The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 93: The truth about blood sacrifice 1

"Haha, Qifeng, I can run!"

With a burst of hearty laughter, Su Li couldn't wait to push open the door, and like a ignited meteor, he rushed straight to the center of the yard.

Qifeng stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence. Su Li ran over like a normal person without any trace of lameness.

Su Li's face was flushed with excitement, his steps were light, and his mood seemed to fly faster than his steps.

I saw him running wildly around the osmanthus tree in the yard.

Qifeng stood there blankly, the shock in his eyes lingering for a long time. He opened his mouth, and after a while, he stammered and asked:

"Li...Brother Li, your legs are...ok?"

Hearing Qifeng's question, Su Li stopped suddenly, turned around, his eyes flashed, and answered loudly:

"Yes, my leg is healed, Young Master healed my leg!

I can run now!

I'm no longer a cripple! "

His cheers attracted other servants in the inn to come out and watch.

Seeing this, Zuo Yinyang hurriedly transmitted a secret message to Su Li's ears.

Bahu, who came out of the kitchen just now, asked in surprise: "Su Li, your leg is really healed? How to cure it?"

Su Li pondered for a moment, rolled his eyes, and answered according to Zuo Yinyang's prompts:

"My young master got a miraculous elixir from the Qintian Prison. After I took it, my legs healed!"

After hearing this, everyone was either surprised or delighted, their eyes constantly wandering between Su Li and Zuo Yinyang.

At this time, He Qingni also walked out of the room, roughly guessed the truth, and said with a smile:

"Friend Zuo, what a powerful elixir, it actually has such magical powers!

I think you should stop running an inn and become a doctor! "

Zuo Yinyang smiled and replied:

"This elixir is very valuable, and it is very rare to get one.

Let’s all disperse! "

Everyone left the backyard with various emotions and discussions, preparing to open the inn to welcome guests.

Xiao Yezi, who was standing aside, watched all this with complicated eyes full of envy.

She subconsciously touched her face, but in the end she said nothing and quietly turned around and left.

Zuo Yinyang watched the little girl disappear, frowning slightly, still having doubts about her identity.

Although the origins of Su Li and Qifeng are generally clear, the truth about this little maid is still unclear.

After a conversation with the evil witch last night, he also understood that the calamity of blood sacrifice was imminent. It was still unclear whether he could escape unscathed, so he had to be more cautious.

If there is no problem with her identity, Zuo Yinyang would not mind helping her relieve her obsession and heal her when the time comes.


At the same time, in a dilapidated private house outside the city, several vague figures left one after another.

Inside the house, a child-like voice said:

"Master, why do you suddenly ask everyone to start preparations? Do you want to act in advance?"

The leader of the Black Mountain Altar whispered: "Just in case,"


Time is like running water, and the day passes quietly.

As night fell, Zuo Yinyang lay in the blood coffin to practice as usual. According to the previous agreement, he entered the secret space again and took out the Zimu Chuanfeng Bead.

As the beads vibrated, the hoarse voice of the Black Mountain Altar Master came:

"Boy, the reason why you took the initiative to contact us yesterday was because you have a way to separate the parasitic sacrifices from your body?

I'm afraid you also accidentally learned that there are other things parasitic in the body, right?

Otherwise, how could the mighty Shangqing Sword Sect let you discover these anomalies so easily? "

After returning yesterday, the leader of the Black Mountain Altar thought for a long time and based on his reasoning,

Zuo Yinyang accidentally discovered an abnormality in his body, and then realized that he might also be sent to the altar, so he took the risk of contacting himself to find a way to survive.

Zuo Yinyang smiled contemptuously, with a bit of disdain in his tone:

"Not only do I have a way to separate the sacrifice from my body, but I also have a way to make the sacrifice disappear in advance? What do you think? Do you want to see it?"

Hearing this, the leader of the Black Mountain Altar tightened his heart and immediately replied:

"Jie, Jie, Jie! Don't joke, fellow Daoist Zuo. If something goes wrong with the sacrifice before the blood sacrifice is completed, I'm afraid the Shangqing Sword Sect won't agree!"

At the same time, he secretly thought:

"This kid really has the ability to threaten sacrifices. It seems that the Shangqing Sword Sect's skills are just that, but he actually discovered the problem. Now I can't let him die!"

