The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 262 Cocoon Stripping and Cocoon Spinning

Chapter 262 Cocoon Stripping and Cocoon Spinning

San Niang should have her own purpose...or maybe she was leaking information to Zhongyuan customers intentionally or unintentionally.

Otherwise, when she came here and asked about Jiangnan dishes, why would she look at him differently? When she said that she would eat lamb shank instead of Jiangnan cuisine, she was still indifferent.

The so-called drunkard stayed here for a month, Zhao Changhe estimated that Situ Xiao should have dug up a lot of information he wanted before leaving.

Zhao Changhe took a look at Sanniang, who was still drinking with a smile on her face, and stretched out her hand straight: "What else do you want to ask? Add ten taels for every time you ask."

Zhao Changhe smiled, and suddenly said: "Hey, now I suspect that you are using the organization's information to make money for yourself."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Sanniang sat up straight at once, her eyes flicked around: "What kind of organization do I have, this is all the information I have collected through hard work!"

While talking, she pretended to cry: "I'm a weak woman, living alone in this barbarian land, do you know how difficult life is..."

"Maybe there are bullies like Ubaru, right? It's hard to deal with, isn't it?"

"Yeah yeah."

"I know, I know, because of the way of hospitality, so pretend to be innocent."

Sanniang's fake crying disappeared after a while, and she said with a smile: "Life is not easy, life is not easy... Do you want to buy anything else?"

Zhao Changhe thought for a while and asked, "Is there any distribution of strong people in the grassland?"

Sanniang's face was broken: "No."

"Is there any strange secret place? For example, how did the lake in this desert come into being, whether it is natural or something else..."

Before finishing speaking, Sanniang's expression changed: "No. I said why do you ask all kinds of weird things, are you looking for trouble? I won't sell you."

Zhao Changhe turned his head to look at her, and sighed, "Okay, okay, my Wang Daozhong just doesn't know how to look at people's faces, and I get scolded wherever I go."

San Niang: "..."

"One last question." Zhao Changhe handed over another ingot of broken silver.

Sanniang quickly put Qian in her arms, and smiled openly: "Say."

"Didn't Yue Hongling kill some black wolf king in the grassland before? Is she still there?"

Sanniang squinted at him: "Why, do you want to catch her and go to Da Khan to receive a reward, or do you want to pursue the heroine?"

"I'm here to buy news. You don't care what I use the news for? If someone sells a pig-killing knife, they won't ask whether the knife is used to kill pigs or kill people."

"It makes sense." Sanniang held her chin and thought for a while: "But if her whereabouts can be found out here, it will prove that she is very dangerous. If you are chasing the heroine, you should pray that no one knows her It's whereabouts."

Zhao Changhe also nodded: "It makes sense. So no one knows her whereabouts?"

"No... You know, recently, it doesn't matter if men come in or out here, but once a woman comes in, she may be surrounded by the army immediately."

"Is it because of Yue Hongling?"

"That's right." Sanniang smiled slightly: "So Yue Hongling is in a predicament now, and she probably has nowhere to supply. Even if she is a horse bandit and robs people, what she gets may not be useful, no matter if it is money or silk. For food, she needs food, water, and horse feed. If you continue, you may take a risk and come to Huangshaji again. You might actually see her when you squat here. Whether you want a hero to save the beauty, you want to take advantage of the chaos It doesn't matter if you mess with her, that's your business, I didn't say anything."

Zhao Changhe nodded: "Understood. Sanniang is not only selling news, but also selling analysis, which is worth the money."

Sanniang smiled: "Of course, if you want to buy anything, just ask me!"

Zhao Changhe always felt that she was waiting for you to answer "buy you", and then splashed you with footwashing water. Unfortunately, he would not cooperate with this scene, but said: "I want to go out to have fun, Sanniang has something to recommend Is it? For example, seeing some special things... I don’t mean buying some Western Region jewelry and spices, but the characteristics of this place.”

Sanniang looked at his hand helplessly, but didn't pay.

She sniffled: "Okay, I'm really embarrassed to charge you for showing me the way. Why don't you go to the animal farm in the middle of the market?"

"What is a zoo?"

"Think of it as a life-and-death fight with black fists. Some underworld forces in the Central Plains also have this kind of thing, but the fight here is for slaves."

"Understood. If it's called the arena, it's over. Why is it called the beast field? Because the opponents are all beasts?"

