The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1040 Lei Guanwang: Am I A Drag?

Ghostly horse, snowstorm horse.

How to choose?

In fact, it doesn't take much thought at all.

Xia Yan decisively chose the spirit horse that he had fought against once before.

There is no reason for him.

I have played against it once, and I have relatively more experience in dealing with it.

Seeing Xia Yan making a choice, Lei Guanwang did not hesitate and said bluntly:

[Throw the radish to the snow storm! 】

Xia Yan did as he did.

Throw the two ice radishes that King Leiguan gave him through Pioni and threw them directly at the snowstorm horse.

Then, without hesitation, he turned around and went straight to the direction of the ghost horse.

As the arm swayed, a rein lingered in a dark fog appeared in his hand.

at the same time.


There was a high-pitched and loud long cry, mixed with thick anger, and an unstoppable rise in fighting spirit.

Zapdos, blasted away by Mega Alakazam's surprise blow "Psysstrike", begins to erupt.

When the three mythical beasts all started to erupt, even Xia Yan now, plus Darkrai, couldn't stop him.

Xia Yan frowned while running: "Beedrill!"


Beedrill, who was still guarding by the side of Togekiss's transformation, now understands the importance of things.

Vibrating his wings, he flew in the direction of Mega Alakazam for the first time.

"Mega Evolution!"

On the way of Flying, Xia Yan did not hesitate to make him perform Mega Evolution again.

The Mega Beedrill, shot like a sharp arrow, also joined Mega Alakazam, facing Rage's Zapdos.

Two to one.

With the strength of Xia Yan's two strongest Pokémon Mega Beedrill and Mega Alakazam at present, even if he can't defeat this Galar's free-range chicken, no, Zapdos, it should be no problem to block it for a while.

And this period of time was the last chance for Xia Yan and King Lei Guan.


In addition to Mega Beedrill and Mega Alakazam, Xia Yan's other Pokémon, such as Onion Rangers, Latios, and Aegislash, can also provide some help.

With Mega Alakazam as the core commander, some of their tactics can also be realized.

So this period of time should not be too short.

I don't have time to pay attention to the situation on King Lei's side.

Duolong Bartto, who was dragging his tail, appeared beside Xia Yan who was running.

Supporting Duolong Bartuo's back with one hand, Xia Yan turned over agilely and sat on Duolong Bartuo's back.

If you want to limit the spirit horse with the "reins", you must get as close as possible, which cannot be done by Xia Yan alone.


Lingyouma seemed to sense the threat posed by the reins in Xia Yan's hand, and in the face of a multi-dragon Bartto, he was no longer timid and thought about retaining his combat power.

The rich Haze erupted again.

The waves of Black that swept in, seemed to cover half of the Soaring in the sky in an instant.

Xia Yan frowned, leaned down to stick to Duolong Bartto's back, and said solemnly, "Don't hesitate, rush in!"


Doron Bartto nodded solemnly.

Boom--! ! Boom--! !

The four "Dragon Darts" shot out again, in a spiral shape, tore a slit abruptly on the black curtain created by this ghostly horse.

Seeing this, Duolong Bartto speeded up again and rushed in.

next second.

Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto seemed to be in a world full of darkness.

There is no Cal around, and there is no sound or movement. Even if you raise your hand and place it in front of you, you can't see the palm clearly.

Xia Yan can only feel the existence of Duolong Bartto by touching it.

this moment.

They seem to have become blind, unable to see anything, only hearing, touch and smell can continue to function here.

"Legend. When King Leiguan rides a dark horse, they can create endless Haze to cover everything, and all creatures who come into contact with Haze will have their souls absorbed," Xia Yan said softly.


Bang! !

A ferocious force burst out from the side of Duolong Bartto, and the powerful impact brought the uncontrollable flying of Duolong Bartto's body, as well as the pain from his body.

Xia Yan grabbed the back of Duolong Bartuo tightly to prevent himself from falling.

If this fell off Doron Bartto's back, it would be fine if Ground was underfoot, but if not.

