The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 996 Come, Arceus, Let's Talk (1W+!)

Chapter 995 Come, Arceus, let's talk (1w+!)

Hoenn Region.

In the boundless ocean, a huge blue head quietly sticks out of the water, looking at the sky, which is already dusk and sunset.

In the dazzling dusk, a vigorous azure light beam traversed the sky and disappeared in front of his eyes.

Kyogre smacked his mouth.

It's so late, where are you rushing to go?


Seems like things are in a hurry.

How long will you be away?

I'm going to catch a fish in the sea. It should be fine, right?

at the same time.

Filled with a lot of Volcanic Ash, constantly spewing magma, a pair of Mt. Chimney that may erupt at any time, but has not erupted for a long time.

In the fiery red magma, a red head slowly emerged from it.

He also looked up into the sky, his line of sight seemed to be able to pass through the layers of Volcanic Ash's obstructions, and he could see the vigorous figure leaving.

Groudon opened his mouth and quickly closed it again.

Do not impulse!

Not far!

After the figure quickly disappeared into the sky, it finally stretched its body excitedly, accompanied by the surging and splashing of a large amount of hot magma.

Gone, finally gone!

Groudon's eyes, quietly looked down the mountain.

I'll go down for a walk. Should be fine, right?


And that azure figure that flashed away from the sky was naturally guarding Soaring in the sky, but it was mainly pressing the two stunned Rayquazas!

Beside it, there is actually a relatively much smaller figure.


Latios looked uncontrollably excited.

From birth to the present, it has never left Xia Yan for such a long time.

But no way, it did learn a lot of useful things from Rayquaza.

When I see Xia Yan this time, I must give him a surprise!

Rayquaza looked at the excited Latios and rolled his eyes helplessly.

I don't know what to do by hurriedly calling it to Sinnoh Region.

Those three guys in Sinnoh Region are not vegetarians, once it gets close, it is very likely to cause a Beat Up of those three guys.

"Os? (Aren't you afraid?)"

Hearing the words, Rayquaza's eyes widened, and the green energy erupted from his body again, and the speed was suddenly a lot faster.


It Rayquaza has never been afraid of anyone!

Isn't that the three silly dragons of Sinnoh Region?

It's just three mythical beasts, you can handle them every minute without fear.

Even if it is doubled, it is not afraid!

Even if it's their cheap backstage Arceus

"Os? (And then what?)"

Latios tilted his head, trying to keep up with Rayquaza's Flying speed.

It really caught up with it.

It can be seen from this.

Although Rayquaza didn't have a full burst speed, Latios could keep up under such circumstances, and its divine beast talent finally showed little by little as his strength gradually increased.

Facing Latios' repeated questioning, the arrogant Rayquaza certainly couldn't weaken his momentum.

After a brief moment of dodging his eyes, he became arrogant.

【Humph! Even if Arceus didn't come. Here it comes. Beat it up! 】

Sinnoh Region, Snow Peak Temple.

"Come on, Regigigas, put your foot up."

While Brandon directed the staff to help repair the damaged temple, he also took care of Regigigas's emotions.


Regigigas moved his hips, resting his head against his head, staring boredly at the temple that had been repaired for it, but it seemed a little out of place.

Is it time to Rest again?

But the stomach that was full last time has not been fully digested.

Having a full Rest is not a good habit.

On the other hand, the lady witch of the temple next to her wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the temple that was about to be completely repaired, showing a face of relief and gratitude.

"Miss Godko, the temple is almost finished repairing, I should go too," Brandon said.


Miss Miko suddenly felt that time flies so fast.

"Mr. Brandon, would you like to take a few more days off?"

Brandon looked gloomy.

He is the head of the Battle Frontier of the Kanto and Johto Regions, and staying in the Sinnoh Region is not an option.



Regigigas shouted, and his huge body like a mountain Normal suddenly stood up.


The dome of the temple, which had been completely built, was easily pierced like a piece of paper under its huge and hard body, and a large amount of Rock rubble was scattered.

And Regigigas' actions also surprised Brandon and Miko.

Out of control again?

"Regice, Regirock, Registeel!" Brandon hurriedly summoned his three gods with a serious expression.


Regigigas didn't pay attention to them, but the seven light spots on his body kept flashing.

