The Bookish Scholar of the Red Mansion

Chapter 309 The answers lie in Qing Shi

Shi Ding's men arrived very quickly, unlike Chen Heng who arrived in a hurry with a bit of embarrassment. The moment when the neat queue came with roaring footsteps and stopped hundreds of steps away. Shi Ding looked at the strange chaos happening in the village and couldn't help but express the joy of a wild cat seeing a field mouse.

When the wind blows, there is the rustle of flags behind them. Shi Ding lowered his reins, drove his horse forward two steps, and continued to look at the group of insects in the distance. A man who looked like an officer was pulling out the civilians who were huddled under the arrow stack one by one.

The distance was a bit far, and Shi Ding couldn't hear what the other party was calling. Judging from the exaggerated body and demeanor of the other party, it was obvious that what he said was not pleasant.

But is this useful? Shi Ding raised his eyebrows and raised his left hand holding the riding crop slightly, and the sound of armored soldiers sitting on the ground came from behind.

The black armor is like clouds and the sound is like thunder. The flags are flying, covering the sky and the sun.

Such a scene is far more effective than shouting a few kills in front of the formation. Full of confidence in his heart, Shi Ding nodded towards Lang Wei beside him. In the blink of an eye, the cry of camp here spread throughout the army amid the galloping horses.

Fuck, fuck.

Wang Er looked at the city wall and cursed. He had been in the military camp, and he could feel Shi Ding's contempt for him. The two armies were fighting in front of the battlefield, and the other side dared to set up a pot to cook rice. This is because he has determined that he has no reliable soldiers to launch a surprise attack.

Wang Er shouted several curses at the top of his lungs, turned around, ran to the military drum, and kicked away the guarding men. He took out the wooden stick from the shelf and beat the military drum angrily.

The sound of such drums was still scary. The rebels who had just prepared to deal with the camp gate and food subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the village gate. In their sight, with the blackened mountain stronghold in the distance as the view, their general was riding a horse, swaying leisurely towards them.

It is said that the bravery of a general is the strength of a soldier. Seeing Shi Ding's appearance, the soldiers calmed down and then continued with the matter at hand.



Sir, let me take someone to charge for once. Angry Wang Er ran to Chen Heng stubbornly and started chattering, The way I looked on the tower before, people named Shi must be arrogant. Why not take advantage of them? The foothold is not yet stable, so I will lead the troops from a humble position, kill a few people and come back, which will also boost our morale.

The so-called Yiqi Hall has been changed into a temporary military aircraft office. Listening to Wang Er's angry shouting, all the civil servants sitting in the row showed different expressions. There is nervousness, trepidation, and fear of the unknown.

Chen Heng knew Wang Er's good intentions, and also knew that what the other party said might have some truth to it. But as soon as he thought about it in his heart, he directly rejected Wang Er's proposal.

Before Lu Yingxiong left, he left hundreds of people behind, all of whom were Chen Heng's pet peeves. Let them go out to kill the enemy, and maybe they can come back with some heads. Once it is folded inside, the consequences will directly lead to a collapse of the city defense battle.

Compared with the illusory morale, Chen Heng was really unwilling to take this risk. He has a different vision from Wang Er, who cares more about the immediate gains and losses. Chen Heng's eyes are on a more distant future.

Even though Shi Ding is calm and relaxed now, and the old god is around, time is actually on his side. As long as you drag it on, the enemy will naturally be in chaos. Now that the rebels' eastward march to Lu Di has been blocked, there's no harm in being a coward for a while. It's a completely profitable business.

Seeing that he couldn't convince Chen Heng no matter what, Wang Er couldn't help stamping his feet in anger. I deeply felt that my talents were delayed by Chen Heng, a weak scholar.

Wang Er can lose his temper or walk away. But Chen Heng had to chase Wang Er and shout: Let the militiamen eat early, be careful they attack the door at night.

What the hell. Wang Er muttered at the door as he walked out of the lobby. As long as it is not a confused general, who would choose the strategy of night attack. Under the dark light, when the army is charging, if there is an accident, more soldiers may be trampled to death than those killed in the battle.

Before the war started, a group of civil servants witnessed a small dispute, which made these people even more uneasy about their situation. Chen Heng knew that they couldn't help him for the time being, so he didn't want to waste any time.

After properly seeing off his colleagues, Chen Heng encouraged himself secretly in his heart, hurriedly found a soft couch to lie down on, and began to close his eyes and rest.

He had an intuition that tonight and the next two days would be the most difficult time for the village. As long as we get through these few days, everyone's life will be much easier.

After sleeping for more than an hour, Xinda came over to wake Chen Heng up. I saw that the tables and chairs in the lobby were all dyed red by the sunset. Chen Heng took the noodles handed over by Xinda, took a few bites, and rushed to the village building.

