The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 994 Broken Ring (8K!)

Chapter 993 Broken Ring (8k!)

On the luxury ship of the Devon Company.

"Battle Frontier is almost here, it's what they devised to meet your boss challenge rules."

Standing by the window and looking at the lush forest outside, Xia Yan took the document from Steven.

Xia Yan briefly glanced at it and put it away silently.

"Also, this is what you asked the old man to help you investigate, and the information provided by Professor Berlitz to express his gratitude."

This is what makes Xia Yan pay more attention.

After looking at it for a while, Xia Yan's brows gradually tightened.

Steven seemed to have noticed that Xia Yan's Contest Condition seemed a little wrong, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"


Xia Yan took a deep breath, shook his head and said softly.

He looked down at his right hand.

The original black ring on the index finger has now turned gray.


Will Unown's power flow so fast during this time?

Is it because Arceus is about to wake up, and the "firewall" of this world has become stricter?

"Your expression doesn't seem to be okay." Steven didn't believe Xia Yan's nonsense.

Looking at Steven with a suspicious face, Xia Yan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"It's not a big deal."

Facing Steven's further doubts, Xia Yancai shook his head helplessly and said, "If, suddenly, I'm gone one day. Steven, please do something for me."

"Not anymore?" Steven looked surprised.

Xia Yan nodded solemnly, "Yes. I guess. Soon."

He quickly added: "But before that, I would like to trouble you to use the network of Devon Company to help me go to two places and contact two people."

"Good! You say it."

Steven felt Xia Yan's seriousness, and responded sternly.

Xia Yan looked out the window again.

Although, the information is not very sufficient, but... from the information he knew from his original world, combined with the two data, as well as the information collected by the Rockets and the Hunter Guild.

It could really be that group of people.

It was just a footstep before.


Their shadows were stepped on by Xia Yan!

at the same time.

some corner of the world.

In a dark and depressing room.

A few figures were sitting.

"It's awake. What do you think?" a low, hoarse voice sounded.

"The plan is only halfway through. That idiot Charon is still missing." Another voice came out.


The people sitting in this room also expressed their opinions and opinions one after another.

"But we're almost ready to deal with it. Now that it's awake, let it taste what we've prepared for it over the years."


Speaking of that thing, everyone in the room let out a knowing low smile.

But the man in the lead was not very optimistic.

"Some time ago, the source of the chaos of time and space was found. Guess what I found?"

"The time Dialga and Palkia collided?"

"No. Earlier. Very subtle fluctuations."

"What did you find?"

"another world!"



The Battle Zone has two important locations.

The first is Battle Park, which is almost filled with some relatively powerful Trainers, in which some battles are held, and occasionally some people may organize some small competitions.

The second is Battle Frontier, which is the most important part of Battle Zone.

The current Battle Frontier in Sinnoh Region has a total of five facilities.

Battle Factory, Battle Roulette, Battle Hall, Battle Chateau, and Battle Tower.

Each facility has its own unique battle rules, which is also a major feature of Battle Frontier.


That's probably why Battle Frontier isn't as popular as Champion and Elite Four positions.

And for the arrival of Xia Yan, Battle Frontier also gave enough attention.

"Mr. Xia Yan, Mr. Steven."

A middle-aged man dressed in a housekeeper's costume and white gloves appeared in front of him and bowed slightly.

As soon as he got off the airship and saw the person coming, Xia Yan was somewhat surprised.

"Mr. Shi Lan."

The person here is the head of Battle Chateau, Cattleya's butler, Shi Lan.

There was a warm smile on Shi Lan's face.

"We, Battle Frontier, have been waiting for a long time."

Does it matter so much?

Xia Yan and Steven looked at each other and saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

Immediately, the two followed Shi Lan into Battle Frontier, and went directly to the facility that Shi Lan belongs to, Battle Chateau!

And this moment.

The audience seats in the Battle Chateau are already crowded.

After learning that Xia Yan was going to challenge Battle Frontier, in order to increase the popularity of Battle Frontier, they had already carried out a lot of publicity.