Xia Yan forced himself to calm down quickly.

Psychic's perception has also lost its effect at this moment.

However, he also vaguely understood what Lingyouma was doing.

"Do you want us to lose our vision like you and fight with the help of the rest of the perception?" Xia Yan whispered slowly.

Although he couldn't see it, he subconsciously kept looking around.

Try to make your words change the ghost horse a little so that it can Lock On its position.


Without the help of Psychic and the power of the waveguide, in such a dark and silent environment, Xia Yan obviously looked down on his abilities and looked down on Lingyou Ma's abilities.

It is the existence that really adapts to this environment.

tuk tuk-

When the subtle sound of horse hooves rang in their ears, and when Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto wanted to react, it was too late.

Bang! !


Another Ghost-type energy exploded, and while Duolong Bartto controlled his body with difficulty, he couldn't help but roared in pain.

"Sure enough?" Xia Yan's brows furrowed even tighter.

After taking a slight breath, he said again: "Dakley"


But just as he spoke, he was interrupted by Doron Bart.

This is actually because Xia Yan has been trying to restrain himself so far, or maintain a habit and practice.

In the face of any kind of Rival, unless he is forced to, he will not choose to use stronger or final means to deal with it.

for example.

When you dare to step into the crown snowfield.

The main Pokémons have always been Volcarona, Salamence, Goodra, Milotic, and Apprentice Bear, the quasi-Elite Pokémon.

Even when facing Pioni for the first time.

The first consideration is also Togekiss, Latios, Aegislash, these Elite-level Pokémon.

It wasn't until Pioni summoned the champion Bronze Elephant and Aggron that he sent the corresponding Doron Bartto and Infernape.

In the underground tunnel.

Most of them are also played against Volcarona, Salamence, a few quasi-Elite-level little guys.

So he will arrive at Frozen Village later than Pioni and the others.

Even after setting foot on Crown Mountain, when encountering a champion hairy troll.

Xia Yan's first consideration was whether the little guys like Togekiss could stop them, instead of summoning Beedrill, who were also champions, to fight at the first time.

These are not his Solaceon's choice calls, but his deliberate arrangements.


He is now a champion.

Sinnoh Champion.

It is the top trainer in the entire Pokémon world.

But it doesn't mean that he can always be the champion with his current strength.

It doesn't mean that when he faces any Pokémon, he will let Beedrill push them all the way.

That's cool and fast.


As a result, the remaining Pokémon who needed more battle experience were not able to get the chance to battle.


For the champion Pokémons like Beedrill, the abuse of vegetables does not actually get much substantial benefits.

It was cool, but it also prevented Xia Yan from gaining much room for improvement.

This is definitely a very stupid thing for him now.

Obviously there is still so much room for improvement, but immersed in the current achievements.

This will only make him stagnant and then overtaken.

In the end, he will surely fall at the feet of his enemies.

in particular.

Xia Yan could feel a sense of urgency after learning that his target was a group of nobles who might have passed on for thousands of years.


Even in the face of such a divine beast as a ghost horse.

His first choice was no longer to seek help from Darkrai.

Instead, I want to let more Pokémon test their own strength through the collision with the ghost horse, and absorb the experience and lessons from the battle.

general speaking.

It was Xia Yan who was deliberately suppressing himself.

In this way, more Pokémons have the opportunity to improve.

He also believes that this is the best option for all Pokémon.


Now in this dark space created by the ghost horse, it is indeed a little powerless to rely only on the power of a Pokémon from Doron Bart.


When he learned of Xia Yan's thoughts and intentions, Duolong Bartto interrupted him.

Xia Yan, who was touching Duolong Bartto's back, could clearly feel the mentality from Duolong Bartto.

Tenacious will!

It wants to try again.

Try and die!

Xia Yan naturally chooses to believe in his own Pokémon unconditionally.


Belief in belief, and there must be some changes to do better.

"Don't worry, calm down, I'll help you."

He has not uttered the words "sink your heart".