On the way, he asked Xinda about the situation in the army, and the latter answered briefly. When Chen Heng climbed up to the village tower, he saw Wang Er patrolling meticulously. In front of a crowd of nervous and frightened militiamen, coupled with Chen Heng's smiling face, Wang Er didn't even change his face.

Chen Heng did not want to interfere in the other party's affairs. He only found a few places for crossbows and began to greet the strong men guarding them. The evening breeze in the mountains is obviously cool.

The militiamen were somewhat flattered by being cared for. After a few simple words, the details of the family were revealed. When Chen Heng heard that the other party was from Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, he felt a little happy and uneasy in his heart.

Be smart when defending the city. When we return to Huating County, I will allocate two acres of land to your family, and then I will give you a fat wife. Chen Heng patted Zhuang Dabao on the shoulder.

Naturally, Zhuang Dabao would not doubt what this Master Qingtian said. His face turned slightly red, but he nodded simply. Thank...Thank you, sir.

Chen Heng tried his best to show a relaxed smile and walked towards the next civilian husband.

Wang Er watched clearly from the side. He knew Chen Heng's intention, and he didn't know what he was mumbling. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

It's going to be night soon.



At the end of the ugly hour the next day, the torches in the village tower were still flickering. The weak light can only illuminate the field of vision within a few feet. Chen Heng, who replaced Wang Er on inspection, forced himself to hold up his sleepy eyelids.

This is the sleepiest moment of the day, and the sky is already faintly white. Seeing that Shi Ding didn't move all night, Chen Heng, who felt relieved, raised his hands and rubbed his face again. Just hold on for another half hour and it will be time to switch defenses.

Xinda, who also stayed up all night, had already begun to think about the breakfast style for a while. As for the militiamen who had become monks halfway up the village, they didn't know where their thoughts were going. If Chen Heng hadn't been watching with red eyes, these people might have fallen asleep.

In an environment where everything is silent, it is always easy to feel sleepy. Just as everyone was eagerly anticipating a change of defense, the roar of military drums suddenly came from the camp in the distance.

Thunder? Thunder?

The civilian husband, who had been dozing off just now, opened his sleepy eyes and kept shouting.

Chen Heng was so anxious that he pushed Xinda and shouted angrily at him: Go and call Wang Er.

Xinda, who had just woken up from a dream, turned around and took a step forward. From the village gate opened in the distance, groups of soldiers wearing black armor rushed out.


The shouts of death can wake people up far better than the military drums, and Wang Er in his sleep doesn't even need Xinda to make a trip. He had already run out of the house with his saber and rushed upstairs to the village building. He was still shouting as he ran. Full draw the bow, shoot the arrow. Shoot the arrow!!

It was his constant shouting that woke up the frightened militiamen, who knew what they should do at this moment. After a sparse rain of arrows, Wang Er's footsteps had already stepped on the village tower.

I'm so scared. Can they fly? Or can they chop down the village building with one knife? Wang Er took out the command flag on his waist and continued to shout, Fu Gong!!

After about two breaths, Wang Er waved his flag again and again.


This time the arrow rain was much louder, and the mountain road in front of Qingfeng Village was crowded and narrow. The militiamen who had just finished shooting arrows could immediately see the enemy soldiers falling to the ground.

Screams? At this time, no screams could be heard.

Full draw the bow...

Wang Er, who took over the overall situation, walked quickly to Chen Heng's side while repeating military orders. He raised his hand and pushed him, and said angrily: Can you shoot arrows? Or can you kill people? If you are going to die, I will still keep you alive. Take the adults down immediately.

The soldiers left by Lu Yingxiong obeyed Wang Er's orders more than Chen Heng's words. Before Chen Heng could argue, two muscular officers and soldiers took Chen Heng's arms and ran down the village building.

That is to say, they walked quickly and people just got down. The enemy's first wave of arrows also flew over.

As soon as the guards on both sides heard the harsh sound of breaking through the air, they immediately protected Chen Heng under their bodies. Chen Heng, who was still a little dazed, only heard a muffled sound coming from his body. Before he could react, the officer and soldier who was still alive grabbed the adult and continued running.

Chen Heng, who was walking forward in embarrassment, turned around hastily and could only see the panicked Xinda and the guard who fell to the ground with several arrows in his body.

Everything happened so suddenly. After Chen Heng returned to Yiqi Hall, he had enough energy to recall the thrill just now. The rapid breathing did not slow down because of the escape, and the chilly lingering fear crawled along the spine like a centipede.

The dense feeling is like the tentacles of a centipede gently touching the skin.

Such hindsight is even more frightening and frightening.



When Shui Rong arrived with a large force to join them, the half-day battle had just ended. He and Shi Ding stood together, looking around at the remains of mutilated bodies.

