The Boss Is So Fierce

Chapter 221: underestimate him

Licking his lips, a bloodthirsty cold light flashed across his eyes.

In the empty room, a bell rang.

He Shaoliang answered the phone unhurriedly, "What is Mr. Shu looking for from me?"

The voice on the other end of the phone chuckled, "Boss He has done me a big favor. Anyway, I should make a special call to thank you."

"Our sincerity has already been sent, and please ask Boss He to check it."

He Shaoliang's eyes sank, "If Mr. Shu is really sincere, he might as well confess his identity to me. This will also benefit our future cooperation, right?"

The opposite chuckled, "Curiosity is not a good thing. Just like this, we are not very happy to work together, why should we care about those things that we shouldn't care about."

"Boss He, are you right?"

He Shaoliang sneered: "I think Mr. Shu thinks I don't deserve to know your identities, right?"

The other side just laughed and didn't answer the question.

He Shaoliang's eyes darkened, and a trace of anger passed by.

"Boss He, let's take a look at our gifts. I believe you will not be disappointed. We look forward to our next cooperation."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

He Shaoliang looked at the black screen with a gloomy expression on his face.

A footstep hurried in from the outside, and the visitor was a little excited, "Boss, we just received a big order!"

"Five hundred million! The other party's shot is five hundred million!"

He Shaoliang's face changed slightly, "Who is the person who placed the order?"

"I don't know. The other party contacted us directly, without stating their identity, and it seems that they don't want others to know. But they were generous and gave a 10% deposit directly."

Oh, five hundred million is indeed a satisfying gift.

It's just that he doesn't like the feeling of charging for others.

Just after lighting a cigar, thinking about whether to report this matter to the family, I was interrupted by another sound of panicked footsteps.

"Boss, it's not good, our factory was smashed!"

He Shaoliang stood up awkwardly, not daring to believe: "You, say, what, what?"

The person reporting was also afraid, "Yes, it's from the main factory."

"Who did it?"

"It should be the firecrackers, a man and a woman are taking the lead, but I haven't seen them before. I only know Ahren who is beside the firecrackers."

He Shaoliang had a gloomy face and walked out with a gun.


the other side.

Tang Zhi successfully dealt with a person who rushed over, and continued to walk in without mercy.

Cheng Qichong was in the front, she was only responsible for the finishing touches, and the two cooperated so well that they couldn't stop it.

"Sixth sister, what should I do with these things?" Cheng Qi asked, pointing to a large piece of supplies in front of him.

Tang Zhi glanced at it and retracted his gaze, "It's burnt."


Cheng Qi cooperated with people to bring a few barrels of gasoline over, poured it on top, and then threw an open flame.

Tang Zhi leaned against the wall, glanced at Yang Sian, his lips moved slightly, but he still didn't say anything.

Changed the topic, "Let's go, let's go out and have a look, and let's vent for you by the way."

Although Yang Sian was puzzled, he still followed Tang Zhi away.

In the hall, the people who came to the banquet were unaware of what Mrs. Tang was going to say tonight, so all of them gave Tang Shizong's family enough face, and came forward to toast to congratulate him.

In contrast, Tang Shixun and his wife were much quieter.

But it's obvious that they don't care about it.

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