The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1033 Guidance Of King Lei Guan

"Ice Doll!"

Seeing that figure, Xia Keya exclaimed.

But it seems that because of her voice, it is possible that the ice doll was just guiding them, and it disappeared in their realization in just a moment.


Pioni said in a deep voice, and immediately got up and chased after him.

"Champion Xia Yan, together?"

Xia Keya did not follow immediately, but asked Xia Yan for advice.

Xia Yan glanced at the raging snow and the countless snow moths. After a brief hesitation, he nodded.


The three immediately chased in the direction where the ice treading puppet disappeared.


This tunnel is filled with a lot of hard ice crystals, covering the ground.

As a result, even if Pioni and Shakoya were wearing snow boots, they couldn't move fast.

It's Xia Yan.

Assist with Psychic's wraps and coverings on these slippery ice surfaces.


The tunnel itself is not very long, and it didn't take long before a huge underground cave filled with ice crystal prisms appeared in their sight.

The light beam irradiated by the flashlight, under the constant reflection and refraction of these ice crystals, instantly illuminated the entire cave.

And the ice-walking puppet was standing in the center of the cave silently with a cane, as if waiting for Xia Yan and the others to Normal.

"here is"

Xia Yan walked in slowly, looking around this mysterious cave.

If you still don't understand that this ice-walking doll is deliberately leading them to this cave, then Xia Yan has been in vain for so long.

Followed by Pioni with a non-slip stick, and Xia Kea, who was clinging to the corner of Pioni's clothes to prevent him from falling.

"The temple in the ancient times?" Xia Keya said with a bit of doubt and a bit of certainty.


Pioni frowned and responded.

I see.

On the rock walls beneath those thick layers of ice, there are murals with relatively simple depictions that clearly have a long history.

And what these murals describe.

"The king of the Galar Region in ancient times, the Rage of the two crowned snowfield Pokémon kings. Is the Pokémon king a two-horse Pokémon?"

Xia Keya and Pioni came to investigate the ancient history and legends of the Crown Snowfield, and obviously did a lot of homework.

So after a glance, she roughly read the contents of the mural.

"The Legendary King conquered the two Pokémon Kings and became close partners with them. And they also complemented each other. The Legendary King gave these two horse Pokémon more powerful power, and at the same time Two equine Pokémons, also gave feedback."

Following Shakoya's interpretation, Pioni continued to interpret the frescoes.

Xia Yan knew what they said.

The content on the mural is actually a kind of praise for what the descendants have done to King Lei Guan.

From the details on these frescoes, it can still be seen that King Leiguan was quite trusted by humans and Pokémon in ancient times.

And the crown prince under the Contest Condition must be the strongest moment.



When Assist scanned the cave with Psychic detection, it found something strange.

And his discovery did not attract the attention of Pioni and Xia Keya, but the ice walking puppet standing in the center of the cave without any movement after guiding them here, noticed Xia Yan's discovery.


Xia Yan slowly lifted up and touched the ice.

He found.

On the murals here, there is actually a special enchantment left. Only those who have strong enough Psychic perception and are skilled enough to use the special Psychic skills of enchantment can discover the strangeness.

Xia Yan was able to find out that he still had to benefit from the gift left by the old king in the name of the earth.

The enchantment is not strong, but its concealment ability is excellent. His Psychic quickly penetrated into it.

Immediately "see", some pictures that Pioni and Xia Keya could not see.

After reading it carefully from top to bottom, Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.

"This is the production process and material requirements for the 'Tie Reins'?"

In ancient times, how did King Leiguan and the two Pokémon kings, the Snowstorm Horse and the Ghost Horse, become one after establishing a connection?

What is being assisted is this item called "The Reins"!

It can establish a bridge of energy exchange between Leiguan Wang and the snowstorm horse or ghost horse, so that Lei Guan Wang can get the energy feedback from the two Pokémon kings, and Lei Guan Wang can also transfer his own abilities. Given to these two kings.

And in the content hidden by this enchantment, it tells how the "bridging reins" are made.


Describes its production principle, usage and even efficacy.

"and many more."

After reading it, Xia Yan was suddenly stunned.

His expression became a little weird.

"Lei Guan Wang is a divine beast of the Psychic and Grass elements, but after all, Lei Guan Wang's own abilities are not strong."

