The Book of Maiden Contract

594 Explosion! burst! burst! Push me beyond the limit... Spiral Force!

Lin Luo's circle power is to turn his inner energy, life and existence into a circle, revolving round and round, with countless times of back and forth from the end point to the starting point, and countless synchronizations, so that he can surpass his own limit and have more powerful power. Of course, if he surpasses too fast and too much, he may also destroy himself because of this... This is essentially the same as a certain power in a certain plane that he knows, and that power is the spiral force!

A person with spiral power means that he has infinite possibilities for evolution, but it is this kind of infinite evolution that, once the limit is exceeded, may destroy the world or even destroy the entire universe. Therefore, in order to restrict the occurrence of this kind of thing, some spiral force users have mastered a more powerful force to limit the growth of the spiral family, and that force is... the anti-spiral force!

After Lin Luo used the spiral force, he surpassed his own limit, obtained more powerful power, and even suppressed the evil king, but... the evil king obviously went to the plane he knew, and possessed a certain degree of anti-spiral force potential. Therefore, after understanding the nature of Lin Luo's power, due to the mutual restraint of the spiral force and the anti-spiral force, and his own epiphany, he was finally able to use the anti-spiral force.

Lin Luo's spiral force is obviously immature. Although the anti-spiral force of the evil king cannot be complete, it must be at least one level higher than Lin Luo. It is obvious who is stronger and who is weaker between the two. No matter how hard Lin Luo and the dark king work hard, it is almost impossible to defeat the current evil king.

Although the spiral force has infinite evolution, it is not impossible for Lin Luo to become stronger, but... he is concerned about the safety of the sky city, so he cannot use the spiral force regardless of everything, because once he destroys himself, then the sky city will be over.

Therefore, under the circumstances that they were unable to fight wholeheartedly, Lin Luo and the Dark King were completely suppressed by the Evil King, and they survived the danger. If they hadn't all had different recovery abilities, they might have died.

"Damn it!" After being bombarded by the evil king three times in a row, the dark king fell into a state of madness, completely disregarding his own life and death, and almost every move adopted the method of killing each other, exerting the power of the four holy beasts to the extreme... It is completely unimaginable that a wise man like him would turn into a berserker.

But even so, they are still at a disadvantage in the face of the overwhelming strength of the evil king... The evil king with anti-spiral power, and being in this universe, is so powerful that it is ridiculous. His current strength is already very close to the peak of the earth level, even compared to Kazami Yuka and others.

If there is no accident, within five minutes, he can absolutely completely kill Lin Luo and the Dark King, but... people are not as good as God, and sometimes, any slight change can completely change what should have happened.

"Lin's me." Just when Lin Luo felt that he was about to reach the limit, a voice that was very familiar to him suddenly sounded in his mind... It was a telepathic call! And it's... "Meiqin?!" At this moment, Lin Luo was inexplicably shocked. The maximum distance for telepathic communication is 100 meters, otherwise communication would be impossible. Leaving aside the issue of distance, Meiqin doesn't exist in this world at all. How could her voice reach here? Lin Luo almost thought he was hallucinating, but... Miqin's voice let him know that this was not an illusion, but reality.

"It's me, you don't have to worry about Sky City, the enemy has been completely controlled by me, except for the casualties of the maids and dragons, everyone is safe..."

Meiqin briefly explained the status quo of Sky City at the fastest speed. Because she paid too much attention to the spiritual dialogue, Lin Luo was even more unable to fight with all her heart. The whole person was blown away by the evil king and smashed into a mountain wall more than ten miles away. If it wasn't for the existence of the spiral force, he might have died.

However, after being so severely injured, instead of despair, Lin Luo's heart was filled with excitement and excitement. Although I don't understand why Mikoto was able to spread her words here, but the crisis in Sky City has been resolved, and everyone is fine. Although there are casualties among the Dragon Clan and the maid, he has saved the maid's data. As long as he creates another identical body and puts the data into it, there will be no change in memory or soul. As for the dragons, when he built the dragon city, he also made a reincarnation system. The dead dragons would be reborn in the form of dragon eggs. Although the memory and soul could not be preserved, they would usher in a second life.

It is enough, it is enough to know this, it is enough to achieve this level, there is no need to worry anymore, there is no need to look forward and backward.

"Miqin, thank you."