He looked in the direction of Midina from a distance.

From there, it felt the call of Xia Yan's waveguide power from afar!


Also too far.

Regigigas had a grimace on his face.

At this time, Brandon finally passed the communication between Sanshenzhu and Regigigas, and understood the reason why it suddenly stood up.

Thoughts moved slightly and asked, "Regigigas, do you want me to drive a pyramid to send you?"

"Reggie! Chicas!"

Regigigas shook his head.


Dogs don't sit!

Just when Regigigas put on a stance, ready to run to Mijna on foot, hoping to catch up.

Around it, space suddenly distorted and fluctuated.

Two silhouettes standing in the sky stepped out from it.

One of them was orange all over, with a long slender beard, and in his hand he was holding two gleaming spoons with a peculiar halo.

On the other hand, the expression was stern and serious, and he also held a huge spoon in his hand, which was like a spear behind his back.

The sharp eyes swept around, and finally stopped on the huge Regigigas.

Facing the holy pillar king who was a divine beast and possessed a lot of authority, that figure showed no reverence or fear at all.

Compared to Regigigas, it looks a little small, but he looks at it.

And appear here.

Naturally, it was Mewtwo who came across the space through Psychic, and Xia Yan's Pokémon Alakazam who learned something from Mewtwo!

[Don't run away, Xia Yan asked me to pick you up. 】

Mewtwo's thoughts moved slightly, and while the Psychic halo flickered in his eyes, a voice sounded in Regigigas' mind.


Regigigas was taken aback.

There is no doubt about him.

【thanks. 】

Even thank you very politely.

It was also the first time that Mewtwo had seen such a good-natured beast. She blinked, not knowing how to answer for a while.

"Hu Di (goes away)."

Alakazam said impatiently.

Mewtwo also reacted and nodded slightly.

Raising the palm of the hand, the three fingers gently folded together, and a terrifying and powerful Psychic burst out, wrapping Regigigas.

Tight and next to Alakazam also burst out Psychic.

When the Psychic from Alakazam was completely enveloped, the three Pokémon disappeared in the temple in the blink of an eye.


boom--! !

Giratina's huge body, Tackled heavily on the ground, burst out with a roar and the ground trembled violently at the same time.

Its roaring voice also sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

【Have you not come yet? ! 】

It glared at Xia Yan and glared angrily.

We agreed to smash Arceus together, but it was the only one who was beaten from start to finish.


"Pika - Chuu!"


Giratina couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she saw the golden electric current splashing all over Arceus.

Against Arceus, its biggest helper is actually a Pikachu, dare you believe it?

Saying it out is afraid of being laughed at.

When it is most angry.

It was Dialga and Palkia, who had clearly agreed to be together at the beginning, and now they are nowhere to be seen.

Hovering in mid-air, Arceus squinted at it with contempt in his eyes.

[Giratina, I didn't expect you to be bewitched by cunning humans, I'm so disappointed. 】


Giratina fluttered her wings and staggered to her feet from the rubble, and a large amount of Rock rubble fell from it.

【Huh—human? Mere humans also want to confuse me? 】

In the words, Giratina's disdain for humans can also be heard.

Arceus gave it another sideways glance.

[Originally, my trouble with human beings is also an opportunity for you, allowing you to expand your world of destruction. 】

Hearing this, Giratina's eyes flickered, and her aura also fluctuated to some extent.

Expansion destroys the world?

This is what Giratina has always wanted to do, but the limitations of Arceus prevent it from doing so.

What does it mean now?

Arceus doesn't even want the world of Pokémon he has worked so hard to create in order to revenge mankind?

But this is indeed quite a Captivate for Giratina.

Seeing Giratina's hesitation, Arceus's mouth twitched slightly.

For Giratina, it knows too much.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

And just when Arceus tried to instigate Giratina, the conscientious Ash and Pikachu attacked Arceus again.


The golden current, mixed with Pikachu's power and Ash's persistence, smashed onto Arceus' body.



But the pain in the mind far exceeds the pain in the body.

At the beginning, it was the person it trusted, who led a group of humans to water it with mercury, and then ordered a large group of electric Pokémon to attack it.

The dignified creation god, the fame of the world was destroyed on this.

[Shameful human beings! 】

Arceus cursed again, raised his head, and the golden Energy Ball instantly condensed.


