The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1046 Xia Yan's Declaration Of War! (5K+!)

Ghostly horse!

Xia Yan couldn't use the Poké Ball to put away the ghost horse. As Lei Guanwang said, the spiritual power of the ghost horse is too strong, and the ordinary Poké Ball material cannot bear it.

But that doesn't mean he can't take the ghostly horse away.

At least.

As the ghost horse of the Ghost-type Pokémon, it can hide in the fourth-dimensional space.

That is, Xia Yan's shadow.

【Can't bear it anymore? 】

at the same time.

Haze filled the air, a dark figure slowly rose, and the white mist like hair was even more windless and automatic, trembling with a strange frequency.

Duck comes to Yin!

It also appeared from the shadow in Xia Yan's call.

"Be patient, I'm going to be killed."

Xia Yan looked at the three Sacred Swordsmen of Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion that appeared on the opposite side, as well as the large number of Champion-level and Elite-level Pokémon, and knew that at this time, he chose to retain his strength. That is not stable, that is stupid.

【It makes sense. 】

Dak Lai Yin nodded slightly.

The lineup shown on the opposite side, even if it faces it alone, there is only one way to avoid it.

So terrifying.


The three mythical beasts, although they have no priesthood, at least have champion-level strength, and even because of their status as mythical beasts, Normal's champion-level Pokémon is definitely not a Rival.

Then there are three Kanto Royals after Mega Evolution, three Galar Royals after three Mega Evolutions, and championship-level Pokémon such as Gengar and Hypno.

Not to mention Elite Pokémon.

Even if each of the eight people on the opposite side only brought six Pokémon, there would be nearly forty.


All are Elite-level Pokémon, what concept?

This is what King Lei Guan said to Xia Yan, the real "danger".

One Pokémon moves down one move, and any metropolis in the Pokémon world will be instantly engulfed by annihilation.

At first glance, the strength gap between the two sides is too large to be exaggerated.

"Dak Lai Yin, Spacial Rend! Time is filial!" Xia Yan waved his hand.

Dak Lai Yin: "???"

It turned its head a little stiffly to look at Xia Yan, and it looked like it was looking at a fool.

【Drink too much fake wine? How could this old man do it? 】

Xia Yan spread his hands, "Can you help me stop those three so-called Sacred Swordsmen?"

[That's not to ask, eh? 】

Dak Lai Yin slowly came over with a little aftertaste.

Seems to be tricked?

Xia Yan grinned, "Then I'll leave it to you. I'll rest assured."

Say it.

A ghostly horse that turned over Splash and stepped out of the shadow behind him happened to appear beside him.

The "reins" in his hands were slightly clenched.

Immediately, the spiritual energy in the body was poured towards the ghost horse.



Feeling Xia Yan's power, Lingyou Ma's ability was immediately strengthened.

the next moment.

The pure and rich spiritual energy also feeds back into Xia Yan's body through the effect of "tethering the reins".

Suddenly, Xia Yan once again felt the feeling that his mind became extremely clear in an instant, his thinking became extremely active, and his Psychic skyrocketed wildly.

Now, after riding a ghost horse, he can be called a half-human, half-Pokémon. …

And with his current Contest Condition, he can also carry multiple Mega evolutions.

Therefore, Xia Yan also did not hesitate at all, holding the reins and shouting in a low voice.

"Alakazam, Latios, Mega Evolution!"

a time.

The surging Mega Evolution energy burst out from the Key Stone in his hand, turned into a streamer and wiped it, and injected it into Alakazam and Latios at the same time.

The energy contained in the Mega Evolution stones on them is instantly released.

The colorful light instantly wrapped the two Pokémon, and the momentum rose rapidly.

After completing Mega Evolution, Mega Latios also showed the aura of champion Pokémon.

Coupled with its own status as a mythical beast, Latios can achieve a certain degree of strength suppression even in the face of Normal's champion-level Pokémon.

Not to mention Mega Alakazam.

