The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1081 I'm Invincible Under The Legend, One By One Above The Legend

After taking Nie Zi's points, Xia Yan's ranking went up all of a sudden, soaring to twenty-fifth.


This is also because Nie Zi is also playing Ultra Ball, and his ranking is higher than Xia Yan, and the extra points are a little more, otherwise, he will never be able to rise so much.

It can be seen from this.

In the standings stage of the championship, it is more troublesome to score points.

Of course.

If it is the Liver Emperor, who gives points day and night, even if the bonus points are relatively small all the time, they can still increase gradually.

However, Luoz and Xia Yan still considered the situation of picking wool by one person, so they imposed certain conditions.

In short.

There is no such thing as simply wanting to take turns against a few people to get crazy points.

This prevents some more powerful people from greeting a group of subordinates and giving them points.


In the Ultra Ball stage, every match will be broadcast live and recorded. Once a fake match is found, it will be directly disqualified from the tournament.

Of course, with the emergence of the points competition system, there are policies and countermeasures, and a large number of "upper helpers" have emerged.

After all, for the vast majority of trainers, as long as they can become a Great Ball and enter the top 1000 in the world, it is a very remarkable achievement.

If the ranking can be higher by the way, then of course it will be better.

But these things have no effect on people of Xia Yan's level.

"Sure enough, we still have to slow down. It's too slow to get points, and whether it's Ultra Ball or Great Ball, there are too few points."

Xia Yan was thinking about how to make himself able to score the most points at the fastest speed in the future.

"It's really not good. Picking Emperor Dan? It should be able to add a lot of points."

Then quickly shook his head.

Dandi is the facade of the current Galar Region. The Galar Region has just opened. If Dandi is selected, it will be somewhat unfriendly to the entire Galar Region, as well as Dandi and Loz.

"Forget it. Sure enough, it's the most comfortable way to call a group of friends, let them get more points, and finally cut their leeks."

With his current strength, it is actually not difficult to score.

It just makes Xia Yan feel that it takes too much time.

With this time, it's good to train Pokémon a lot.

Beedrill's "Toxic Plate" is still in a slow but steady uptake.

Although Alakazam's Psychic has a good grasp, but because Xia Yan's Psychic has skyrocketed, Alakazam is not skilled enough in the fusion of the two.

The rest of the Pokémon have more or less room for improvement.

But in fact, Xia Yan's most current stage is actually Aegislash.

Aegislash is a relatively early Pokémon.

But now that Infernape and Latios have entered the championship level one after another, Aegislash is still at the Elite level. It is not without effort, at least a little harder than Togekiss.

It may be that the talent is not as good as Togekiss, but it should at least touch the threshold of the championship.

Xia Yan seriously suspects that there may be some secrets or troubles hidden in Aegislash that neither he nor Aegislash himself have solved. …

"What are you thinking? Shaking and nodding for a while, a penetrating smile for a while, and a heavy face for a while." Sonia's palm shook in front of Xia Yan, awakening him from his contemplation.

"Hmm." Cynthia exchanged her long, slender legs and said with a smile, "I guess he's thinking of some bad idea again."

"Cough cough." Xia Yan took a sip of tea and said sternly: "How can you call it a bad idea?"

After a pause, he added: "I was just thinking, I should call Lucian, Daye, Du, Steven, Lorelei and all of them to score together."

"You really should call us to score together, after all, this global championship has gradually become the biggest and most important game at the moment." Sonia nodded in agreement.

She felt that Xia Yan's idea was fine.

Who knew that Cynthia detected Xia Yan's intentions at a glance.

"They get points, and then you take their points, right?"


Sonia was taken aback.

Does it work like this?

In this regard, Xia Yan just laughed.

Not to mention that Cynthia is smart.

"Several, how is this tea?"

Wearing a big hat and wiping sweat with a green towel hanging around his neck, Ya Luo walked into this small teahouse.

The tea that Xia Yan and the others were drinking was what Yaluo planted, picked and stir-fried by himself.

He is both a gym owner and a very good farmer.

Along with him came Nie Zi, who had just lost to Xia Yan, and Mary, who was cautiously holding a rivet jacket.

After taking off her studded jacket, Mary looked even cuter in a pink dress.

Although she couldn't laugh, her eyes flashed with unstoppable joy.

to this.

Nie Zi has already compromised.

"It's delicious." Xia Yan said with a smile.



Fairy Yin Bu looked at the tea in front of her eyes, and couldn't help shaking her head.

How can such a bitter thing taste good?


I also find it delicious.

Onion You Bing sat next to the fairy Yin Bu, holding a teacup in one hand, sighed after taking a small sip.


Fairy Yin Bu gave Duck a sullen look.

You relax your wrinkled face before saying this.

This made Fairy Yin Bu deeply realize how hard the scallion soldier's mouth is.