The Energy Ball shot high into the sky, and with a loud bang, the sanctions beam shot down like a raindrop of Normal.

"Be careful!"

Kerbin immediately protected Sheena behind him, Dawn and Xiaogang also hurried forward to pull Ash and Pikachu back, but Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, looked directly at Arceus above Soaring in the sky, and pulled it The emitted sanction beam is ignored.


No matter how hard Dawn and Xiaogang tried, it was too late.


At this time.

The wings vibrated along with the hurricane that swept through the drums. Giratina's huge figure appeared in front of Ash and the others, blocking the bombardment in front of Xia Yan and others, and laying in front of the platform they were on. Spread the wings.

Boom--! !

The strong wind howled, the fire roared one after another, and Giratina suddenly let out a painful groan.

【Giratina——! ! 】

Arceus gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Giratina, who had intercepted its attack again, while roaring, there was a trace of puzzlement deep in his eyes.

It doesn't understand.

Why did Giratina, who likes to destroy the most, stand in front of several humans this time even if she was hurting herself.

【Aren't you going to do what you want to do the most? ! 】


Giratina staggered and flew up again from the ruins, looking straight into Arceus' eyes, and chuckled softly.

【Cough cough. Hehehe.】

Flick Earthquake's wings, dispersing all the dust from it.


【What do I want to do most? The thing I want to do most is - to smash you! ! 】

【Understood! 】

Arceus was also angry.

No matter what you say, you don't listen, do you?

Then it can only erase this product of failure.

"It's you who is obsessed! Arceus!"

At this time.

Xia Yan, who had not spoken much before, suddenly spoke up.

In the eye sockets, the halo of Psychic and the power of the waveguide intertwined, and the hem of the suit rattled.

Take a leap.

Landed on Giratina's head.

"It's you who is blinded by hatred, Arceus! As a creator god, you can't even tell if you're hypnotized. Be your uncle's creator god!"

Facing the wind and waves, and facing the sense of terrifying oppression from Arceus, Xia Yan couldn't hold back his foul language.

How dare a mere human dare to talk to him like that?

While Arceus was stunned, Xia Yan waved his hand.

“Spacial Rend!”


see you.

On Giratina's side, the space was suddenly distorted, and the space was torn apart at this moment.

In the distorted space, a crimson arc-shaped blade slashed out, aiming directly at Arceus.

at the same time.

Xia Yan drank again.

"Roar of Time!"

Roar--! !

A loud roar suddenly sounded from the other side of Giratina, and in the long river of time, the blue Dialga jumped out.

The roar turned into a wave of sound waves, rolling away.

Arceus, who was hovering in the air, suddenly looked solemn, and the Qian Zhou wrist on his back burst into bright Cal, and a special Barrier appeared around its body.

The sharp moon arc and sharp blade, bursts of roaring sound waves, all slammed into the Barrier.

The Arceus microfilament did not move.

Raising his golden front hooves high, Rage has been completely crushed by it, and his savings are constantly climbing.

[You guys also want to stand on the side of humans? 】

Looking at Dialga and Palkia who appeared on both sides of Giratina, I could clearly feel the suppressed anger in Arceus' voice.

Dialga and Palkia looked at each other.

Before they could answer, Xia Yan spoke first.

"Arceus, keep your eyes open and take a good look around."

Despite Giratina's blocking, Arceus' "Judgement" is an area damage, so Giratina can't eat it all.

also caused.

The once rich and beautiful vast land of Mijina was now under attack like Arceus Lash Out, and the ground was in a mess and in ruins.

Where can I see the once rich and full of vitality?

the most important is.

With Arceus' indiscriminate attack, how many wild Pokémons inhabiting Mijna have suffered from the destruction of their homes, heavy damage to their companions and even death?


A large number of wild Pokémon did not dare to resist at all, and could only keep fleeing and migrating, further accelerating the destruction of Midina.

"Dialga and Palkia are not on the side of humans, they are on the side of the entire Pokémon world!"

Dialga and Palkia, who heard Xia Yan's words, looked at each other again.


But don't say it.

After being explained by Xia Yan, Dialga and Palkia faced Arceus' pressure, and immediately became much less.

This is the benefit of standing on the moral high ground.



Dialga and Palkia spoke at the same time, nodding slightly.