"The opponent is basically a human. The reason why it is called the beast field is that in addition to fighting, there are also selling... Isn't it true that people are like beasts?" Sanniang smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter whether it is being sold or selling people."

Zhao Changhe sipped his wine and looked up at her.

Sanniang said indifferently: "Among the slaves sold, there are strong men, maybe there are also martial arts masters, who are specially used for fighting beasts..."

Zhao Changhe nodded: "Understood, I'll go and have a look."

The two talked while drinking, and at this moment the pot of wine was exhausted, Zhao Changhe didn't refill, and left the counter with a sway: "Sanniang is also stingy, I bought you a drink, but you didn't even buy a peanut."

Sanniang jumped at his back and scolded: "I'm the seller! Why don't you say that you are stingy, and you don't even buy a plate of peanuts when you invite someone to drink!"

Before the words were finished, Zhao Changhe turned out of the house and went straight into the street.

Sanniang packed up the empty wine jug angrily, and suddenly a younger brother appeared beside her: "Sanniang, this person..."

"It doesn't matter who he is, as long as he is from Xia." Sanniang gritted her teeth, "I don't believe it anymore, they are all clever ghosts, trying to trick them into killing Wubalu, from Yue Hongling to Situ Xiao to Han Wu No one has taken the bait. This Wang is even more insidious, saying something here and there. I haven’t figured out what his real purpose is until now. I believe even if he said he came after us.”

"His surname may not be Wang."

"Isn't it okay to be a bastard?"

Xiao Er looked at her aggrieved: " surname is Wang too."

San Niang: "..."

Xiao Er sighed and said, "Fifth Master didn't say that he wanted to kill Ubalu, it's fine if you decide to kill yourself, the person you want to kill, the information is still sold for money. It's really not..."

"Is this shameless? A pig's head." Sanniang snorted, "They will question the information that was given for nothing, and they will think that the information that was bought with money is the information that they have worked so hard to get out, so they will not suspect that it is fake. What do you know?"

"I think you just want to make money. Be careful that Ubalu finds trouble with you first, and the fifth master is beyond his reach."

"I'm messing around here, when did I rely on Fifth Master?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Sanniang was very proud: "Anyway, the surname Wang went to the animal farm, there is always something to watch..."

"Wait." Another little girl ran in: "Sanniang, that Wang didn't go to the animal farm."

Sanniang's smile froze on her face: "Then where did he go?"

"He went out, out of the direction of the market..."

Sanniang was dumbfounded.

Over there, Zhao Changhe left Sanniang and walked slowly along the dimly lit foreign streets, like walking outside a market.

The surrounding environment is actually very exotic. If you travel here, it may be very interesting. Unfortunately, I don’t have the heart to see it at the moment, and my mind is full of things.

I didn't dare to communicate with Sanniang too deeply, so I could only say something here and there to prevent her from seeing the true meaning. Safety is safety, but there is a lack of a direct entry point for all the clues, and it takes a lot of thinking.

Sometimes Zhao Changhe is also a little tired of this kind of behavior. It has been like this since he rejected Tang Wanzhuang's brand at the beginning. But now, I also know that it is not a matter of the Zhenmensi brand, but that the strength is not in place.

Only with Xia Longyuan's strength can I care what you are doing, I'm watching monkeys. If you don't have that strength, you have to use your brain wherever you go, otherwise you won't know how to die.

In any case, the gains are actually great.

At least Zhao Changhe is 80% sure this time, where the missing team would be if they hadn't died.

If he was sold as a slave in the Colosseum, wouldn't he have to fight Ubalu? How to carry out this operation...Related to Sanniang's attitude towards Ubalu, she might wish to go there to do something by herself.

But unfortunately, I don't have to go, it's meaningless, because there is no way to save the slaves in the entire farm... The goal of the mission is to find that team.

The Qiao family's caravan came here to sell things-they passed the missing tribe of the team and headed north with empty cars.

There is a certain probability that there are "slaves" in their "empty cars". And this is the only way to enter the market. In order to prevent Qiao's family from looking for trouble, I have been watching at the window. No one of them entered at all, so it can be seen that the "goods" are still outside and have not been handed over.

Therefore, for the task Cui Yuanyong delivered, as long as the person is not dead, he will most likely be in the caravan at this time; Turning around, the entry point is the Qiao family caravan encountered on the road, no matter what, they have to go to visit at night.


PS: I'm sorry, sorry, it's late today, I've been stuck recently, and it's hard to write the beginning of the big story.

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