The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 924 Two Days and Two Nights

Zhao Changhe found that the blind man really knew how to control his starry sky... Just two short sentences stirred up all his blood, boiling and surging, and his breathing became seven or eight points heavier.

Although both sides knew clearly that Zhao Changhe really wanted to achieve such a conquest, Ye Wuming also knew it very well.

Capturing and releasing her three times, and not stopping until the knife was on her neck, it contained a very strong meaning of conquest. But unfortunately, even if so many pre-emptive psychological warfare was fought, Ye Wuming's strength was there, and she could not be easily defeated after all. After all the tricks, they only achieved a lose-lose situation... Fortunately, on the surface, at least the knife was really on the neck.

It seems that both sides want only the symbolic meaning brought by such a scene. Being able to smash many things and pull the high-ranking Ye Wuming off the altar is enough for Zhao Changhe.

But it was not a real conquest after all.

Ye Wuming knew what he wanted, so he "gave it to you".

——Only if I take the initiative to give it to you, can you achieve what you want, otherwise you will never be able to do it.

It is still her pride, but the effect is too lustful. Especially when she said this, her almond eyes were hazy and her face was shy. Even if she was a man, she would not bother to distinguish whether it was given by you or achieved by me. In an instant, hell roared and penetrated the netherworld.

Ye Wuming groaned and slightly raised his neck, and her slender hands scratched deep blood marks on his back.

She was much colder than normal people, so that she was not satisfied after tossing for so long. Zhao Changhe's uncontrollable blow was as effective as using force, causing some pain to both parties.

The air stagnated for a moment, and even breathing stagnated in the silent space.

After a long while, Zhao Changhe whispered: "You... why are you willing to say that?"

Ye Wuming responded: "You have traveled all your life just for this moment... So have you let it go now? All obsessions and desires."

Zhao Changhe did not speak.

Ye Wuming said again: "At this moment, using force as a punishment... Is it also the evil thought that often arises in your heart, but you don't dare to do it because you feel that it is bad for your character?"

She understood too well.

After all, she was the woman who watched him from youth to growth from beginning to end.

"Then you don't have to endure it." Ye Wuming closed his eyes again and whispered: "How long do you plan to stand there like this?"

Zhao Changhe didn't know for a moment whether he was forcing her, or was being dominated by the stinky blind man again.

Anyway, as long as he is a man, he can't think carefully at this time. You want to dominate, right... Let me show you how to mess with you!

Ye Wuming paid a painful price for his dominant behavior.

The pretentious words still echoed in the clouds, and soon he could no longer say a complete sentence, leaving only his lost eyes looking at the sky. The stars across the world were hazy, and the black spots on them didn't look like jade rabbits, but like a mocking squinting expression.

I thought this thing was just like that. I had experienced it when I shared perception with Ye Jiuyou before. Later, when I split my soul, the feeling of soul fusion was even stronger. The reason why I was willing to let him do this once was actually related to being used to it. It felt like that, and I felt like I should just let him do it, so as to avoid endless...

As a result, it was different when I experienced it in my own body.

Is it the same whether other people's things are really in your body like this or that!

I gave myself an excuse that my soul was powerless before and let him flirt with me. In my heart, I felt that "I let you do it" and "as long as I want to resist, there are ways to deal with you." However, at this moment, although I was clearly full of power, I still felt like a small boat in the stormy waves, swaying and letting him do whatever he wanted, so weak that I had no room for resistance.

For the other side who could even blow up huge stars with one punch, I never cared about the size difference between the two sides in the past, but at this moment, it seemed so prominent. Under his majestic body, her delicate body was suppressed and ravaged. She had never felt the suffocation and conquest so clearly.

Ye Wuming instinctively wanted to escape. She put her hands on his shoulders and tried to push him away, but it was like pushing a wall.

Then he grabbed her wrists together, pressed them on her head, and lowered his head to kiss her, blocking her unconscious whimpering.

All the struggles were like providing play fun. He didn't seem to feel that he really wanted to struggle, and he declared to suppress it casually without intending to.

In a daze, she was thinking that it was meaningless to say anything. When he was doing this, he was conquering, which was more obvious than a knife on his neck.


It seemed to have succeeded.

The strong arms picked her up and turned her over. Ye Wuming instinctively knelt in the clouds, and when he realized how humiliating this posture was, he was full again.

Ye Wuming couldn't even support himself with his palms, so he had to support himself with his upper arms, his head buried deep in his arms, covering up the low moan that he couldn't suppress.

She didn't even have the right to retreat a little bit... His hand grabbed her hair and pulled it back, and she instinctively raised her head.

All over her body, all thoughts, no longer belonged to her.

So once you really do it, it's like this...

This is not over yet. When he started to practice the dual cultivation method, Ye Wuming realized how shallow his understanding from paper was.

He clearly knew that the Extreme Bliss Method could promote extreme bliss, and he had helped him complete part of the core of the method... But until he experienced it himself, he knew what it meant to promote it with this thing.

