The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1015: Claire, Give Me The Tissue

Chapter 1014: Claire, give me the tissue

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The emerald green Barrier encasing Cherrim shattered.


As the core of the group buff bonus for the entire team, as long as Cherrim exists, it will make Rival feel very uncomfortable.

at this point.

Xia Yan is clear, Igor is more clear.


Defensive moves like "Protect" must be mastered by Cherrim.

And while Cherrim "protected" the Mega Beedrill attack, the rest of Igor's Pokémon reacted quickly.

Boom-! !

Bang Lei King Kong slammed the drum on his chest, making a dull sound, and a thick wooden branch suddenly rose from under the Mega Beedrill, like a giant Oak stick beating a drum, using it as a drum face, slap down.

Drum Beating!

It is a move unique to Pokémon, the King of the King Kong.

Not only does it have a lot of attack power, but once it hits, it can also reduce Rival's speed by 100% by one level.

And in this battle belonging to Xia Yan and Igor.

The speed of the two sides can almost be said to be the key to the outcome.

Once the Mega Beedrill's speed is reduced, it's more likely to be the target of the opponent's Beat Up.


But fortunately.

In the face of the "Drum Beating" who was pounding the King Kong orangutan, he was still able to quickly open up the distance with his own speed.



When Mega Beedrill pulled away, a huge black shadow appeared above it, covering it.

It's Mega CharizardY!

Igor successfully predicted the Flying trajectory of the Mega Beedrill and appeared in the Sky where it was dodging.


With a growl.

The fiery flames, under the splendid light, are swaying the surging heat waves, oncoming!

The orange-red fire column, with rolling momentum, surged forward.

But in the face of this attack from Mega CharizardY, Mega Beedrill no longer dodged, just narrowed his eyes, and the dark red aura spread wildly, combining the special aura of "Totem's aura" and "leader's aura". field, completely released.

next second.

The figure of Mega Beedrill, who was ready to go, suddenly blurred.

appeared instead.

It is the multi-dragon Bartto who dares to jump out of the different space with the dark and obscure Haze and the blue-purple dragon energy.


Facing the flames of Mega CharizardY, Duolong Bart dragged his tail and danced his body, turning into a huge black and purple dragon phantom, roaring up.

boom--! !

Two terrifying energies collided and erupted in an instant, raising the aftermath of the raging massacre, and rolling up fierce waves.

Doron Bartto and Mega CharizardY are both champion Pokémon.


Doron Bartto's combination of "Phantom Force" and "Dragon Rush" is actually just on par with Mega CharizardY's "Flamethrower".

some of.

Of course, there are also reasons why Mega CharizardY is stronger and has the blessing of "Sunny Day".

But even bigger, or because of Cherrim's "gift of flowers".

All physical attack and special defense have been increased by 50%. Such a bonus is indeed a bit terrifying.


Just as Doron Bartto's collision with Mega CharizardY brought a huge aftermath, Mega Beedrill, who had swapped places with Doron Bartto, was now at Whimsicott's side.

The surging "Aura of Kings" made Whimsicott's Contest Condition appear for a short period of time.

The sharp long needle, intertwined with cyan and gold, swept towards Whimsicott.

In the face of Mega Beedrill's fierce attack, Whimsicott was too late to make a move.

But Lilligant casts "After You" again, targeting Venusaur!

Venusaur's movements suddenly accelerated.

The flowers on the back trembled slightly, and clusters of milky white bubbles floated and condensed from the flower buds.

However, under the illumination of "Sunny Day" above the hall, this west bubble immediately turned into a red fireball, whistling away from the Mega Beedrill.

Weather Ball!

In the weather of "Sunny Day", the Attribute of the "Weather Ball" move becomes a fire element, and its power is directly doubled!

Bang! ! !

"Weather Ball"'s attack, and Mega Beedrill's attack, fell almost at the same time.