Want to take advantage of the heat of the Lily of the Valley Conference.

And the heated discussion brought about by Xia Yan's outstanding performance at the Lily of the Valley Conference further promotes Battle Frontier.

The result is obvious.

The just-concluded Lily of the Valley Conference, and the winning Conference Champion Xia Yan is about to challenge Battle Frontier and aim at the head of Battle Frontier, which has gained a lot of attention.

Many people came here admiringly.

As Xia Yan entered the Battle Chateau, the audience who had been waiting for a long time immediately gave the warmest applause.


Seeing this scene, the onion wandering soldier who followed Xia Yan with a serious face and looked like a loyal guard suddenly couldn't help shouting excitedly.

It kind of understands why Togekiss are so keen to compete.

"Quack!! (A lot of people, a lot of people!)"

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead and pressed it on Ya Ya's head.

"Calm down. You think about so many people, is one duck enough for you?"


The green soldier's expression suddenly froze, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

Although Battle Chateau's spectator seats on the battlefield are not comparable to Lily of the Valley Conference.

But this is also a situation where Battle Frontier hasn't appeared in a long time, and the spectator seats are full.

To know.

Even the Battle Frontier in the Kanto Johto Region, which opened earlier, is likely to be the head of the new Battle Frontier facility like Reggie at the time. When he was playing against the Quinta Pharaoh Brandon, the audience was so scattered. .

It also includes Reggie's younger brother Paul.

From this, it can be imagined that although Battle Frontier is also an important facility of Alliance, its popularity is not particularly high.

But there is no way.

Mainly because Battle Frontier has relatively high requirements for the challenger's strength.

Plus a variety of battle rules.

It is not very suitable for some ordinary people, or trainers with relatively shallow experience to watch the game.

The positioning of Battle Frontier itself.

It belongs to the advanced project of the Conference competition.

The reason why there are so many people this time.

One reason is the popularity of the just-concluded Lily of the Valley Conference, and another reason is the gradual exposure of the details of the Hoenn disaster.


The heads of Sinnoh Battle Frontier, Xia Yan, a Trainer with good strength and his own traffic and popularity, is more welcome.

After leading Xia Yan to the entrance, Shi Lan handed Xia Yan over to the staff of Battle Chateau, and went to prepare herself.

"Come on. Fight for a string of fives."

Steven gave Xia Yan a sigh of relief and walked to the VIP seat.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth and glanced at the onion wandering soldiers who were excitedly and constantly grasping the Onion Stick.

"Did you hear it, they asked you to string fives."

Onion Ranger: ? ? ?

Take a deep breath.

The green onion soldier's face paled.

"Quack! (I try my best!)"

Xia Yan's heart skipped a beat.

You are quite confident.

I'm afraid I don't know that the leader of Battle Frontier can almost match the Elite Four, right?

Although the overall strength is a little weaker.

But all the Elite level, that is inevitable.

at the same time.

Cynthia, Daye and others who came to watch the battle were also waiting in the VIP seats.

Follow Xia Yan into the battle field of Battle Chateau.


All the lights went out instantly.

Several bright Spotlights, following his footsteps, shone on him.

As we slowly walked towards the center, the cheers of the entire Battle Chateau reached their peak.

"Let's wait for a long time! Next! The champion of this Lily of the Valley Conference, Mr. Xia Yan, challenged our Battle Frontier to the top!"

The host's voice resounded throughout the venue.

"And the rules of this summit challenge will be for Mr. Xia Yan to take turns with our five Battle Frontier leaders to have a one-on-one battle!"


Five heads?

Take turns fighting?

Isn't this a wheel war?

And it's still one-to-five!

So exciting?

"Look, it's the leaders!"

The host's voice fell.

Five high towers similar to castles and fortresses rose slowly in the Battle Chateau.

As the beam of Spotlight shines through.

The five leaders standing on it are also in everyone's sight.

First, it's Battle Tower Maharaja Palmer!

Waving cheerfully towards all the audience.

He was Pal's father in the Sinnoh trio.

The second is Thorton, the boss of Battle Factory!

