The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 274 The Days of Cohabitation with Hong Ling

Chapter 274 The Days of Cohabitation with Hong Ling


The clashing sound of fire knives and flint spread among the piles of rocks, sparks scattered little by little.

This is a very grueling job. It is actually very difficult to ignite the fire if there is no oil velvet and only dry grass. Zhao Changhe never thought that one day he would complain about Xia Longyuan from this aspect: You have ruled the world for so many fucking years, and you haven't even invented a lighter! The shame of the traversers!

But after thinking about it, it seems that the lighter will be finished in the water, it seems that it is not as good as a fire knife and flint... so I just continued to knock.

After finally lighting it up, Zhao Changhe ecstatically stuffed other dry firewood branches, and after a while, a warm bonfire took shape in the middle of the stone pile.

There was no wind in the space, and the fire was very stable. Zhao Changhe jumped up with joy, smiling like a child.

Yue Hongling was naked, poking her head out from behind a rock to look at him.

Zhao Changhe waved excitedly: "Your wet clothes can be dried!"

Shrinking his head back: "Don't come over!"

"Who cares so much?" Zhao Changhe ignored her, sat back by the campfire, and took out the new clothes in the package with a smile.

Originally, he planned to bake a suit for himself, but after he took out it, he remembered that he also bought a men's white suit for Yue Hongling, so he smiled and hung it aside to dry: "Blessed, you don't want to wear that red suit."

Yue Hongling was furious: "Zhao Changhe!"

Zhao Changhe looked at the sky.

Yue Hongling hid behind the stone and stared at him for a while, then smiled suddenly: "Yeah, I'm rotten, don't kiss me after you have the ability."

Zhao Changhe shrank immediately: "You are fragrant, fragrant."

"Hmph." He finally retracted his head.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

No one's space, quiet coast; the campfire is warm, separated by a stone.

She was naked and he knew it.

This cognition alone makes people unable to calm down. It seems that the heartbeats of both parties can be heard through the space, thump thump.

Zhao Changhe lowered his head to treat his wound, and after a while he suddenly said, "This should not be a sea, but a big lake."

Knowing that he was deliberately changing the subject, Yue Hongling still let out a "hmm", then leaned against the rock and laughed at herself.

What are you thinking, the self-reliance and self-reliance of being alone seems to have disappeared in this short period of time, as if he is not himself but him who has rich experience in the world, and he is like Cui Yuanyang at that time, who knows nothing.

In fact, Yue Hongling knew why Zhao Changhe thought this was a lake. Because the water is not salty, everyone's wounds were soaked in water without the feeling of being invaded by salt water. Not only is it not salt water, but it may be extremely pure, so pure that many elements are missing.

Drinking this kind of water may not be very beneficial, but it is not harmful. It is still no problem to replenish water, and it is no problem to clean the wound. This is what Zhao Changhe meant by saying this.

The two of them didn't say anything more, they cleaned the wound silently, and applied the medicine to bandage again.

Zhao Changhe moved a ball of fire to the edge of the rock, without poking his head: "Your."

Yue Hongling looked at the bonfire beside him, it was warm, just like him.

She bowed her head again and said "hmm" without saying anything.

Zhao Changhe returned to his bonfire, fiddled with the bonfire for a while, and unknowingly fell asleep leaning against the rock behind him.

He is so tired.

Yue Hongling looked at him silently for a while, and then slowly closed her eyes.


Early the next morning, Yue Hongling opened his eyes.

In fact, I don't know if it is early, because the sky cannot be seen here, and it is still dark, so it is impossible to judge the time.

The small bonfire next to him didn't know when it went out.

It's just that Yue Hongling, who has adapted to the darkness and recovered a lot of strength after a night's rest, his night vision ability is no longer comparable to last night. Except that she couldn't see too far, the pitch-black space was not too different from the daytime in her eyes.

I took a look at it for the first time, and I galloped to fight with my injuries. I was in a mess. Fortunately, the external injuries were not infected. After applying the medicine and resting for a night, I got better. The internal injuries were very troublesome, forty-one on the list, no Just kidding, this saber energy invaded the body, causing a mess, the meridians were severely damaged, almost destroying the dantian.

I took medicine last night, but it didn't seem to help. After finally resting overnight, he gathered some true energy, but almost all of it was dispersed and could not be formed.

Yue Hongling sighed, stopped looking inside, and stood up.