[Arceus, it's time to stop. ] Dialga said.

[Arceus, I heard that you lost five dollars. No, ahem, stop being led by Rage by the nose! 】 Palkia also spoke up.

Giratina raised her head.

[We mean the same thing. Stop, Arceus. Otherwise. Crush you! 】

this moment.

The three dragons of Sinnoh Region, surprisingly united.

And what connects them is the figure standing on Giratina's head, looking directly at it without the slightest fear.


Rage, which has been accumulated for thousands of years, can be comforted by such a sentence or two?

Coupled with the tough attitude of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, Arceus once again experienced the feeling of "betrayal".

The first is human betrayal.

Now even the Pokémon it created has betrayed it.

Repeated "betrayal" has made it about to suppress more than flaming anger.

【Just rely on. You? ! 】

The terrifying air waves came from the authority of the Creator God and came from the face.

【Oh shit! 】

Giratina couldn't help but utter a foul language.

Officials crush people to death, and the same is true for priesthood authority.

"They're not enough, how about one more?"

【Um? 】

Xia Yan's voice just fell, just listen.


There was an overclocking vibration in the air, and a flash of green light flickered from the distant Soaring in the sky before Arceus.

It was like a sharp arrow that was shot at a rapid pace.

Dragon Ascent!

boom! !

Ferocious Tackle, forcing Arceus to retreat.

Looking angrily.

Not Rayquaza of the Hoenn Region, who else?

Rayquaza, who stopped and hovered in the air, looked contemptuously at the existence just attacked by it, and his pupils shrank when he met Arceus Rage's gaze.

[Xia Yan, I fried Grandma Li, is it really Arceus? ! 】


Latios, who couldn't catch up with Rayquaza's "Dragon Ascent", was long overdue until Rayquaza's attack Smack Down.

The first time he rushed towards Xia Yan.

Seeing Latios, a smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.

Glancing at it up and down, he nodded slightly, "Yes, progress has been made."


Latios pressed against Xia Yan tightly, rubbing his head on his body, sniffing the familiar smell.

miss you.

Xia Yan gently stroked Latios' neck and comforted it.

【Are you here to join in the fun? 】

Arceus looked at Rayquaza, showing enough surprises for its appearance.


Under the gaze of Latios, Rayquaza stalked his neck and responded forcefully:

【What? 】

Four dragons.

Xia Yan thought slightly, grinned and said, "What about them?"

The voice fell.

The space beside Arceus was distorted, a pair of burly and powerful hands stretched out from it, and the terrifying arms, accompanied by a huge grip, grabbed Arceus' ankles.

Crush Grip!

"Reggie - Chikas!"

The terrifying power that burst from the arm, under Arceus' incredible gaze, smashed it hard towards the Ground.

boom! ! !

a time.

Midina's Ground was forcibly smashed into a huge pit, raising a large swath of dust.

boom! !

The huge body of Regigigas squeezed out of the crack in space and stood on the Ground, booming.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

good guy.

Are you the giant of the earth?

When you come out, do you want to shout "Gaia—"?


Immediately after.

The terrifying Psychic burst out suddenly, a figure much smaller than Regigigas, carrying a fierce momentum, waving a spoon from the air and smashing it towards Arceus after falling to the ground.


boom! ! !

The Ground, which had been smashed into a huge pit, made an overwhelmed sound of shattering again, and huge cracks appeared.

The voice of slowly getting up with the spoon finally appeared in the sight of everyone and Pokémon.


Facing the creator god Arceus, Mewtwo has no fear.

[The God of Creation and the Sheep of Creation, I will kill them all! 】



at the same time.

The space beside Xia Yan distorted and fluctuated, and the long-lost Alakazam finally returned to him again.


Compared to Latios' clinginess, Alakazam was much more restrained in his emotions, and just stood silently in front of Xia Yan.

Feel the completely stable and even improved momentum in Alakazam.

Champion level!

Xia Yan patted its shoulder with relief.

"Good work, Alakazam."

Alakazam shook his head silently, and it communicated with Xia Yan, and even if they didn't speak, they could clearly feel each other's hearts.

good guy.

Giratina watched Rayquaza, Regigigas and Mewtwo beat up the llamas as soon as they came out.

It turns out that Xia Yan has a backer!

