The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1084 Chibana: Don't Hang Up, I Ordered It, Okay?

boom--! !

The violent vibration, accompanied by a huge roar, raised a large piece of dust, and at the same time, the behemoth that appeared behind Yuqibana looked like an all-metal skyscraper!

Super giant aluminum steel dragon!

A huge vortex of black and red intertwined hovering above his head, surrounded by thin red clouds.

On his body, a dazzling halo flickered, which was caused by the continuous overflow of the huge amount of power.

This aluminum-steel dragon is Chibana's Trump Card Pokémon, and the one he really relies on.

And it directly super-giant when it comes up.

It shows that Chibana is trying to decide the winner in this round.

With the combination of the steel type of the aluminum steel dragon and the dragon type attribute, like the Turtonator, it is not afraid of Fairy type moves, nor is it afraid of ice type moves.


It also has a lot of resistance attributes.

There are only two Attribute weaknesses of Fighting and Ground.

This is also one of the reasons why Du and Steven used to be so keen on the Pokémon of the aluminum-steel dragon, which can make up for Du's Attribute shortcomings.


Looking at the huge aluminum-steel dragon, the petite Nine Tails looked so insignificant in comparison.

It has champion-level strength in itself, and after the super-giant, the imposing oppression from the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon makes Nine Tails' pretty face wrinkled.

Can't beat it.

This is the judgment made by Nine Tails.

Even though her current improvement in special attack is very fast and terrifying, the weakening of special defense and physical defense cannot be ignored.

Quadrupled by Steel Pokémon.

I am afraid that the aluminum steel dragon can directly kill it with any ordinary steel-type move.

"Nine Tails, Aurora Veil."

But Xia Yan did not recall Nine Tails right away.


A melodious and ethereal voice resounded within the venue, and the flying Hail and Icirrus formed a thin curtain around Nine Tails' body.

The curtain looks very beautiful, flashing and reflecting colorful ripples.

"Aluminum-steel dragon, Max Steelspike!"

Seeing this, Qibana did not hesitate at all, and directly let the aluminum-steel dragon launch a super-giant move.

Roar--! !

The super-giant aluminum-steel dragon roared like a building, and the terrifying sound spread throughout the audience. In the trembling air, the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon slapped the Ground heavily with the tail of the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon.

all of a sudden.

It seems like a huge flower full of metallic luster bursts out at the foot of the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon. While the layers are raised, a straight line of hard metal, like "Stone Edge" Normal, pierces the Nine Tails. Crowded away.

Under that huge momentum, Nine Tails' body doesn't seem to be as big as one of the metal spikes.

"Protect!" Xia Yan waved his hand and commanded in a deep voice.


The calmness and composure of Nine Tails comes from the fact that Trainer Xia Yan keeps enough composure at all times.

In the face of the countless terrifying metals rushing in, a thin layer of light green fluorescence suddenly appeared on Nine Tails' body, enveloping it.

click -

With the huge and ferocious metal piercing, the green Barrier wrapped with Nine Tails shattered in a second.

boom--! !

A huge roar erupted.

A huge "Lotus flower" full of metallic luster bloomed where Nine Tails stood.


The audience screamed in surprise, stood up, and stared at the hard metal light group in the field.

Instant kill?

The Nine Tails of the previous Xia Yan champion beat the Turtonator of Chibana.

Now, Chibana's super-giant aluminum-steel dragon has in turn killed Xia Yan's champion Nine Tails?

So exciting?


The audience's amazement did not make Chibana show any joy.

Instead, he frowned.

Whispered: "So fast."

When looking at Xia Yan, he smiled and slowly put away the Poké Ball in his hand.

"Protect" is "Max Steelspike" that failed to completely resist the super giant aluminum-steel dragon, but it bought Nine Tails a certain amount of time.

do not forget.

Copied from Turtonator "Shell Smash" buffs, not just physical attack and special attack, but also speed!

The speed of Nine Tails is also full.

As for saying.

Xia Yan's hand speed.

Isn't this the most basic ability that ordinary trainers should have?

To know.

When it comes to really top Trainers, whether it's the skill of Fling Poké Ball or the skill of taking back Pokémon, it can be the decisive factor.

at this point.

If you think about it, the guys like Crimson, Xiaohuang, and Akin should have a lot of say.

Take it back?

At this time.

The audience gradually reacted.

What hand speed is this?

No wonder Xia Yan champion is single so far.

It didn't go away in seconds.


After a brief astonishment, the audience was more excited.

Now, Chibana has summoned his own Trump Card aluminum-steel dragon, and has undergone a hyper-giant.