After completing the transformation, it can easily suppress Hypno, who is also a Psychic Pokémon, with one hand.

No matter how Struggle Hypno is, he can't break free.


Also gives Hypno the illusion that the more Struggle it is, the tighter the bondage from Mega Alakazam is.

This makes Hypno, who also has champion strength, extremely embarrassed.

It doesn't understand.

Both are Psychic Pokémons, and both are champions. Even if Mega Alakazam's Psychic is stronger than it, it doesn't have any resistance at all, right?

But Mega Alakazam's scornful look told it.

You know nothing about power.

Why choose Alakazam and Latios for Mega Evolution instead of Xia Yan's Trump Card, Beedrill?


Xia Yan has other arrangements for it this time.


Hearing Xia Yan's call, he took out the Poké Ball and took the Beedrill back.

at the same time.

The "giant wristband" on his wrist burst out with red light, and the Galel particles were instantly accumulated.

In this Outrage Lake, the Galel particles that are full of them are not only useful to those eight people.

As the energy on the "giant wristband" turned into a streamer and injected into the Poké Ball, the Poké Ball in Xia Yan's hand expanded step by step, and fine lines like Spider Web emerged, intertwined with tiny golden arcs.

Xia Yan, who noticed this scene, frowned slightly.

However, he threw the giant Poké Ball without hesitation.

next second.



Accompanied by the loud Bug Buzz, golden wings spread out, crimson clouds surround it, and a storm vortex appears overhead.

Giant Beedrill!


The gigantic Beedrill only vibrated his wings lightly, and suddenly a wave of air was rolled up.

to be frank.

It was also the first time Beedrill experienced gigantic transformation, and it felt strange and special at the moment.

In its huge grid-like compound eyes, everything, including Xia Yan, became so small.

And what surprised Beedrill the most.

After its body became larger, it felt that its flexibility was not affected much.


Because of the strength increase brought about by the huge size, Beedrill felt that its explosive power became stronger.

This was Xia Yan's choice after some consideration. …

Gigantic can also give Beedrill a small increase in strength.

Of course, it is definitely not as big as the increase brought by the long-familiar Mega Evolution.

However, choosing to gigantic greatly reduced the burden on Xia Yan as a Trainer.

What's more, the gigantic transformation will not change Beedrill's "Snipe Shot" ability, and it will explode with the "one-shot flow" that it has cultivated during this period of time. If nothing else, as long as it can hit the key point, the possibility of instant kill Very high.


There is a super-giant Pokémon on the opposite side, and it can't drop too much in size.


The onion wanderer's eyes widened, looking at the giant Beedrill hovering in the air, his eyes were full of unstoppable shock.

Bee brother, become so big

Then its long needles are really what ordinary Pokémon's body can bear?


Standing beside Xia Yan with the onion wandering soldiers, one on the left and the other on the right, like two loyal escorts, the bear apprentices couldn't help pulling the green onion wandering soldiers.

Brother Duck, I know how to grow big.

Hearing this, the eyes of the scallion soldier suddenly became extremely bright.



Apprentice Bear nodded firmly.

But it is only after returning to Kai Island.

In this regard, the onion soldier can afford to wait.


And also shocked by Beedrill's change, Togekiss.

Until now, Togekiss has finally realized something.

Maybe it should be without Mega Evolution.

I was about to give up.

Until now, seeing the gigantic Beedrill, Togekiss suddenly rekindled hope in his heart.

Next time it will also be gigantic!

Togekiss couldn't help as long as he thought about how it would cover the sky and the sun after it became a giant, and the admiring and envious eyes of Ninetales and Fairy Yinbu.

Grab the hem of Xia Yan's clothes and keep shaking Charm.

In this regard, Xia Yan could only say with a smile: "Okay, next time there is a chance, it will be yours to become a giant."

"Chakoi! Chacodui!"

The eyes of the other Pokémons who also heard Xia Yan's words also lit up.

It seems that there is really no limit to the type of Pokémon in Jujuhua?