Although he drooped a pair of dead fish eyes, he could see a strong confidence in his eyes.

He is also the youngest in the current Sinnoh Battle Frontier, maybe two or three years older than Xia Yan.

He is best at intelligence analysis and calculation of battle data, and can calculate the relationship between the two sides of the battle to a certain extent. He is a person with very rich battle skills and tactics.

The third place is Dali, the roulette goddess who competes with roulette!

Wearing extremely avant-garde and fashionable clothes, he has a good popularity among the audience.

And her fighting skills, as well as the rules of roulette, are very avant-garde and trendy.

The fourth is the owner of this Battle Chateau, the castle steward Shi Lan!

It is different from the rest of the people who are standing alone on the high platform.

There are two people on the fort where Shi Lan is located.

A Stephanie wearing Contest with golden waterfall hair was sitting on Contest's chair, while the castle butler Shi Lan stood behind her with a smile and clasped hands, looking like a loyal butler.

This Stephanie is the Elite Four Cattleya in the Unova Region.

And Shi Lan is her housekeeper.

Shi Lan and Cattleya are also relatively speaking, Xia Yan is the two most familiar with Sinnoh Battle Frontier.

The last one.

Shane, the stage heroine of Battle Hall!

A charming "aunt" who always maintains a young heart, and is also the most popular and intimate elder sister among all Battle Frontier leaders.

Her eyes fell on Xia Yan, she raised her eyebrows at him, and winked playfully.

"This old woman."

In the VIP seat, Cynthia, who folded her feet, mumbled and said a few words.

Da Ye and Aaron next to her kept a distance from her without a trace.

The relationship between Alliance and Battle Frontier wasn't as harmonious as it was supposed to be.

Oba went to the leaders of Battle Frontier to practice for a long time.

I just don't know how Shane provokes the eldest sister.

Daye looked at Aaron, and it wasn't until he met Aaron's ignorant eyes that Daye could react. Why did he ask an idiot?

You should ask Lucian about this kind of thing.


Lucian didn't have a chance this time, he was the busiest one in the entire Sinnoh Alliance Elite Four.

At present, should still be working overtime.

After the five bosses of Battle Frontier appeared one by one, Host also explained the rules of the challenge.


In order for all audiences to understand, and to take care of Xia Yan, the "Rookie" who just won the Conference Champion, no special rules for Battle Frontier will be added.

Best of five games.

As long as Xia Yan can defeat three of the leaders, he can officially become the sixth leader of Battle Frontier!

"I'll come first."

Palmer said with a smile.

As the oldest of Battle Frontier, Palmer can be regarded as the first leader of Battle Frontier in a way.

Naturally, no one objected to his proposal.

Palmer can just give them a sample, let them judge what level of Xia Yan's strength belongs to, and what kind of Pokémon should be used to deal with it.

As the high platform on which Palmer was standing slowly fell.

He also walked to the venue and stood opposite Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, are we meeting for the first time?" Palmer is very easy-going, and even resembles his son Parr.

"Yes, Mr. Palmer." Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"However, I have heard about your deeds from Parr's mouth more than once."


But seeing Palmer's expression a little weird, he imitated Palmer's tone and said:

"He said: Dad, let me tell you, there is one person you must not provoke!"

Xia Yan: "."

Looking at that vivid appearance, Xia Yan really didn't know what to say for a while.

"Come on, this is my Pokémon!"

After the simple chat, Palmer looked solemn, threw the Poké Ball, and summoned his own Pokémon.

boom! !

The heavy body crashed to the ground, and with the roar of the Ground and the light dust raised, the appearance of this Pokémon also appeared in everyone's sight.


The huge body and heavy armor looked like a solid city wall at first glance, full of deterrence.

Elite level!

Seeing this, Xia Yan didn't hesitate and waved his arm.

"Then on my side, let it take the lead."

Said, looking to the side.

"Duck duck."


The onion wanderer shouted imposingly, without showing any timidity because of Rival Rhyperior's strong and powerful appearance.

A true warrior, dare to face any Rival!

Fluttering his wings twice, he stepped into the arena step by step.


