The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1058 The Beginning Of Xia Yan's Counterattack

"La beep la beep~"

The underestimated Celebi waved at Xia Yan and Latios.

When Xia Yan walked out of the divine tree.

The chaos outside is over.

Judging from the friendly relationship between Sared and the surrounding wild Pokémon, it is estimated that it will develop according to the plot in the end.

The researchers who were originally with Professor Jeddo also volunteered to stay and help restore the destroyed forest.

Presents a picture of humans and Pokémon being friendly.

And Coco, who is both human and Sarod, has become the bridge and link between them.

Seeing that the Sarods finally accepted the surrounding wild Pokémon and the humans present, Celebi suddenly showed a cheerful look, flapping her wings and flying to Sared's "Abba".

Decades later, Celebi's reappearance undoubtedly made the Pokémon and humans present even more excited and motivated.

With the ability of the Sarods to nourish the vegetation by crushing the vine fragments, it is not difficult to restore this dilapidated forest.

And Xia Yan believed it.

If the Sarods really recognize these wild Pokémon and maintain the forest with them, the forest will definitely become more lush, and the resources contained in it will definitely be more abundant.

"time to go."


Latios nodded slightly.

Xia Yan didn't break the harmonious scene. He originally came from the "Healing Fountain". Now that he has obtained huge benefits from the spring water, don't make Sarode and the group of Pokémon nervous anymore.

Roll over onto Latios' back.

With a slight flutter of Latios' wings.

rushed straight out.

With Latios' current strength, even without Mega Evolution, the long-distance Flying ability has already become the strongest member of his team.

Champion strength.

It is not only the frontal combat capability of Latios that has become stronger.

It also further stimulated its potential and speciality as a divine beast.

Follow Latios' own description.

Now, if it fights normally, its own energy is almost inexhaustible, which is exaggerated.

match its own characteristics.

It is completely possible to undertake the responsibility of a long-range artillery battery by itself.


Flying through the air at such a rapid rate, people on the ground and Pokémon can only see the white trail cloud, but not the existence of the trail cloud.

where are we going?

to this.

Latios raised doubts.

It flies very fast, but it can't just walk around in the sky, can it?

And Xia Yan, who was lying on Latios' back, looked a little dazed at this time.

do not know why.

After leaving the special space in the Divine Tree, he felt a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

just feel.

Nothing is quite right.

But if I really want to say something is wrong, I can't say why.


It wasn't until Latios' voice sounded again that Xia Yan finally recovered.

Immediately, the uncomfortable feeling in my heart was temporarily suppressed.

There was no sense of crisis, so Xia Yan didn't take it too seriously, just kept an eye on it.

With a smile, he said, "Are we the ones who were beaten and didn't fight back?"


Latios shook his head sharply.

"So. Now that I have fully recovered, I should also let them understand what the price is for provoking a champion who is still an unscrupulous champion."


Hearing the words, Latios' eyes lit up instantly.

It understands what Xia Yan is going to do.


It doesn't make sense to say that you can only allow others to kill you, but you can only hide and hide.

The accumulation and background of those descendants of the royal family is terrifying. When they gather together, the power they can exert is even more terrifying. For people like Bai Lao, Xia Yan doesn't know if there are any of the descendants of the royal family, and if so, there are others. How many.

But anyway.

These descendants of the royal family who used to have constant disputes and conflicts, even if they gather now, they can't really be so united.

At least.

The royal descendants of one Region and another Region should not have a very close relationship, and they will definitely not gather together.

That gave Xia Yan a good breakthrough.

It is estimated that the descendants of the royal family could not think of it.

Xia Yan, who was killed by them and splashed with dirty water on the Internet, would be bold enough to counterattack their descendants of the royal family.


Xia Yan is a master who is unwilling to suffer losses. He rarely takes revenge overnight. This time, he has a rare person who can Retaliate.

"However. In order to prevent the group of people from using any more tricks, we must first create an alibi."


Latios groaned in confusion.

I saw Xia Yan took out his phone and shook it gently.

It shows the messages sent by A Jian and Asahi, the two heads of the Galar Region Interpol Division.

from their information.

a few hours ago.

The Galar Region suddenly exploded with a massive, gigantic Pokémon runaway phenomenon.

to this end.

