The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 107 I Have My Eyes Open! (Fourth More! Please Read!)

Chapter 107 I have my eyes open! (Fourth more! Please read!)

Cynthia looked at Steven in surprise.

Steven spread his hands and said that he too had just been rejected.

Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily, too lazy to explain.

Pokémon battle is the main color of this world. It is like a game of Go and a black hand. It is a concept.

He wasn't interested in using the silver rank to touch other people's gold and platinum rank.

"Beedrill, I have carefully recalled the previous battles. You should pay attention to these places in the future battles."

Xia Yan began to emphasize to Beedrill some inappropriate or unreasonable ways to deal with the previous battle.

It’s true that Pokémon battles are directed by Trainer, but it is Pokémon who play in the field after all. How to deal with it and how to deal with it requires Pokémon to make flexible adjustments and changes. In this regard, Trainer’s command cannot be comprehensive.

After all, the speed of Trainer's command is often unable to keep up with every minute and every second of the unexpected situation in the battle.

By the time Trainer reacts, the ending is already doomed in most cases.

This is especially evident as the Pokémon get stronger and stronger.

Unless you have Psychic and telepathy, you can change that to some extent.

Therefore, the role of the Trainer is to formulate some suitable tactics before the start of the battle, give some places that need vigilance and caution, and at most give reminders at critical moments.

As the strength of Pokémon continues to grow, the battle is more about the tacit understanding between the Trainer and the Pokémon, rather than the trainer's simple commanding ability.

Otherwise, why would the black market Pokémon, who obeys commands like a machine, be so unpopular with mature Trainers?

Next to him, Steven and Cynthia looked at each other.

Are you really ignoring them for training?

"Forget it, let's put the little guys out to relax too." Steven politely didn't force Xia Yan to do something.

"Yeah." Cynthia responded lightly.

Then the two of them are seen throwing three Poké Balls each.

Six Pokémon appeared in Xia Yan's backyard.

The whole body is silver and white, and the Flash Metang is thick and stocky.

Aron with a shiny carapace, a combination of ferocity and cuteness.

The wings are crisp, reflecting the sun Cal's Skarmory.

Gabite, who looks like a shark and has fierce eyes.

Mysterious and treacherous, like the Spiritomb of a dark potted plant.

A cute, well-groomed Eevee.

The six Pokémon that appeared all at once interrupted the training rhythm of Xia Yan and Beedrill.

Looking at the six Pokémons of the two, I didn't know what to say for a while.

Certainly not envy.




When Abra, who was a little sleepy, saw these six Pokémons, especially Steven's Flash Metang and Cynthia's Gabite, he was shocked and instantly became Smelling Salts.

"Ke!" Abra shouted to Xia Yan with some grievances.

They are scary.


On the other hand, Beedrill, after seeing the six Pokémon, his scarlet eyes twinkled, Twineedle rubbed lightly, a posture that could not restrain his desire to fight.

Xia Yan stroked Beedrill's back to soothe its emotions.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you, just"

Seeing that Xia Yan and Beedrill's training was interrupted, Steven explained apologetically.

Xia Yan pursed his lips and waved his hand silently.

"Exactly, Xia Yan, I have always been curious. In the previous match at the club, is the spinning... that your Beedrill used? Is it a new move? Or a tactic."

"It's a tactic, I call it the 'Shield of Retaliation'." Xia Yan thought for a while and said.

"The Shield of Retaliation?"

"Actually, it's not a complicated tactic. It uses the rotation of Pokémon to drive the rotation of energy, plus some special skills, to promote a way similar to the defense of rotating shields."

It seems that I can't explain it clearly, but I understand it when I demonstrate it.

"Beedrill, String Shot, Shield of Return."


Beedrill nodded.

After finding a relatively open place, the body began to rotate with the wings, ensuring a certain frequency of rotation, the silk thread spit out from the mouth, and rotated with the Beedrill, slowly forming a top made of white silk threads.

Xia Yan picked up a stone and threw it towards Beedrill.


As soon as the stone touched the Shield of Retaliation, it was immediately bounced off.

Such a demonstration, as smart as Steven and Cynthia, understood at once.

"As for daytime battles, it's just an alternative way of using the Shield of Retaliation, adapting accordingly."

Steven nodded thoughtfully, and Cynthia was lost in thought.

To say how clever a tactic the Shield of Retaliation is, it's not necessarily true.

But they easily thought of how effective the Shield of Retaliation would be if it appeared in actual combat.

Increased knowledge.

Learn first hand.

And the tactic of the Shield of Return can be said to be applicable to almost all Pokémon that can use energy moves. With a little training, it can be turned into a practical tactic.

However, if you want to be as flexible as Beedrill in actual combat, you need a long time of training and running in.


Just as Xia Yan and Beedrill were explaining the Shield of Retaliation, Cynthia's Eevee jumped on the table with curiosity, looked at petite Abra, and squeaked softly with his tail.


Abra, who was about to fall asleep again, felt itchy, rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them.


Eevee: You are so rude, why don't you open your eyes?


Abra: You are rude, I have my eyes open!

To Eevee's words, Abra gave a strong response, pointing to a slit in his eyes.


Abra: Do you see what this is? Isn't this the eye?

Hearing this, Eevee tilted his head and looked closer, and he really saw Abra's Cianwood-colored eyes through the slit.

But it certainly made it even more fun.


The crisp silver bell-like laughter was endless, rolling on the table.

Eevee: Hahahaha—

This Abra can't stand it.

I got angry all of a sudden.


Flicking his eyelids with his fingers, his Cianwood-colored eyes slowly emerged, along with the Psychic that emerged unconsciously.


Feeling Psychic, Eevee was jolted, and hurriedly rolled over and sat up, his hair tending to stand up.

But when it was discovered that it was sent by a young Abra, doubts appeared in his eyes.

This Abra's Psychic doesn't quite match the strength it should have at this stage.

The changes in the two Pokémon finally caught the attention of Xia Yan and the others.

I saw Psychic constantly emerging from Abra's body, and the Cianwood-colored Psychic slowly wrapped it.

In the hazy, you can see that Abra's body is actually slowly extending.

"Congratulations, Xia Yan, your Abra is coming to an end." Steven saw Abra's situation.

There was confusion on Cynthia's face.

"This Abra's Psychic seems to be a bit strong, beyond what a Normal Abra should have."

"Indeed." Steven agreed.


Four more updates, 300 monthly tickets are added! For the sake of my sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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