Seeing the first Pokémon sent by Xia Yan, the audience immediately talked about it.

I really don't understand why Xia Yan sent an ingredient to the stage.

"Quack!! (You're Farfetch'd! Your whole family is Farfetch'd!)"

Duck Ya, who was handsome for only a second, decisively chose to line up with the audience who exclaimed the loudest.


People don't understand what it's shouting.

"But don't say, Teacher Xia Yan's Farfetch'd is really a little different from other Farfetch'd."

"Well, it looks like the flesh is firmer."

"Don't say it, it makes me want to drool a little."


Ordinary audiences are obviously not familiar with the Galar Region.

But Palmer, the leaders of Battle Frontier, can still recognize ducks.

Palmer raised his brows, "Are you a stray soldier in the Galar Region? It seems that Xia Yan has traveled to a lot of places."

In this regard, Xia Yan just smiled and made no explanation.

The battle begins!

As the referee's voice in Battle Chateau fell, the summit challenge belonging to Xia Yan officially began!

"Rhyperior, Stone Edge!"

Palmer wouldn't have any underestimation of Xia Yan and Cong Yubing.

At the beginning of the battle, he took on the attitude of the Battle Tower Maharaja.

The slow Rhyperior attacked, which exceeded many people's expectations.


As Palmer's voice fell, the majestic Rhyperior stomped to the Ground, and in the constant rumbling, a sharp khaki rock pillar rose up in an instant, piercing towards the onion wanderer. .

Xia Yan's expression gradually became serious.

In theory, this is the first time he has actually commanded the Onion Rangers to deal with combat.

During this period of time, the results of the tacit cultivation and training adjustment with the onion wandering soldiers can be seen from this battle.

"Crush them!"

Xia Yan's eyes were cold and his voice was loud.


As for Xia Yan's order and command, Cong Yubing did not hesitate or slack.

As for Xia Yan's fighting habits and rhythm control, Cong Youbing seems to have adapted.


It was Xia Yan who took the initiative to fit the fighting habits of the onion wandering soldiers to a certain extent, and the green wandering soldiers also adjusted some of their wild ways appropriately so that they could better follow Xia Yan's command.

The emergence and evolution of scallion soldiers are bound to be accompanied by battles and slaughter again and again.

In frontal combat, it is the onion wanderer with the "Knight's Heart" who is best at it.

see you.

The scallion wandering soldier waved the scallion spear in his hand, facing the rock pillars that were pierced one by one, and stepped forward with seemingly short legs, but the speed was not slow at all.

Dark red energy lingers on the spear.

Rock Smash!

boom! ! !

The long spear blade wiped away, and the hard rock column was instantly shattered, turning into pieces of rock rubble of different sizes and bursting open.

Next, is the second one! The third root! Fourth root.

The arrogance of the rampage all the way made all the audience grow up.

You tell me this is Farfetch'd?

Whose Farfetch'd have you seen so hard?

If every Farfetch'd is so brave, will it be endangered?

But Palmer was not surprised by the performance of the onion troopers.

It's just that I have a preliminary understanding and judgment of Xia Yan's strength.

in a blink.

The green onion soldier with sharp eyes and cold expression defeated Rock all the way and rushed in front of Rhyperior.

"Drill Run!"

Palmer commands calmly.


The sharp corner of Rhyperior's head, Rapid Spin, quickly pressed down in the face of the rushing green onion soldiers.

What a quick move!

The speed shown by Rhyperior at this time is completely inconsistent with its tonnage!

Rhyperior's movement speed is slow, but that doesn't mean its attack speed is slow.

"Leaf Blade!"

Xia Yan's voice followed closely.


Emerald green energy instantly covered the scallion spear, and the scallion soldier raised his head halfway, stabbed the spear, and collided directly with Rhyperior's "Drill Run".

boom! ! !

Two strands of energy burst out in an instant, and the raging air wave swept away.

But when the aftermath dissipated, everyone was amazed by what they saw.

Who would have imagined that such a small onion trooper could be comparable to Rhyperior in strength?

The sharp corners and the spear tip were exactly touching each other!