In theory, the next Pokémon of Champion Xia Yan should have at least champion-level strength, and it should be gigantic.

Gigantic Pokémon vs. Gigantic Pokémon, that's what looks really interesting.

This time.

Xia Yan did not disappoint the audience, nor did Chibana disappointed.

Seeing that he quickly replaced a Poké Ball, and flipped his wrist, the "giant wristband" on it also quickly absorbed a large number of Galar particles.

When the "giant wristband" was filled with energy and injected into the Poké Ball, the Poké Ball in Xia Yan's hand quickly became larger.


Many spectators stood up involuntarily.

This is the first show of Xia Yan champion, right?

What Pokémon would it be.

Without making them wait too long, Xia Yan, who was holding the huge Poké Ball in one hand, gently tossed it behind him.

boom! ! !

The heavy Poké Ball suddenly opened, and a Pokémon that was equally huge and not faster than the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon appeared behind Xia Yan.

Giganticization - Infernape!


The huge Infernape tensed up and roared up to the sky, only to feel a steady stream of power emerging from its body.

This is also.

Infernape's first actual combat is gigantic!

Two huge Pokémon appeared, which completely ignited the enthusiasm of all audiences for the first time.

The cheers of the mountain and the tsunami of Normal, from the ring-shaped stadium, came one after another, like a turbulent wave higher than a wave.

"Infernape?" Chibana pursed his lips, looking serious.

He had to admit that Xia Yan's Infernape was definitely not easy to fight.

Fighting series is to restrain the aluminum steel dragon.


The threat of the fire element to the aluminum steel dragon is not that big.

But in fact, the biggest threat to the aluminum-steel dragon now is the "Misty Terrain" that Sylveon has left from the beginning.

It greatly limits the play of the aluminum-steel dragon.

"Aluminum steel dragon, Max Mindstorm!"

After a brief moment of thought, Kibana responded quickly.

Max Mindstorm is a super-giant move obtained by Psychic-type moves after the super-giant increase.

And its function is to turn the venue into a Psychic Terrain after it is successfully cast!


The restraint of Psychic moves against Infernape, this move can be said to not only crack the "Misty Terrain" left by Sylveon before, but also cause decent damage to the giant Infernape.


How will Champion Xia Yan deal with it?

Is the collision of extreme giant moves?

"Max Mindstorm?" Xia Yan raised his brows.

The Aluminium Dragon is able to learn some Psychic-type moves.

But those are all Psychic-type moves that can't deal damage, so they shouldn't be able to transform into "Max Mindstorm".

"So. 'Mirror Coat'?"

After Xia Yan was stunned and pondered for a short time, he understood in an instant when he looked at the snow and ice falling all over the sky.

The "Mirror Coat" is used to deal with the damage caused by "Hail", so that the "mirror shot" that cannot cause active damage originally becomes a Psychic-type move that can actively cause damage, and finally evolves into "Max Mindstorm".

Qibana's on-the-spot adaptability made Xia Yandu feel bright.

Have ideas and abilities.

really not bad.

However, Xia Yan's choice once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

I saw him smiling and saying:

"Infernape, next!"

Next? !


Under everyone's unbelievable gaze, the gigantic Infernape put on a stance, raised his arms, and faced the attack from the Mental Energy, which originated from the super gigantic aluminum-steel dragon, and ate it abruptly!

boom--! ! !

A huge roar erupted from the gigantic Infernape.


The "Aurora Veil" left by Nine Tails, the "Aurora Veil" that should have been able to maintain for a period of time, was also directly shattered under this attack.

The large smoke that raised up did not completely block the appearance of the giant Infernape at the moment.

The red clouds are still around, and the vortex above is even more turbulent.

Block it!

The gigantic gives Pokémon more stamina, and the nerf of "Aurora Veil" has not been able to deal a fatal blow to the gigantic Infernape.


With the use of "Max Mindstorm", the strands of pink mist that shrouded the venue were soon covered by Psychic filled with spiritual aura.

Psychic Terrain!

"Huh?" Kibana looked at the giant Infernape who was still imposing.

I don't know how many thoughts flashed in my mind, and they were all cut off and annihilated by him.

Don't guess Xia Yan's purpose.

Go at your own pace!

Now that "Misty Terrain" is gone.

Then the next step is when the super giant aluminum-steel dragon really exerts its power.

"Aluminum Steel Dragon"


Before Chibana's command was completely dropped, the giant Infernape suddenly roared.

Bear! !

next second.

A dark red terrifying flame shrouded his whole body in an instant, and his huge figure was wrapped in the flaming flames, like a terrifying God of War bathed in firelight.