King Leiguan's Species Strength is only 500 points, which is incomparable to even the Three Divine Birds at the level of the divine beast.

Of course.

The main thing that divine beasts pay attention to is authority, and the concept of Species Strength is only added by humans in the later stage.

But in any case, it still has some reference value and significance.

There is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, King Lei Guan's combat effectiveness is not strong.

"Then I'm also a Psychic"

do not know why.

Xia Yan suddenly had a very bold idea in his heart.

This horse, Lei Guan Wang can ride, can we also

"Dad idiot! This mural is probably about the process of friendship between humans and Pokémons in the Galar Region in ancient times, right?"

Xia Keya's voice suddenly remembered, interrupting Xia Yan's bold idea.

The initial establishment of friendship between humans and Pokémon?

Xia Yan was stunned.

"Well, it makes sense. This 'Legend King' conquered two Pokémon kings and created the first step in establishing a bond between humans and Pokémon. The title 'King of Galar' is indeed suitable for him. ." Pioni nodded thoughtfully and affirmed.

"However, judging from the mural, this 'legendary king' seems to be a little small. But his crown is quite large."

"It's just a mural after all. There must be some inaccuracies."

Xia Yan: "."

Hearing that they seemed to have made a fairly certain judgment, Xia Yan was somewhat speechless.

"Are you so sure that this 'king of legends' is a human?" Xia Yan asked.

"Isn't it?" Xia Keya asked rhetorically, blinking her eyes.

She pointed to King Lei Guan on the mural.

"You see, he has the same five limbs as a human, wears a crown, and is praised and believed by all Pokémon and humans."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

"But a lot of Pokémon are also humanoid."

"If the 'Legend King' is a Pokémon, according to the rules of survival between Pokémons, it can be recognized by the two Pokémon kings, at least at the same level. But now, the two Pokémon kings are still active in the crown snowfield, and they are still alive. have their legends.

But for this 'king of legends', he has not existed for a long time, and he has not left many historical documents, which shows that his lifespan is not long, which is in line with human judgment. "

Pioni added to Shakoya's judgment again.

Xia Yan blinked twice.

Suddenly I felt the words of the two

Seems to make sense.

"And. The mural says that the 'Legend King' has made the two Pokémon kings stronger. Isn't this the result of the Trainer Breeder Pokémon?" The more Shakoya said, the more certain her judgment became. .

"In some of the classics we found, the 'king of legends' was also called 'he'."

Second Master Pionipi even took out a thick and simple book from his mountaineering bag.

Xia Yan found that he couldn't speak to them.

Because what they say seems to make sense.

He couldn't help but look at the ice treading puppet.

But it also happened to meet the helpless eyes of the ice doll.

A thought moved.


Is this the reason why the ice walking puppet guides the two to find themselves?

They are already immersed in their own world and it needs a third person to reverse their perception.

At least

Here's someone who can correctly tell if the "Legendary King" is a human or a Pokémon.

If you don't even have the power of faith.

That Lei Guan Wang couldn't even wake up.

this moment.

Xia Yan understood the good intentions of the ice doll.

Gives a "suffering you" look.

see this look.

The ice doll almost burst into tears.

After so many years, finally someone has the ability to understand it.

My heart hurts.

"I understand!"

Just when Xia Yan and the ice doll made "eye contact", Xia Keya suddenly exclaimed again.

"Dad idiot! You said, this 'king of legends', is it possible that he is a Psychic? Only in this way can he communicate with the two Pokémon kings, give them power, and gain power from them."

"Hmm." Pioni rubbed his chin. "It makes sense. Then the remaining few murals make sense."


Xia Yan coughed lightly and decided not to listen to these two people who were immersed in their own world.

Master Pionipi is easily immersed in his own world, so he doesn't listen to others.

It seems that his daughter Xia Keya has some problems in this regard.

He looked at the ice doll, "You brought us here, shouldn't it be just for us to see these murals?"


The ice doll nodded silently.

The recognition of Xia Yan has skyrocketed.

This is a smart guy who can communicate.

the other two

Not to mention.

Tuk Tuk-

I see.

The ice-crystal crutch of the ice-stepping puppet gently knocked against the crystal-clear Ground.


