The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1012 Champion, I Only Recognize One Person (5K!)


Garchomp opened his scarlet scythes, his eyes were blood red, and he roared in the sky, wantonly venting the pride of belonging to the dragon type Pokémon, as well as the absolute confidence of its combination with Cynthia.


Cynthia's aura seemed to echo Garchomp's aura.

One person, one Pokémon, showing a very close tacit understanding.

It also showed the seriousness and excitement with which they were absolutely focused at the moment.

Ordinary Garchomp Sinnoh is probably less than two meters in height, but this Garchomp from Cynthia, at a rough look, is probably more than two meters tall!


The size of a Pokémon does not represent the strength of a Pokémon.

But to a certain extent, the larger the Pokémon, the more powerful the potential.

Especially for Dragon-type Pokémon.

Although it is not the "Intimidation" Ability, with Garchomp's ferocious appearance, it is estimated that the deterrence brought by Normal Pokémon's "Intimidation" may not be as strong as Cynthia's Garchomp.

Look at the Garchomp in front of Cynthia.

Rao is that Xia Yan had already made preparations.

He also had to take a slow breath, feeling the pressure from Cynthia and Garchomp.

Champion level!

Champion-level quasi-god Pokémon.

This name alone is enough to make more than 99% of Trainers discouraged.


After a brief surprise, Xia Yan's expression gradually calmed down.


A faint smile appeared on his face.

People are strong.

But we are not weak.

huh, Beedrill?

He also threw the Poké Ball in his hand into the field.


The air trembled indistinctly, interspersed with the sound of faint fine electric currents.


In the scarlet compound eyes, there is a strong interest in Garchomp, and absolute trust in Xia Yan and himself.

Like Cynthia and Garchomp, they believe they are the strongest.

Beedrill also always believes that its combination with Xia Yan will not lose to any Rival.

Although Beedrill's aura and momentum after his appearance did not seem to be as arrogant and flamboyant as Garchomp, he had to be looked at.

Beedrill's appearance.

Let Garchomp restrain his arrogant expression a little, showing the importance and recognition of Beedrill.

This is a Rival that definitely deserves all the attention!

The two Pokémon just glanced at each other, unable to take their attention away from each other.

"The battle continues!"

The flag in the hands of the robot referee suddenly fell.

This is very likely to be the last battle between Xia Yan and Cynthia, and finally opened Veilstone.

"Garchomp, Sandstorm!"

Cynthia was the first to launch.

And it is rare to let Garchomp launch a ferocious attack at the first time without coming up, but choose to manually turn on the Sandstorm weather.

"Stop it."

Before Cynthia's voice fell, Xia Yan called out the command.

And Beedrill is even more exaggerated.

Just hearing Xia Yan's voice, he seemed to understand what he meant.

The golden wings trembled violently at a frequency that the naked eye couldn't catch.

Immediately after.

I saw the flocculent golden current, leaving an illusory outline where Beedrill was.

And Beedrill itself is like a tiny golden arc, and in the blink of an eye, its sharp long needle is already in front of Garchomp.


Seeing this, Garchomp, not only did not evolve, nor was he surprised by the speed displayed by Beedrill, as if he had anticipated such a situation, and even prepared a way to deal with it.

"Stop it!"

Garchomp has razor-sharp shark fins attached to his arms, his arms crossed across his chest.

Those blood-red eyes, through the space deliberately left by the crossed arms, stared at Beedrill who was close at hand.

Very fast response time.


It should be said that it was an accurate prediction of his and Beedrill's behavior.


If Beedrill's attack is so defensible, and its speed so easy to catch, what qualifies it for Cynthia's Garchomp to take it so seriously?


Beedrill's figure suddenly blurred, and phantoms appeared out of nowhere in Garchomp's sight.

At first glance.

It seems like every Beedrill is real.

But looking closely, I feel that any Beedrill may be fake.

Between the unreal and the real, Garchomp couldn't figure out which way to resist for a while.

But it hesitated.

But it doesn't mean that Beedrill, who is an assassin, will hesitate.

Grabbing the blind spot in Garchomp's panic, the sharp long needle carried the dots of verdant green light, and the thunder Horacio Normal pierced out.



The long needle that Beedrill pierced was suddenly blocked by a cloud of sand rising from nowhere.


Deliberately revealing flaws for so long.

finally found you!

Garchomp gave a grim smile and turned his head slowly.

In an instant.

Sandstorm was flying, dense and heavy sand and dust, and in an instant, it completed the full coverage of the entire battlefield.

Manual "Sandstorm".

It's turned on!

at the same time.

Garchomp's sharp shark fins stirred up the sharp dragon energy, tore through the air barrier, and wiped Beedrill with fierce energy.