Stars of fire, accompanied by scattered bubbles.

Whimsicott, who was photographed in the Mega Beedrill aura, couldn't help blinking his eyes. He touched his body and found that there were no wounds on his body, nor did he feel any pain.

Igor on the sidelines also frowned.

Fake again? !

Then why is the aura brought by Mega Beedrill so real?

and also.

Such a virtual and real battle has already made him feel difficult and difficult.

If every time Xia Yan attacked, he had to predict the authenticity of his attack, and every time he counterattacked, he also had to judge the authenticity of the target, it would be too uncomfortable.

The point is.

It's just a matter of judging true and false.

In most cases it is.

Before attacking Smack Down, it's all true, but when attacking Smack Down, through "Ally Switch" and the illusion brought by Zorua's "Illusion" ability, real things can become false in an instant , so that the false things become real in an instant.

When I watched Xia Yan participate in the Masters.

Igor has praised the difficulty and disgusting degree of Xia Yan's tactic more than once.


At the beginning, he was more or less gloat, a trace of happiness and stubbornness.

But now.

When he came to face such a tactic himself, the whole person was about to go numb.

how to spell? !

He considers his own Pokémon builds and tactics to be enough to keep a lot of people off guard.

No matter in terms of explosive offense, firm defense, continuous consumption, and chaotic rhythm, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

His Rival, as long as he is inferior to him in one aspect, can be slowly exhausted by his extremely strong endurance.


When facing Xia Yan's tactics, he instantly realized his mistake.

On outbreaks.

Although Xia Yan's Mega Beedrill and Duolong Bartto are strong, his Mega CharizardY is not necessarily inferior to them, and maybe even stronger.

On defense.

Xia Yan's lineup has no defensive Pokémon at all, and their Contest Condition is not good. Once attacked by Pokémon such as Mega CharizardY and Venusaur, they will lose their combat ability.

Not to mention consumption.

Igor's grass-type Pokémon is best at continuously consuming power. If Xia Yan wants to consume slowly with him, Igor may wake up laughing from a dream.

Only the last point.


Igor's rhythm is not bad, and even compared to Cynthia and Steven, the more experienced Igor has a stronger control over the rhythm.

This can be seen from Lilligant's two "After You" pulling the disadvantage back.

But the problem is.

Igor's rhythm ability is not bad, but Xia Yan directly filled the rhythm with the synergy of the two cores and the tacit cooperation of all Pokémon!

At least, so far, Igor has never seen a Trainer whose rhythm ability is stronger than Xia Yan's in a full battle.

On rhythm ability.

Xia Yan can almost rank in the top three in the entire Pokémon world today, or even more.

This rhythm ability alone made up for all the disadvantages he faced when facing Igor.

also firmly occupy the initiative.

Igor can't even grab the rhythm.

And in order to show such a rhythm.

Xia Yan on the sidelines frowned, the blue veins on his forehead beat slightly, and the Psychic halo in his eyes shone.

This lineup.

He's really not afraid of being Mimic.

Because as long as it is not Psychic, Mimic will definitely not be able to get up, even if it is Psychic, it may not be able to Mimic to the real essence.

This is a brain-burning tactic.

Back on the field.

The fake Mega Beedrill fooled Igor once again, squandering Venusaur's attack.

And from Mega Beedrill, Doron Bartto, Zorua, Togekiss, Alakazam and Latios, Contest Condition finally recovered a little.

It was finally possible for Xia Yan to directly fill the entire tactic.


Latios gave a low drink.

A soft white beam spewed out of its mouth.

This beam does not have any energy fluctuations, but its target is not Igor's Pokémon, but the hazy fog in the corner of the court.

Mega Beedrill, I don't know when it appeared in the corner of the field.

Under the irradiation of this beam, Mega Beedrill's Ability has become "simple"!

This is "Simple Beam" by Latios!

