The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1044 Nao Zi Will Fight Ten Times Today!

Surrounded by eight huge quaint Rock columns, it seems that this place used to be a special enchantment formation Normal set up in ancient times.

And in the center surrounded by eight huge Rock columns.

There is also a huge sculpture.

Maybe because of the passage of time, the specific appearance of the sculpture can no longer be seen clearly, but it can be seen from the outer outline that the sculpture should be a man in heavy armor.

He held a huge sword in one hand and a heavy shield in the other.


The scallion soldier following Xia Yan looked at the sculpture in front of him, and then looked at the scallion spear and scallion leaf shield in his hand.

Elbow gently arched the apprentice Bear next to him.

Brother Xiong, do you think your brother duck is similar to this person?


He also tried to straighten his chest and put on a "I'm very brave" posture.


Seeing Apprentice Bear nodded again and again.

Not to mention, Duck, it's really similar.

"Quack—(Yeah.)" The onion wanderer who was approved by Apprentice Xiong looked complacent.

Since the last time he established a friendly relationship with Zapdos, the onion wanderer has become more and more confident.

Togekiss on the other side rolled his eyes.

It doesn't even want to tear them apart, because it's so untechnical.


However, soon Togekiss's eyes lit up, and with sharp eyes, he saw a rusty sword and a heavily damaged shield with scratches on the platform under the huge sculpture.

The Sword of Decay and the Shield of Decay!

It excitedly waved its wings towards Xia Yan.

"Well, I see."

In this regard, Xia Yan seemed very calm, he just silently looked at the sculpture in front of him, frowning slightly.

This sculpture cannot be said to be the same as the "hero" sculpture standing in the lobby of the famous hotel chain Budew in the Galar Region, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

And this so-called "hero" is the most widely circulated in the Galar Region today. It is said that the person who saved the Galar Region from the "dark night" three thousand years ago.


Xia Yan knew that this legend was false, and it was the result of deliberate modification by many people.

But it still caused some doubts in his heart.

The location where he is now is Outrage Lake in the wilderness area. The eight huge rock pillars are the signs of Outrage Lake. This is the place determined by the information transmitted by King Bud.

And the rotten sword and shield placed on the sculpture really shows that there is no problem with places and things.

It's just that he doesn't understand.

How can there be a sculpture in Outrage Lake.


Rusted Sword shield just put here?

What is the purpose of those who stole them?

at last.

The "danger" that King Lei Guan mentioned has not yet appeared.

He doesn't doubt what King Leiguan said, it can only prove that the closer he gets to the Rusted Sword, the closer the danger will be to him.

But before he could understand, a roaring wind, mixed with all kinds of colorful scales and powder, swept in.


Melodious but angry voices from far to near.

"Cha, just yah! (Good, what a big butterfly!)"

Togekiss's eyes widened, his mouth widened, and he couldn't help sighing as he looked at the huge Pokémon that came in the wind.


To be precise, a hypergiant Butterfree.

With its arrival, it not only brought a strong wind full of scales and powder, but also the crimson vortex circling Soaring in the sky, in which Galar particles are extremely full.

Seeing the incoming super-giant Butterfree, Xia Yan's brows became tighter and tighter.

It's not because of the sudden appearance of the super-giant Butterfree, but because he has a more and more bad premonition.

This sixth sense, derived from Psychic people, almost never fails.

That's why Xia Yan felt vigilant.

but now.

This super-giant Butterfree is already approaching.

Xia Yan threw out two Poké Balls.



In the red light, Volcarona and Salamence appeared.

Although this Butterfree is super-giant, it is actually not strong, and it is enough to deal with Volcarona and Salamence.

After the last battle with the mega giant Snorlax in the Sleepy Forest, Xia Yan already had a basic reference template for the strength of the super giant and the giant Pokémon, and he also had a more accurate judgment on their strength.

The furious mega giant Butterfree in front of him, even if he has completed the super gigantic transformation, will be quasi-Elite-level strength.

Two to one, very stable.

Today's Xia Yan highlights a stability.

"Volcarona, double dance!"

"Salamence, Hurricane!"

Xia Yan commanded in a calm tone.

"Wow! (What a big fluttering moth!)"

Volcarona danced with her gorgeous wings adorned with sunspots, and scattered crystal powder and turned into golden butterflies.

a time.

A rolling heat wave rose into the sky, rising rapidly around it.

"Roar? (You said they were moths?)"

Salamence roared, and the blood-colored Dual Wingbeat rolled up a monstrous wind, which instantly turned into sharp blades of bright white color, and turned into a terrifying tornado with a subtle clanging sound.

Listening to the muttering of the two Pokémons, a black line appeared on Xia Yan's forehead.

"Have a good fight, don't chat."

Hearing this, Volcarona and Salamence pursed their mouths and put away their contempt.

The two Pokémon looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

next second.


Volcarona fluttered its wings gently, and countless dense butterflies drilled towards "Hurricane".

all of a sudden.

The golden fire light suddenly made a big splash, and at the same time it merged with the fierce "Hurricane", it turned into a terrifying flame tornado.