Under the friction and collision, the sparks are scattered.

"Knock it away!" Palmer yelled, waving his hand.

For a moment.

Rhyperior's body burst out with heavy energy fluctuations, stepping on the Ground, it burst out again in terms of power.

boom! !

After all, the onion soldier was slightly inferior in frontal strength, and as Rhyperior's power broke out again, he was directly picked up and flew into the air.

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.

Rhyperior of the "Hard Rock" Ability?

Otherwise, in the battle just now, the "Leaf Blade" of Onion Rangers should be able to gain the upper hand.

However, the ability of "Hard Rock", which makes Onion Rangers restrain the Attribute of Rhyperior, is partially weakened.

"Sword Dance"

In mid-air, the onion soldiers also lost their fighting spirit because of their defeat in the power contest.

The clanging sword formations surround the body, and the dark red swords rise and fall one after another.

"Break it, Rock Tomb!"

Seeing this, Palmer's forehead jumped and he tried to stop it.


With a roar of Rhyperior, the fine rock rubble instantly surrounded the body, like the chains of two Rapid Spins.

Driven by it, it turned into two densely covered thin snakes and shot towards the green wandering soldiers in the air.

In the air, the onion troopers who cannot fly are the best targets!

"Continue Sword Dance!"

But Xia Yan was unmoved.

bang bang bang-

Rock kept Tackle on the onion wanderer, but it took it abruptly, and the "Sword Dance" was not interrupted.

It's just that it was in mid-air and was Tackled to a higher height.

Already about to touch the top of Battle Chateau, side by side with Spotlight.

All the spectators raised their heads and half-covered their squinting eyes, trying to see the figure of the onion wanderer and check its Contest Condition.


In the eyes of Rhyperior and Palmer, the onion troopers who are constantly in the air are the best targets.

"Rhyperior, Rock Wrecker!"

see you.

The Rock-type energy on Rhyperior’s body surged and gathered, the scale was comparable to the round and thick Rock of its huge body, condensing and forming in the blink of an eye.

The Rhyperior at this time is a terrifying anti-aircraft cannon!

And "Rock Wrecker" is also the most destructive move that Rhyperior has mastered.

After this, even if the scallion rogue has an Attribute advantage, it will definitely not feel good.


A head-on hit, it is possible to lose the combat ability directly.

boom! ! !

Rhyperior was accumulating Stockpile at a very fast speed, and the huge Rock was like a cannonball, smashing into the air.

The sound of breaking the air exploded.

"Is this the strength of the Battle Tower Maharaja?"

Many viewers who came to Battle Frontier for the first time to see the strength of the Battle Frontier leader were full of shock on their faces.

This trick won't kill the onion troopers in seconds, right?

But at the same time as "Rock Wrecker" shot out, Xia Yan's cold voice also sounded.

"Shoot it, Scallion Ranger! Meteor Assault!"

The onion wanderer in the air, his eyes slowly closed, Mind Reader!

After feeling the exact position of Rhyperior, his eyes suddenly opened again.

In an instant.

Beside the dazzling Spotlight, a rich red light suddenly appeared, and disappeared quickly.

But a spot of scarlet light could not be erased next to such a huge light.


next second.

With a burst of energy from the onion soldier, the red light pierced through.

what is it?

It's Onion Stick!

It's the Onion Stick in the hands of the onion rogue that is used as a spear!

Like the arc of a shooting star, it met the huge Rock head-on.

the next moment.

The meteor collided with the Rock.

boom! ! !

a time.

The rock that was full of terrifying power exploded, with a huge roar and the rock that collapsed and scattered in an instant, covering most of the sky.

Rhyperior's terrifying "Rock Wrecker" was just crushed?

Do not!

It's not over yet.


see you.

In the middle of the collapsed Rock rubble, an arc of green and red flashed away.

Boom! ! !

All the audience heard was a dull sound and the tremor of Ground.

When they blinked and looked at the source of the sound, they were all stunned.

I see.

Palmer's Rhyperior chest as strong as a city wall, the thick Rock carapace shattered into several pieces, and a green fluorescent Onion Stick was inserted straight into it.


