The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 103 The Blood Bar Disappearing Technique Beedrill! (Fourth More! Please Read!)

Chapter 103 The blood bar disappearing technique Beedrill! (Fourth more! Please read!)

Hearing Xia Yan's question, the referee subconsciously looked at Ivy.

This is the advantage of home games. The referee is his own person. This is not only reflected in the Pokémon battle. The outcome of many aspects of the game can be determined by the referee.

However, before Ivy could respond this time, Song Beiji, the director of the Celadon City club opposite, spoke first.

"Oh? Does the Silver Pokémon Battle Club still have the habit of replenishing food during battles? It's really rare."

Ivy glanced coldly at Song Beiji, who was talking in a strange way, and said solemnly: "Of course not."

"That's good, then I don't have to worry about it, we didn't bring Pokémon food after all."

After replying, discuss the next step of the tactics with the rest of the club again.

And the referee also gave Xia Yan a "no" feedback as a matter of course.

Xia Yan shrugged, put away the energy cube, and patted Beedrill's back lightly, signaling it to persevere.

Hazel looked worried when she heard Xia Yan's question.

From the current situation, if Beedrill goes off due to physical problems, the rest of their club's sparring partners will not necessarily be able to win this match.

The rest of the sparring partners said they were also struggling.

On the one hand, I hope that Xia Yan will come down quickly, so that they can go up and earn some extra money. On the other hand, they are worried that after Xia Yan comes down, they will not only fail to win, but also lose ugly, like the previous two sparring partners.

Down Steven, frowning at the gasping Beedrill, he's always delusional.

Although Beedrill seemed to be panting a little violently and looked very tired, why did it make him feel like he was making a fuss?

Think for a moment.

When he saw that the fourth Pokémon on the other side was Rhyhorn (Iron Armored Rhinoceros), he seemed to understand, and enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't help but chuckled, his brows stretched, and he looked a little more interested in Xia Yan's eyes.

"Using the opponent's tactics to show the enemy's weakness?"


Steven thought too much, why did Xia Yan want to show the enemy's weakness, he just hoped that the other party would send a few more such meat shield-type Pokémon.

Most tank-type Pokémon have one unifying weakness, and that is speed.

Find a live target for Beedrill, hit a few more games, and win a few games to get rewards, isn't it sweet?

Therefore, the rich will never understand the problems and directions of the things they are thinking about.

No, the fourth Rhyhorn is a good example.

Unlike Graveler, however, Rhyhorn didn't give up on offense and just on defense, he chose to use as many ways as possible to try to drain Beedrill's stamina.

For example, he used the Rock-type Smack Down move as soon as he came up, not wanting to be able to hit the Beedrill, but just to make the Beedrill move more.


This only delayed the end of the battle by a few seconds, and finally was hit by Beedrill's X-Scissor and lost his ability to fight.

But they couldn't help but smile when they saw Beedrill staggered back, panting faster.

But he had to quickly suppress this joy, and he just held back his dignified appearance.


But they can bear it, it does not mean that others can bear it too.

Steven looked at the panicked appearance of the sparring partners of the Yunhong City Club, and couldn't help laughing all of a sudden.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on him.

Steven waved his hand.

"Cough, it's okay, I thought of some funny things."

When Xia Yan looked towards Steven, he just met his line of sight.

Steven said he understood Xia Yan's tactics, but he couldn't say it directly, so he raised his eyebrows at him.

Xia Yan: "."

The battle continues.

Celadon City, who thought the tactics were successful, sent a consumable Pokémon again. This time the Pokémon appeared directly occupying a large area of ​​the field. Its size was its advantage, but it was also a disadvantage.

Ground and Rock Pokémon, Onix!

When I saw this Onix, not only Steven wanted to laugh, but Xia Yan wanted to laugh too.

Fortunately, hold back.

How can people laugh when they make money for themselves time and time again?

It's just that the result of the battle not only did not exceed Xia Yan's expectations, but also did not exceed the expectations of Celadon City Club and others.

After all, Onix wasn't about winning.

There are already five of them!

Xia Yan and Beedrill completed a series of five feats. Even if he loses next, he will at least get a reward of 250,000 Alliance coins, two sets of cheats, and supporting teaching tools and materials.

He beat five people, no one can exceed this number, right?


When the people at the Celadon City club saw that Beedrill could not even fly, they felt that the opportunity had come.


Song Beiji patted a young man with long red hair solemnly, and placed high hopes on him, "Chiyan, I'll leave it to you next, end it!"

"it is good!"

Chi Yan stepped onto the field, glanced at the shaky Beedrill, and threw the Poké Ball.


A muscular Rapidash, tall and majestic, with red flames burning all over his body, appeared in the field.


And looking at this Rapidash's sturdy body and the flames burning all over the body, it can be seen that this Rapidash has been cultivated quite well. Even better.

Silver's side showed a solemn look, looking at Xia Yan and Beedrill.

"Rapidash, Flame Wheel!"

Following Chi Yan's order, Rapidash's hooves rubbed lightly on the ground twice, and a roaring flame burst out from his whole body, instantly wrapping it and condensing it into a flaming wheel.

Tee, Tee, Tee

Hoofs moved, charging towards a Beedrill who was clearly dying.

This time, he wants to defeat Beedrill, and then like Xia Yan, he will make a series of fives to turn the tide of the battle!

Looking at Rapidash rushing over, Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly. He knew that the other party should not send any more Pokémon that consumes meat shields, maybe there are no more.

"Then there is no need to continue to disguise."

Hear what Xia Yan said.

Beedrill swept away the decadent appearance before.

The wings vibrated and shot out like lightning.

It's time to let them know what a full-stacked Fell Stinger's Beedrill is!

When the Celadon City club saw Beedrill swept away and attacked.

No matter how sluggish it was, it responded.

been played!

This Beedrill has been pretending to be out of energy!

"How is that possible! This Beedrill has fought five times, why is it so fast?"

"Damn it! Acting all the time!"


I saw Beedrill avoid Rapidash's edge at a very fast speed, go around to the side, and hit Rapidash with a Fury Attack that only hits three times.

Rapidash's Flame Wheel was abruptly interrupted, and it flew directly from the field.


It was sturdyly hung on the wall under the stands and lost its fighting ability.

Fell Stinger's full stack of Beedrill, the attack power has even exceeded its level, and with the ability of the Snipe Shot hand, the instantaneous destructive power has already exploded.


Looking at the unbelievable Celadon City club people with dull expressions.

Xia Yan said lightly: "Next."

He promised Ivy that he would let the other party rout.


Beedrill's long cry echoed throughout the battle room.

I, Beedrill, hit ten!

The kind that doesn't work at all.


The fourth is here! The monthly pass is over 200 plus more! Please let me have three shifts tomorrow! Collect your monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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