Dialga and Palkia have more confidence.


Regigigas took a step, walked in front of Giratina and Xia Yan, and waved.

[Xia Yan, have you eaten yet? 】

Hearing Regigigas' greeting, Xia Yan's temples twitched.

Regigigas, you chat with me, don't mention "rice".

"Cough, Regigigas, I have a suggestion for you. Next time we play, don't call 'Regigigas', 'Chigas', call 'Gaia'."

【Um? 】

Regigigas scratched his head dumbly.


It tried shouting.

"No no no, the tone should be strong, just like when you shouted 'Chikas'. The most important point is that you must prolong the tone at the end. The longer it is, the more imposing you will be. Do you understand?" Xia Yan True color.

Regigigas nodded thoughtfully.

【I say.】

Giratina opened her mouth.

Looking at the Arceus, whose body was shining with bright and holy golden light, slowly rising from the ground, and constantly bursting with energy fluctuations.

[Can we talk about business first? 】

see you.

A white light flashed on Arceus' body.

The damage dealt by Rayquaza, Regigigas and Mewtwo in the past will be restored instantly after the "Recover" brush.


Arceus's voice was emotionless.

But the more it is like this, the more it can explain what it is suppressing now. Once it breaks out, it will really be a terrifying showdown.

Xia Yan pressed his chin, extremely despised the beasts that were beaten, and used "Recover" to instantly fill up the Contest Condition.

"Six, and one more."

Tight and eyes twinkling.


Darkrai: .

Darkrai hidden in Xia Yan's shadow slowly emerged, intertwined with strands of Haze.

【At this time, this situation, this kind of Rival, can you ignore me? 】

Darkrai looked helpless.

Xia Yan squinted at it.

If he didn't pick it up, he just snapped his fingers and muttered as he snapped.

"Energy cubes, mobile phones, Internet, game accounts, TV, fan dramas, conference members of various video sites."

A black line appeared on Darkrai's forehead.

【Stop, stop, stop! ! Okay, okay, I'll hit, can't I hit? 】

Xia Yan looked at it, "Don't force it."

[Not reluctantly, not reluctantly. How to fight, you say. sleep it? 】

Xia Yan grinned.

"I'll pay for the extra time out of my own pocket. All the website conferencers, give you one more year!"

Darkrai's face suddenly became solemn.

[Whoever, whoever, be optimistic about the timing and rhythm of my attack, seize the opportunity to prepare for the damage! 】

A bunch of beasts:

Never seen such a good deal.

"Arceus, can we have a good chat?" Xia Yan asked Arceus, who was standing in the cloud and fully recovered from the Contest Condition.

【Stupid humans! ! ! 】

Xia Yan nodded.

His eyes were solemn, his expression grim.

Pressing down on the hat slowly, the brim of the hat covered his sharp eyes.

"Then I'll call you to chat!"


Xia Yan Psychic connects with Alakazam, connecting all the divine beasts.

"Rayquaza, Dragon Ascent!"

Rayquaza's body suddenly straightened, turned into a fierce green arrow, and shot in the direction of Arceus.

The speed of the "Dragon Ascent" move is fast enough, and Rayquaza's speed is also something it is proud of.


In the face of Rayquaza's attack, Arceus did not endure as much as before, driving the power of the slate.

But at this time.

Roar--! !

With three imposing roars, two terrifying columns of fire erupted while Dialga and Palkia were furious.

And Giratina spread out her hellish wings, waving six platinum claws, and bursting out was the "Aura Sphere" filled with Cianwood-colored halo.

Bang! !

Rayquaza's attack wiped Arceus, blocked by the metallic Barrier it raised.

But the next attack that belongs to the three dragons is not so easy to bear.

boom! ! !

Amidst the raised Haze, Arceus stepped backwards with a slightly embarrassed figure.

Its eyes meet Xia Yan's.

Xia Yan chuckled, "Arceus, you can resist Rayquaza's 'Dragon Ascent', nothing more than the power of Assist Iron Plate or Stone Plate, but in this way, Dialga and Palkia's Flamethrower, or Giratina's 'Aura Sphere' ', you must be unable to resist."

Arceus fell into a brief silence.

It has to be admitted.

Because of Xia Yan's concatenation, if these divine beasts are allowed to break out their own different attacks, even if it is the God of Creation, it is not easy to resist.

