The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1010 The Game Between Special Abilities

The "Hail" weather continues.

This allows the effect of "Aurora Veil" to continue as well, plus "Safeguard".

Xia Yan just came up with a Pokémon and enjoyed the "cute shade" left by Ninetales.

And this weather is for Cynthia.

It's not that it can't be used.

It can even be put to good use.

The Bingyinbu she summoned with the "Xueyin" ability was obviously the best choice.

This is due to the diversity of Cynthia's Pokémon.

Now that you know that Cynthia will summon Bingyinbu.

It's no surprise that Xia Yan responded with the steel-based Pokémon and flexible Aegislash.


This second-hand Pokémon summoning of the two is almost like playing a clear card.

As for saying.

What the result is, it depends on the performance of the two.


Bing Yinbu took elegant steps, licked the soles of his feet lightly, felt the temperature around him, narrowed his eyes and looked at Aegislash opposite, with a little attention in his eyes.

All are old friends.

Bing Yinbu cannot say that he is familiar with Aegislash, but can only describe it as very familiar.

As a steel-type Pokémon, Aegislash still has a good restraint effect on Bingyinbu.


Aegislash's blade trembled slightly, making a slight tremor, and the silk fluttered, dragging in the ice and snow, telling its excitement.

Just now inexplicably took a blood, it has not had time to experience the pleasure.

Now I can finally feel it.

As for saying.

The ice and snow that is still falling, for it, is not the same as Tickle itch?

The battle continues!

"Bing Yinbu, Blizzard!"

Cynthia decisively chose to be flexible with the weather.

I see.

The light blue body is like ice cloth covered with ice crystals, blending into the ice and snow that continues to dance, and the figure is looming and hazy.


With a soft squeak.

Bing Yinbu shook the hair all over his body, his mouth moved slightly, and an even colder energy poured out of his mouth.

a time.

In an environment with extreme temperature, under the baptism of this energy, a surging "Blizzard" rolled up.

And in the "Hail" weather, the "Blizzard" move is blessed by the weather, and the hit rate is 100%!

This is also why Pryce's "Glaciate" move must incorporate the most difficult to control, and also the most difficult to control, "Blizzard".

Cynthia's Bing Yin cloth, although not able to learn this trick from Pryce like Xia Yan's Ninetales.

But to some extent, it was ordered by Pryce, and the power of "Blizzard" is very powerful.

Xia Yan's face was serious and his voice was cold.

"Put it down, Sword Dance!"



Aegislash's satin flapping shield was not timid in the face of the vast snowstorm and Blizzard, whose visibility was getting lower and lower.

The turbulent ice and snow, almost in the blink of an eye, was covered with a thick layer on its body.


Aegislash's body is completely metal, and its tolerance to cold is still very strong. …

Coupled with the "Aurora Veil" care left by Ninetales, the damage caused by "Blizzard" is completely within Aegislash's tolerance range.

These have given Aegislash the confidence to strengthen itself with peace of mind!

Covered by ice and snow, Aegislash's body sounded with a sonorous sound, and the dark red sword formation carried bursts of air waves. Along with the rise of Aegislash's momentum, it also melted the snow covering it.

Cynthia frowned.

"Bing Yinbu, Shadow Ball!"

But anyway.

The weakness of Aegislash's low physical strength cannot be compensated for.

A jet-black Energy Ball instantly condensed and formed, and shot out from the misty flying snow.

Aegislash, who has switched to a sword-wielding form, does not dare to attack randomly any more.

"Shadow Sneak."

Fortunately, Xia Yan's voice sounded in time, accurately judging that Bing Yinbu's "Shadow Ball" was about to hit Aegislash, and made it escape into the shadow.

Quickly passing through the layers of wind and snow, Lock On the position of Bing Yinbu.


Cynthia's voice was also calm, giving Bing Yinbu the same calm heart.

When Aegislash arrived at where Bingyinbu was before, Bingyinbu seemed to have disappeared above the Ground.

"Aegislash, Gyro Ball."

Instead of letting Aegislash's shadow burrow into the cave rashly, he gave another instruction.

Seeing this, Cynthia frowned without a trace.

Aegislash didn't chase, leaving Bing Yinbu with one less chance to attack.


Aegislash didn't have any doubts or hesitations, and his body immediately rotated at a very fast speed in place, accompanied by the unpleasant sound of the sword tip rubbing against the Ground.

The airflow driven by the rotation caused a storm to rise in the entire venue, rolling the snow and wind.

The "Gyro Ball" move can be said to be both offensive and defensive, and very practical.



Xia Yan and Aegislash realized that something was wrong.

Then why did Bingyinbu get into the ground, how long has it passed, and he still hasn't appeared?

Neither attack nor any other action.

But only for a moment, Xia Yan suddenly reacted.

Cynthia is dragging time!

Whether it is "Aurora Veil" or "Safeguard", Cynthia hopes to maximize the existence of these two continuous Contest Condition moves.


Aegislash and Bingyinbu fight for less time.