"It's a fire!"

In the auditorium, Emperor Dan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he understood what Xia Yan was doing.

This is to activate Infernape's "Rapid Fire" Ability.

"So confident." Nie Zi couldn't help sighing, "Isn't he worried at all? The price of triggering the 'fierce' is that Infernape's physical strength is already at a critical point of danger."

"Don't worry." Cynthia said with a calm expression, "Since he did this, he has absolute certainty."

But too confident?

Suddenly, Dan Di seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly a shivered.

Then he hurriedly got up and said to the Stadium staff: "Quick! Quickly turn on the power of the energy Barrier to the maximum!"


That resource consumption is not a small amount.


It was the champion Dan Di who spoke, but the staff still did not dare to neglect and hurried to operate.


Yes and no.

It's not just "fierce fire", but the absolutely focused "enthusiasm" Contest Condition brought about by "great indignation".

". G-Max Depletion!"

Chibana's command finally fell.

Roar--! !

The ultra-giant aluminum-steel dragon roared, and the rich and terrifying dark purple dragon-type energy instantly filled its body, turning its smooth metal surface into purple.

Immediately after.

The ultra-giant aluminum-steel dragon waved its arms vigorously.

The surging dragon energy burst out in a special way.

G-Max Depletion is an exclusive move for a Pokémon like the Al-Steel Dragon that has been super-giant.

After hitting Rival, it can not only cause huge damage, but also make Rival's body stiff, making moves not smooth, and even forgetting to use moves in a short period of time.

Facing the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon that was already gaining momentum, Xia Yan lowered the brim of his hat and shouted sideways:

"Infernape, really Precipice Blades!"


In the auditorium, Emperor Dan's heart trembled.

Xia Yan's Infernape, the most unreasonable move in this hand.


I see.

Extremely giant Infernape clenched his huge fist, accumulating flame and energy in his body, and slammed heavily on the ground in front of him.

Boom! ! !

ka ka ka-

The ground beneath his feet was completely shattered, and with a huge roar, billowing hot magma overflowed from the gaps in the ground.

A crack spread at an extremely fast speed towards the feet of the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon.

next second.

Under the astonished gaze of the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon, the Ground beneath its feet rose in a completely uncontrollable stance.

Immediately after.

boom -

A fiery red, huge cone-shaped rock pillar wrapped in scalding magma suddenly pulled up.

He actually pushed the huge body of the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon directly into the air, hitting the top of the stadium's energy Barrier.

And because of Dandi's reminder, the staff who have turned the Stadium energy Barrier power to the maximum found.

Energy Barrier can't hold it anymore!

Ka Ka Ka! !

One after another huge cracks appeared on the energy Barrier.

Every huge crack is accompanied by countless tiny and dense intricate lines.

"Boil! Help!"

Dan Di couldn't help but uttered a foul language, quickly threw out two Poké Balls, summoned Charizard and Dolong Bartto, and flew towards the direction with the most dense cracks for the first time.

Nie Zi, Ma Li, and Sonia grew their mouths wide and looked stunned.

This is the energy Barrier specially designed to deal with gigantic battles!

In fact, Cynthia's reaction speed was faster than that of Dan Di. When she heard the name of the move called out by Xia Yan, she had already summoned Garchomp and Gardevoir and rushed forward.

Protect your audience!

Otherwise, they will have to pay Sinnoh to them.

boom! ! !


The energy Barrier was overwhelmed and shattered, but the huge rock pillar still did not mean to stop. It directly penetrated the ceiling of the Stadium, and transformed the Chibana into a super-giant aluminum-steel dragon to experience the feeling of "Flying". .

The audience was dumbfounded.

The energy that is enough to resist all the extreme giant moves Barrier is just like this, hit and exploded? !

boom! ! !

There was another explosion, and the second-stage explosion of "Precipice Blades" gave the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon the final fatal blow.


It's not just the audience who are sluggish.

There is also Chibana, which is less than a meter away from the huge rock pillar at this moment.

There was a lot of sweat on his forehead, and he stared blankly at the rock pillar.

This is so special, isn't it Groudon's move? !

It's a normal battle, how come it just hangs up after a fight?

and also.

Such a move, how to play? How to deal with it?

Even the energy Barrier resisted.

Qibana stared stiffly at Xia Yan opposite, and the giant Infernape with a little "dissatisfaction" in his eyes.

Not satisfied with this?

Chibana swallowed quietly.

All right, this is for you to eat.

I ordered.

Don't hang up anymore, can I still click? !


PS: Today's 1.1w~~ ask for a monthly pass~~

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