Rhyperior responded with a painful roar that seemed to be half a beat, rolled his eyes, and fell back, hitting the ground hard.


Then, it was the white onion wandering soldier who slowly fell from the sky and stood beside Rhyperior.

With an indifferent expression and a calm expression, he silently unplugged the Onion Stick from Rhyperior's body.

It got stuck at the elbow of the other hand and wiped it horizontally to remove the dust from it.

Whoa-! !

It was not until after watching this whole set of coherent and skillful handsome moves that the audience exclaimed one by one.

"Fuck! Spike?!"

"What a handsome Farfetch'd!"

"What Farfetch'd! Didn't you hear what Mr. Palmer said just now? It's called—the Onion Ranger!"

"Damn! Such a handsome Farfetch'd, shouldn't he be a duck god?"

"They say it's called Onion Tour. Forget it, Farfetch'd, YYDS!"

"This handsome move is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed."



The handsome green soldier, carrying a long spear, strode towards Xia Yan amid the cheers of the audience one after another, his face full of excitement.

"Gaga?! (Handsome or not? Handsome or not? I learned from TV.)"

Xia Yan turned his head to the side, pretending not to know.

But say no.

The moment "Meteor Assault" beats "Rock Wrecker" is a bit handsome.

"Rhyperior lost his ability to fight! The one who won was the challenger - Xia Yan!!"

The referee was a few seconds too late to announce the result.

He patted his cheek.

Just now, even he was briefly handsome by the onion wandering soldiers.

Palmer was also stunned.

He didn't expect it.

Rhyperior was actually shot dead.


He quickly smiled, put away Rhyperior, and looked at Xia Yan on the opposite side with admiration.

"you win."


He returned to his position and stood still.

He didn't show any anger or dissatisfaction because of his defeat, and he didn't even hide his appreciation for Xia Yan.

One point.

"Thank you." Xia Yan moved his lips and bowed slightly towards Palmer.

The first game was won strongly, and the leaders of the remaining four Battle Frontiers were also quite surprised.

"Don't look at me, I want to collect some more data." Battle Factory boss Thorton pouted.

"Looks like I'll come first"

The myth of the roulette woman who competes with roulette is just halfway through.

Boom-! !


The entire Battle Chateau shook violently.

It's not the shaking brought by the battle, but more like Earthquake?

click -

The ring on Xia Yan's index finger suddenly broke.

The question mark Unown appeared beside him, looking uncomfortable and painful.

Xia Yan gently took it into his arms and used the power of the waveguide to wrap it, Unown only improved slightly.

Seeing this, Xia Yan sighed silently.

"I didn't expect it to come so quickly."

At this time.

Cynthia, Steven, and the leaders of the Battle Frontier all realized that something was wrong.

Psychic fluctuations emerge.

A pretty and arrogant figure appeared on the other side of Xia Yan.

While Cattleya's eyes flashed with a Psychic halo, she stared at Xia Yan.

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Xia Yan rubbed his wrist.

"To be honest, this time, it really has nothing to do with me."

Cattleya's eyes gradually became fierce, and Psychic became more and more surging.

But she quickly showed surprise.

Because she found out that Xia Yan actually has Psychic hidden!

Although it is not comparable to her, but compared to the other Psychic people, it is more than one step stronger.

"What's wrong?"

At this time.

Cynthia also strode over with Da Ye and Aaron.

"Sister Zhulan!"

Cattleya, who was so arrogant just a second ago, changed from a lion with claws to a docile cat the moment she saw Cynthia.

He hugged Cynthia's arm tightly.

Boom! !


A huge crack like a moat appeared out of thin air in the Sky of Battle Chateau.

In the crack, a terrifying existence full of tyrannical atmosphere intertwined with black and gold revealed half of its body.

"Giratina!" Cynthia's expression instantly became very serious.

But Giratina's eyes fell on Xia Yan.

[Xia Yan, Dialga and Palkia are being beaten, come and see! 】

Xia Yan: "."

Would you like a watermelon for that? Giratina.

(End of this chapter)

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