With the transformation of Ability, Mega Beedrill's long and narrow scarlet eyes flickered, clanging loudly, and the dark red sword formation slowly rose.

Sword Dance!

Igor, who saw this scene, finally couldn't sit still.

A big wave.

The "Simple" Ability, which doubles the effect of each empowered buff for that Pokémon.

"Sword Dance" already has a very strong physical attack blessing effect, and then doubles it.

Mega Beedrill really can't stop it!


Mega CharizardY roared loudly, shaking the huge orange wings, and at the same time as the air waves rolled up, the flames circled like a vortex and wrapped up towards the Mega Beedrill.

at the same time.

"Da Na!"

Venusaur raised his feet, and stomped on the ground with his thick green feet. Along with the roar, a large number of green plants spread wildly around the Mega Beedrill.

And when the plants came into contact with the flames of Mega CharizardY.

Bear! ! !

The already terrifying flames ushered in an unimaginable huge improvement in an instant.

The scorching high temperature seems to have brought about a brief distortion of the space, as well as the rising temperature throughout the hall.

A combo of Mega CharizardY and Venusaur.

"Fire Pledge" plus "Grass Pledge"!

In an instant.

The environment in which Mega Beedrill is located has turned into a large sea of ​​terrifying fire!


In the face of such obstacles, Xia Yan had already made preparations.


In the face of the terrifying high temperature and flames, Mega Beedrill's figure was blurred again, and the replaced Duolong Bart didn't even glance at the flames, turned his head, and disappeared into the void again.


Psychic in Alakazam's eyes echoes Xia Yan's Psychic.

At the same time, he also took over part of the command from Xia Yan's hands, alleviating Xia Yan's pressure.

There was a sudden surge of Psychic in its eyes, and it swept across Igor's Lilligant.

a time.

Alakazam's original golden body turned a little emerald green, and its speed was also greatly improved under "Sunny Day".

"Role Play" Lilligant's "Chlorophyll" Ability!

But soon.

Alakazam transferred this Ability using "Skill Swap".

And the target.

Naturally the Mega Beedrill that needs speed the most!

Exchanged places with Duolong Bartto, and appeared in Mega CharizardY Sky, Mega Beedrill, whose ability was replaced by "leaf green"!

The double buff "Sword Dance" of the "Simple" Ability is complete!

Under the bright sunlight.

There was also a faint green fluorescence on Mega Beedrill's body.

Its speed has completely become a wild horse!

boom! !

Violent Sonic Boom, burst out as the Mega Beedrill flapped its wings.

Since the "Gift of Flowers" ability cannot be "Role Play".

Then "chlorophyll" is the best choice.

Look at the Mega Beedrill disappearing from sight.

Igor felt bad in his heart.

Another feature of Xia Yan's lineup system is revealed.

Any weather team will be his help in the end!


With Mega Beedrill out of sight, Togekiss moved.

It fluttered its wings, and two bright white Air Cutters slashed out.

The piercing bright white blade, with gusts of wind, slashed at Whimsicott at great speed!

The target is Whimsicott?

Do not!


It was impossible for Xia Yan to expose the target so directly.

Igor's eyes swept around, trying to find out the Flying trajectory of Mega Beedrill, and also trying to determine Xia Yan's real attack target.


At Cherrim's side, there were subtle fluctuations in the space.

Igor knew that it was a sign of the appearance of Doron Bartto's "Phantom Force".

Not yet!

Lilligant? !

Beside Lilligant, Zorua, who had been hiding well, moved quietly among the wisps of Mist.

Do not!

Also not Lilligant!


Bang the King Kong gorilla!

Fuzzy figure, accompanied by innumerable golden flocculent currents intertwined, Mega Beedrill's fierce Twineedle, carrying a dark blue cold glow, appeared behind the banging King Kong orangutan.



It's the King Kong Gorilla!


Igor's pale face showed an unusual blush, and he growled lowly.

Boom! !