Shui Rong was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask: Who is inside?

Behind the two men stood all military generals. Feng Ziying, Wei Ruolan and others are here, as are Mao Daqing and others. It's just that the distance between the two groups of people is a bit large, and the gap between them can be clearly seen.

Shi Ding was too lazy to pay attention to the quarrel among his subordinates, and just hummed to Shui Rong: Who else could it be? That boy named Chen.

Shui Rong suddenly became interested. He still remembered Shi Ding's purpose of setting off early, just to seize military supplies from the rear before reinforcements arrived. After asking for a few words, Shui Rong nodded noncommittally, somewhat aware of Chen Heng's agility.

When Shi Ding saw him like this, he became angry and complained directly: I told you not to be merciful. I killed him directly in the military camp at that time. I don't know how much trouble I will save now.

Shui Rong didn't want to argue over old things, so he thought of it rather mockingly in his heart. Rebellion, rebellion. What was created was a man, a soldier, and even more a scholar.

It is said that if a scholar rebels, it will take ten years. But on the way to rebellion, there will be no scholars to join. Then its great cause will definitely not be successful.

If An Lushan hadn't killed more than thirty members of the Yan family back then, how could he have attracted all the famous noble families in the world to attack him? Compared with the energy at hand of scholars, today's common people are just a bunch of people who fill up the numbers and try to gain a good reputation.

As a general in charge of the army, Shi Ding could act on his own initiative, or he could just fight and kill. But Shui Rong is the one who wants to be the emperor, and his considerations must be more comprehensive and detailed than Shi Ding's.

Who should be killed and who should be treated with courtesy. Who should be left and when should they be killed? Shui Rong, who has been immersed in power and tactics all year round, has a clear idea in his mind.

Shui Rong thought for a while and realized that it was of little significance to discuss this with Shi Ding, so he simply focused on the result.

Didn't you beat him down?

Speaking of this, Shi Ding became even more angry. Idiots like Mao Daqing have no ability to lead an army and set up camp. The location selection of Qingfeng Village and the defense layout of the camp were all arranged secretly by Shi Ding.

If you don't choose a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, how can you withstand the attack of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers? How to wear down those disobedient diehards in the army in tough battles?

The people who have been suppressing bandits till now are those who died in the early battles. It was people like Feng Ziying and Wei Ruolan who contacted each other privately and confirmed that the other party could not be used for their own purposes.

Two days at most. Shi Ding gave his own judgment.

Shui Rong frowned upon hearing this, knowing that this opportunity was not to be missed. Now that the morale of the military is not stable, everyone is willing to cooperate, but who knows whether it is an expedient measure?

If you can have a smooth journey, you don't have to worry about whether others are really surrendering or pretending to surrender. But once there is a slight setback, the hidden contradictions will inevitably burst out, causing endless chaos.

Fortunately, Shi Ding is also a man who knows soldiers. He waved his hand directly and said: Take the people to meet Fatty Feng first, and then go to Yunguang to wait for me.

Shui Rong estimated the time in his mind, stretched out his hand and gestured: Five days, I can only give you five days.

Is it a copycat that he made by himself? Shi Ding hesitated for a moment and said: Three days are enough. If we really can't deal with him, we will just stand in the way. Leave some people here to block them, and we will form an ambush.

Turn many bad things into good things. Shi Ding's talent allowed him to come up with convincing strategies in an instant.

Shui Rong took a deep look at Shi Ding and stopped talking. He just ordered people to go down and order the soldiers to rest first.

It was lunch time, and the militiamen on the village tower in the distance were also working hard to repair various places. When the shouts of killing stopped, Chen Heng hurriedly led a group of civil servants and ran out. They were of no help during the war. When arranging logistics, everyone was very handy.

Half a day's attack and defense can be regarded as a complete wake-up call for most people. At this moment, everyone is a slave on a ship. If this ship capsizes, the people on board will have no other way out except turning into bandits.

Fortunately, although the militiamen are not strong enough in combat, they can take care of military supplies, military doctors and others. Taking advantage of the gap, Chen Heng hurriedly approached Wang Er and asked about the general situation of casualties.

Hey. Wang Er said nothing, and Chen Heng fell silent with just this sigh.

The latter stood under the tall village building, looking at the mess and groans inside and outside the village. He didn't have the reaction of vomiting when he saw a dead body in his previous life book. His face just changed slightly, and he forced himself to calm down, not allowing himself to show his timidity in public.

I'll listen to you on how to fight. Just tell me what you need me to do. Chen Heng only left these two sentences.

Wang Er didn't have any idea that a scholar will die for his confidant, he was just making ends meet. If I could study and take the imperial examination, how could I do the hard work of wearing a belt around my head?

