The Boss Is So Fierce

Chapter 141: watch jokes

"Trash! Still use me to teach you how to do things? Get out of the company if you can't do it!"

Qin Jiayuan pushed the document on the table and swept it directly on the assistant's face.

There was a slight stinging pain as the edge of the finely shredded paper scratched.

The assistant quickly lowered his head, "I'm sorry Director Qin, I'll deal with it now."

As soon as I closed the door, my eyes instantly turned red, and I couldn't hold back my tears.

"Ah, it looks like I'm not here at the right time."

Qin Jiayin leaned on the window sill, folded her arms in front of her chest, and looked at this side with a half-smile.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, then quickly put on a respectful expression and said, "Manager Qin, are you here to find Director Qin?"

Qin Jiayin said with regret: "Although I really want to see her expression now, unfortunately, I can't see it."

Knowing that she was here to gloat, it was strange that Qin Jiayuan was willing to see her.

However, that didn't stop her from being happy.

"I'm here to send a message to tell you, Director Qin, that a meeting will be held in half an hour, and let her... prepare well."

After speaking, he stepped on high heels and left happily.

The assistant entered the office again resignedly, and passed the meeting notice to Qin Jiayuan.

"Bitch!" Qin Jiayuan grabbed the thing in her hand and threw it out, "Ahhh! She came to see my joke on purpose!"

The assistant lowered his head and dared not answer.


The matter on Weibo was in full swing, Tang Zhi only glanced at it briefly, and then stopped paying attention.

After a trip to the company, I returned to the Tang family villa.

Professor Tang and Li Wanyi were taking care of Mrs. Tang in the hospital tonight, so when they returned to the villa, only Tang Qian was at home.

"Big brother."

Tang Zhi said hello, poured himself a glass of water, and sat opposite him.

Tang Qian put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at her: "Are you tired last night?"

"No, it's all Aunt Luo taking care of grandma, and I'm just by the side."

Besides, she has already rested, so she is in good spirits at the moment.

Tang Zhi paused and asked, "Grandpa left such a will, has the uncle's family bothered you recently?"

Tang Qian stopped and looked at her: "What news have you heard recently?"


She just knew their temperaments well.

Regardless of Tang Shizong or Tang Rui, I am afraid they will not be reconciled.

Selling shares should only be one of their means.

She has an average relationship with Tang Rui, but she has also dealt with him. With his temper, she will not let others get what she can't get.

Tang Qian reached out and brushed off the ash, and Tang Zhi noticed that he was smoking.

Tang Qian is an extremely self-disciplined person, and his living habits have always been healthy. Except for the necessary entertainment, he is rarely seen smoking or drinking.

Grandpa's will not only dissatisfied the uncle and the others, but also put a lot of pressure on the elder brother?

Just as he was about to say something, Tang Qian's phone rang.

As soon as he picked it up, Tang Qian's face sank instantly, "I'm going over now."

Tang Qian got up quickly, picked up the jacket on the sofa, and said to Tang Zhi: "Something happened, I'll deal with it now, you rest early."

"Very serious?"

Tang Qian paused and said calmly, "It's okay."

Tang Zhi nodded slightly, "Then eldest brother, let's go to work first."

In recent years, Tang Qian has held important positions, and it is very common to encounter urgent matters, and there are many cases of receiving a call in the middle of the night to go out, so the family is used to it.

But Tang Zhi didn't expect that this time he went out, but Tang Qian almost lost his life.

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