The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1019 From Now On, Sinnoh Changed His Surname To Xia! (7.2K+!)

Chapter 1018 From now on, Sinnoh changed his surname to "Xia"! (7.2k+!)


Today is a special day for the entire Sinnoh Region.


This day is the inauguration ceremony of their new champion, Champion Xia Yan!

Set up at the headquarters of Sinnoh Alliance, the largest battle field in the entire Sinnoh Region is also the venue where Xia Yan and Cynthia played the Elite Challenge.

And this moment.

In the auditorium of the entire venue, there were a lot of people sitting in Wuyang Wuyang.

boom! ! !

Amid the cheers of the audience, countless Air Baloons took off, and a large number of fireworks and salutes burst into the air, bringing a roar.


It was the fervent cheers of the audience, and the shouts that gradually became more uniform.

"Xia Yan Elite——!!"

"Xia Yan Elite——!!"

"Xia Yan Elite——!!"

The inauguration of the champion of any Region is destined to be accompanied by countless cheers and flowers.


Xia Yan's gold content as a "champion", coupled with his popularity, made this "champion inauguration ceremony" so lively.

"Although the inauguration ceremony of the champion is to make the stage bigger, Sinnoh Alliance is too willing to pay for it."

Du, who was dragging his cloak, stood on the highest stand, leaning on the railing halfway, and said slightly enviously.

"Don't worry. If you become the champion, the Kanto Alliance is even more willing to pay for it. Even if the Kanto Alliance is not willing, your Dragon Royal Family will not be stingy." Steven replied with a warm smile on his face.

Du nodded thoughtfully.

"That's true."

"You want to get through the 'Victory Road'? Ask me first." Lorelei on the other side squinted lightly and said with a little disgust.

Hearing this, Du's expression suddenly froze.

That's what worries him the most.

"Victory Road" needs to be done in one go, and a streak of wins over the Elite Four or even a championship is required.

Although their Kanto Region champion has been vacant for a long time, there is no need to challenge the champion again like Xia Yan after playing Elite Four.


As one of the Elite Four, he just needs to beat the other three Elites.


Let's see who the remaining three Elites are.

The first thing that gave him the most headache was Lorelei. The ice-type Elite Lorelei restrained him too seriously.

Even if he wins Lorelei with the power of nine bulls and two tigers, how many Pokémons will he have left to keep fighting?

Moreover, after playing Lorelei, there are still two veteran Elite Fours, including Agatha, a truly top Elite Four.

Agatha, that's almost an Elite with the strength of a weaker Region champion.

Let's just say that Xia Yan, who has just become the Sinnoh champion, encounters Agatha, it's really hard to say the identity of the master and apprentice.

With Lorelei and Agatha alone, more than half of the crossing was blocked.

"I'm on hell difficulty." Du murmured in a trance.

It made Steven next to him smile.

"I'm not much better than you," Steven said.

He estimated that he would also take the "Victory Road". Hoenn Region is not a weak region, and there is a strong veteran Elite Four like Drake.

"Totaro, Gotaro, don't be discouraged, the future will be yours sooner or later."

At this time.

I don't know when a vigorous figure appeared behind them, patted their shoulders with a bit of anticipation, and said with a bit of teasing.

"Alder Champion!"

"Champ Alder, are you here too?"

Noticing the person coming, Du, Steven and the others greeted each other politely after being surprised.

"Hahaha—" Alder's hearty laughter, even the lively cheers could not be blocked.

Looking at the already arranged ceremony table, Alder continued: "Xia Yan's champion inauguration ceremony, how could I miss it?"


He smacked his mouth and sighed a little: "We played against each other in the Masters, and I got lucky that time. I watched the match between him and Igor this time. Tsk tsk - the progress is really fast. Ah, I guess I can't beat it."

"Mr. Alder, are you humble? At the Masters, you obviously held back."

Suddenly, Xia Yan's voice also sounded.

Immediately after.

Everyone saw that the attire was almost the same as usual, pressing the hat and smiling Xia Yan at the corner of his mouth.

"That's not called staying." Alder waved his hand, "If I fight you again now, it is estimated that it will be six or four at most."

Xia Yan, who was gently rubbing against his chin, walked over to several people, and also overlooked the entire venue from top to bottom.

"Is it six or four? Mr. Alder, you are still modest, at least seven or three." Xia Yan said.

Alder was stunned.

Immediately, he slapped his forehead and said, "Yes, seven to three. It's surprising enough that I can have a 30% win rate."