"Your side..." The voice suddenly stopped, but it rang again quickly, intermittently, "...the battle situation... sorry, because the strength is immature... I can't keep talking for a long time... that's it... I hope you can... come back safely."


There was a beep, and the sound stopped completely.

After the conversation was interrupted, Lin Luo was more hopeful than lost. He stretched out his hand, and the hard rock wall seemed to not exist. Even within this rock wall, his actions were still unimpeded.

Because of Miqin's words, he was inspired. At this moment, he no longer has any worries. No matter how powerful the enemy he faces, he has the confidence to knock them down... Cells, blood, soul, there is no need to suppress it anymore. Even if it will usher in its own destruction, there is nothing to worry about. All...all the powers are released to me!

"Spiral force... It doesn't matter if you tear this broken body, give me... go beyond the limit!"

boom! ! ! !

There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and an aura that seemed to swallow the sky and the earth erupted from the mountain. The ground began to tremble, the mountain began to shake, and the sea water began to roar. Even the evil king and the dark king who were fighting fiercely in the distance were affected.

Then, they saw that a thousand-meter-high mountain rose from the ground...or should be lifted by someone. Lin Luo is located at the bottom of the mountain, like a giant holding the sky with one hand, he actually lifted the whole mountain and quickly rose to the sky.

"Evil King! Now... let's fight to the death!" Lin Luo rushed towards the battlefield holding the mountain with one hand. It was impossible to describe in words how imposing it was.

"Damn it!" The evil king cursed, and the universe map waved, rolling up countless black seas and swallowing them towards the mountain.


It was a shocking collision. Under one blow, the mountains shattered, the black sea exploded, and countless gravel and black "water droplets" shot in all directions. However, Lin Luo completely ignored these obstacles and rushed towards the evil king at the fastest speed. The arrogance released from his body made the space tremble.

"You bastard..." The evil king gritted his teeth. He never expected that the opponent would explode again in this situation. He was simply an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. In desperation, he had to give up the attack on the dark king and turned to deal with Lin Luo... Judging from Lin Luo's strength, it was already enough to threaten him now. If he ignored it, he might be blown up with one blow.

"In the face of my anti-spiral force, what can you do now, give me a quick death!" The moment the evil king rushed over, the anti-spiral force was used to the extreme, and the two overlapping spaces erupted with unparalleled destructive power, and he didn't even forget to speak out.


Lin Luo's body collided with the double space, and the violent shock wave directly created a space storm, and all the mountains, rivers, seas and rivers within a radius of tens of miles were all destroyed by the destructive surname.

"The reason why the Anti-Spirals want to restrain the rise of the Spirals is precisely because they are afraid of the infinite evolutionary power of the Spirals. It is precisely because they are afraid that the Spirals will destroy the universe. The one who is suppressed by you is the previous me. Now I am above you, because... the spiral force can break through the sky and the universe!"

Amidst the sky-shattering roar, Lin Luo rushed forward again, and the moment his fist blasted out, the space collapsed, and even the high-dimensional space could no longer be stable under this blow.

"I am this sky, I am this land, and I am the only one in this universe. Like you, what ability do you have to break through my shackles? Go to hell!" The evil king roared, arousing the reverse spiral force with a stronger momentum, and the double space suddenly reappeared, attacking Lin Luo left and right with the power of destroying the world.

Lin Luo's speed is restricted in the double space. With the ruthless squeeze of the two spaces, his existence space is getting smaller and smaller, and he is in danger of being crushed at any time, but... "You are not the only one in this universe. Since you want me to break through for you to see, then I will let you see... how strong this spiral force is... let me surpass it again, spiral force!"

From the double space came Lin Luo's turbulent voice, and then only heard a click, the double space was forcibly broken away, both hands bowed left and right, fists swung, the double space shattered!'s not over!

At the same time that the double space was shattered, the power in Lin Luo's body exploded again, and his figure began to rise in an instant. In less than a second, his body, which was originally less than two meters high, rose to hundreds of meters high, standing upright!


Lin Luo's feet landed on the ground, and the ground cracked. He pinched his hands into the ground, dug a hill directly from the ground, and rushed towards the evil king... Every time he stepped on the ground, the ground shook violently.

"Spiral force, as long as you want to do it...there is no limit!"

Seeing this scene, not to mention the stunned Evil King, even the Dark King in the distance was stunned, and couldn't help saying, "Damn it, this is too Spartan!"

(to be continued)

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