The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1055 Who Told You That Lao Tzu Has Stepped Down As The Champion?


The violent color in Sared's eyes slowly faded, and under the raised pink cloak behind it, the crystal green rattan that spread out also slowly dissipated, and finally turned into small bud-shaped bulges, hidden in the air. under a calming cloak.

"Salu Salu!!"

And the cocoa Struggle, who was held by Xia Yanti, kept roaring at Sarede, as if to signal that it should not care about itself.


The moment Sared realizes that he has become a father, it means that from then on, the most important thing in his life is no longer himself, but his children.

Seizing Coco is tantamount to seizing Sared's life.

Looking at the loving father and son, Xia Yan rubbed his nose again.

He played in his true colors.



Coco's body froze, and she only felt a sense of coolness coming from her back. The pain of hitting the tree because of the apprentice Bear's slap was greatly relieved.


The sudden change made Coco's face stunned.

Sared, who was not far away, also noticed Xia Yan's movements, and when he saw Coco's Contest Condition, he couldn't help but blink.

Xia Yan put Coco back on the ground and summoned Latios.

"Latios, explain it to them for me."


Hearing the words, Psychic appeared in Latios' eyes, and through telepathy, he conveyed Xia Yan's intentions and his willingness to do so to Sarode and Coco.

Coco and Sared, who were finally able to calm down and listen to what Xia Yan said, realized that.

They seem to have the wrong person

However, after hearing that Xia Yan wanted to take a dip in the "Healing Fountain", Sared's expression became serious again.


It is extremely assertive that this is impossible.

Xia Yan knows what the "Healing Fountains" represent to the current Sared, and also understands the "Forest Rules" formulated by the Sared ethnic group.

So he didn't show how resolute.


It’s not far from the “Healing Fountain” now. The big deal is to hit it directly and leave after soaking in the “Healing Fountain” to recover your Contest Condition. During this period, you will only defeat the Sarod tribe, not them or the divine tree. As well as any damage done by the "Healing Fountain".

In fact, he was more curious why Sared and Coco attacked without hesitation when they saw Xia Yan's first glance.

There must be some reason for this, which caused the current situation to be quite different from the original.

Through Latios, Xia Yan asked about this.

to this.

Although Sared and Coco couldn't fully believe Xia Yan, it was not a secret that couldn't be told, so they told the reason for the incident one by one.

After listening to what they told, Xia Yan's expression gradually became serious.


The reason and the thing is very simple.

Just as Xia Yan expected.

Before he came to this forest, some humans had already set foot in it.


Most of the human beings, after reaching a certain level, were confused by this lush and complex jungle and had to retreat.

Another part was eaten by the wild Pokémons, and they got out.

But there are still a very small part of them who have set foot in the core area of ​​this forest, that is, the area covered by the divine tree.

However, most of these people were also repelled under the protection of the Sared ethnic group.

But there are still a very small number of people who have seen the Divine Tree and the "Healing Fountain".


The purpose of these people themselves is for the sacred tree and the "healing fountain".

After further questioning, Xia Yan quickly determined the identity of this group of people.

It is Professor Jeddo who has been chasing "Healing Fountain" in the original book, and the biotope company behind him.

Coco's parents, Krom Mauribden and Lynn Mauribden, who were former professors of Jeddo, led the three of them to find a "Healing Fountain" for Biotope.

And Coco's parents did find the "fountain of healing".

But after they saw the role of the "Healing Fountain" in this vast jungle and the effect of the wild Pokémon living in this jungle, they gave up their pursuit and tried to find a way to allow humans and Pokémon to peacefully share the "Healing Fountain". .

But the paranoid Professor Jeddo believed that Coco's parents betrayed him, and finally got rid of the two, causing Coco to live in this forest and was finally adopted by Sarod.


Professor Jeddo and the Biotope Company finally approached the "Healing Fountain" again.


Professor Jedo seems to have Locked On the location of "Healing Fountain".

For this reason, more than one reconnaissance team was sent to enter the jungle to try to get close to the "Healing Fountain".

It was only blocked in time by Sarod and Coco.

The two sides fought hard.

Although in the end it was Sarod and Keke who won, but they also paid a small price for it.

They also told this matter to the Sared family.

But arrogant believers in the jungle law of survival of the fittest, the Sarode family who think they are invincible in the world, do not take their words to heart.

after all.

The humans repelled by them are not one or two anymore.

And Xia Yan, Coco, and Salide who happened to meet here.

This also made them mistakenly think that Xia Yan was also a member of the investigation team.

The attack was full of Rage.

After listening to it, Xia Yan also roughly understood the reason.