Xia Yan/Everyone: "???"

"In the beginning of the co-authoring, you said six or four, four is you, and six is ​​Xia Yan?" Du said in a slightly dry voice.


But I saw Alder's face calmly, "How can I account for 60%?"

Xia Yan: "."

He glanced at Alder with a solemn face, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Alder, have you ever heard a word, Versailles."


"Cough." Xia Yan coughed lightly, pressed the brim of his hat, and said without changing his face: "It means modest, too modest."

Hearing this, Alder suddenly showed a look of surprise.

With the appearance of a past person, he said earnestly: "Being a person, it is better to have Versailles."

Xia Yan: "."

Du glanced suspiciously at Xia Yan, who did not change his face, and always felt that something was strange.

"Don't you know after another fight?"

When this sentence sounded, everyone's expressions suddenly froze, and the hairs on their backs stood up.

The cold and gloomy aura seemed to be spreading rapidly from the soles of their feet to their necks.


Xia Yan smirked and turned his head, "Teacher, you are instigating the two champions to have a private fight."

Leaning on crutches, Agatha, who seemed to be surrounded by Ghost-type mist all the time, appeared on this platform out of thin air.

She gave Xia Yan a sullen look.

"What, it's a champion now, it's amazing, isn't it?"

"How come. Teacher, don't talk nonsense." Xia Yan hurriedly supported her.

"Hahahaha—" Alder didn't shy away from it, and said bluntly: "But Xia Yan, if you have time to come to Unova, we can teach those little guys a lesson and show them a game."

During this time, the Elite Four in the Unova Region has also undergone a lot of changes.

For example, Cattleya, Shauntal, and Grimsley have all successfully succeeded the Elite Four.

Although the inauguration of the young Elite has caused some unavoidable turmoil and trouble in the Unova Region.

But as the champion, Alder defied all opposition and supported Rookie's rise.

He also warned Unova to follow the progress and trend of the times. He hoped to see someone who could defeat him and succeed him as the champion.

As the leader of this new era, Xia Yan, Alder gave a very high praise and recognition.

"Next time, definitely next time."

Facing Alder's invitation, Xia Yan nodded stiffly.

Fight with Alder?

For the time being, he really didn't have much confidence.

Alder's Volcarona's power, he had seen with his own eyes.

Although Beedrill's strength is not weak now, but after all, the fire element has too much restraint on it, and it is difficult to fight.

"Okay! I'll wait for you to come to Unova next time."

But Alder didn't hear the meaning of Xia Yan's words, and answered with a hearty smile.

At this time.

Agatha next to him flipped his palm.

There was a palm-sized slap in his hand, full of quaint and obscure aura, and even a black mist that was visible to the naked eye, something like a bracelet.

But if you look closely, you will feel that this thing is hazy, and the more you look, the less you can see its appearance.

Something like a phantom was constantly obscuring his vision.

Just like throwing debris to Xia Yan.

Catching it subconsciously, Xia Yan almost shuddered and threw it out.

So cold!

The biting cold, as if at the moment of contact, dozens of needles kept piercing the skin.

"This is."

Fortunately, Xia Yan used Psychic to wrap it in time, which relieved a lot.

But even so, it clearly felt the erosion of his psychic from the strange energy in this object.

"One of the things I accidentally discovered should be the product of a super-ancient period Ghost-type Pokémon, which seems to contain too many Grudges belonging to Ghost, so that ordinary Ghost-type Pokémon can't try to absorb and use it.

It should go well with your Zorua though. "

Agatha explained lightly.

Hearing this, Xia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Good stuff!

A large part of Zorua's power comes from Spite.

Spite is both Zorua's food and its source of power.

As for Xia Yan's Zorua, he has been following him for a long time, and there is no sign of evolution, and even the progress of strength is extremely slow.

Xia Yan spent a lot of energy to figure it out.

It turned out that after following him, Zorua had no chance to absorb any Spite at all, let alone generate any Spite.

The little guy follows Xia Yan every day so happy, where is the Spite.

This has led to the reason why it has been unable to evolve even though it has accumulated too much.

Xia Yan was also troubled by this for a while.

but now.

Agatha this is simply giving help in the snow.

With this thing, Zorua may have an opportunity to evolve.

And Zorua already has Elite-level strength, if it can go further.

"Thank you Teacher!" Xia Yan hurriedly put it away and said.

Really dear teacher.

Although he always looks terrifyingly sinister at ordinary times, he will harass students from time to time.