In the originally silent ice crystal cave, a roar suddenly sounded, along with the violent shaking of the Ground and the walls.

"Be careful!"

Second Master Pi tightly grasped Xia Keya's hand and looked at the ice treading puppet with some vigilance.


Ice crystals on one of the walls began to "rustly" fall.

Then they saw the wall move slowly, and a dark hole appeared in their sight.

But the movement has not completely stopped.

The other wall also crashed down.

The second Tunnel port appears.

It was not until the two tunnels appeared that the roar of the cave finally stopped.

Like the Actors at the end of the performance, the ice-walking puppets touched their chests and bowed to them, then spread out their hands and pointed to the left and right caves, signaling Xia Yan and the others to make their own choices.

"Is this what it means to let me choose my own path?" Xia Keya asked

The ice doll nodded.

Second Master Pi was worried about Xia Keya's safety, and said with a sullen face, "We don't choose. Go back."

In this regard, the ice puppet did not stop it.

How do you know.

Shakoya broke free of Pioni's hand, "No! I want to go and see."

While they were arguing, Xia Yan looked at the ice-walking puppet and asked which one to choose with his eyes.

The ice walking puppet was more straightforward, and the ice rod pointed to the one on its left.


Xia Yan understood, and regardless of what Pioni and Xia Keya chose, he strode into the cave on the left.

This ice-walking doll should indeed be a Pokémon that survived the period of King Leiguan, or in other words, it has a heritage of information about King Leiguan.

And its purpose or mission should be to resurrect King Leiguan.

Then its purpose does not actually conflict with Xia Yan's purpose.

Xia Yan also wants to find King Lei Guan and ask about the whereabouts of the lost sword and shield.

Since there is no conflict or even the same agreement, Xia Yan thinks that instead of groping and exploring aimlessly, it is better to follow the instructions of the ice treading puppet.

Since it has lived in the Crown Snowfield for so long, it must know more than Xia Yan.

This saves a lot of time and unnecessary trouble.

"Champion Xia Yan, wait for me!"

Seeing this, Xia Keya hurriedly said, and wanted to follow.

How do you know.

Pioni's expression turned pale, he hugged Shakoya, and walked to the other tunnel.

Since Xia Keya doesn't want to go, it is better for them to go the other way than to go with Xia Yan.

He has feelings.

Walk a little longer with Xia Yan, and it is very likely that this daughter will not be close to him.

This sense of urgency forced Mr. Pi to not want to go with Xia Yan.

As the three disappeared into the two tunnels, the ice treading puppet nodded slightly.

next second.

The ice walking puppet standing on the spot rolled his eyes, his body suddenly softened, and he fell on the ice surface of the cave.

Then you can see.

A hazy, rather illusory figure flew out from the body of the ice treading doll.

If you look closely, you will find that this figure is a bit like a budding flower, with huge buds growing on the top of its head, and the figure below it is a little short and slender, but the pair of Cianwood-colored eyes revealed the , is a majesty that cannot be concealed.

If Xia Yan is still here.

You must be able to recognize this illusory figure.

It is exactly what Xia Yan and Pioni and his daughter were looking for, the legendary "King of Harvest", "King of Legends", "King of Galar Region", King Leiguan!

In the original book, Lei Guan Wang borrowed Pioni's body more than once to convey the message it wanted to convey.

This is the last thing that King Lei Guan, whose energy is almost exhausted, can do.

Looking at the Tunnel where Xia Yan left, there was a hint of hope in King Lei Guan's eyes.

Finally, its figure slowly dissipated.

Everything in this ice cave has also returned to calm.

in Tunnel.

Xia Yan, who was walking silently with Ninetales and apprentice Xiong, suddenly muttered to himself:

"What King Lei Guan really needs is the power of faith, even if he takes back the Snowstorm Horse and the Spiritual Horse, his strength may not be able to return to its peak.

At that time, we will build a temple to promote it as a condition. Can we change a horse to ride? "

The method that was used on Arceus and the three anti-bone dragons at the beginning should not be able to refuse such a Captivate.

"Of course. Only if you can beat those two horses."

Like Rayquaza, Giratina. Is that a proper mount?

On mounts.

Also the horse.


PS: I’m a little bit cold and dizzy, so let’s talk about 1.1 today, rest early, and try to recover tomorrow~~

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