Garchomp, who seemed to be successful, staggered uncontrollably when the shark fin cut off Beedrill's body.

The lively Beedrill turned into a bubble and dissipated little by little.

fake? !

Double Team? !


The real attack comes from the front!

Witnessing the whole process, the audience who had to rely on the director to play at a slow speed to see the real situation of the game, swallowed their saliva one by one.

this wave.

It seems that neither side has released any moves.

But it seems that every action is the display of a move.

The sharp edge, accompanied by the sharp long needle, and the energy compressed to the extreme.

Beedrill, who had already captured the flaws Garchomp showed when he was staggering, this time, the precise attack of Thunder Horacio Normal, even if it could not cause fatal damage to Garchomp, at least it could turn the balance of victory to a favorable situation for his side.

The training and cultivation of the "Snipe Shot Hand" Ability in the long run.

Let it almost have no doubts about its own judgment.


In this instant, the weakness that he finally found in Garchomp's body covered with ferocious scales was forcibly interrupted by the surging dragon-type energy that sprang up from terror.

I see.

Cynthia raised her right hand, and the "Z-Ring" on her wrist and the "Dragon Z" embedded in it were frantically bursting with natural energy, pouring into Garchomp's body, turning it into the purest dragon energy.

next second.


Garchomp unfolded his scythes, and under the support of his own strength and natural energy, his missile-shaped head was raised to the sky, and he roared freely.

The terrifying and terrifying energy that drums up, wave after wave, wave after wave.


Garchomp was like a jet plane, dragging two milky white trail clouds, rushing towards the dome of the hall, and when facing the ceiling, without the slightest stagnation, with a "bang", it rushed straight into the air.

The blue sky and white clouds seem to be integrated with it.

After a stagnation of almost a tenth of a second.

Garchomp, who flew to the highest point, turned over and turned his head down, while violent purple dragon energy surged from his body.

under Garchomp's control.

That purple dragon energy, in the blink of an eye, instantly condensed into a ferocious purple dragon.

Bright eyes, sharp teeth, hard and distinct scales, vibrating wings, and torn claws.

The absolute power of the champion quasi-god Pokémon is revealed.

This trick.

It should be the strongest move of Cynthia and Garchomp at present.


Beedrill and Xia Yan held their heads at the same time, and their eyes passed through the layers of Sandstorm flying and raging, and saw the Garchomp leaning down with a terrifying power.

first timing

Beedrill looked around.

Just seeing the Sandstorm rising like a tornado, surrounded himself in the middle, and couldn't help showing a little helplessness.

You can try to avoid it.

But the obstruction created by Sandstorm will completely eliminate the opportunity and ability to confront Garchomp's attack head-on.

the most important is.

Looking at the phantom of the terrifyingly large dragon in the sky

It seems that this is the battlefield now.

It seems that there are not many really safe corners, right?


Beedrill looked at Xia Yan subconsciously.

And what responded to it was the trusting smile on Xia Yan's face.

The idea of ​​​​one Pokémon has long been the same.

No need for any excessive words at all.

the next moment.

Beedrill's eyes were sharp in an instant, and the frequency of the vibrating golden wings continued to increase, and strands of golden currents were constantly woven out of its wings.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

"Confident enough to try this one? Good! Then try it, with Garchomp from Cynthia."

His self-talk seemed to be echoed by Beedrill.

"what is that?"

"Wings, wings? Wings?"

"How can Beedrill have such big wings? Are they all made of thunder and lightning?!"

The audience who saw this scene were full of incredible horror.

The scene brought by Cynthia's Garchomp is shocking enough.

Can be seen.

Beedrill, who looked like Xia Yan, not only didn't mean to back down, but also wanted to give them an equal amount of shock.


Greater shock.

a time.

People who started to pay attention to Xia Yan a long time ago couldn't help but think that at the Masters, his Beedrill broke the limit again and again and left an indelible impression on everyone.

And this time.

It seems that Beedrill wants to break this impression himself?


The giant feathers that are really constructed by golden flocculent currents, like mechanical Normal, also made Cynthia feel incredible.

How did you do it?


Of course, it's a move that Beedrill and Reggie Elech trained in combination.

When Xia Yan saw Reggie Elech, who lacked a ring limit and the current ran wild, his body increased several times, and the voltage was exaggerated, such a thought flashed in his mind.

The Beedrill has been transformed with the "Pure Gold Feather", and its wings are equivalent to some electric Pokémon's electric capsules, which can store and even generate electricity.

It's just that the amount of storage, and the amount generated, only gives Beedrill a small speed bonus.

So he thought at the time.

Can Reggie Elage be the "electric capsule" that the Beedrill stores and generates electricity?


Then there is the constant trial and training.

Even so, the duration of this training is not short.