But the benefits are really for the sake of the students.

Most importantly, Agatha is also very protective of the calf.

She has turned her face for Xia Yan and some so-called "elders" at the General League meeting more than once.

Xia Yan didn't believe that among the so many Ghost-type Pokémons in Agatha, none of them could be used.

In the face of Xia Yan's thanks, Agatha glanced at him indifferently, "It's the champion Present for you."

"I happen to have something here too."

Alder next to him also said.

Immediately, he took out a pebble-sized thing that exuded a faint orange-red light and brought heat as soon as it appeared.

At the same time, he explained: "Xia Yan, you also have a Volcarona, right? This is something I accidentally collected back then. It should be the product of an unknown fire-type insect in ancient times. It still retains a lot of fire-type energy. It's of great benefit."

Xia Yan was stunned, and said subconsciously, "Then Mr. Alder, your Volcarona is also fine."

Alder smiled heartily.

"My old buddy is almost at the end of his strength. He doesn't help us much, but for your Volcarona, there should be a lot of help."

Saying that, he shoved it directly into Xia Yan's arms.

Getting started, it is a warm feeling like jade.

How the specific effect is, you have to wait until you use it to know.


Since it was given by the champion Alder, it probably wouldn't be easy, would it?

"Take it, it's for your champion Present."

"Just right. Since we caught up, let's give it together."

At this time.

Lorelei, who had not appeared for a long time, also appeared on the platform pushing a wheelchair.

And sitting in a wheelchair with a sleeping Swinub between his knees is the current champion of Johto Region, another cheap teacher of Xia Yan, the former Ice Element Elite, Pryce!

"Pryce Teacher!"

Xia Yan was a little surprised by the arrival of Pryce.

After all, the Johto Region Region is no better than the rest of the Regions.

It has just been spun off from the jurisdiction of the entire Greater Kanto Alliance, and many things big and small need to be handled by Pryce.

Saying that, he handed over a half-slap-sized ice cube that exudes wisps of Mist like an Ice Stone.

"I found it in the secret vault of Kanto Alliance when I was dividing and extracting materials. They don't seem to know the purpose of this thing. You are lucky. Go back and bring it to your Ninetales, which can further purify the ice energy of Ninetales. , while also helping it to control the energy of the ice system."


Immediately, it was time to give gifts.

Xia Yan hurriedly took the wheelchair from Lorelei and pushed Pryce to the edge of the railing of the high platform, so that he could see the lively scene of the audience.

After setting up Pryce, Agatha, and Alder who came to give him a place.

Xia Yan looked at Du and Steven with a smile.

Neither speak.

Just looked at with a smile.

And Du, who understood what he meant, glared at him angrily.

"The moment you finish 'Victory Road', we'll give it away. The dragon-type Pokémon of Solaceon Gym, your red envelope."

"That was then, and today is today, how can they be confused?" Xia Yan asked back.


Incompetent rage.

Why is this poor fellow so hard to deal with?

On the other hand, Steven, who was next to him, pressed his chin slowly and said, "It's not impossible. Forget it, today is his big day."

Ferry: "."

He looked at Steven angrily.

You can't do that with money.

"Let everyone wait for a long time!!"


With the introduction of the Host, the lively atmosphere of the audience finally calmed down.

here we go!


Host began to introduce Xia Yan (bragging).

Including how he went from being an ordinary person to becoming the Region Champion of the Sanctuary side in such a short period of time.

Some of the big and small things he has experienced during his time, from the Saffron City Zapdos incident, to the Unova Opelucid incident, the Kalos order incident, the Alola shining incident, the Johto Region Ho-Oh incident and so on.

Every thing, suddenly the audience exclaimed.

turn out to be.

Without them knowing, their Xia Yan champion has experienced so many events, big and small?

Several dangers arose.

It took so many events to have the strength it is today.

This is a process that no one else can replicate.

It also includes Xia Yan's contributions to Pokémon research.

For example, the proposal of the concept of intimacy, the discovery of various evolutionary types of Eevee, and of course the most important, the discovery of the Fairy system, and the announcement of the Mega Evolution.

These big and small things.

If they all become the cornerstone of Xia Yan's championship position, they cannot be removed and replaced.

"Now, let's first welcome our -- Sinnoh Elite Four!"

After the introduction of Xia Yan, Host's words once again set off the boiling cheers of the audience.

A stage that was already built.

The four seats rose slowly.

On it, the four Elites from the Sinnoh Region are sitting respectively.