Looking down at my body, I realized that I was still naked... There is no wind or cold here, and I don't feel it...

Yue Hongling rubbed her head in shame. She really didn't have any sense of shame when she spent the night with a man like this. She slept soundly...was she too tired? But when I woke up, I still acted like a normal person, I didn't think of it at the first time...

She carefully poked her head out again, looking at the bonfire over there.

The bonfire has also become very small, and a small flame is faltering. Zhao Changhe still didn't wake up, leaned against the rock and fell into a deep sleep. You can see that he was still frowning in his sleep, curled up slightly, and looked very uncomfortable.

In the second half of yesterday, he was the only one holding on, and his overdraft far exceeded his own. It is estimated that he was not only injured and overdrafted, but also that the bloody backlash was about to start again... The man who stood upright shrank like a child .

After Yue Hongling carefully moved out the stone, she quietly stretched out her jade hand to grab the white men's clothes hanging aside, and shrank back with a "swish".

After a while, Yue Hongling, who was dressed in men's attire, turned out of the stone and looked angrily at Zhao Changhe who was sleeping soundly, his face was more ashamed and angry than when he was naked.

What kind of shit clothes did you buy here? From the right shoulder to the right hand, there is no cloth at all, and half of it is naked! Even the outer right hemisphere can be seen clearly outlined.

You just want to see me wear this?

Yue Hongling clenched his fist, ready to punch. The fist reached his cheek, but he finally stopped it with a "hum".

Looking back, the flames were really about to go out. Yue Hongling jumped up, and hastily gathered the nearby branches to add to the bonfire. Seeing the crumbling flame rekindle, Yue Hongling couldn't help smiling.

No wonder he smiled like a child yesterday, happiness is sometimes very simple.

I checked the package, and there was still dry food in the package, which was well wrapped in oiled paper, although it seemed to have been seeped a little, but overall it was fine.

So I took out the dry food and ate slowly with clear water, feeling happier.

After eating, I went to the lake to wash up. After thinking about it, I just jumped in and washed it viciously... Yue Hongling didn't know why he had to wash it. He said that he was not stained with dirt and was not dirty at all... In order to make him believe that he is not dirty after washing? Why let him believe, what are you going to do?

Yue Hongling didn't know, but she washed it naturally anyway, then put on the off-the-shoulder dress again, and walked back to the campfire along her hair.

I knew how long the woman spent washing and tossing, but after going back like this, Zhao Changhe didn't wake up, but curled up even more seriously, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he even let out a slight moan.

Yue Hongling's heart skipped a beat, and she stretched out her hand to try it on his forehead.

He had a fever, and it didn't stop. The saber energy raging in his body was cutting his internal organs into a mess. The evil spirit hidden in the blood seemed to be pulling, echoing, roaring, surging like a tide.

——He was not sleeping, he was in a coma at all.

Yue Hongling hurriedly found a wound medicine in the package and stuffed it into his mouth, but couldn't swallow it at all, and dropped it again.

Although Yue Hongling has rich experience in the world, he has always been alone. He has never experienced "taking care of patients", so he really didn't know how to make him swallow it, so he encountered difficulties for a while.

After thinking about it for a long time, he simply helped him up and leaned against his shoulder, then chewed the pills himself, lowered his head and fed them mouth to mouth into his mouth.

It's just like crossing the breath yesterday, it's normal and normal.

Oh, how dare you spit it out!

Tongue in!

Zhao Changhe, who was in a coma, finally received the nourishment of the medicine, the feeling of raging saber energy was slightly better, the meridians were nourished and maintained by the medicine, and the cool and refreshing feeling spread, and he finally woke up slowly.

Before I opened my eyes, I felt the softness in my mouth, and my lips and tongue were entangled.

She put her arms around her neck, feeling even more strange..., why do you feel the touch on your neck, your hands are still bare, and you haven't worn them yet?

In fact, Yue Hongling could sense his waking up, subconsciously held him tighter with his hands, and murmured indistinctly: "Don't move, sister will help you."

The zhenqi accumulated overnight was sent into his body again without reservation: "Lun Gong, don't think too much."

Zhao Changhe didn't speak, and leaned silently in her arms, using his kung fu to absorb the true energy and sort out the meridians.

The actual picture is that, in the darkness, the bonfire is warm, and the man is curled up in his sister's arms, kissing gently, panting and whispering.

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