Infernape's eyes flickered faintly.

It really wants to try it. If it becomes a giant and displays "Precipice Blades", can it really try to be comparable to Groudon?

It is different from the ease on Xia Yan's side.

On the side of the group of people who ambushed and attacked him, the atmosphere was rather solemn.

Strange to say.

Xia Yan, who was clearly at an absolute disadvantage on the surface, whether it was Xia Yan or the Pokémons, although they were very serious, they were not very nervous.


On the contrary, the royal family's noble stomach, which has an absolute advantage in surface combat power and an absolute advantage in number, presents a dignified atmosphere.

Maybe it's because Xia Yan's "relaxation" doubled their pressure, or maybe it was because a companion who had been hit hard before made them jealous, or maybe it was because

"Spirit horse?!"

The female voice from before, with astonishment and surprise, rang out again.

The appearance of Dak Laiyin did not exceed the expectations of the other party.

Those three Sacred Swordsmen who were Fighting Pokémon were originally prepared for Dak Lai Yin. …

But the appearance of the ghost horse.

And Xia Yan's behavior of riding directly on the spirit horse made the people on the opposite side puzzled.

This ghostly horse is a real divine beast, not an ordinary divine beast like Sacred Swordsman or Latios.

and also.

Is Xia Yan riding on a ghost horse now a human or a Pokémon?

Is the Psychic he showed a little too outrageous?

"It's just a divine beast, and it's still going according to plan!"

The sharp, hoarse voice gave the rest of the group a dose of cardiotonic.


What if the ghost horse is a divine beast?

A divine beast does not mean invincibility, let alone a third-level divine beast like a spirit horse.

On their side, with so many Champion Pokémons and more Elite Pokémons, they are not afraid of such a variable.

Even if.

This variable is very strong.

Just after Xia Yan rode on, the momentum displayed made many of their Pokémon stand up for it.

"A divine beast?"

Xia Yan smiled and showed a smile that made the hearts of the people on the opposite side faint.

"Say something about the middle two that we Ya Ya often use. You don't know anything about power."

"Gah! (??????)??"

But this time, in the face of Xia Yan's ridicule, the descendants of the royal family learned to behave.

Don't answer.

Start the fight directly!

Otherwise, Xia Yan will catch the rhythm again.

They have the illusion that things that are clearly guaranteed, but now it seems that the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for them.


The leader waved his hand.

I see.

Mega CharizardY flapped his wings covered with orange scales, and while he rolled up a wave of terrifying heat, he bore the brunt of the attack towards Xia Yan.

However, it was greeted by a serious-looking Mega Alakazam with a huge spoon in his hand and one arm raised.

It was alone, standing at the forefront of Xia Yan's entire team, facing a group of Pokémon headed by Mega CharizardY, neither dodging nor dodging.

It's just the rich and pure Psychic that quickly began to gather in its palm.

Hypno, who was crushed all the way by Mega Alakazam's Psychic, felt his shackles loosen in an instant, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his expression changed drastically.

In shock, he looked at Mega Alakazam, who was standing at the forefront of Xia Yan's team.

Although the momentum shown by Mega Alakazam at the moment does not seem to be very strong.

It even seemed a little weak.

As a result, several Psychic people among the royal descendants failed to notice.

But as a champion Psychic Pokémon Hypno, his perception of Psychic must be much stronger than these people.

It's clearly felt.

The Psychic accumulated in Mega Alakazam at this moment

Very! fear!

"Su Li!


It screamed in horror.

However, Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam raised the corners of their mouths at the same time and raised their eyes slightly.


But it was too late.


Hearing Xia Yan snorted lowly.

The seemingly calm Psychic condensed on Mega Alakazam's body suddenly erupted with an unimaginable terrifying shock, causing the oncoming Mega CharizardY's face to show uncontrollable astonishment.

What the hell is Psychic? ! …

the most important is.

It is relatively good at special defense, but when facing this Psychic, it seems as if it does not exist.

