The Body Swap Game

174. Passion and Trust

After reading the score, Liu Manman found out unexpectedly, it seems to be not bad?

"Is this really something that can be written in a day?" Liu Manman couldn't believe it.

"The main melody has already been set, so I will add it soon." An Siyao replied according to what Xia Yu said before.

"You knew yesterday that one day is enough?" Liu Manman looked at Xia Yu again.

Xia Yu nodded.

Putting down her palm weakly, Liu Manman doubted herself.

It's just that An Siyao was able to do what she thought was impossible, she was not so good at it, but Xia Yu's trust in An Siyao made her unacceptable.

Does what I deny appear to them to be so natural as to be beyond any suspicion?

Is this the world of geniuses?

Just like the protagonist in the manga.

The protagonist group worked together to accomplish the impossible, and I, am I the shameful passerby shouting that this is impossible!

"Let me calm down first." Sitting on the sofa at one side, Liu Manman was frustrated for ten minutes, and a bottle of Coke came, and finally cheered up.

"Come and try," she said.

She can't tell much just by looking at the music score. Only by practicing it can she know what the song is like.

"This is the music of Guzheng, Dongxiao and Sheng. You can also play Sheng?" Liu Manman looked at An Siyao in surprise.

"I play the hole flute." An Siyao said.

"But I don't know how to sheng!" Liu Manman looked at Xia Yu again.

Xia Yu nodded, "I will."

"Then come on." Liu Manman said energetically.

"No." An Siyao shook his head and refused, "I don't know how to play the flute yet."

"No? Then how do you blow it?" Liu Manman looked at An Siyao in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter, I will learn it in three or four days." An Siyao replied.

"How is it possible, don't you think so, Xia Yu?" Liu Manman looked at Xia Yu again.

Xia Yu nodded, but he was not admiring her words, but agreeing with An Siyao's words.

"Then let's practice together in three or four days," Xia Yu said.

Liu Manman was about to say something more, but a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

This scene is a bit familiar, and it was the same situation when I composed the music yesterday!

That's right, this is also the trust between geniuses! As long as An Siyao is willing, he can definitely learn the flute in three or four days!

You can compose a piece of music in one day, why can't you learn an instrument in three or four days?

"Then let's practice first." Liu Manman looked at Xia Yu again.

"No." Xia Yu also shook his head and refused, "I'm still not proficient in using Sheng. It takes three or four days to practice."

Not only is there a problem with the xiao over there, but also the sheng here!

However, as long as you have momentum, all difficulties can be solved!

"I trust you!" Liu Manman said with a solemn expression.

At this moment, she felt her own growth, and she was one step closer to being a genius!

"Then I'll see you in four days." Picking up An Siyao's Sheng again, Xia Yu said, "Lend me this, I didn't bring the Sheng here."

Calling Liu Manman, the two left An Siyao's house and returned to their own home.

On the way back, Liu Manman calmed down.

She just trusted Xia Yu and An Siyao just now with her aura, but now that her aura disappeared, doubts came to her mind.

"What's the state of your Sheng now?" Liu Manman asked.

Xia Yu picked up the sheng and played the song Two Little Rabbits.

Although the blowing is not bad, but how can this level be possible! Liu Manman roared in her heart.

She called An Siyao again and asked about the level of An Siyao's flute.

An Siyao played an etude for her.

Liu Manman was relieved that the song was not two little rabbits, but she was more worried about An Siyao than Xia Yu because:

There was a break in your midst! Definitely broke it! You can't even play an etude!

Liu Manman is full of pessimism about the future.

Who are the two guys I followed!

Forget it, anyway, the third song is also a surprise, it's nothing if it's gone.

After giving up on herself, Liu Manman relaxed. She took out the score and practiced her guzheng part casually.

On the other side, Xia Yu didn't rush to practice Sheng, but came to An Siyao and taught An Siyao Xiao.

Four days passed quickly, and there were still two days before the video and audio of the third song were submitted.

This morning, Liu Manman was in the piano room, practicing the guzheng normally. She didn't take it seriously, and played it with a completely indifferent attitude.

Both Xia Yu and An Siyao started from scratch. I am already the strongest now, so I don't need to work hard at all.

No matter how I think about it, the third song is impossible to succeed, and it is useless to work hard.

Besides, she paid attention to Xia Yu. Xia Yu didn't know what to do in the room every day and rarely practiced Sheng.

He kept saying that he believed in An Siyao, and that he could play the sheng well in four days, but in fact, he didn't believe it himself, did he?

That's why he was so slack!

As a victim, I actually set aside four hours a day to practice seriously. I am really dedicated.

After the song was over, Liu Manman sighed that with such a serious and hard-working character, he would definitely suffer a lot in society in the future.

She didn't know that Xia Yu's music was already at level 5, and he was playing his own tunes. With the skill of Xiao in hand, he could master Sheng in a short time.

On An Siyao's side, there was even a plug-in that was like a memory experience.

"Liu Manman!" Xia Yu's voice came from downstairs, it was time to go to An Siyao's.

"Here we come!" Putting the guzheng in her bag and carrying it on her back, Liu Manman walked downstairs.

The two came to An Siyao's practice room, and An Siyao had been waiting for them for a while.

"let's start."

Seeing An Siyao and Xia Yu take out the hole Xiao and Sheng seriously, Liu Manman couldn't help but smile.

These two people are quite alike.

In the beginning, it was An Siyao's round.

A melodious flute sounded, and the sound of the flute turned, peaceful and natural.

Liu Manman's heart skipped a beat, this Xiao seemed to be as good as her own.

Then, the harmony of Sheng sounded.

Xiao and Sheng are in harmony, intertwined and circulated, and they are inseparable.

Hiss, this Sheng...

Liu Manman's heart panicked. When it came to the part she wanted to play, she hurriedly joined in playing, but the timing of cutting in was a step behind. During the playing process, she was not as proficient as Xiao and Sheng.

After the song was over, Liu Manman was extremely ashamed when facing the gazes of Xia Yu and An Siyao.

Why are you so proficient!

Didn't you know it four days ago!

Damn it, so the trust between geniuses is real! And Xia Yu's not practicing, is it also the arrogance of a genius!

As an ordinary person like me, if I slack off a bit, will I become a dragging existence!

The ashamed Liu Manman bowed and apologized: "I'm very sorry, I will work overtime to practice when I go back tonight!"

"Let me teach you." Xia Yu took the guzheng from one side.

An Siyao picked up the flute and continued to play. The sheng is just for harmony, what the guzheng needs is to cooperate with the dongxiao, and you can practice without the sheng.

Liu Manman, who thought she was the number one, got the bottom one in the exam, and under the guidance of the two, she made up the lessons, feeling complicated.

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