The blazing terrifying high temperature made all kinds of scale powder rolled up by the super-giant Butterfree to be burned and evaporated in an instant.

Seeing the super-giant Butterfree in this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned.

next moment.

I saw Salamence shake the blood-colored Dual Wingbeat again, and the terrifying flame Hurricane whizzed away toward the super-giant Butterfree with a rolling momentum.

Rao is the super-giant Butterfree's body shape at this time, which is incomparable under this flaming Hurricane.


The super giant that cannot dodge Butterfree has no choice but to roar to increase his momentum.

At the same time, the huge wings that are colorful and gorgeous like a rainbow flicker, and more and more dense scale powder is scattered, bringing more surging air waves.

G-Max Befuddle!

boom! ! !

The two opposing air currents collided violently, and at the same time as a violent roar broke out, countless raging air currents dispersed.


That golden flame, Hurricane, engulfed the super-giant Butterfree.

After a while.

When the golden fire gradually dissipated, when the raging Hurricane gradually subsided, an unconscious Butterfree, like a kite Normal with a broken string, slowly fell from the air.



Xia Yan suddenly looked solemn and looked towards a rock pillar not far away.

clap clap-

The crisp applause sounded slowly, and there seemed to be a bit of joy in it.

I saw two figures, one red and one blue, slowly walking out from both sides of the rock pillar.

They were dressed in red and blue suits full of classical charm and had blond hair. Although they applauded, their faces were full of arrogance. They looked at Xia Yan as if they were looking at an enemy's certain downward posture.

Among them, the man in the blue suit had tall hair, combed into the appearance of a sharp sword.

The man in the red suit had his hair trimmed horizontally, like a heavy shield.

Hisoka duo!

Just seeing the appearance of the two, Xia Yan recognized their identities.

The two nobles who are most active in the Galar Region today claim to be descendants of the Galar royal family and claim to be celebrities in the Galar Region.

Their character is extremely arrogant, and they never care about the feelings of others.

In other words, in their eyes, others are "untouchables" that can be completely ignored and ignored.

Xia Yan was not surprised by the appearance of these two people. What he was surprised was that when he checked the Outrage Lake before, he could not feel the traces of the two.

"As expected of a famous champion, a mere super-giant Butterfree can't even hold a single move in his hands."

Soder, who was wearing a blue suit, said with some yin and yang.

"I'm so scared, brother."

The tone of Sildi, who was wearing a red suit, was even more unpleasant. He patted his chest while speaking, and the fear on his face was extremely exaggerated.

"Don't be afraid, dear brother. They are the champions of the Sinnoh Region anyway, so they won't do anything to others, so once the publicity goes out, I'm afraid the reputation will be stinky. What's more, we are the descendants of the Galar royal family. Lel's celebrity."

Soder said, and raised his eyebrows towards Xia Yan Taunt.

"Yes, yes, we are celebrities anyway."

"And this is also our home. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors held the Sacred Sword here and slaughtered a rampant dragon from Outrage here." Sildi nodded in agreement.

That's why this place is called "Outrage Lake".

Xia Yan was speechless for a while listening to the duo's self-satisfied double reeds.

"Quack! (Brother Xiong, you pull me to order, I can't help but want to beat these two hermaphrodites!)"

The onion soldier rubbed his arms, a posture that he couldn't bear.

Looking back, there is still the shadow of apprentice Xiong.

When he turned around, he realized that apprentice Xiong had long since rushed towards the two with a sullen face.

Onion Ranger: "."

However, considering that there are two people on the other side and only one apprentice Xiong, the scallion wandering soldier is still very loyal with the scallion spear and follows.


While apprentice Xiong ran, he did not forget to yell, posing to hammer the two of them.


Before they could get close to Soder and Sildi, they saw two flashes of red light appearing in front of them.



The very familiar Growl.

Two scallion troopers, also holding scallion spears, straddled between them, Soder and Sildi.

Onion Ranger?

Seeing these two onion wanderers, the fast-running apprentice Xiong was obviously stunned.

But the two onion wanderers on the opposite side had no intention of keeping their hands.

The Onion Stick in his hand was waving at the same time, carrying a strong fighting energy, and he didn't care whether the apprentice Xiong made a move.

And this brief moment of daze also made apprentice Xiong too late to react, and subconsciously raised his arms to try to resist.


What is the strength of these two onion troopers?

Elite level!

Two Elite-level onion troopers mercilessly attacked a quasi-Elite-level bear apprentice, and the result is unimaginable.


Ya Ya, who also saw this scene, was somewhat stunned, but when Apprentice Xiong encountered danger, he instantly recovered.


Sword eyebrows and star eyes, burst out.

The scallion spear in his tight hands glowed with bright golden light, and was violently thrown by the duck.

Meteor Assault!


In an instant, a short distance was passed, before the Onion Sticks of the two onion wanderers fell.

Boom--! !

Two beeps.

While the surging air waves lifted Fei Xiong apprentices, they also blocked their attacks.