Most importantly, it is missing five slates.

The original complete immune system is now incomplete.

【ridiculous! 】

However, with a flash of white light on Arceus' body, he once again returned to the prosperous Contest Condition.

With a flash on his body, Qian Zhou's wrist on his back and the parts in front of him that were originally decorated with gold all turned light blue.

A whistling cold air swept towards the three dragons in an instant.


Of these seven mythical beasts, at least four are dragon-type Pokémon, and the damage that a Fan Beat Up attack like "Blizzard" can cause is the most objective.


next second.

Giratina at the front, including Xia Yan standing on its head, was blurred, and then disappeared instantly.

Instead, Mewtwo holding a spoon!

The mighty Psychic Barrier extended, blocking the "Blizzard" who belonged to most of Arceus, protecting Dialga and Palkia.

Ally Switch!

The seemingly unremarkable move "Ally Switch" mastered by Mewtwo was used by Xia Yan in this battle between the beasts.

That's right.

With Mewtwo as the core, Xia Yan can perfectly replicate his "infinite defense" system.

Although maybe not skilled enough.

But the reaction speed of the beasts can still make up for the lack of mutual understanding to a certain extent.


"Mewtwo! Rayquaza!"

Xia Yan threw a round ball at Mewtwo.

He raised his right hand at the same time, and the "Delta" cyan pattern on the back of his hand suddenly reappeared.


Mewtwo, who caught the ball, slowly spread out his palm.


It's Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Stone Y!

The next moment, the energy that belongs to Mega Evolution, wraps it in an instant!

And the other side.


Rayquaza, who echoed with the "heir" Xia Yan, rang out with a loud dragon roar, and while dancing vigorously, the Mega Evolution energy wiped from his head also made it instantly transform.

Mega Rayquaza!


Mega MewtwoY!

The two powers have received epic enhancements one after another.

Witnessing this scene, Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, and Regigigas looked at Xia Yan at the same time.

There was a little eagerness in his eyes.

As if a group of little devils waiting for candy are asking, what about me?

Xia Yan's eyes twitched slightly.

"Next time, next time."

That is, they don't have Mega Evolution.

really have.

Squeeze him dry in seconds?


With the appearance of Mega Rayquaza and Mega MewtwoY, the pressure on Arceus suddenly increased again.

One on seven melee.

Officially open!

"We. Shall we go back?"

On the German luxury airship, Steven, who was standing in front of the control room window, looked at Migena Sky, and fierce battles broke out constantly.

Isn't it just Arceus? !

Forget Giratina, Dialga and Palkia.

Regigigas suddenly appeared here and they barely accepted it.

Rayquaza what the hell is that? !

Steven, who has seen Mega Rayquaza's unrivaled stance.

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, both had to be rubbed on the ground.

and also.

That Pokémon, which looks the smallest, is only a tiny bit in a group of divine beasts, how can it be so fierce?

It was the one that rushed the hardest and hit Arceus the hardest.


Steven was just kidding.

But his words also truly expressed the shock of Steven and the group on the airship at the scene in front of them.

Great beast melee!

"Prepare to intervene! It is best to find out what the situation is from Xia Yan's mouth as soon as possible. At the same time, we must try our best to protect the area of ​​Midina under this melee!" Demonstrate the aura and duty of being a Sinnoh champion.


"You came just fine."

Seeing the Sinnoh people and Steven appearing one by one, Xia Yan said.

"What's the situation?" Steven asked hastily.

"It's a fight. But Arceus's anger is already full. Although a Contest Condition like it is reasonable, it's not normal." Xia Yan spoke very fast, while directing a group of Pokémon to deal with Arceus, while giving Steven and the others explaining.

Steven and the others don't understand what "anger value" is.

But the general meaning, they still understand.

"Can you win?" Cynthia asked, frowning.


Whether winning or losing, it shouldn't be the real goal and meaning of this beast melee.

Because, win or lose, this place in Mijina will not be preserved.


The Sinnoh continent will be centered here, and it will be completely torn apart.

Xia Yan glanced at the brave Arceus of the Contest Condition and shook his head, "I can't win. But I can't lose either."

Tight and continued: "But that's not the point. I have to leave, I'll ask you to direct me here."