The difference between this period and the original book is that Professor Jeddo and Biotope Company Lock On the location of the "Healing Fountain" earlier than the time in the original book.


Even if he showed a certain kind of goodwill and indicated that he was not with the biotope group, Thaled and Coco did not intend to take him to the "Healing Fountain".

Professor Jeddo and Biotope Company made them feel a deep fear of human beings.

to this end.

Xia Yan had to open his arms to them again.

Just when Sared thought that Xia Yan was going to attack again, and took a stance, he saw a special energy wave of Cianwood color spreading out from Xia Yan's palm.

Waveguide power!


Xia Yan frowned.

Whether it is the power of the waveguide or Psychic, with his current body, as long as it is used once, it will cause secondary damage to his body.



The two little guys, Latios and Sylveon, saw Xia Yanqiang enduring the pain, and immediately surrounded him.

Eyes full of worry.

However, the power of the waveguide that gradually spread and the "goodwill" it carried, like the natural aura emanating from the forest, made Sarod and Coco stunned.

The feeling of being wrapped in the power of the Cianwood-colored waveguide made them feel as if they were in the ocean of the forest, embraced by the forest breath.

There were some subtle changes in the eyes they looked at Xia Yan.


Just suddenly, Xia Yan's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

The power of the wave guide that was released also instantly returned.

While wiping the sweat off his forehead, he looked past Sared and looked into the depths of the jungle.

There, he felt the cry of the forest.


Ignore Sared and Coco.

There was only so much he could do.

If they really want to stop themselves, Xia Yan doesn't mind knocking them down and then looking for the "Healing Fountain".

boom! ! !

A sudden roar sounded in the direction Yu Xiayan was looking at.

Hearing the movement, Sarod and Coco were also shocked.

Then I saw Xia Yan, who was riding on the back of the ghost horse, pulling the reins with a serious expression, and led the Pokémons quickly past them.


Looking at the backs of Xia Yan and the others quickly disappearing, Coco couldn't help shouting, looking at Sared.


Only then did Sarod react.

Without hesitation, he shot the cane, tied it to the branch, and swept in the direction of the roaring sound.

Cocoa quickly followed.


Just in the vast and lush jungle, a huge towering ancient tree exuding strange fluorescence is constantly gushing out a large amount of spring water and washing into the surrounding lakes.

The spring water, which was originally just a slow flow, is now gushing out like a normal dyke.

only because.

On the trunk of the giant tree, there were two large holes in it.

It is precisely because of these two large holes that the balance of this giant tree has been completely destroyed, and the balance that the surrounding environment has maintained for thousands of years.

The wild Pokémon inhabited around, watching this scene, fled one after another.

But there was also a group of Pokémon, each of them with full of anger, staring at the huge machine by the lake.

It was the two spears shot from this machine that pierced the branches of the ancient tree.

This group of Pokémon resides here, guarding the sacred tree and the Sarod clan who guards the "Healing Fountain".

And beside the machine, there were many people dressed in different clothes.

"Finally, let me find it."

A middle-aged man in a yellow suit and glasses showed a frenzy on his face, venting his emotions that he had suppressed for decades.

"Professor Jedo, aren't we just looking for the 'Healing Fountain'?"

Beside him, there are several researchers in white coats.

They don't understand why Professor Jeddo wants to destroy the tree of gods.

"'Healing Fountain'? What I want is the root of the healing power of this spring. What I want is the secret of this divine tree!"

Professor Jeduo changed from his past mildness, and his whole person revealed a madness in the rest.


The sound of the propeller is from far to near.

Dozens of figures quickly fell from the airship in the air.

The leader was a tall and slender woman with a calm expression.

"Well done. Jedo Professor."

She gently stroked her messy golden hair and looked at the divine tree not far away, a little satisfaction flashed in her eyes.

Seeing the person coming, Professor Jiedo couldn't help showing a respectful look.


With the roar of a Sared in the Sarod group, the Sared frantically rushed towards this group of humans who destroyed their homes.

But in the face of the furious Sarods, Professor Jeddo and the tall women around him didn't care at all.

"Stop them, investigate the internal structure of the divine tree, and draw life energy."


A group of people wearing sunglasses who were dressed in the same clothes and fell with the woman.

Respond at the same time.

next second.

The personnel of the combat unit summoned their respective Pokémon, and the members of the investigation unit, under the protection of the combat unit personnel, quickly approached the sacred tree.


Seeing this scene, the Sarods were stunned and burst out with extremely strong forces to block them.

Their individual strength is very strong.

But their Rival was clearly prepared this time.

I see.

One of the fighting troops walked out, took out the Poké Ball, and retrieved a burning cockroach that was spitting flames recklessly.

Immediately after.