It is estimated that when the onion wanderer hangs up, its body is corrupted, and its mouth is still hard.

Tuk Tuk-

Xia Yan knocked on the heads of Fairy Yin Bu and Cong Youbing alone.

"The little guy doesn't understand the taste of tea, Ya Luo, don't take it to heart."


Fairy Yin Bu immediately covered her head and burst into tears.

In fact, Xia Yan didn't hit hard, but the little guy was too good at pretending, and looked aggrieved.

"It's alright." Yarrow smiled gently and waved his hands again and again, "I didn't think about it carefully. These are some small biscuits made from freshly picked tree fruits, you can try them."


Fairy Yin Bu's big pink eyes lit up instantly.

The green soldier also quickly put down the teacup, showing a look of anticipation.

Seeing this scene, Cynthia, Sonia and others were suddenly dumbfounded. …

"Wait a minute." Yarrow turned around and prepared to go.

At the same time, Nie Zi and Ma Li also sat down here.

After a fight, the relationship between several people can be regarded as acquaintance.

from the exchange.

Only then did Xia Yan know that the previous challenge was initiated by Mary Li for Nie Zi.

They just went to Caolu Town to purchase some supplies.

after all.

In the current Spike Town, it is not much different to say that it is isolated from the world.

Without the gigantic energy point, the popularity of Spike Town in the Galar Region has plummeted. Now, Nie Zi has to be a part-time singer to barely maintain the city's development.

Caolu Town had just harvested a good batch of supplies, and Nie Zi brought Mary to meet the world by the way.

This just happened to have a match with Xia Yan.

But don't say it.

Although Nie Zi lost, and he lost quite thoroughly, he also showed his own characteristics and fighting style.

Isn't it normal to lose to a champion?

Having the courage to challenge the championship and showing his unique ability has made Nie Zi a lot of fame.


After Nie Zi challenged Xia Yan, many people applied online to challenge Xia Yan.

Most of them are Great Balls, Ultra Ball has one or two as well.

As long as you play with Xia Yan, you can gain traffic and popularity. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, so what if you get a few points?

If you are lucky enough to win a Pokémon or two against Xia Yan, even if it is just a small loss for Xia Yan, it will be a bloody profit.


Xia Yan did not respond to these people's invitations to fight.

"Actually, your tactics are pretty good. Whether it's Malamar from 'The Naysayer', Toxtricity from 'Punk Rock', or Block Bear from 'Perseverance', they're all excellent. The only pity is that you don't like Juju change. Otherwise, when facing Toxtricity, I would be very passive.”

Xia Yan still spoke highly of Nie Zi's strength and ability.

Nie Zi shook his head.

"I will use the method to tell everyone that even if you don't have a giant, you can still be an excellent trainer."

This is Nie Zi's insistence.

It is also the persistence of the entire spike town.

In this regard, Xia Yan did not feel anything.

Just suggested:

"However, the way to strengthen Pokémon is not only Mega Evolution. Now that the Galar Region is open, you can try to learn about Mega Evolution and Z moves. It is mainly Z moves, which should give you a lot of gains."

"Hmm—" Nie Zi nodded thoughtfully, "That makes sense."

This is a different direction.

The two fell into a brief silence.

It was Mary who opened the conversation with Cynthia and Sonia.

Xia Yan has to admit that Cynthia's personality is pretty good.

She can always convince some "problem Stephanie".

For example.

Cattleya, whose Psychic is often out of control, only believes in Cynthia.

There is also Sonia, the "female driver", after getting the approval of Cynthia, driving is more sturdy.

Anyway, except Cynthia, few people are willing to take her car.

Now Mary, the little Stephanie who doesn't smile, can also chat with Cynthia quite well. …

"Champion Xia Yan. Xia Yan, can I call you that?" Nie Zi finally spoke again after being silent for a while.


"I really think that Fairy Yinbu is very suitable for Sing, and I want to invite her to join my band. It's really not possible. Even if it's just a temporary sing, I'll be able to write songs for it." Nie Zi said with a little hope .


Xia Yan knew that Nie Zi was still thinking about the fairy Yin Bu.


One thing to say, Fairy Yin Bu's voice is really good and sweet.

Even when using "Hyper Voice", it doesn't make people feel much fierce, on the contrary, it is a bit fierce.

"What do you think?" Xia Yan turned to look at the little guy.


Fairy Yin Bu, who was eating biscuits earnestly, was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Nie Zi, then Xia Yan, blinking her big, ignorant eyes.

I? Sing? Or form a band with someone you don't know?

Fairy Yin Bu hurriedly shook her head.

The satin was tightly wrapped around Xia Yan's wrist.


Charm called out.

I don't want to be separated from Xia Yan, and I don't want to be separated from Pokémon Sing I don't know.

after all.

