The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1035 With A Mortal Body, Standing Shoulder To Shoulder With Gods!

Da da da--

Footsteps from far to near.

This ghostly horse with dark blue mane all over its body and closed eyes, which is quite handsome, also gradually approached.

Its feet seem to be stepping on countless souls, presented in a light blue hazy gesture, adding a bit of haze and mystery.

Looking at this ghostly horse that seemed to be stepping from the void, Xia Yan couldn't help but tighten his heart.

The ghost horse likes loneliness and silence, and likes a quiet environment. It does not have too strong active aggression, but there is a premise.

That is not to break the peace it yearns for, and not to rush into its territory.

And here.

This growing area, run by the two Doron Messias, is clearly the most important place for Ghost Horse, if not even one.

Because the ghost horse likes to eat a kind of black radish.

This kind of black radish has high requirements for planting. It needs to be planted in a place full of death energy, or in a place full of Ghost energy, in order to grow smoothly.

Xia Yan remembered that in the game plot, he needed to go to a place called "ancient cemetery" to plant in order to grow smoothly.

Although this is not an "ancient cemetery", it is actually similar.

There are so many Ghost-type Pokémon wandering outside, as well as the dense coffins that Xia Yan saw. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is also a burial place in ancient times.

Black radish is planted here, and it will definitely grow smoothly.

It's just that Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto didn't expect it.

The deepest part of Ghost Cave is actually the residence of ghost horses.

Even more unexpected.

These two dragon Messiahs seem to be working for the ghost horse, helping it grow black radishes.

Da da da--

Just when a lot of thoughts flashed in Xia Yan's mind, the ghostly horse that moved its limbs quickly walked out of the dark nothingness and came to this place that was more like a farm to it.

With the appearance of the ghost horse.

In this small cave, dense and pure Ghost-type energy began to diffuse in an instant.

The Demon Coral, who originally guarded the farmland, also obediently stepped aside after seeing the ghost horse, exposing Xia Yan and Duolong Bart to the sight of the ghost horse.

The two dragon Messiah looked at the ghost horse, and then looked at the dragon Bartto, and for a while they didn't know whether to step aside or what to do.

Although they were taken aback.

But Doron Messiah's instinctive closeness to fellow Pokémons, especially Doron Bartto, makes them want to get close to him.

in particular.

The holes on the top of Doron Bart's head are very attractive to them.

But the aura of the spirit horses makes them dare not move.

They've been growing radishes for ghost horses here for a long time.

They pay the labor, and the ghost horse gives them protection. This is the equivalent exchange between them and the ghost horse.

But soon.

They don't have to make a choice.

Because, Lingyouma's Contest Condition gradually became violent, and the fluctuation of momentum gradually became surging.



Suddenly, with the trampling of its forelimbs and hooves, the aura of the spirit horse began to rise continuously. At the same time, a thick Ghost-type energy quickly gathered in front of it, forming a dark and round Energy Ball. . …

Shadow Ball!


The energy cuts through the space, heading straight for Xia Yan and Doron Bartto, a pair of Trainer and Pokémon who have broken into its secluded territory.

Xia Yan's face sank.

The worst situation finally appeared, the attack of the ghost horses came to them in the blink of an eye.


Duolong Bart whispered, and pure dragon energy instantly rose from his body, turning into a filial dragon, biting towards the "Shadow Ball".


The two energies collided suddenly.

Amidst the rising dust, Doron Bartto's figure flew upside down.

Although Doron Bartto now has championship-level strength.

But in the face of the divine beast with real vocation, it is still not enough to see.


After all, the attack belonging to Lingyouma was resisted, giving Xia Yan enough time.

next second.


In Xia Yan's eyes, Psychic burst out.

Immediately after.

The space around him suddenly twisted and rippled, and Alakazam, holding a spoon, stepped out slowly with a serious expression, but just as soon as it arrived here, it felt the threat of the breath from the ghostly horse.


at the same time.

A golden arc light emerged from the pitch-black film, and at the same time the flocculent golden electric current burst out, it ran straight towards the ghost horse.

In an instant, the distance that belonged to both sides was wiped out.

In the cold light, the blue Bug Type energy suddenly burst out.


When Beedrill's attack was about to hit, the figure of the ghostly horse was instantly hazy like Haze, as if it disappeared directly in front of him.

Phantom Force!

the next moment.

A dark rhythm suddenly appeared behind Xia Yan, and a four-hoofed spirit horse appeared behind him in the form of "Phantom Force".


But listen.

A stern shout, accompanied by hot dark red flames, and the scorched black ground left by the rushing feet, the flaming fist also collided with the iron hoof of the ghost horse at this moment.


In an instant, the flame burst out like a dazzling spark, and the scattered air waves rippled into black lines.