The voice fell.

A faint Psychic halo appeared in his eye sockets, followed by a halo of waveguide power.

Instead of spreading his senses, he injected it into Doron Bartto's body.

Since the crown king of Psychic Pokémon can combine his Psychic with the ghost horse, making both sides stronger.

That being a Psychic person, plus a wave guide hero, and the bond between him and Doron Bartto, I don't believe that it can't play a role.

The fusion is not Psychic and Ghost energy, but spiritual energy and spiritual energy.

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Duolong Bart felt a little warm in his heart.

Xia Yan's absolute trust made it ignite a flame in his heart.

"Right. It can be based on the breath on this 'rein'," Xia Yan reminded.

He slowly closed his eyes, trying to align himself with Doron Bartto's.

At the same time, he added a sentence at the end, "Although they are ghost-type beasts, don't forget that you are also a Ghost-type Pokémon, and you are a little Charon dragon!"

The voice fell.


Duolong Bartto roared again, and the invisible ghost-type energy spread from it.

Although the surrounding environment has not changed.

But in fact, in this black hole-like space created by the ghost horse, there has already appeared a ghost energy that does not belong to it, and it is gradually spreading.

Bit by bit, it competes with it for the ownership of this space.

Don't say it yet.

The joy of finding his companions, Xia Yan's trust, and Duolong Bart's own tenacity have really made it a strength that hasn't shown much movement for a long time, and there has been a faint change.

Its momentum is also rising little by little and silently.

Giratina, who was resting bored on top of the ruins in "Destroy the World", suddenly raised her head.


Scarlet sharp eyes blinked unconsciously.

That feeling came again.

The feeling of being hacked.

The first time I felt this way was when Xia Yan's Duolong Bartto first assisted "Phantom Force" into the world of destruction.

And this time, it felt stronger.

[It must be that guy. 】

Giratina was suddenly determined.

It gently rubbed the shattered scales on its head that had not fully recovered, while a dangerous light flashed in its eyes.

Because that guy complained to Arceus before, he was beaten up for no reason.

Say good things are over and don't leave, and as a result, people are gone.


A loud roar echoed in Distortion World.

Where the dark ripples passed, everything seemed to be erased by an eraser, and disappeared silently.

It seems that it is venting its dissatisfaction.

In fact.

It is saying:

【Fool! Use it like this! 】


Doron Bart's eyes snapped open and growled.

Invisible ripples spread out.


Xia Yan's eyes also opened suddenly, and he shouted in a low voice, "Left!"

Bang! !

Another powerful force exploded from the side of Doron Bartto, and the figure that had finally stabilized was lifted off again.

But this time.

In the eyes of Duolong Bartto and Xia Yan, there was a burst of energy at the same time.

Because the attack just now really came from the left!


Although he couldn't dodge the attack completely, it gave Doron Bart a certain amount of time to react, and he didn't suffer as badly as at the beginning.

This shows that Duolong Bartto and Xia Yan succeeded!

to this.

Lingyouma also revealed a little surprise.

Immediately after.

Xia Yan and Duolong Bart immediately stopped their excitement and continued to strengthen the fusion of perception and each other's spiritual energy.

next second.

"It's still on the left, Shadow Ball!" Xia Yan whispered.

Doron Bartto moved as he spoke.

The round, pitch-black Energy Ball instantly condensed, and the surrounding dark Haze became more and more distinct.

boom! !

The two Ghost-type energies suddenly collided.

A violent roar erupted in this black hole-like space.

This time, I finally succeeded in resisting it!

Xia Yan didn't speak anymore, and Duolong Bartto didn't whisper any more, but Lingyouma felt a very fast figure, passing quickly in his dark space.


Come straight to it!


The ghostly horse finally knew that the other party had adapted to this environment and Lock On its position.

But the more it does, the more surprised it is.

Why so fast?

The surging Ghost-type energy erupted again.

But he only felt that Doron Bartto was like a sharp sword, tearing it apart.

the next moment.