In the previous battle, Fairy Yin Bu had a bad impression of the "fierce" Malamar, Toxtricity, and blocking the bear.

"Then do you like Sing?" Xia Yan asked.


Fairy Yin Bu pursed her lips and thought for a while, and finally nodded.

To be honest, it quite likes Sing, for example when Sing.

Xia Yan also knew this.

Because several of his Pokémons, like Togekiss, Ninetales, Milotic, all like to sing in the shower.

Don't say anything else.

These little guys sang very nicely.

Although they may not even know what they are singing.

"Why don't we form a band ourselves?" Xia Yan asked hesitantly.


Fairy Yin Bu was taken aback.


Nie Zi was also stunned.

Didn't he come to "solicit" the fairy Yin Bu?

Why is Xia Yan going to form a band himself?

Before he could react, Xia Yan threw a few Poké Balls.




Appearing next to them are Togekiss, Ninetales, and Milotic.

Hearing their voices, Nie Zi's brows jumped wildly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.


With just a little voice, Nie Zi judged that these Pokémons are all good embryos of Sing!

He just looked at Fairy Yinbu's Pokémon, and he felt that there was no one in a million.

did not expect.

There are actually four such Pokémon Xia Yan!

It makes no sense.

Xia Yan said with a smile what he had just proposed.


Togekiss was the most excited and the quickest to agree.

It likes to do the limelight the most. How can it be less of a "good thing" like forming a band?

"What do you think?" Xia Yan looked at Nie Zi.

"Hmm? Ask me?"

"Yes." Xia Yan continued: "I don't understand this. If you want to form a band, you can't let them learn musical instruments or something, but for Sing, I think it should be fine."…

Nie Zi's eyes lit up instantly.

That brightness.

It's like someone who has been holding back for a month and sees his beloved game again.

That kind of eagerness to go up and overwhelm the audience made Xia Yan a little surprised that Nie Zi would be so keen on music.

"Actually. um. I should be able to call another one, and it should be very interested." Xia Yan said hesitantly.

"and also?"

Nie Zi's eyes widened.

Xia Yan nodded.

If you don't let Meloetta know about the formation of the band Sing, it is estimated that when Meloetta sees Xia Yan next time, she will start the "dancer form".

"I can!" Nie Zi grabbed Xia Yan's clothes.

It is estimated that the people in Jianpin Town will be shocked when they see their gym owner, their famous ruthless singer Nie Zi now.

"Let me help them! They can definitely become the most shining singers of the new era!"

"Yes, yes, but their main time is still used for training." Xia Yan said.

"No problem. With their talent and my abilities, an hour a day will do."

"They like to eat sweets."

Nie Zi's eyes twitched, "Yes."

"They are very arrogant."

"I can live with them. They're the main ones."

Xia Yan: "."

He looked at Nie Zi with a sincere face.

Brother, do you have no bottom line?

Considering that the little guys like Fairy Yin Bu and Togekiss really like to be in the limelight, Xia Yan finally nodded in agreement.


The name of the new band, Xia Yan didn't let go, so it was called "Rainbow Band".

It was just to warm up the academy and publicize it in advance.

"Really made them form a band?"

Cynthia couldn't help asking as she watched her first training session in full swing not far away.

"Group." Xia Yan said with a smile,

"I'm already very tired from training. In the past, when I was resting, I was either playing games or watching TV, or eating and drinking. Since they all like to do this, of course I have no need to object."

Pokémon are not machines.

They train hard and fight hard.

But they also have their own thoughts and ideas, and Xia Yan will not deprive them of these things.

He could see that Fairy Yin Bu and Togekiss really liked them.

That being the case.

Without affecting their own training, appropriate relaxation may be more conducive to their growth and progress.

At least.

For sonic moves, they should be more comfortable.

He's always been a Trainer who advocates ensuring enough autonomy for Pokémon.

Anyway, to stay in the Galar Region for a while, let a few little guys fulfill a small dream.

And it was Nie Zi who followed them, so they didn't need to follow Nie Zi.

"Not for that little Stephanie to follow?" Cynthia looked at Mary.

"How, how is it possible?"

Xia Yan glared back.

Cynthia gave a suspicious look.

Is it?

"Then you're not worried that such a high profile will attract that person?" Cynthia asked again.

Xia Yan pressed the brim of his hat and chuckled, "It would be great if he appeared like this."

Suzuki must be doing something behind his back. If he can show up when he is not fully ready, Xia Yan will really keep him here this time.

The last time was to deal with the liberation of Hoopa, but I couldn't tell much energy but left Suzuki.

Words this time.

Definitely keep him.

"His Pokémon is legendary?"

Through Xia Yan's introduction, Cynthia also knew that there was a Legendary level above the Champion level.


Xia Yan nodded solemnly.

"Probably yes, there may be more than one."

That super ancient giant Gengar is definitely legendary, but Suzuki can't have just one Pokémon.