On his wrist, a crimson streamer burst out from the "giant wristband" and injected into the Poké Ball, then the Poké Ball rapidly expanded and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When he throws the Poké Ball again.

What appeared in the sight of all Sared was a hurricane tornado with a body length of nearly 100 meters, fiery flames burning all over his body, and a vortex of red mist above his head.

The super-giant flaming beetle!

Then I saw the body of the super-giant burning flame beetle, which was too terrifying in length, folded, and the dazzling golden-red flames burst out instantly.

G-Max Centiferno!

boom! ! !

The terrifying fiery flame instantly ignited a thick root of the divine tree, and the red fire light instantly dyed most of the divine tree.

"Fire Lash, Fire Lash!"

at the same time.

The commander of the combat troop also gave instructions to the rest of the combatants and the flaming beetles present.

Bear! !

In the next instant, dozens of fiery flames rose up and merged with the attack of the super-giant flame cockroach, erupting with stronger destructive power.


Seeing that the tree of gods was ignited, while the Sarods were furious, there was also an inevitable panic.

Putting out the fire or killing the enemy has become a difficult choice for them.

But soon, the Sarods were divided into two.

Some of them tried to put out the flames, and some of them, led by a powerful Sarod, rushed towards the group of people.

Seeing this, the combat troops did not show any panic.

Seeing the commander-in-chief of the combat troop throw out the Poké Ball, what appeared in front of him was a rather majestic steel-armored crow.

At the same time he exclaimed:

"Beheading Squad, attack!"

a time.

Steel armored crows, trembling string salamanders, fox robbers, eight-claw warriors and other Pokémon appear one after another.

They also quickly met the group of Salod who rushed up.

"Burning Clam Squad, Bug Type Mode."

After igniting the divine tree and forcing a group of Thaleders to return to help, the Burning Beasts also completed their first mission, using the Bug Type move tightly and quickly to meet the attacking Thaleders.

To know.

The evil and grass-type Sared is quadrupled by the Bug Type move.

No matter from which point of view, this group of people came prepared for the Sarods.

In particular, the combat troops were not the kind of troops that Normal's forces could produce. It would be an exaggeration to say that they were legions.

It was just the first collision, and the Sarods were all in a mess.

On the side of Professor Jedo, he has an overwhelming advantage.


Now, it's not Professor Jeduo anymore, but the tall woman beside him.

"Your uncle's."

Xia Yan, who came quickly, also saw the two big holes in the trunk of the divine tree, and the spring water gushing out of them.

He picked up the spring water flowing by his feet, but could not feel any healing power.

In other words, there is only a little life force in it, which is not enough to bring any healing effect to him.

The broken balance of the divine tree, coupled with the continuous rushing water flow, not only destroyed the distribution of the divine tree's healing power, but also diluted the original healing power of the "healing fountain".

This made Xia Yan, who had finally found it here, couldn't help spit.

at the same time.

On the way, he also saw what happened next to the divine tree.

Especially the appearance of the super-giant burning flame cockroach, and the uniform release of moves.


Seeing that the divine tree was lit, Sylveon and Latios beside Xia Yan showed resentment.

They can clearly feel the significance of this divine tree to this jungle.

But now, it is about to be destroyed.

sigh -

Lingyouma's footsteps sped up again.

When Xia Yan finally rushed to the divine tree and saw the group of Professor Jiedo and the woman beside him, he was obviously stunned for a moment.


The woman who fell from the airship was the secretary of Loz, the vice president of the Malokomon Group, Olivia!

And the people who fell with her are the fighters and troops of the Galar Alliance today.

So they can show the same ability as the legion.

In other words, they were originally a unit of the Galar Region Legion.

And when Xia Yan came here to see Olivia, Olivia also noticed him.

A look of surprise flashed across Olivia's calm face.

"Champion Xia Yan?"

After speaking, he paused again, "No, sorry, you are no longer the champion."

Xia Yan frowned and glanced at the Alliance staff around her, as well as Professor Jeduo and his research team, a little enlightenment flashed in her heart.

"The Community Frontier Company is also a branch of the Malokomon Group?"

Olivia said calmly:

"To be precise, it is the branch that has just completed the acquisition. They previously belonged to the descendants of the Galar royal family headed by Soder and Sildi."

Saying that, she added: "Thank you, Mr. Xia Yan, for making our acquisition a lot smoother."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

What is the relationship between Loz and the descendants of the royal family, he has not yet figured out.

"So. Luoz is also eyeing the life energy contained in the divine tree?"


Olivia nodded without shyness.

Then he raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Yan.

"What? Does Mr. Xia Yan also want it?"

"Yes." Xia Yan shrugged.