Lingyouma suddenly felt his back sink.

So fast?

Shocked and angry at the same time.

As the king of the Crown Snowfield Pokémon, not everyone can ride it.

Standing up, Splash got up, hissing and trying to throw the bold guy off his back.

But when it just opened its mouth.

A familiar and unfamiliar rein appeared in its mouth.

Immediately after.

The reins suddenly tightened, so that it couldn't make a sound again.

Tie the reins!

And in the next moment.

Lingyouma suddenly felt a pair of hands, firmly grasped its raised front hooves, and dragged it back abruptly.

It's Doron Bartto!

A sudden burst of strength.

Especially after the "rein" thing bound it, Lingyouma suddenly felt that his power was bound.

The Bud Crown King petals mixed in the reins, the life force contained in it, hedges against its Ghost-type energy, forcibly restraining its ability.

"Spirit horse!"

A sudden voice sounded from its back.

Xia Yan, who was clenching his teeth, spit out a few words with difficulty.

Even if he is a Psychic, there are "reins" to suppress the ghost horse.

With his ability as a human, it is still very reluctant to completely restrict the spirit horse.

Not waiting for the ghostly stockpile volume to Struggle again.

It just felt that something was shoved into its mouth abruptly.


The sudden change made Lingyouma a little surprised for a while.

"Try this!"

And this time, the sound didn't sound in its ears, it sounded directly in its mind.

The power of "tethering the reins" gave it a certain connection with Xia Yan.


It is impossible to completely appease or even subdue the ghostly horse just by "tethering the reins".

During this period of time, Xia Yan must use his own method to obtain the approval of the ghost horse while the power of the ghost horse is limited.

His Psychic, turned into a steady stream of spiritual energy, continued to sink into the ghost horse's body along the "bridging reins".

And the "antimatter" energy of Duolong Bartto also increased the restrictions on ghost horses to a certain extent.


Chew subconsciously.

Let Lingyouma's heart suddenly light up.

good to eat!

This is not inferior to "black radish" food.


Maybe even better.

However, Lingyouma's resistance did not stop, and Xia Yan soon felt a faint tingling in his mind.

Eyes sore, mouth sore.

This is proof of overdrawing the body.

"I can always provide you with this kind of food!" Xia Yan hurriedly passed on his thoughts.

But after a brief pause, Ghost Horse continued Struggle.

Compared with food, it has enjoyed freedom again, and still prefers the feeling of free running.

Say it again.

If you want to choose a so-called "master", why not choose Leiguan Wang?

But Xia Yan's next sentence made it finally shaken.

"Three years! I only need you for three years!"

three years?

The ghost horse finally slowly reduced Struggle's strength.

Xia Yan quickly took a breath.

And Doron Bartto, who also knew what they were communicating, had a weird expression.


Why is it so familiar?

Darkrai: I think so too.

Doron Bartto seems to be staring at Darkrai out of thin air.

No one knows better than them how they have lived in the past three years.

And they also seem to be able to predict what ghost horses will experience.

Heart can not help but secretly pity.

three years.

For a ghost horse, which has an almost infinite lifespan and has survived for tens of thousands of years, it is just a blink of an eye.

It slept for more than three years.

If it is a permanent restriction of freedom, the ghost horse cannot accept it.

But if only for three short years.

"And, unless necessary, I won't let you do things you don't want to do."

Xia Yan made another important promise again.

this time.

The ghost horse was really shaken.

But then, Xia Yan quickly "raised" and said, "I can also help you cook 'black radish', have you ever eaten 'black radish pie'?"

Black carrot pie?

How to do it?

How does Xia Yan know, but it doesn't mean that he can't use this as a condition to cheat. No, persuasion.


The snoring ghost horse gently stepped on its hoofs, and the resistance almost completely disappeared.

Xia Yan couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Feeling the depleted mental strength and the pressure of carrying dual Mega Evolutions at the same time, his body is far from being as good as it looks on the surface.

But soon, he was suddenly stunned while holding the reins.