The last time was because he was waiting for the liberation of Hoopa to be dealt with by Xia Yan, so he didn't take action.

But next time it appears, it will definitely not be so simple.

"Legendary level, how strong is it?"

Seeing that Xia Yan's expression was so serious, Cynthia knew that Suzuki must be very difficult to handle.

". Very strong." After thinking for a while, he added: "Very strong."

"then you."

Xia Yan raised the brim of his hat, raised his head slightly, and said to himself:

"Don't worry. I am invincible under the legend, above the legend. One for one!"

"Pfft—good guy."

Seeing Xia Yan's arrogant appearance, Cynthia couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Time's up. Time to train."

Xia Yan glanced at the time and walked towards Nie Zi and a few hot guys.

He said confident and relaxed words, but in fact only he knew the pressure in his heart.

Suzuki is definitely not an easy character to handle.

Cynthia looked at Xia Yan's firm back.

Apricot eyes flickered slightly.

"One change?"

A tight, sweet smile.

"That won't do. We don't eat plain rice."

Xia Yan is definitely not fighting alone.

Behind him, there are their good friends.

"Although we are not progressing as fast as you. But we haven't played against each other for so long. I guess our progress can surprise you."

They are also all characters of the "Pride of Heaven" level.

Who can get to the position of a Region champion, which one is easy.

Quanguan City, Treasure Vault.

This is where many historical documents and antiques are stored in Quanguan City.

It is not the first time that Xia Yan has come to Quanguan City.

But Cynthia is a first.

Just at a glance, she fell in love with this city that combines the remains of the medieval city wall, and the perfect fusion of history and modern technology.

They came here because Sonia heard that there was a portrait of "Dark Night" in the treasure vault in Quanguan City.

"The mural here, the legendary king of sword and shield has become two people again." Sonia looked at the picture scroll on the wall, full of quaint history, and frowned.

So, is the King of Sword and Shield a human or a Pokémon?

Sonia hesitated again.

Cynthia pulled up the hanging silk sash and said seriously: "The only thing that is certain now is that the king of swords and shields should be the king of swords and the king of shields, at least not alone."

you sure?

Xia Yan glanced at Cynthia quietly. …

I'm afraid I haven't seen "Onion Ranger, King of Sword and Shield Form".

"What do you think?" Cynthia suddenly looked at Xia Yan.

"Cough." Xia Yan's eyes flickered somewhat, "I think it should be two Pokémon."

"How?" Sonia couldn't help but look at Xia Yan.

"The so-called history is an objective fact. However, the knowledge of recording history and studying history often changes and develops with the subjective consciousness of human beings, and there are even distortions and fabrications."

He touched his nose, ignoring the somewhat uncomfortable eyes of the two girls studying history in front of him, and continued: "So about the King of Sword and Shield, all we can see now refers to humans. And Shuo Chuan The two statues in the town were hidden."

Cynthia nodded thoughtfully, "If human beings write or even distort and fabricate history, then it will definitely take human beings as the main direction."

"So, the King of Sword and Shield is the most likely Pokémon." Sonia also agreed.

The goal is getting closer and closer.

"Actually, what I care more about is this first picture scroll."

Xia Yan walked to the front of the picture scroll and looked at the two nobles with yellow and black hair depicted on it. On a meadow, above their heads, a cloud of mist was slowly rising.

Cynthia and Sonia also looked at the scroll.

"Why, 'Dark Night', which is what we know as 'Wujitana', appeared in the form of a cloud of gas."


Both Cynthia and Sonia were taken aback.


Judging from the situation described in the picture scroll, it was a cloud of gas before the 'dark night' appeared.


Even if you don't know that 'Dark Night' is a Pokémon, it shouldn't be a puff of gas, right?

It is still a gas intertwined with red and white, not the appearance of red and black intertwined after the appearance of the 'Dark Night'.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

In his mind, subconsciously flashed the red and black "toxin" when the negative emotions from liberating Hoopa were eliminated.

Is there a possibility.

In the beginning, Wujitai wasn't actually violent?

But an external force causing it to get out of control?

Why did Xia Yan follow Sonia to conduct this so-called investigation of the "King of Sword and Shield"?

I just wanted to learn more about Wuji Tana through their investigation of the "King of Sword and Shield", and read a little bit of the connection between Suzuki and Wuji Tana.

"You guys are outrageous, I finally scored points, you come to eat, right?"

At this time.

A voice came from outside the treasure house.

"You can choose not to accept it."

Then another voice sounded.

The three of Xia Yan looked out the door together.

"It's Emperor Dan!"

Hearing this voice, Dandi's childhood sweetheart Sonia immediately heard his voice.

And another.

"Chibana, Weatherman."

One of the two 'Legends' in Dragon Training, the Dodo and the 'Son of the Weather'.

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