Cynthia, with her legs folded and her blond hair scattered, has a sort of queen-like charm, and the ferocious dragon standing behind her, Garchomp!

Immediately gives a visual impact of beauty and the beast.

Bertha with a gentle smile, wearing a thick towel, full of poise and wisdom, and Rhyperior behind her!

Da Ye, an exploding head who looks a little sloppy, but seems to be getting along well, waved his hands towards the audience with a grin rather than an Elite Four card.

And what followed behind him was naturally his signature, Infernape, who had just entered the championship.

and finally.

There's a bit of a restrained and unnaturally fudgy Aaron, and his original Pokémon, Beautifly.

After Xia Yan became the champion, the position that originally belonged to him was unsurprisingly replaced by Aaron.

This was something that the Sinnoh Alliance had decided almost early on.

And he is also the only Bug Type Elite in all Alliance Regions in the entire Pokémon world so far.

It can be said.

Reversing the opinion of many people about the weakness of Bug Type Pokémon in the later stage.

With the appearance of the Elite Four.

The hearts of the audience suddenly became a little bit eager again.

Looking at the vacant one among the five seats in that row, everyone knows who this seat is reserved for.


The host's voice finally sounded again after the audience's expectation.

"Finally! That's right! Exactly what everyone knows, and what we are eagerly looking forward to, the pride of our Sinnoh Region! Our champion, Champion Xia Yan-!!"

Whoa-! !

For a moment.

The audience burst into cheers.

The cheers resounded like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis, as if the whole Soaring in the sky was filled with these cheers, and a big hole was opened.

on the high platform.

Satisfied that Xia Yan "harvested" Present from the hands of everyone, after hearing the host's call, he also understood that it was time for him to play.

A second ago, he was "arguing" with Xia Yan, and at this moment, his eyes were full of pride.

Proud of Xia Yan.


After saying something, Xia Yan stood on the railing.

"It's Xia Yan champion!"

At this time.

Finally, some audience noticed Xia Yan's figure.

I see.

Xia Yan jumped and jumped off the high platform.

Immediately afterwards, in a series of exclamations, the Poké Ball at the waist opened, and Latios quietly appeared under Xia Yan.

next second.

Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, Aegislash, Doron Bartto, etc., all of Xia Yan's flying Pokémon, all appear together.

Seeing these Pokémon, the audience started shouting their names too.

Strongest Assassin Beedrill, Field Control King Alakazam, Togekiss, Absolute Defense Aegislash, Little Charon Rondoron Bartto.

When it was so lively, Togekiss and the little guys were obviously the happiest.

"Tsk tsk, the debut of this champion is just different." Xia Yan jumped off, Du couldn't help but sigh.

Steven nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, the two of them have the same inner thoughts at the moment.

When they become champions, what can they do to be more aura and pompous than Xia Yan.

A man's happiness is sometimes as simple as that.

"Latios, Mega Evolution!"

Xia Yan, who had a radian on his face, snorted softly.

In an instant.

The colorful light of Mega Evolution renders most of Soaring in the sky.

Amid the increasingly excited shouts of the audience, Xia Yan, who was riding on the Mega Latios, fell towards the high platform.

"Mega Evolution is used." Steven couldn't help but say.

this moment.

Both Du and Steven took it seriously.

On the one hand, he is really happy and proud for Xia Yan.

on the other hand.

It is to see where there is something to learn and where to improve.

In short.

In their opinion, Xia Yan's appearance is very handsome.

But not unsurpassed.

Available in the next second.

Two people, no, not just two people, including Agatha, Pryce, Alder, all of them subconsciously looked up at the sky.

I see.

A holy beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, just shining on Xia Yan's body, just like Spotlight Normal, moving with his movement.

"That's it." Lorelei murmured.

And Du even twitched the corners of his mouth, "Xia Yan, this guy, have you overplayed?"

Steven's expression wasn't much better than his.

"Good guy, Arceus?!"

The audience, a little later than a few people, also noticed this scene.

Immediately they saw.

In the beam of light shot down from the sky, a Pokémon exuding a strong divine aura, moved its limbs and walked lightly, and fell.

"A, ah, Arceus?!"

Because of the temple built by Xia Yan, the audience also knows Arceus, the god of creation.

Whoa-! ! !

Arceus, the god of creation, actually appeared at the inauguration ceremony of Champion Xia Yan? !

It was just a boiling venue before.

Instant frying at this moment.