Zuo Yinyang continued:

"Fellow Taoist Heishan, I have told you a lot of news, but you haven't mentioned a word about what I want to know.

Are you too insincere? "

The Black Mountain Altar Master let out a burst of wild laughter and replied:

“Hahahaha, okay!

Since you want to know what blood sacrifice is, the altar owner will simply tell you today!

What you guessed yesterday is indeed true. The reason why low-level monks like us joined the evil witches that everyone shouts about is just to survive! "

After a pause, he continued:

"Fellow Daoist Zuo, what are the differences between the monks in the Taiyuan world, whether they are from a well-known and upright sect, a heretic or a low-level cultivator?"

Zuo Yinyang hesitated for a moment and replied:

"Practice is inseparable from the four major elements of companionship, land, dharma, and wealth. The difference between these three is nothing more than the amount of resources they occupy."

Hearing this, the leader of the Black Mountain Altar was slightly shocked and secretly sighed:

"The second son is only over ten years old, but he has such insight. He can reveal this cruel truth in just a few sentences. It's really not easy!"

He sighed with deep meaning:

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Zuo is indeed a wise man!

The reason why those famous sects are so powerful is that they have mastered a lot of resources.

They can unscrupulously select suitable disciples from the masses. These disciples can be exposed to top-level spiritual energy since childhood, choose the most suitable evil spirit, and practice the most suitable skills.

In addition to the guidance of senior masters and the nourishment of various spiritual objects, the risk of alienation faced by these disciples when they break through is much lower than that of other cultivators.

The more resources, the stronger the strength, and the cycle repeats!!

And for us low-level cultivators, whether it is the evil spiritual energy or the cultivation method, which one is not obtained by risking our lives. If there is no great opportunity, who dares to guarantee that they can escape the danger of alienation and strange changes!

And the blood sacrifice is a great opportunity for us casual cultivators!


As the Black Mountain Altar Master told the story, Zuo Yinyang gradually saw the true face of the blood sacrifice.

Since the dramatic changes in the ancient heavenly way, alienation and weird changes have been the background of this world, and all cultivators who use spiritual energy cannot escape the influence of this law.

Even Confucian disciples who do not cultivate the body but only cultivate literary energy cannot avoid dealing with spiritual energy.

After deepening their practice, the first risk faced by cultivators is physical alienation.

Especially those folk casual cultivators, because the evil spirit they cultivate is not completely compatible with themselves, and their souls are not strong enough, the risk of alienation is higher.

If they encounter such changes, unless they are willing to disperse their cultivation, the cultivator's body will sooner or later be eroded by spiritual energy, either rotting into a pile of rotten meat, or turning into some weird existence.

Because of this, some cultivators who cannot suppress the alienation in their bodies have embarked on the path of joining the evil witch organization to seek a ray of hope.

The so-called blood sacrifice is to sacrifice enough blood and flesh to an unknown existence called "Wa Mu", extract the alienation symptoms in the body of the sacrificer through the secret ceremony, and transfer them to the main sacrifice.

The voice of the Black Mountain leader was low and slow, with a hint of bitterness:

"The original sacrificial ceremony is coming to an end. The souls of us participants have long been closely connected with the sacrifices and cannot be freed at all.

If we cannot complete the final sacrificial ceremony before the sacrifice reaches adulthood, we will suffer backlash and will surely die. Therefore, at this moment, we have no way back and can only continue."

Hearing this, Zuo Yinyang thought to himself:

"It seems that the ones who needed to be sacrificed were not these main sacrifices, but mortal children like me.

If the final sacrifice is completed If the main sacrifices that have been transformed by many monks are completed, they will also die. "

Thinking to this point, Zuo Yinyang asked:

"May I ask, are there any special requirements for the mortal flesh and blood used for sacrifice?

And why choose a specific main sacrifice to carry the transformation?"

The Black Mountain Altar Master answered without hesitation:

"There are no special requirements for mortal flesh and blood, as long as they are under 18 years old. But the selection requirements for the main sacrifice are extremely strict, and as for the specific standards, I cannot elaborate.

You just need to understand that since you are not the main sacrifice, there is no need for us to force life and death. "

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