The Interpol department, which had finally recruited some people, was again severely understaffed.

Fortunately, Dan Di also brought some Alliance members to join the mission to calm down the out-of-control Pokémon.

But even so.

There is still a serious shortage of manpower.

So Ajian and Asahi asked Xia Yan what to do.

to this.

Xia Yan simply replied with three words.

"I am coming."

Since the group of descendants of the royal family played small tricks because they couldn't find evidence of Xia Yan's betrayal of the Alliance, Xia Yan didn't mind playing ass with them.

But since we want to do it, we must first find a few witnesses and give him an alibi.

Gently pat Latios on the back.

"Survey Town."

A town full of history in the precipitous mountains in the western Galar Region.

The town is not big, but it is full of strong artistic atmosphere.

It is the most artistic place in the entire Galar Region, and it also retains a large number of historical monuments.

This is Su Chuan Town.


This town, which is usually quiet and peaceful, filled with a large number of artists who come to observe artists, is not as quiet as usual at this time.


There is also a huge roar from time to time, accompanied by the sound of buildings and rocks collapsing and collapsing.


I heard a roar filled with a strange atmosphere, accompanied by countless ghost-like phantoms flickering, as if it only took a second, the town would be completely occupied by these ghosts and turned into a town full of death.

The residents of the town also fled frantically one by one, full of fear.

Both humans and Pokémon were completely overwhelmed by fear at this time, and they could only do their best to dodge those dark phantoms.


There is simply no way to break free from these phantoms by relying solely on human bodies and the power of ordinary Pokémons.

And once these eerie shadows are shrouded, neither humans nor Pokémon will be able to move a single bit.

You can only stand in the town and witness the horror of this ghost coming.

caused all this.

Only because of that huge purple Pokémon that stood in the center of the town at this time, like a huge house.

The red cloud surrounding its head and the vortex appearing in the air all indicate that it is a giant Pokémon.

That big mouth was like a gate to the spiritual world, and a steady stream of phantoms flew out of this huge mouth.


It was completely overwhelmed by the violent and rich Galar particles, and it still carried the cunning and mischievousness of the past in the Growl.

This Pokémon is a super giant Gengar!

A huge purple fat man.

And those phantoms that keep flying out of its mouth are the ultra-giant Gengar's exclusive move, G-Max Terror!

boom! !

On the other side of town, large swathes of houses collapsed.

This is the reason for the real trouble in Su Chuan Town.


In the town of Su Chuan, two giant Pokémons went wild all of a sudden!

On the other side of Su Chuan Town, there is a terrifying Pokémon with a towering figure surrounded by red clouds, with extremely abrupt tendons and flesh, holding four fists that seem to be wrapped in magma.

Super gigantic Machamp!

Every time its fist fell, it was bound to be accompanied by the collapse of a large number of houses in the town, as well as the complete collapse of the ground and streets.

Under its iron fist, a large number of residents have only one way out.


Here comes the problem.

If it's just a super-giant Gengar, even if it runs wild, it's more playful. It just keeps releasing phantoms to tease residents and Pokémon, and occasionally releases a rare attack.

And if it is just a super-giant Machamp, although its rampage is violent, in its eyes, there is not much difference between humans, Pokémon, houses and various buildings.

It might even prefer the thrill of smashing a house over chasing down humans and Pokémon.

But now.

These two super-giant Pokémons combined.

In an instant, it became a disaster for the entire Suchuan Town residents.

They were controlled by the super-giant Gengar and couldn't move, and could only watch the super-giant Machamp, the terrifying huge iron fist crashed down.


Once hit by the fist of the super-giant Machamp, it must not be as simple as death, and more likely it will become a meat pie.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that.

In Su Chuan Town, it is not that there is no voice of resistance.

"Machamp! Block it!"

A full-fledged Stephanie sound came from Sonic Boom.

I saw a Stephanie with short gray hair, wearing a standard Galar Region competitive uniform, but with bare feet, shuttled from the eaves of the houses with very dexterous movements.

Along with it, there is a Machamp who is very full of energy and has a very good Contest Condition.


As Stephanie's voice sounded, Machamp's legs jerked with force.

The eaves under his feet burst, and his body jumped out at the fastest speed.