Booming King Kong chimpanzee understood, and at the same time as his fists beat on his chest, the green energy Barrier echoed around.

At the moment that Mega Beedrill's terrifying long needle pierced out, it successfully appeared.


What surprised both King Kong and Igor was.

Before the long needle of Mega Beedrill came into contact with the green Barrier who was banging the King Kong gorilla, his body was blurred, and instead, it was Alakazam who was driving Psychic with a spoon!

Feint? !


good guy!

You're so daring to actually lock on the target Venusaur!

In Igor's view, this is the most unlikely Pokémon that Xia Yan regards as the first breakthrough target!

But it is precisely because this is impossible, it is easier to be attacked, right?

"Sleep Powder!"

Igor's eyes flashed.

He has absolute confidence in Venusaur's defense and physical strength.

Even Mega Beedrill, who has doubled the "Sword Dance" blessing, can't kill Venusaur!

But if "Sleep Powder" delivers results.

boom! !

The flowers on Venusaur's back stirred, and the crystal powder was sprayed with stars, completely covering it and all the areas around it.

Mega Beedrill's attacks can fall, but must withstand the possibility of being hypnotized.


Mega Beedrill just flashed in front of Venusaur and disappeared again.

Instead, Latios calmly accepted the "Sleep Powder" from Venusaur, it just silently cast "Psycho Shift", the hypnotic effect on it, and tried to transfer it to Mega CharizardY on the other side.

Or Feint?

Igor's temples throbbed violently.

In just a few seconds, his head showed signs of overloading.

But at this time, the more you can't give up.

Once Xia Yan finds a breakthrough.

The biggest feature of his tactics is staring at the breakthrough and launching crazy attacks!

So, the goal is.

But next second.

Igor was dumbfounded.


Two Mega Beedrills appeared!

One, by Lilligant's side.

One, on Cherrim's side.


Among them, there must be one, which is Zorua's disguise.

Which one is that?

Igor's mind flashed.

just now.

Lilligant had a Mist on his side, so it was definitely Zorua in disguise!


From beginning to end, Xia Yan's primary attack target is Cherrim!

"Cherrim, Substitute!"

Igor gritted his teeth and commanded.


Cherrim let out a coquettish cry, his body swayed briefly, and an identical "Substitute" appeared where it was originally.

Let it go and become the target of Mega Beedrill.


boom--! !

A violent roar, a dull sound, rang out of Igor's sight.

Under that violent roar.

Whimsicott, with a face full of pain, frowned and flew out, hitting the ground hard.


Incapacitated to fight!

In this all-out battle, the first Pokémon that lost its ability to fight appeared!

But no one expected that it would be Whimsicott.

If Xia Yan was in the live broadcast room, he would definitely tell them.

The battle can be lost, and the disgusting cotton must die!

Looking at Whimsicott lying on the ground, Igor's temples were jutting, and the corners of his eyes were drawn frantically.

I can't wait to take a mouthful of old blood and spit it directly on Xia Yan's face.

Was it the correct target that he had ruled out in the first place?

And in the live room.

There has been no popup for a few seconds.

I don't know how many people are holding the trash can and throwing up, and how many people are wiping their mouths.

It wasn't until Whimsicott fell to the ground that those barrages that disappeared slowly recovered.

".I just want to ask, is this really a tactic that people can come up with?"

"Ouch - no, I'm so dizzy, I'll vomit for a while, you guys continue. Vomit-"

"It's numb, it's really numb. This tactic is absolutely amazing. I don't know it before, but there is absolutely no future."

"Sympathy for President Igor for three seconds."

"Ten seconds to sympathize with the director."

In this situation, the most painful thing is obviously the director, right?

Inside the German airship.

There was silence in the control room where many people were standing at the moment.

After a while.

"Igor, I'm completely in Xia Yan's rhythm."

Bertha pressed her forehead and spoke slowly, breaking the peace.