Only feel a pure spiritual energy, feeding back to the body from the "reins" in his hands.

The lost body was not only healed instantly, but also continued to strengthen his mental power, or Psychic.

At this moment, Xia Yan even felt that he was no longer a simple human being.

instead it's more like

A Psychic Pokémon in a human shell!

A steady stream of Psychic, a powerful Psychic beyond his expectations, almost filled his whole body, his limbs.

Also at this moment.

Xia Yan seemed to realize the abilities of top Psychic people like Sabrina and Cattleya.

If you have to compare

Xia Yan feels that he may be stronger than Sabrina and Cattleya now!

Because he has absolute control over his Psychic.

But if it is measured by the strength of Pokémon.

Perhaps his Psychic at this time is completely comparable to the Elite-level Psychic Pokémon.



Is this how Lei Guan Wang felt after receiving the blessing of the ghost horse?

Xia Yan found that he liked this feeling a little bit.

Of course, the feedback he received is definitely not better than that of Lei Guanwang, and the bonuses he received are definitely not better than Lei Guanwang.

But if his own Psychic goes a step further, he can be sure that the feedback he gets from the ghost horse will also be stronger.

And after his Psychic was greatly strengthened, the first thought that flashed in Xia Yan's mind was

Alakazam gets an epic boost!

His Psychic could have been fused with Alakazam's Psychic. Now that the Psychic has become stronger after receiving the feedback from the ghost horse, it naturally means that Alakazam's Psychic has also become stronger.

This is not simply one plus one.

Xia Yan even thought.

In this way, Alakazam may be more explosive than Beedrill!

The excited Xia Yan just wanted to stroke the spirit horse's mane to thank him.

But only to hear it say:

【You are too weak. 】

Xia Yan: "."

Hands froze in the air.

This time, he really couldn't refute it.

It was him who dragged the ghost horse back.

boom! !


Infernape staggered back, his chest heaved violently, and his fiery eyes stared at the Snowstorm Horse surrounded by several icicles not far away. He didn't show any signs of cowardice, but became more and more excited.

The raging flames have already covered the whole body, constantly exuding a terrifying heat wave, against the cold wave of the snowstorm horse.

at the same time.

The King Lei Guan beside it also breathed slightly.

Weak, even with Infernape's Help, it couldn't subdue the irritable Snowstorm Horse in a short period of time.

to be frank.

It's harder to restrain a grumpy Snowstorm than a much milder Ghost Horse.

But right now.

Lei Guanwang's serious expression suddenly stopped.

Some unexpectedly looked behind.

The thick black mist is quickly dissipating.

【This guy】

King Lei Guan murmured, his majestic eyes filled with surprise.

Da da da--

Just listen to the slow sound of hoofs.

A black horse came slowly.

And on the back of the black horse sat a young man dressed in a black suit, holding a small top hat in one hand and holding the reins in the other.

With a bit of calmness and equanimity.


You can only see the corners of his mouth raised under the brim of his hat.

Lei Guanwang's eyes twitched slightly.

[Stop concave shape, help quickly! 】

But the next moment.

Seeing the ghost horse being tamed and still able to keep calm, King Lei Guan can't calm down anymore.


Duck Ya shouted excitedly, accompanied by Ember lightning all the way.

under it.

It is a walking chicken!

Do not.


At this moment, Xia Yan was not calm.

what the hell?

What happened outside when he went to tame the ghost horse?

Can't help but look at Mega Alakazam and Mega Beedrill.

But I saw that the two Pokémon not only looked a little weird.

Also more or less revealed the color of helplessness.

With such a development, let alone Xia Yan who was isolated.

Even if you experience them firsthand.

It is still somewhat unacceptable.

of course.

The relationship between duck duck and free-range chicken is definitely no better than that of Xia Yan and Lingyouma.

Really something to say.

Are they considered to be sympathetic to each other?

Be a friend?

And the reason why Lei Guanwang is not calm is that.

Am I a drag?

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