That can really make people even disperse the last bit of muddled thoughts, leaving only instincts to respond to the operation of the skills, and under his leadership, they will live or die.


The small world does not know the sun and the moon, and Ye Wuming cannot count how many storms he has experienced. After all, there will be a time when the rain stops and the clouds disperse.

Ye Wuming lay in the clouds and looked at the stars outside the world absent-mindedly. His lost thoughts rested for a long time before slowly returning.

There was an arm on his neck, which was very comfortable.

She turned her head slowly with some difficulty and looked at the man's profile. The man also turned his head to look at her at this time. The two looked at each other, and Ye Wuming subconsciously avoided his gaze.

Zhao Changhe laughed, stretched out his hand to hold her chin and turned it back, and Ye Wuming glared at her.

Zhao Changhe looked gentle and whispered: "I finally... got you."

Ye Wuming's angry eyes slowly melted, and his eyes sparkled, and his true meaning could not be seen.

This is a sentence that should have been said when entering, but it happened afterwards.

If there was still a sense of trying to dominate beforehand, "What you want is what I give you" "I'm being fucked by a dog", then it seems that I can no longer tell myself so confidently now.

Until now, I still covet his shoulders and don't want to leave... He really got it, no excuse.

When I shook people from the earth, I never thought that one day I would be completely possessed by this man... It's really embarrassing.

Ye Wuming gritted his teeth and tried to sit up: "The affairs of men and women, I know today... That's it."

"Ha..." Zhao Changhe hugged her shoulders and fixed her in the shoulder socket to prevent her from getting up: "You say, the spine of the book of heaven, is it your mouth?"

Ye Wuming: "?"

Zhao Changhe continued: "Throw it all away and burn it, leaving only the seams of the spine, the mouth is the hardest in the whole body."

Ye Wuming turned around angrily.

Zhao Changhe hugged her from behind, gently stroking her smooth belly, and whispered: "I will continue to complete the betrothal gift for you."

Ye Wuming pursed his lips: "You can default on it."

That thing was originally a step. When you say "I do", the step no longer has any real meaning, whether it is completed or not.

If you fall in love, you fall in love... I can't figure out when it was born. It's just that under his constant offensive and various assists, she gradually fell unconsciously.

Maybe the two sisters are very close...all because there has never been a man who wants to get you so relentlessly and regards you as the ultimate meaning. So from the moment she lifted the veil in the illusion of Po Xun, she began to flee, fleeing because of the feeling of panic.

Since she was panicked here, the ending was already doomed.

Zhao Changhe said: "Since you proposed, I will definitely do it."

Ye Wuming turned his head again and looked into his eyes.

Zhao Changhe said: "Besides, what you gave me is not just a conquest."

The double cultivation when Ye Jiuyou had not yet reached the other shore could help Zhao Changhe reach the other shore, and that was not the Red Pill. Ye Wuming was both the other shore and the Red Pill. The benefits brought by this double cultivation were immeasurable. At least Zhao Changhe felt that if he went back to fight Luochuan again, he could smash his head alone.

There was obviously still a distance to the next level, but with a direction, it was only a matter of time. Zhao Changhe had never been so confident as he was at this moment.

He finally sat up and started to dress.

Ye Wuming pursed his lips again.

Afterwards, the man dressed beside him as if nothing had happened... This feeling was even more humiliating than the process of being played with.

After all, he would hug others tenderly and rest, but he didn't say a few words to me, and he was too lazy to deal with it. It meant that he would pull up his pants and leave after playing, which made people feel uncomfortable.

As if he felt her gaze, Zhao Changhe turned back and smiled: "Your eyes..."

Ye Wuming had no expression on her face. What kind of eyes do I have?

"You are actually resentful."


Zhao Changhe smiled and leaned over, kissing her eyelids gently: "This look is worth the price."

Ye Wuming pushed Zhao Changhe away in a rage, sat up, and didn't even bother to cover her clothes: "You have torn my veil, what's the point of saying this now... I just have feelings for you, I am resentful, are you satisfied?"

The little style with some laziness and coquettishness made Zhao Changhe stare at it.

He didn't say anything, took out a piece of silk from the ring, and carefully wiped it for Ye Wuming.

Ye Wuming was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became strange.

You finally didn't use me to wipe it, but helped me wipe it instead?

This feeling is really weird.

Zhao Changhe wiped it for a while, and finally said: "I was in a hurry to get up, not because I don't want to spend more time with you... but you know the situation at the moment, we have been doing it for two days and two nights..."

"Huh?" Ye Wuming sat up straight: "How long?"

"Two days and two nights." Zhao Changhe also turned his head away a little embarrassedly: "I can't help it, you are too tempting."

In fact, the dual cultivation of the other side requires a long time, and it can't be stopped at will... But Ye Wuming believes that his body is really so tempting to Zhao Changhe, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

No wonder he is weak all over now, two days and two nights, you are really...

What is the situation now... Luochuan is not dead yet, and the reactions of all parties in the Wanxiang Star Region are unpredictable. Before, he only took the book away for a short time and was still in the star region. At this time, he might have been found by the Dead Wood Emperor.