Daye squinted his eyes and looked out the window. For a short time, he didn't dare to look at the screen.

"But to be honest, if you don't cater to Xia Yan's rhythm, you will die faster, right?"

But if you don't watch it, it doesn't mean that Daye can't express his opinion.

"In terms of rhythm, Xia Yan is the strongest one I've ever seen. His rhythm ability has completely leveled off and even opened the gap with President Igor."

Steven couldn't disagree.

Cynthia pressed her chin to look at To the other side, who had a somewhat unsightly face.

Asked: "How did you crack it in the first place?"

"Crack?" Du's expression was slightly sullen, he took a deep breath, and calmed down the feelings brought by some bad memories, "I failed to crack."

Hearing this, Cynthia nodded thoughtfully.

"So, if you want to deal with it, you can only use violence, right?"

Fighting skills with violence is the last resort.

But no matter how you look at it now, it seems that there is only one option.

Isn't Dudu the representative of "violence" in their group?

"Ordinary outbursts are not enough, Xia Yan can't be unaware of his own shortcomings. Forget it, Claire, give me a tissue."

Speaking of halfway through, in the end, he chose to compromise.

Claire: "."

a time.

The expressions of everyone in the airship were strange.

There were also many people, aiming at the tissue in Claire's hand.

In the past, Xia Yan was called "Master of Tactics", just because some tactics were "dirty" and disgusting enough.

but now.

"Dirty". There is still a little bit, the real thing is still swaying, swaying.

It feels like halo 3D.

Unconsciously, I fainted, and I felt like vomiting after watching too much.

on the field.

Whimsicott watching to the end.

Igor pressed his temple firmly and took a deep breath.

As Whimsicott fell to the ground, he also knew that he had entered Xia Yan's rhythm before he knew it.


I couldn't think of a solution for a while.

only one.

The method thought of by Cynthia et al.

Igor naturally thought of it too.

But let's be honest.

He actually really doesn't like to use this method to crack other people's tactics.

Because doing so undoubtedly means that at the tactical level, he has lost completely.

"This Zorua's ability cultivation is excellent." Igor couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Yan's Zorua rarely appears.

But every time he played, it made people have to shine.

its existence.

It made Xia Yan's tactics complex and difficult to deal with, which has improved several grades.

Fake and real, there is absolutely no way to start.

But in the current situation, Igor has no choice.

He slowly released the hand that was pressing on the temple, and slowly exhaled the air in his chest, his eyes instantly became decisive and firm.

"Then increase the speed and make the battle more pure."

next second.

Igor takes command.

It doesn't matter which Pokémon Xia Yan will use as a breakthrough, and which Pokémon may suffer.

To turn the situation around while Cherrim is still there and the "Gift of Flowers" Ability blessing is still there.

Bear! !

As Igor made his decision, a terrifying fiery flame rose from Mega CharizardY's body in an instant.

"Are you going to zoom in?" Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the actions of Mega CharizardY, I can judge the choice that Igor will make next.


This kind of tactical change, even if you know it, there is no way to deal with it.

can do.

Just bang.


Xia Yan slowly put away the smile on his face.

As far as outbreaks are concerned, we have never been afraid of anyone.

Drink low again.

"Alakazam, Mega Evolution!"

all of a sudden.

The colorful lights of Mega Evolution connect Xia Yan and Alakazam in series.

Double Mega Evolution!

The audience, who had a premonition of what was going to happen next, forcibly endured the discomfort in their hearts and turned their eyes back to the screen.

Xia Yan felt the violent beating of his temples.

gritted teeth.

He did something that everyone looked forward to, but felt incredible.

"Latios, Mega Evolution!"

For a moment.

Xia Yan's back was soaked, and his forehead was covered in fine sweat, which slipped from the tip of his nose and fell on the ground to be wet.


Triple Mega Evolution!


PS: Guaranteed to finish today!

(End of this chapter)

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