Infernape staggered back a few steps, and while standing firm, he subconsciously shook his head, which was a little dazed.

"It is said that the spirit horse can kick out the soul with one kick, and minimize the frontal collision with it." Xia Yan supported Infernape's shoulders and reminded at the same time.

Look at this posture.

It will be difficult to calm down this time without playing a game.




Togekiss, Latios, Fairy Yinbu, Ninetales and other Pokémon, all filed in.

The group of Ghost-type wild Pokémon outside, which seemed to be captured by the name of the ghost horse, were all blocked from the shady scene.

Xia Yan immediately put away the little guys like Volcarona, Salamence, and Goodra.

He also called Apprentice Bear to his side.

It's not that they can't be watched.


Ghost Horse's unique ability "Dark Neighbor" is no joke, it's almost equivalent to Salamence's "Overconfidence".

Defeating a Pokémon at will, the special attack will be improved to a certain extent. …

It is a divine beast. If it has a chance to improve, it will be too difficult for Xia Yan to fight.

"Are you going to intervene?" Xia Yan asked suddenly.

【Eh? 】

In his mind, Dak Laiyin's voice was full of doubts.

"Eh what?" Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily.

But I heard Dak Lai Yin say:

[Under normal circumstances, if you want me to be a thug, you will immediately shout: 'Dak Lai Yin, sleep it! ’ It’s surprising that there isn’t one today. 】

Xia Yan: "."

Really brilliant summary.

[So it seems that I don't need me anymore, come on. 】

After saying this, Dak Lai Yin fell silent.

Actually, it doesn't have much of a problem.

This time his demand for Dak Lai Yin was indeed not high.

Xia Yan has always been curious about one thing, whether the real top Trainer in the Pokémon world can fight against the beasts.

But it was clear to him the last time he had seen Steven cost his life to barely hold Groudon and Kyogre.

Even a top-notch Trainer like Peak Steven would most likely be helpless when facing a first-level divine beast.

What about the third-level beast?

This time, it is an opportunity to test.

An opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with gods with a mortal body!

It is not only to test whether Xia Yan is currently the real top Trainer in the Pokémon world, but also to test whether the strength of a single Trainer can fight against the third-level divine beast.

It is not the first time to fight against the divine beast Xia Yan who has no priesthood.

But this is the first time that someone with a priesthood does not rely on external forces.

After Infernape was kicked away by the ghostly horse, Xia Yan immediately had a decision in his heart.

One hand clenched his fist, the other hand held the hat, and the eyes under the brim of the hat were shining brightly.

"Beedrill, Alakazam, mega evolution!"

Go straight to double Mega Evolution!



In an instant.

Beedrill and Alakazam were enveloped by the rich colorful light, and their minds were instantly connected with Xia Yan.

Without overdrafting himself, the double Mega Evolution of Beedrill and Alakazam is his strongest Contest Condition at the moment.



The ghost horse also seemed to feel a hint of threat from the changes in Beedrill and Alakazam, and neighed.

Then see.

A strong and pure spiritual energy surged in from outside the black membrane and submerged into the body of the spirit horse.

In an instant, the aura of Lingyou Horse ushered in a surge again.

The ghost horse feeds on the life energy emitted by living things in the air. This Ghost-type energy is flexibly used and turned into its own power.

"As expected of a divine beast."

Xia Yan frowned, Psychic fully unfolded.

next second.


Intertwined with the Mega Beedrill, which gradually dissipates the colorful light, it vibrates the full golden dazzling wings, and the magnetic field intertwined in the air makes its speed increase again and again.

In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Lingyou Ma.

The sharp long needle was like a long spear, and the pitch-black energy gathered on the tip of the spear, and stabbed it directly against the surging Ghost-type energy of the ghostly horse. …




However, when Lingyouma let out a low drink, dozens of round "Shadow Balls" were instantly condensed in front of it, shooting out in all directions.

When it really starts to fight, the beast starts not to talk about the rules of the move.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched slightly.

Mega Beedrill's figure instantly morphed into a lake, and Mega Alakazam, who appeared instead, raised a spoon, and a transparent "Light Screen" appeared, with innumerable Psychic intertwined on it.


boom boom-

Dozens of "Shadow Balls" burst in an instant, and all of them hit Mega Alakazam's "Light Screen".

And the "Light Screen" only lasted for a few seconds before it shattered.

The slightly embarrassed Mega Alakazam shook the dust away and reappeared in Lingyouma's sight.

Before the ghost horse had time to "appreciate" his "results", a white light appeared on Mega Alakazam's body, and "Recover" instantly restored the Contest Condition.

at the same time.

Behind the ghost horse, Haze rhythmically rhythmically, a ferocious dragon, intertwined with two strands of energy, biting out.