"Then we can cooperate. I should be able to represent President Luoz and give Mr. Xia Yan a certain share." Olivia said.


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, a little joking appeared on his face, and said slowly:

"Shares? I'm curious, with your authority, how many shares can you give?"

Olivia pressed her chin to think seriously.

"Considering that it is our goal to Lock On first, and it is also our first move, I call the shots and can give you Khoury to Mr. Xia Yan."

Saying that, he raised a slender finger.

"Khoury?" Xia Yan was stunned.

Khoury is actually not much.

Just the life energy flowing out of the divine tree gave the surrounding spring water a strong healing ability. It was hard to imagine how huge the life energy contained in the divine tree would be.


Looking at Olivia's serious appearance, Xia Yan was amused.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it."

Xia Yan quickly waved his hand.

"Mr. Xia Yan, with all due respect, you don't need a huge amount of life energy, too much for an individual, in fact, what is Bureau Veritas good for?"

"and many more."

Xia Yan stopped Olivia.

"You're just a spokesperson, your words don't carry much weight, why don't you ask Loz to talk to me?"

Olivia frowned upon hearing this.

"President Lords is very busy."

"Oh~~" Xia Yan showed an exaggerated look of surprise, and lightly tightened the reins, "Then I'll make the decision in his place, and give you Khoury."


Olivia's face sank, and she slowly understood what Xia Yan meant.

It seems that there is no intention to cooperate.

Even in her opinion, giving someone Khoury is a great sincerity from her.

Olivia slowly narrowed her eyes.

"Mr. Xia Yan, do you want to declare war on our Marocmon Group and the Galar Alliance?"

"No no no." Xia Yan waved his hand again.

He leaned down slightly and looked at Olivia playfully.

"Nothing else, I'm not targeting your Marocmon Group, and I'm not targeting your Galar Alliance, just."

"Just for you."

"Against me? Why?"

Olivia frowned.

"Because you pissed me off."

"Angry? Are you there?" Olivia was taken aback.

Xia Yan slowly stood up, and his face gradually became serious.

"You just landed with your right foot first, right?"

Olivia blinked.



Xia Yan flipped the palm of his hand, and there were several more Poké Balls.

"Who told you to land on your right foot first?!"

While staring slightly, the Poké Ball in his hand flew out.

Olivia: "."

a time.

Several red lights flashed.

At this time, Olivia finally understood.

This guy, Xia Yan, didn't want to cooperate with them at all, he was just looking for her to have fun.

Which foot hits the ground first can also pick a thorn?

Olivia's eyes narrowed, and she shouted: "Stop him!"

She is not afraid of Xia Yan, because there is not only her here, but also the legion of Galar Alliance.

After receiving Olivia's order, more than half of the Alliance fighters turned around and Lock On Xia Yan.

to this.

Xia Yan didn't think so at all.

Just wave your hand lightly.

next second.


Salamence in the roar takes the lead, and this kind of chaos is undoubtedly his favorite.


The onion wanderer jumped, came to Salamence's back, and turned into a "Dragon Knight" again.

At the same time, Latios, Sylveon, Ninetales, Zorua, Milotic, Volcarona, Goodra are also out.

Seeing this, Olivia took two steps back, and two Poké Balls also appeared in her hand.

One of them was thrown at random.

A Froslass is summoned.

The other one, under the energy of the "giant wristband" on its wrist, quickly became larger.

her expression.

Swept away the calm and indifferent before.

Showing a little bit of madness and hideousness.

"Even if you are a former champion and want to stop President Lords' plan, then you are our enemy!"

Say it.

boom -

A super-giant Garbodor sprayed with terrifying poisonous mist, surrounded by purple mist and exuded a thick stench, like a mountain of garbage, crashed to the ground.

Anyone who tries to stop Loz's plan will be regarded as her enemy.

Even a champion.

But he saw Xia Yan holding the reins in one hand and slowly raising the other hand, aiming at the super giant Garbodor.

Slowly said:

"Also. Who told you that I have stepped down as the champion? Huh?!"

The voice fell.

The rich and dark Haze burst out as he clenched his palm.

Broken star!

boom--! !

A violent roar suddenly erupted from the super-giant Garbodor, and in the roar, countless pieces of dust like rubbish fell crazily.

And the huge figure couldn't help shaking violently and shivering, groaning in pain.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but smashed his mouth and waved his hand.

"Tsk, I don't have Psychic, have you even been weakened by my influence?"

sigh -

Lingyouma snorted angrily.

is not that right?


Just as the battle broke out.

Above the dilapidated huge divine tree, a petite pink figure, waving lightly arms, loomed above the treetops, and there was a melodious and ethereal hum.

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