The fights she's going to get worse next time.

A thoughtful woman. Xia Yan sighed inwardly.

But that's okay.

If you don't come out, then force you out!

"Sword Dance!"

Abandon "Gyro Ball" and use "Sword Dance" again.

This time.

Even if Cynthia really dragged out the duration of the two Contest Condition moves, the Aegislash stacked with attacks at that time would be quite terrifying.

as predicted.

When Aegislash was about to hear the sharp sound of the sword formation again, Ground trembled slightly.

"Shadow Ball!"

"King's Shield!"

The voices of Cynthia and Xia Yan sounded almost at the same time. …



The Bingyin cloth that broke out of the ground appeared from the feet of Aegislash, and at the same time with the ground energy, he spit out a "Shadow Ball" again.


Aegislash is also quick to respond.

Facing Bing Yinbu, he immediately switched to a shield-holding form, a hard and shiny shield that blocked Bing Yinbu's move.

Precise prediction!


After completely resisting Bing Yinbu's "Dig" and "Shadow Ball" from the ground, Aegislash quickly switched to the sword-wielding form again.

next second.

The huge imaginary blue sword shadow appeared on Bing Yinbu's head with a glorious momentum.

Sacred Sword!

Fury Cutter!


Icirrus splashed and flew, and the Bingyin cloth, which was quickly smashed, smashed a huge pit on the ground, and at the same time, splashed the snow accumulated on the ground.

Cynthia's face sank.

"The last Ice Beam!"

Amidst the rising snow, Bingyin Buqiang endured the pain and made a sound again.



Along with it, there is the extremely cold beam of the color of Cianwood.

But facing this "Ice Beam", Aegislash swung the great sword again.

Sacred Sword Fury Cutter!

This is the second sword.



The Cianwood-colored Ice Beam was slashed by the phantom-blue sword shadow and split in two, with only a little sputtering cold air smearing Aegislash's body.

But when the sword fell, Cynthia and Bing Yinbu did not move any further.


Bing Yinbu, lost the ability to fight!

Aegislash let out a long mouthful of Mist.

If it weren't for "Sacred Sword" being able to ignore the evasion rate and facing Bing Yinbu with the "Xueyin" Ability, he might have lost a few swords.

Xia Yan also valued that Aegislash's skilled "Sacred Sword Fury Cutter" could perfectly restrain Bing Yin cloth, so he chose to play it.

Cynthia took a shallow breath.

Take back the Bing Yin cloth.

"You've done a great job."

Then seriously looked at Xia Yan and Aegislash who was still on the field.

After a brief pause, she threw a third Poké Ball.


It is a strange and simple keystone with a huge crack in the middle.

And as the keystone touched the ground, a strange and strange gas floated out from the crack, and it quickly condensed and formed.

Outline shapes such as eyes and mouths appear.

What followed was a strong sense of oppression.


A Pokémon with legends and abilities far exceeding its strength.


An excellent match between Ghost and Evil. It has perfect Attribute restraint for Aegislash, and its own weaknesses are extremely rare. It is definitely a very good choice.


This Spiritomb from Cynthia is special.

Its "Psychic" has a similar effect to the "Imprison" move, which freezes Rival's moves.

The level of difficulty is definitely at the forefront of Cynthia's team.

the most important is.

Cynthia clearly knows that Xia Yan's Aegislash has a third sword in this hand "Sacred Sword Fury Cutter".

The third sword, with Aegislash's current state, might have sent an Elite-level Pokémon from Cynthia, and it would have been lost. …

However, in the face of Ghost-type Spiritomb, this Fighting-type move "Sacred Sword" is useless.


The "Sword Dance" blessing that Aegislash received, and the "Aurora Veil" and "Safeguard" that still remain, also maintain its menacing qualities.

"Shadow Sneak, Night Slash."

Xia Yan decisively gave up the last third sword.

Aegislash turned into a shadow and silently appeared behind Spiritomb.

Facing the sharp sword that was carrying the thick evil energy, Spiritomb's gas-like body expanded and contracted.

"Spiritomb, take it down, Foul Play!"


a time.

The peculiar gas slashed at Aegislash's choke, split in half by the choke in the middle.

However, Spiritomb, which had not been completely cut off, returned all the attacks from Aegislash that he had accumulated.


Or in a more powerful form.

a time.

The two Pokémons collapsed at the same time, ploughing two deep ravines in the snow.


The damage suffered by both sides is actually similar.

Because Aegislash also has "Aurora Veil" protection.

But under the rebound of the move just now, the "Aurora Veil" left by Ninetales finally disappeared into the wind and snow with an overwhelmed crunch.

at the same time.

The flying snow in the field also began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There's still a little time for 'Safeguard', but it's definitely not much. The battle of Spiritomb must be ended before it disappears completely." Xia Yan thought so.

Without the protection of the "Safeguard", with Spiritomb's difficult Pokémon characteristics, Aegislash has difficulty guaranteeing results.


