him away, which shows how powerful he is.

"Xiao Zuo, if you don't come, I should go find you tomorrow."

"San'er, take the two kids at the back to the side room to rest for a while."

"Yes," the young officer replied.

When Zuo Yinyang saw this, he turned to Su Li and the two silly dogs said, "You two should follow this big brother and don't move around."

Then they walked into the side door with worried expressions on their faces.

Wang Captou helped him cross the threshold. After a while, he turned a few more corners and came to a white courtyard.

Zuo Yin Yang's soul was different from ordinary people. When he stepped through the courtyard gate, he felt a spiritual thought sweeping through his body, and his ears suddenly became quiet, as if he had entered another space.

"Dear gentlemen, we are here. As soon as we mentioned Xiao Zuo, he is here." Wang Captou shouted loudly.

Zuo Yinyang looked into the room. There were four people in total, all dressed as monks, and the one sitting on the left was an acquaintance.

It was the tall and thin monk who saved him, Wu Gong.

"Fat boy, you've lost a lot of weight," Wu Gong said with a smile when he saw Zuo Yinyang, who was playing with a cyan gourd in his hand. It was exactly the same as the cyan gourd behind him when he first saw it, but it was much smaller!

Zuo Yinyang hurriedly stepped forward and bowed and saluted: "I have met all of you, real people."

Then he turned to Wu Gong and wanted to kneel down and thank him: "Thank you, Master Wu, for saving your life."

Wu Gong smiled and waved his hand, and an invisible force lifted him up.

"Stop kneeling, what's the use of talking, just remember my kindness later."

Zuo Yinyang took advantage of the situation and bowed again.

After receiving the gift, Wu Gong pointed to the white-haired old man in the middle of the hall and said to Zuo Yinyang: "This is Elder Qiu from the lower courtyard of Yunwumen. I was talking about you just now, and we are preparing to recruit you tomorrow."

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