If the fight continues like this, we will only fight for a day or two at most. Wang Er said frankly.

In half a day's attack and defense, the militiamen suffered heavy casualties. But after all, they were the ones defending the city, and they had Wang Er's command and control. It was an unexpected blessing that only a few thousand people died.

But the difficulty lies in if Shi Ding keeps fighting so fiercely. Not to mention how many arrows, swords and guns there are, these untrained civilians will not be able to hold on.

No, at most one day. Chen Heng asserted, At most one day, they will have to leave a group of people. At most two days, they will slow down their offensive.

Wang Er didn't know where Chen Heng's basis for judgment came from. At present, tens of thousands of enemy reinforcements are coming. If the mountain road is not narrow, these thieves can only go forward one after another and barely hold on for half a day. Really put it in counties and small towns all over the world. Just a few charges from the opponent would disfigure everyone.

Downstairs in the village, the crisp sound of horse hooves suddenly came. After hearing several calls, Chen Heng, who originally wanted to explain, had to stick his head out with Wang Er.

At some point, Shui Rong and several guards stood far away from the range of the arrows and shouted to them: Is Mr. Chen here?

Because several soldiers shouted at the same time, when the sound reached the ears, it was still clearly audible.

Chen Heng and Wang Er looked at each other, and then called a few officers and soldiers to follow the same pattern.

Master Chen, our prince loves talents so much! As long as you open the door and surrender, the lives of all of you will be saved. There are even high-ranking officials and generous salaries waiting for you...

It's really strange. Why don't I give up my official career and come here to be a dog-headed military advisor? Chen Heng ordered several officers and soldiers to shout back.

As an official of the imperial court, if you don't want to serve the country and govern the people, how can you surrender to the enemy? People are divided into groups, and things are gathered together. How can a seven-foot-old man be a gangster who forgets his ancestors?!

This is the bad thing about arguing with cultural people. Shui Rong thought strangely and whispered to the guard again.

Lord Chen, you don't know something. We followed the prince to fight against rebellion and went to the capital to serve the king. It is to bring order to the chaos, and we are actually the masters of justice. This is the righteousness of the world and what the people want.

What a bunch of shameless scum, and they all talk about the rebellion in such a high-sounding way. Why don't you think about your elders at home, and the people's wealth that you eat every day? Now that His Majesty has been in office for more than 20 years, he has opened up liberal arts, established officialdom, defended against foreign enemies, and connected with Nanyang. . It is to re-create a peaceful and prosperous age and benefit the people of the world. I don’t know what kind of chaos you have caused, and what kind of king you are because of diligence.

We have the will of the Supreme Emperor in our hands. If your Majesty is really virtuous, why should the son not tolerate his father? Why is there this edict on clothes and belts?

The affairs of the Tian family are decided by the clan. Da Zongzheng didn't say anything, but you are anxious. I have never heard of father and son being suspicious and outsiders commenting. It is simply ridiculous and makes people laugh.

The affairs of the Heavenly Family are the affairs of the world, and the affairs of hundreds of millions of people in the world...

Surnamed Shui, my lord said. If you are a good man, tell me clearly the reason for your rebellion. When we meet again in the future, we will be less contemptuous. If you still say some grandiose words, our lord will give the order to shoot arrows.

After shouting, Chen Heng looked at him. Shui Rong in the distance whispered to the guard before turning his horse's head back to camp.

Soon, the remaining guards continued to shout.

Master Chen, you are also very knowledgeable. But you still remember Liu Bang, the King of Han!!

How could Chen Heng not know about this Han Emperor? As soon as he thought about it, the other party's famous words popped into his head.

Anyone who is not the Liu family but is a king will be attacked by the whole world.

The shouts of the people below continued, and Chen Heng was so dazed that he didn't hear them all. He may understand the difficulties of a king with a different surname, but he thinks it's all bullshit.

What a name for righteousness, what a fool's camp. You can't escape the four words of glory, wealth and honor.

Chen Heng sighed and didn't want to think about it anymore. The two parties simply have different paths and are not seeking each other. He turned down and went down to the village building, and then went to the rear to arrange various affairs.

In the afternoon, another turbulent battle came. This time Chen Heng learned his lesson and hid directly in Qingfeng Village, listening to the shouts of killing outside.

Moments like this are the most difficult. Because no one knows whether the person who opens the door and rushes in is one of his own or an enemy with a knife.

All Chen Heng could do was wait.

Until the sunset filled the sky again, and the shouts of death outside gradually disappeared. Wang Er, who was covered in blood, staggered into the lobby and said to Chen Heng: The water is gone.

When Chen Heng heard this, the ecstasy that had just surged in his chest was extinguished by the second half of Wang Er's sentence.

The one with the surname Shi is still there.

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