Even Arceus came to celebrate Xia Yan's summit?

"That, that is, what is that?!"

But soon.

Audiences again noticed the strangeness in Soaring in the sky.

A huge gap split open in mid-air, and another world full of annihilation aura appeared looming in everyone's sight.

Immediately after.

A huge black-and-gold being spread out like demon wings jumped out of that crack.

"Ride, Giratina?!"

"and also!"

Then the audience saw it again.

In midair, beside Giratina, the space was twisted like a vortex Normal, and then a silver-red giant beast appeared.

On the other side of Giratina, time froze for a moment, and a blue-colored existence stepped out.

"Palkia, the god of space!"

"Dialga, the god of time!"

Whoa-! !

In the ancient legends of Sinnoh Region, the three dragons of antimatter, space and time also appeared.


After they appeared, there was no collision or movement, but silently looked at Xia Yan.

"It, they, are also here to celebrate Champion Xia Yan?"

Except when Giratina walked, which was a little abnormal, everything else shocked everyone.

Whether it is a live audience or a live audience.

too exaggerated.


This is definitely the first time in the entire Alliance history that four legendary real beasts appeared on the platform during the inauguration ceremony of the champion.

Du, Steven and others in the stands couldn't manage their expressions at the moment, their eyes widened, their mouths open, their faces full of disbelief.

After being stiff for a few seconds, the two looked at each other.

It's over, it's installed by him.

Do not!

It was finished by him!

In the future, it is impossible to have a champion inauguration ceremony that is bigger than this pomp.

In the future, all the champion inauguration ceremonies can do is to grab the second place.

In the future, this inauguration ceremony, after all, will go down in history and become the benchmark for all inauguration ceremonies.


Xia Yan.

Finally stood on the stage.

But the audience was unable to recover from this shock.

All of Xia Yan's Pokémon also appeared at this moment.

"Thank you," he said to Arceus, Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia in the sky.

Arceus nodded slightly, the first to come, and the first to disappear from everyone's sight.

Just leave one sentence.

[My sculpture, expand by three feet! 】

Then came the three dragons.

Dialga: [Don't forget what you promised me to feed me once. 】

Palkia: [The use of space you mentioned is very meaningful. 】

Finally, Giratina, who is "inexplicably" lame.

Giratina: [Don't leave in a while, let's have a good chat! 】

The word "chat" was emphasized.

After giving him a stern look, he returned to "Distortion World" to recover from his injuries.

This guy, Arceus, really didn't do anything light or heavy.

After the four mythical beasts left one after another, the audience gradually recovered.

next second.

"Champion Xia Yan-!!"

"Champion Xia Yan-!!"

"Champion Xia Yan-!!"

Louder and uplifting than ever before.

To be recognized by the four mythical beasts in the Sinnoh Region, is there anything more reassuring and convincing than such a champion?

"The pomp is big enough." Cynthia, who was sitting on the chair beside Xia Yan, turned her head slightly and said.

Even she was more or less shocked.

Xia Yan smiled and winked at her.

That is, the beasts are more concerned about the ownership of the Region, otherwise.

Call for six more high and low, make up the whole!

at last.

Sinnoh Alliance president and former champion Igor Alexander appears.

For Xia Yan, put on the cape representing the champion.

So far.

Sinnoh Region, officially changed its surname to "Xia"!

The inauguration ceremony this time also shocked the jaws of many high-level leaders of the entire Alliance.

They all just know that Xia Yan has a good relationship with some divine beasts.

But beasts.

Everyone understands it.

Moreover, although there are not many people in the Alliance who are related to divine beasts, there are quite a few after so many years, and many people do not pay much attention to it.

At most, it is Bailong Reshiram of Unova Region, who has a close relationship with Xia Yan.

How do you know.

In this inauguration ceremony, four mythical beasts actually appeared on the Xia Yan platform.

That's fine.

Among them is the creator god Arceus!

This great existence has not appeared in human vision for a long time.

And with the end of the inauguration ceremony.

The prestige belonging to Xia Yan, directly in the Sinnoh Region, and even the entire Pokémon world, is almost climbing to the top.

The name of the champion Xia Yan.

Be the pride of all Sinnoh people!


PS: I'm sorry, because my grandma will have surgery tomorrow and my mother will have surgery next Friday, so things at home suddenly become a bit too much, and the update is late today.

The update time during this period may not be too stable, but I try my best not to ask for leave and keep updating. I hope everyone will understand (bow).

(End of this chapter)

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