On the contrary, the weaker physical defense was instantly shattered at this moment.

Feeling the same way, there are several Pokémon that follow.

They all suffered head-on attacks originating from Mega Alakazam.

Do not.


It was the attack of Mega Alakazam who had absorbed Xia Yan's greatly strengthened Psychic at this moment.

at the same time.

Xia Yan threw a Poké Ball out of his hand again, but instead of throwing it in front of him, he threw it into the air, where the giant Beedrill was.


In an instant.

The bright golden arc light in the sound of "crackling", Reggie Elech appeared.



After appearing, Reggie Elech was stunned after seeing the huge giant Beedrill in mid-air.

Instead, he let out a joyful cry, turned into golden lightning, and charged towards the wings of the giant Beedrill.


Reggie Elage quietly disappeared.

However, on the wings of the giant Beedrill, a golden glow erupted like never before.

The wings, which could store electric current, seemed to be extremely terrifying at this moment.

Turning Reggie Elech into pure electric current, combined with the gigantic Beedrill? !

What kind of magic trick is this?

Can it really be done?

Is this reasonable?

If it's another Pokémon, of course it doesn't make sense.

But Xia Yan, when he subdued Reggie Elech, was thinking about this moment.

The Beedrill under the normal Contest Condition, even if it has special wings, cannot carry all the current of Reggie Elech, but what about the giant Beedrill?


Do you really think that Xia Yan asked Beedrill to take Reggie Elech during this time, just to play together?

Their tacit understanding is enough to make this attempt!


Xia Yan chuckled again.

"and also!"

His voice was small, but it could be clearly heard by everyone.

"Who do you say you blocked? Do you really know who you said, those who were blocked?"


The face of the man who took the lead changed dramatically.

His changes were clearly grasped precisely by the current Xia Yan.

He grinned.

"So you must be clear, some people you can stop, some people you can ambush and kill, some people you can ignore or despise, but some people"

The smile on Xia Yan's face gradually faded, and in addition to the strong Psychic in his eyes, there is an uncontrollable coldness.

His voice was as cold as ice.

"You can't afford it!"


No one could believe that the giant Beedrill, who just flapped his wings gently and rolled up the wind and magnetic storm, could disappear from everyone's sight at the same time.

"Well said Xia Yan!"

At the same time, a hearty and upright laughter came.

The rattling cloak swayed with the wind, and stood on Dragonite's back with his arms around him.

Impressively appeared in the sight of the group of people.

"Dare to take on the Sinnoh champion. Have you asked me about Cynthia?"…

The pretty voice that followed, also seemed to be filled with frost.

On the back of Garchomp, who flew from the sky, golden waterfalls danced in the air, and his fair and pretty face seemed to be frozen into ice at the moment.

In those apricot eyes, there is a cold meaning that Xia Yan and others have never seen before.

"It seems that we are still underestimated. If we stop, we can stop us."


Behind the two, Flash Metagross shines brightly, and Steven Stone and Lorelei's expressions are not very good-looking.

that is.

who are they?

Future Region Champions!

If someone comes and says to stop them, will they be stopped?

So what have they become?

"That's why I said. You guys think a little too easy for me, Xia Yan, and for my Xia Yan friends."

Knowing the danger, why did Xia Yan rush alone?

only because.

The moment to reveal the identity of this group of people.


This is the declaration of war belonging to Xia Yan!

at the same time.

Outside the Outrage Lake area, on a hill outside the huge lake.

A flat-headed man in a black suit, showing white teeth, followed by a Landorus.

He looked in the distance in the direction of Outrage Lake.

Looking at the confident and calm young man standing in the Pokémon group.

Whispered: "It's finally about to start. I have endured these guys for a long, long time."


Although Landorus didn't know what the man was talking about, he could clearly feel it.

The man in front of him, who was not very interested in anything, always had waves in his heart when he saw the young man in the distance.

kind of.

Waves of admiration, covet, eagerness, and a desire to fight.


PS: Today's 1.2w+! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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