Before the super giant Machamp's fist was about to fall, with a serious face, he gritted his teeth and used both arms to firmly catch the super giant Machamp's punch.

boom! ! !

The huge and terrifying force directly caused the Ground under Machamp's feet to burst open.

But Machamp managed to hold the fist and protect the person behind it.

You can feel the super-giant Machamp of the collision of forces, and in that unconscious vent, it finally found a little interest in it.

Clenched fist.

The second punch fell with a more terrifying power, rolling down with fierce energy.


Stephanie's Machamp roared, the muscles all over his body tensed to the extreme, all the meridians on his body bulged, and he used the remaining two arms to catch the second punch of the super-giant Machamp.

boom--! !

Just by looking at the raised dust and the completely cracked Ground, you can feel the strength of this super-giant Machamp.

Seeing that his two punches were blocked like this, the super giant Machamp became more interested, and immediately threw a third punch.


Stephanie's Machamp is the limit with two punches.

Seeing that the huge fist was about to fall again, the couple who were protected by Machamp closed their eyes in despair.

But next second.

They felt as if they were flying in mid-air, hitting the ground tightly and hard.

The pain freed them from the shackles of the Phantom, no doubt.

boom! ! !

The fall of the third punch made the dust thicker.

The couple got up in a hurry, their faces blank, not knowing what just happened.

When the dust gradually dissipated and the scene under the fist of the super-giant Machamp was fully revealed, the couple's expressions froze.

"Cai, Caidou?!"

I see.

The burly Machamp shivered to hold the two punches of the super giant Machamp, and the third punch was blocked by the gray-haired Stephanie.

She hunched her waist, clenched her teeth, her legs trembled uncontrollably, but she firmly held on to the third punch of the super-giant Machamp.

Don't think about it.

She must have been the one who lost the couple before.

But just by virtue of the human body, he was able to block the terrifying fist of the super-giant Machamp.

This physical quality and strength cannot even be described by a humanoid Pokémon.

Because of Normal's Pokémon, she really doesn't necessarily have such physical qualities.

at the same time.

the other side.

The super-giant Gengar, who constantly releases ghostly shadows, enjoys the various complex emotions such as fear, fear, awe, and disgust on the faces of the madly fleeing residents. look of despair.

This is the best joke for it.

If someone yells after being restrained, Gengar will not hesitate to launch a decent attack.


When the ultra-giant Gengar's eyes moved, it landed on a trembling body, a very frightened posture, but instead of running away, but tremblingly moved towards it, the petite figure was obviously stunned for a moment.

He was obviously so scared.


The super giant Gengar roared again, and countless phantoms flew out towards the petite figure.


There was a scene that made Gengar be dumbfounded.

Let the ghosts fear, intimidate, and intimidate, but the figure has no intention of stopping.

the most important is.

This man's face actually wore a pale mask, which made Gengar, who likes to appreciate the emotional fluctuations of others, not be able to see his expression.

I saw him constantly approaching surrounded by countless phantoms.

And after passing over a person who was caught by the super giant Gengar, and carefully patted on the other's shoulder, the person broke free of Gengar's shackles.

"Thank you, thank you, Oneo!"

As the man let out a long breath, he stammered his thanks, and immediately fled in a panic.

And after the man left, the masked boy called Oneo also let out a long sigh.

All the fear and trembling before, also disappeared.


He also waved his hand and said hello to the ghosts who surrounded him quite freely.

He also said hello to the super-giant Gengar with a slightly dull expression.

just like.

What Oneo was afraid of before was the one who was set on the road, not the super-giant Gengar.

"Jie Jie?"


In the darkness behind Oneo, a round purple head stuck out.

As soon as the purple fat man appeared, he stuck out his tongue rather naughty towards the super giant Gengar soil.

a little bit --

Xia Yan arrived in Suchuan Town by Latios.

Looking from top to bottom at the two super giants that broke out in Suchuan Town, as well as Caidou and Oneo who fought against the super giants Machamp and Gengar.

His expression was a little weird.

"Cough, is Su Chuan Town where talents are born in large numbers?"

The solitary warrior Caidou, known as the fourth stage of evolution in the Machamp evolution group.

And the "beautiful" boy Oneo accepted by the majority of Pokémon male fans.



PS: Today's 1.1w ~ ask for a monthly pass~~

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