Feeling the power coming from their hands, the two scallion soldiers were suddenly startled, they didn't dare to hard steel, they retreated.

And the apprentice Xiong, who was lifted off, was also caught by Ya Ya with one hand.

"Kuku (Brother Duck)."

Apprentice Xiong was about to say something of gratitude, but he saw Ya Ya frowned, and his arm threw him back, and then he quickly turned down and rotated.

Two sharp blades swept across its head and sides.

It's the two onion troopers!

After they avoided the initial collision of the duck "Meteor Assault", they chased after them again.

"Ga (more bullies less)!"

Duck Duck is extremely disdainful of this.

Such onion wanderers are not worthy of being called warriors.

After dodging the attacks of the two onion rogues, it kept its shape, turned over several times in the air, and pulled up the Onion Stick that was inserted on the ground not far away.

Holding the spear tightly in his hand, Ya Ya's aura changed instantly.

In the face of the two onion wanderers who attacked again, Duck Duck advanced instead of retreating, with a flash of red light in his eyes, and the green onion spear in his hand was also stabbed out a few dexterous flowers.

bang bang bang-

The three Onion Sticks collided violently, and the firm knocking sound was incessant.

Duck and Duck competed against one another, both at Elite level, and even at the same time as a roaming soldier, they didn't fall behind.

"Quack! (Weak! Too weak! Your battle skills and battle experience. A complete mess!)"

While wielding the spear swiftly, Ya Ya did not forget to perform a "spiritual attack", and taunted him directly.

This made Sod and Sildi's scalloped soldiers blushed, and the strength in their hands exploded again.

But even so, he still couldn't get much cheaper in Ya Ya's hands.

On the contrary, it made Duck Duck more excited and strengthened the "mental attack".

"Quack? (That's it? Didn't you eat?)"


The two onion troopers who couldn't bear the humiliation looked at each other, and the Onion Stick in their hands shone brightly at the same time.

"Duck duck!"

And Xia Yan, who was watching all this silently, finally reminded.

Ya Ya, who understood what Xia Yan meant, suddenly stopped fighting and quickly backed away.

boom--! !

boom--! !

Two golden beams rose from the ground, and Duck retreated calmly.


The "Meteor Assault" that the two scallion soldiers were angry with, all failed.

Ducky looked at Soder and Syldy with disdain, full of mockery.

"Gah?! (That's it? Naozi will fight ten today!)"

Strange to say.

Facing Duck Ya's taunting, Soder and Sildi not only did not show anger, but looked at Duck Ya with admiration in their eyes.

"Brother, I kind of like this green onion soldier full of personality." Sildi said.

"My dear brother, so am I."

Immediately, Soder said to Ya Ya again from the air: "Onion wandering soldiers. We are descendants of the Galar royal family. As warriors who have been around for a long time in the Galar Region, we will give you a chance to be loyal to us."

When speaking, the look and the arrogance between the words were fully revealed.

Listening to their solicitation and looking at their defiant gestures, as if they had given Ya Ya a great deed, Ya Ya's expression was stunned.

Look at Xia Yan.

Point to the two opposite.

"Gah? (The two of them, aren't they very easy to use here?)"

Saying that, he pointed to his head.

Xia Yan didn't speak, Togekiss couldn't help laughing first.

Although Soder and Sildi are arrogant, Xia Yan has to admit that they do have the strength of Elite.


It's just that in terms of Pokémon's strength, it's not the command of the two.

This is a typical guy who piles up with resources.

It can also be seen that the so-called descendants of the royal family have such rich resources.

Even these two guys with such bad brains can be hard to pile up into Elite.

To know.

The hurdle from the quasi-Elite level to the Elite level cannot be crossed with a large amount of resources alone.

Unless the word "a lot" is turned into "massive", there will be such a chance.

Xia Yan patted Duck Ya's shoulder and reassured: "Don't worry, I will give you ten today."

"Gah?! d(д)"

Let's just say, we're just joking.

But seeing Xia Yan facing the surrounding stone pillars, he said loudly, "Someone Xia is here. If you are going to deal with me, with these two things alone, I'm afraid you are joking?"

"Something? Brother, is he talking about us?" Sildi's face was full of disbelief.

From his birth to the present, no matter where he goes, others are not respectful, even if the current president of the Galar Alliance and the chairman of the Maloko Alliance Group, Loz, will greet them with a polite smile.

When was it ever described like that?

Soder's face sank all of a sudden.

"Can I see this as the Alliance's declaration of war on our nobles?"

In an instant, several Poké Balls appeared in their hands.


Don't wait for the two to do anything.

Da da--

I heard a few crisp footsteps.

From behind those boulders, people in black robes walked out.

"Hehe - Champion Xia Yan, are you waiting for Kanto's Yulongdu? Or are you waiting for Team Rocket? Or... those divine beasts?"

The opening of one of the black-robed people who appeared made Xia Yan a little surprised.


PS: I have asked for more leave this month, and I have added 36w words. I am ashamed and ashamed. It's the last time, don't let the monthly pass rot in your hands~~ Those who haven't signed up for the fan title event, don't forget to sign up~~

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