With the command ability of Cynthia, Steven and others, it is still easy to replicate Xia Yan's simple tactics.

The point is that these mythical beasts can obey their commands.

But this matter, Xia Yan has settled.

"Leave?" Steven questioned.

"I don't have time to explain. Ash, come here!" Xia Yan beckoned to Ash and the others.

"Teacher Xia Yan!"

The three of Ash, as well as Sheena and Kerbin, hurried over.

The existence of being able to control the seven divine beasts is similar to Arceus in their eyes.

"Dialga, have you found it?" Xia Yan shouted towards Dialga again.

[According to your meaning, since it appeared, I have been groping along the long river of time flowing on it, and I have found that time node. 】

Xia Yan nodded, "Okay! Please send us there."


Dialga didn't hesitate, there were many reflections in his eyes, and the passage of these double images flickered, as if to represent the passage of time.

next second.

【get ready! 】

The power of time shrouded Xia Yan, Ash and Hina.

It wants to send Xia Yan and the others back to the time when Arceus was "deceived" by Damos, make up for the "mistakes" committed by Damos, and calm Arceus' anger from the root.

"I'll leave it to you." After Xia Yan said to Cynthia and Steven, he quietly disappeared from their sight.

Cynthia and Steven looked at each other.

Cynthia: "Palkia!"

Steven: "Rayquaza!"

Thousands of years ago, Midina.

"That's the way it is, you go to Damos, and before the total solar eclipse, let him find the 'Jewel of Life' or talk to Arceus."

Xia Yan finished talking to Ash and others about the general process of the matter and his plan, and arranged it.

"Don't worry, Teacher Xia Yan, we will do it well!" Ash said sternly, with a serious look on his face.

Xia Yan looked at Hina.

Ash's level is a bit unreliable.

Xina bit her lip and nodded heavily, "If it's really like what you said, Mr. Xia Yan, my ancestor Damos was calculated, then I will definitely give him justice and give Arceus an explanation!"

"Remember to find that Pichu, it will take you to Damos. Go, I will find the 'Life Jewel'."


Xia Yan took Alakazam and turned around and stepped forward, disappearing in front of Ash and the others.

His goal is clear.

The top floor of the Mijina Palace, the culprit that led to the Damos incident, Qixin!

All his guesses and doubts will also be verified by Qi Xin.

Look around.

Xia Yan, who took Alakazam with him, found the man who was dressed in a simple way and had a strange ugly headgear on his head, Damos' subordinate, but now he has controlled Damos and even the entire Mijina because of the coveted "Jewel of Life". Chisin!

"Who are you?!"

Seeing Xia Yan suddenly appearing in front of him, Qi Xin was shocked.


A Heatran beside Qixin immediately attacked after seeing Xia Yan and Alakazam.

"A Fragment of Volcano?"



Alakazam raised the spoon, driven Psychic, and got Chisin's Heatran under control with ease.

click -

at the same time.

The special Imprison and chains that bound Heatran, also under Alakazam's Psychic, were opened.

Heatran back to freedom!

Seeing this scene, Qi Xin was shocked.

So strong!



Before he could finish speaking, Xia Yan grabbed his throat.

"I'll just ask once, what about the 'Life Treasure Jade'?"

Qi Xin opened his mouth wide and had difficulty breathing. He looked at Xia Yan's cold eyes in horror and was shocked.

Through his eyes, he accurately judged it.

Xia Yan, will really kill him!

Qi Xin turned his head with difficulty and looked at the scepter he placed on the table.

Xia Yan frowned, threw Qi Xin aside, grabbed the scepter, and activated the mechanism on it.

At the top of the scepter, a green and brilliant "Jade of Life" appeared in Xia Yan's line of sight.

But seeing this "Jade of Life", Xia Yan's frown became even tighter.

"I just knew the problem was here!"

As he said that, his palms flexed slightly.

Bang! !

The emerald green "Jade of Life" shattered under the force of his palm.

And looking at this scene, Qi Xin's face was full of disbelief.

"How, how is it possible?!"

This is what he took from Damos, and he saw Damos use this precious jade to give birth to the growth of Mitina's plants.


It was actually exploded by Xia Yan with an easy squeeze? !

And this was the real reason why Xia Yan insisted on returning here, and it was also the last part of his investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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