Beedrill's hand, at most, can only be regarded as just getting started, and it is still in the process of continuous in-depth understanding and learning.

Just in the eyes of Beedrill and Xia Yan.

There is more than actual combat.

Better learning opportunities?


Rival is also Cynthia's Garchomp, which just requires a strong presence that they value 100%.

With the vibration of Beedrill's huge golden wings woven out, Beedrill rose to the ground with dazzling golden light, like a thunder and lightning Normal.

In the process of its galloping Flying, the emerald green natural energy from the surrounding natural environment is chasing its "step".

natural energy?

see you.

Xia Yan didn't know when, but he had already raised his right hand, and the "Insect Z" was shining brightly on it.

Riding the spiral updraft.

Around the long needle held up, there are also Bug Type energy, natural energy, and electrical energy intertwined in a spiral.

from afar.

It was as if he saw a huge spear head, which quickly took shape under the interweaving and condensing of three-color energies.

And just above the pole where the spear tip was exposed, a vicious dragon flew down.

From the pinnacle collision between Xia Yan and Cynthia Trump Card Pokémon!

It also represents the current Sinnoh Region, and even the entire Pokémon world, the head-on collision between the two strongest Pokémon in the younger generation.

Countless people.

There are countless people watching this battle.

Involuntarily stood up.

Clenched his hands.

He didn't even notice the fine sweat oozing out of his palms.

this moment.

It seems that the flow of time in the entire world has been slowed down under the gaze of countless people.

But only one exists.

Not only has it not been slowed down, but it has continued to soar.

It's Beedrill!

It completely released the current.

speed at this moment.

Completely break the shackles that the rules place on it.

Under the somewhat disbelieving gaze of the fierce, confident Garchomp.

The Beedrill that was in front of me just a moment ago.

The next moment, he actually appeared behind him!

what it can feel.

There was only the stinging pain caused by the jumping arc wiping across his face.

And in the eyes of all.

It seemed that only the terrifying dragon whose speed had been slowed down, the spear that had been pulled up from the ground with the momentum of thunder.

Instantly pierced!

boom--! ! !

this moment.

The whole world fell into complete silence.

A terrifying roar took over all the audio.

The violent aftermath that followed, even completely dispelled all the clouds in the sky in this area.

The hole in Soaring in the sky seems to lead straight to the universe.

This shocking scene made everyone forget to breathe.

When the roar dissipated and everyone's ears returned to normal use, they heard it.

bang -- bang --

Two beeps.

Sandstorm slowly dissipated.

The smoke gradually disappeared.

The scene finally revealed made everyone gasp subconsciously.

Garchomp lying motionless in the rubble!

Weary, Twineedle hits Beedrill on the ground!

Scarlet eyes still stared at the fallen Garchomp.

Cynthia's Garchomp is really strong.

at the same time.

On their bodies, the hideous wounds can be clearly seen.

But the result.

Already ready to come out.

Beedrill hits the spot with precision, and Garchomp loses his ability to fight!

Xia Yan.

Got the final victory in this battle.

And the cost.

It doesn't seem to be small.

Cynthia, who was standing on the sidelines, also let out the breath that was held in her chest after being stunned for a long time.

That stalwart also shrank a bit disappointingly.

She took steps.

Da da da--

Stepping on the ruins.

Put away Garchomp.

Go to Xia Yan.

Looking straight into his eyes, he slowly stretched out his hand.

He said frankly word by word:

"Fantastic duel."

Xia Yan also stared at Cynthia's bright apricot eyes.

watched for a long time.

Xia Yan gently held her weak and boneless palm.

Both suddenly laughed.


Xia Yan pressed the brim of his hat and said.

Cynthia couldn't help but squinted at the closed door behind her from the corner of her eye.

Then he turned to Xia Yan and said:

"It doesn't matter what happens after that. From today onwards, Sinnoh champion, I only recognize one person."

She was convinced by Xia Yan's strength.

To be able to come here from the beginning of "Victory Road", and defeat her in a fierce battle all the way, can't find any criticism for such strength.

But if someone else

Her Garchomp, Cynthia, is also not vegetarian.

Looking at her solemn appearance and posture, Xia Yan couldn't help but stunned.


As long as it has the approval of Cynthia.

It seems that the rest of Sinnoh recognizes it or not, it doesn't matter much, right?

Cynthia, one from south to north, one from north to south, lifted this High Heaven Palace, bah, this Sinnoh Region, it is not impossible!

Igor in a wheelchair behind the door.

Watching the live broadcast, I don't know why a drop of cold sweat slid down my forehead.

Xia Yan's eyes

Seems very unfriendly.

He doesn't give this position to Igor, this kid seems to dare to grab it?


PS: Today's 1.2w+! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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