Zhao Changhe really couldn't continue to hold Xiangxiang's soft body and continue to be affectionate, otherwise his house would be stolen. Ye Wuming was even more nervous than he was. He stood up and spun lightly. The black silk clothes that had been torn aside before were once again covered with him. The two of them floated into the air and disappeared in an instant.


In the Heavenly Book Realm, the situation was not as tense as the two of them imagined.

After all, Luo Chuan was injured and sealed in the Galaxy Sword. If there was no interference, he might be able to break out soon, but Ye Jiuyou was not a vegetarian.

We are both on the other side, even if our cultivation is not as good as Luo Chuan's, there is still no problem in sealing the injured soul inside for a few days. What's more, with the help of Piaomiao and Sixiang, even Luochuan in his prime can stand here for a while...

For Ye Jiuyou, it would actually be better if Luo Chuan could not die... Her hatred for Luo Chuan has been engraved in her bones, and she wants to lock his soul in the sword forever and roast it every day.

She was confident that it would be no problem to torture her for at least ten and a half days. When her husband takes care of Ye Wuming and comes back, his practice must have improved. Then we will see if he can make Luo Chuan's soul disappear.

But the premise is that there should be no interference from outsiders... Once outsiders cause trouble, it will inevitably be stretched.

In fact, things started happening in the three forbidden areas of the Vientiane Star Territory that very day...

At the time of the incident, something happened suddenly. Emperor Kumu and the other two forbidden areas were restraining each other. No one dared to move rashly. As a result, Ye Jiuyou ran away with the book and was unable to catch up at the first time.

But people can communicate.

"Brother Kumu, do you mean that you are intercepting us on behalf of the unknown Dragon Crossing the River and preventing us from intervening in their battle with Luochuan?" an old man with an imperial crown asked Emperor Kumu in a deep voice.

Emperor Kumu smiled slightly: "I didn't say anything. You two didn't dare to come forward, so what does it have to do with me? Having said that, the Luochuan demon disciples are raging in the Star Territory, and everyone can kill them. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone do it for them? Again? Why bother?"

Another person sneered: "Why speak so grandly? Brother Dao is arrayed with stars. I am afraid that not only Luochuan will be trapped, but also those people... Brother Tao also has the idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight. Once both sides lose, You have your own peaches to pick. But Brother Dao himself may not have imagined that they are so strong that they actually destroyed your formation of stars in a battle between the two sides. They defeated Luo Chuan and were able to escape from our prying eyes..."

Emperor Kumu's smile remained unchanged: "Although they defeated Luochuan, they themselves were scarred and consumed a lot, which is all visible. There are no stars arrayed now, why don't you two chase after him?"

Both of them looked at Emperor Kumu coldly and said nothing.

Let us chase you, will you pick our peaches again?

Having said that, Emperor Kumu and these foreigners obviously have a certain degree of allyship, and they have not broken up with each other, so there is the possibility of subsequent cooperation. The three emperors of the Vientiane Star Territory have been standing together for many years. This time, there is such a new force on Deadwood's side for no reason. What should the two of them do?

Should we take advantage of that group of people to escape at this moment and work together to kill the dead tree emperor first?

Thinking of this, both of them looked a little malicious.

Emperor Kumu knew what they were thinking. He shook his head and said: "The alliance between me and that fellow Taoist is limited to dealing with Luochuan. Since Luochuan has been defeated, other matters should be discussed separately. The origin of this group of people is unknown. The strong man Countless, there are only three people on the other side. You are afraid that I will cooperate with them to deal with you. Why am I not afraid that they will liquidate me and dominate this area after all? "

The two looked at each other and said, "So what does Taoist Brother Kumu mean?"

"The three families of you and I once made an alliance to deal with the devil together. Why can't we cooperate again now?" Emperor Kumu said: "I think some of their treasures are extremely miraculous. The book and the sword are towering to the heaven and earth. Aren't you two moved? Now they and Luochuan are both in trouble, and if they are no longer at their peak, if we can cooperate sincerely, we can defeat them in one fell swoop."

After all, they are old friends who know the ins and outs. Although they have had frictions for thousands of years, the possibility of cooperation when facing enemies from outside the territory is far greater than others. The three emperors did not argue too much, and the cooperation was established almost naturally.

After all, that book and sword are really tempting. Interference by outsiders in the Star Territory is definitely not what they want to see.

When the three emperors want to follow the fighting atmosphere just now to find the escaping Book of Heaven, it is really not that difficult. It only took a day and a night to be found by an emperor first.

However, their so-called "sincere cooperation" went wrong on the first day.

Looking at the pages of the book that were quietly opening and closing in the void, exuding the extremely pure aura of the avenue, the emperor's eyes changed.

The distance during the battle was so far away that I didn't feel it so clearly... What a top-notch treasure this is!

As for the treasures that can be obtained after defeating this group of people, there are three levels of treasures. I am afraid that nothing can compare with this book. Counting one book and one sword, there are only two pieces. How can the three of them divide it?

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