The fire burst out, stepping on Sonic Boom's fist under the interweaving of rich dark red flames, galloping fast, and waving head-on.

Not just Doron Bartto and Infernape.

Togekiss's eyes were sly, and the bright white "Air Slash" ripped through the Ghost-type energy package.

Surrounding Haze, the bright long sword suddenly slashed out.

On the other side, a soft beam of milky white also lit from Latios' mouth.

Fairy Yin Bu's "Help".

"Glaciate" by Ninetales.

The ghost horse just launched an attack, and it would instantly suffer from so many simultaneous attacks from all directions.

And the most fearful of Lingyouma.

It was the initial offensive launched by the Mega Beedrill, but it has not yet fallen.

The Mega Beedrill is surrounded by loud clanging, and the maliciousness above the needle tip becomes more intense and pure as the Pokémon attack and smack down again and again.


Xia Yan's other Pokémon, on the island of armor, because of their own needs, not only need to learn the essence of "Combo Flow", but also learn the outbreak of "One Strike Flow".

Then Beedrill only learned "one-shot flow" from beginning to end on Armor Island.

Or even more accurately, only learned the key to the "Wicked Blow" move in the "One Blow" burst.

Wicked Blow: The exclusive move of the one-shot martial arts bear master, with only one effect, it will definitely hit the key!

Although, Beedrill can't really be like the martial arts bear master, and he will definitely hit the key.

But it has further learned the skill of how to hit the key points of Rival from the martial arts bear master of the one-shot style.


three months.

It learned such a small branch.

But it is true that you only need to learn a small branch in this "one-shot flow", which is the biggest improvement to Beedrill.


Slowly rubbing the long-needle Mega Beedrill, the scarlet compound eyes have already locked on the ghost horse.

What it is waiting for is the gap between the little attacks and the little opportunities created by its companions.


All of Pokémon's attacks broke out on Lingyou Ma's body at almost the same time. …

Although Pokémons like Togekiss and Aegislash are currently only Elite-level, they pose little threat to ghost horses, and their attacks are also part of the neglected part of ghost horses.

But when their power comes together, it is also not to be underestimated.

the most important is.

Their attack works, making Mega Beedrill's "Assurance" move a bigger threat.



So many attacks broke out, even if Lingyouma was a divine beast, he couldn't help roaring in pain.

The ghost-type energy that can be poured in continuously, the breath of life intertwined in it, is restoring its body again and again.

Burning text

The surging Ghost-type energy also suddenly erupted again, temporarily forcing the Pokémon around it to retreat.

Lingyouma's eyes have been tightly closed, but the frequency of its breathing has accelerated, which shows that it is not feeling well.


The attack of Xia Yan's Pokémons is over, and the one who has successfully endured it will return the favor.

Terrifying Ghost-type energy, Senhan's breath keeps expanding.

And at this moment.


The trembling sound of feather wings, which was so weak that it could be ignored, sounded quietly in the golden arc of light.

The Mega Beedrill, who was poised, resisted the attack in the gap between the ghost horse and tried to counterattack.


The bright golden arcs covered the entire cave at any time, as if a special magnetic field instantly completed the coverage and wrapping of the cave.

the next moment.

Feeling that the strange ghost horse's breathing was slightly stagnant, the Ghost-type energy surrounding it made it feel the location of Mega Beedrill for the first time.


Just feel it, but it makes it too late to make many actions.

I see.

The golden arc of light used malicious black awns as arrowheads, instantly tore up all the packages and coverings of Ghost-type energy, and arrived in front of the ghostly horse.

The strands of dark blue mane seemed to stop moving at this moment.

All time seems to stand still at this moment.


Lingyouma let out a sigh of relief, a little helpless on his face.



The attack that broke out directly smashed it into the air.

A dark blue mane like a braid fell from the sharpness and was caught by Xia Yan with Psychic.

The scene of the ghost horse being blown away made the Demon Coral and the two dragon Messiahs who were also in the cave widen their eyes.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

How many years have passed?

As one of the kings of the Crown Snowfield Pokémon, the ghost horse has not been blasted away like this in how many years?


Its name is, Lei Guan Wang!

And in front of.

While they know that it was the Mega Beedrill who blasted the ghost horse, with the help of the rest of the Pokémon, they know better.

What really matters is the humans surrounded by the Pokémon!

this moment.

The Demon Coral and the two dragons, Messiah, seem to feel that the Crown Snowfield, which has been calm for an unknown number of years, is likely to undergo a huge change again.


ps: 1.1w for today! Fortunately, I didn't have a high fever, but it was 38.3 degrees, and my throat was a little sore. Others were fine. I should still owe 2k words that day. I will work hard when I get better from the cold~~ Ask for a monthly pass~~

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