Even if he knew that Spiritomb might cast "Foul Play" again, Xia Yan had to choose to attack.

"Aegislash, Shadow Sneak"

"Spiritomb, Psychic!"

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Cynthia's face was cold, she waved her hand, and shouted imposingly.

In an instant.

The strange and strange Psychic from Spiritomb covered the shadow where Aegislash was, and pulled Aegislash out of the shadow abruptly in the inexplicably cold ice crystals.

Can you do this?

Aegislash was a little surprised.

Cynthia accurately predicted Xia Yan's plan and blocked the "Shadow Sneak" that Aegislash relied on with Spiritomb's special ability.

Without "Shadow Sneak," at the speed of the two Pokémons, Aegislash and Spiritomb, it would be a real pecking at each other.

"Spiritomb, Taunt!"

Forcing Aegislash out of the shadows, Cynthia caught Aegislash's momentary gap.

A pair of dark hands extended from Spiritomb's body and used "Taunt" on Aegislash, restricting it from performing "change" type moves.

Xia Yan frowned.

Do you have to choose just the front?

That Spiritomb definitely has an advantage over Aegislash.

"Aegislash, shadow ball!"

Xia Yan cautiously did not choose to rush forward.

The dark Ghost-type energy quickly condensed, intertwined around Aegislash, turned into an inky Black Energy Ball, and shot towards Spiritomb. …

Cynthia gently tucked the strands of hair that slid over her shoulders behind her head.

"Phantom Force!"


A brief distortion of space.

"Shadow Ball" is fast.

It has hit Spiritomb's strange twisting gas head-on.

But before the "Shadow Ball"'s energy exploded completely, he escaped and disappeared into the fourth-dimensional space.

Avoid maximum damage.


The "Shadow Ball" failed and smashed into the clearing.

"Watch your surroundings!"

Xia Yan reminded.

Aegislash's eyes swept around, the shield closely followed him, and the satin floated freely in the air, feeling the fluctuations of space.


Xia Yan and Cynthia's eyes opened slightly at the same time.

"End it! Spiritomb!"

Spiritomb that flew out of the fourth-dimensional space, wrapped in a strong Ghost-type energy, attacked the back of Aegislash's weakest defense.

But at the same time, Xia Yan's voice also sounded at this moment.

"Right now, Shadow Sneak!"

how is this possible? !

Cynthia, who heard Xia Yan's order, was the first to look at Xia Yan and Aegislash in disbelief.

Its "Shadow Sneak" move.

Isn't it already imprisoned by Spiritomb's special ability?

But the truth was in front of her eyes.

The moment Spiritomb escaped from the fourth-dimensional space, Aegislash quietly turned into a shadow and disappeared from its sight.

when it reappears.

As if already behind Spiritomb.

"Aegislash, the last Shadow Claw!"

And Cynthia, after experiencing the initial surprise, quickly adjusted her mentality and made a response and preparation.

"Spiritomb, Destiny Bond!"


Aegislash's sharp sword pierced the Spiritomb with Ghost energy.

But at the same time, the faint green light that appeared in the Spiritomb gas also projected into Aegislash's body.


Spiritomb's gas disappeared and the keystone hit the ground.


Aegislash showed pain, and swayed slowly to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

"Spiritomb, Aegislash, incapacitated at the same time!"

The voice of the robot referee sounded at the right time.

But for this situation, question marks flashed across the screen in the live broadcast room.

They don't understand.

Why Cynthia's Spiritomb, that "Psychic" is so powerful, but it seems to be able to block moves.

I don't understand why Aegislash, who was blocked from moving, finally used "Shadow Sneak?"

speak up.

Remove these two incomprehensible processes from the battle.

They were surprised to find out.

Is the plot the same?

Wouldn't that be an optional part?


Can't say that.

Otherwise, it would be good to just look at one result of the battle.

Just because they don't understand it.

But looking at Spiritomb and Aegislash on the ground, Cynthia's mind kept flashing images of the previous two Pokémon fights.


The screen freezes at one frame.

She looked at Xia Yan, as if testing, but also as if she was very sure.

"Is that the 'Shadow Ball'?"

Xia Yan grinned and sighed:

"As expected of Cynthia."

The casting of "Shadow Ball" was a little more complicated.

Ghost energy followed Aegislash's body and walked in a big circle.


Aegislash, Assisted with "Antimatter Force", eliminating the special effect carried by Cynthia's Spiritomb "Psychic" move.

Spiritomb is not the only Pokémon with special abilities.

It's a game between Pokémon's special abilities.


The current situation seems to be Xia Yan and Cynthia two to three, and he has the advantage of one Pokémon.

But as far as "Victory Road" is concerned, he's a little off.

If behind that door, there is really a well-prepared Yingor, the number of Pokémon that Xia Yan has lost must be strictly controlled.

The good news is.

Ninetales just fell asleep, it doesn't mean there is no chance to wake up.

bad news,

The battle continues, and Cynthia's next Pokémon will be even tougher.


PS: Today's 1.1w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~


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