The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 110 Steven's Invitation (The Third Update! Follow Up!)

Chapter 110 Steven's Invitation (The Third Update! Follow Up!)

"Cynthia, I think the Eevee you have cultivated is completely fine. You don't have to worry about its evolution. It will be a success."

Xia Yan gave a conclusion.


Cynthia responded softly.


Her answer suddenly made Xia Yan not know how to answer.

Seeing Xia Yan's expression, Cynthia smiled and stroked Eevee: "Thank you, I'm relieved to have a professional to give me advice."


Am I giving advice?

Also, Steven, what do you mean by nodding so agreeably beside you?

Xia Yan didn't know what they had in mind for a while.

Unexpectedly, he became a professional.

"Oh, yes, Xia Yan, researcher Sakuragi here has left his contact information, and you seem to have never replied to him." Steven looked at the reply.

Xia Yan turned to the computer.

It really is.

"I've been busy training Beedrill for a while, and I haven't been online for a long time," Xia Yan explained.

A lot of time has passed, who knows that the popularity of this paper is still so high.

In fact, it is mainly because the content in Xia Yan's paper is not only applicable to Pokémon such as Eevee, but also applicable to other Pokémon.

After all, it is about the bond and intimacy between Pokémon and Trainer, and it can be applied to any Pokémon.

"Aren't you going to give me an answer?"

"Well" Xia Yan fell into deep thought.

"Just call back, be polite."

"It's been put on hold for so long, it's still polite"

Muttering in a low voice, Xia Yan honestly brought the phone.

Compared with Steven and Cynthia, who met unexpectedly, Xia Yan felt that having a good relationship with a researcher like Sakuragi would be more beneficial to him.

Just picked up the phone, Xia Yan put it down again.

In Steven's puzzled eyes, he explained, "It's too late, tomorrow."

Steven looked outside, and it was indeed very dark. It would be rude to call someone at this time if they have rested.

However, Xia Yan returned a private message and left his contact information.

The three fell into a brief silence.

Cynthia teases Eevee, and Eevee's joyous laughter can be heard in the living room.

Abra glanced at Eevee enviously, turned his head and got into Xia Yan's arms, just thinking about Charm twice, a subtle snoring sound suddenly appeared.

"Bee?" Eevee pricked up his ears.

Looking at Abra who was asleep, he suddenly wanted to laugh, but he felt that he could not disturb Rest, so he covered his mouth.

There were knowing smiles on both Steven and Cynthia's faces.

Xia Yan reluctantly touched Abra's head, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

"Come on."

The confused Abra let out a soft cry, arched in Xia Yan's arms, and found a more comfortable position.

Go back to sleep happily.

Steven lowered his voice, "Let's be here today, it's been a long time."

Are you finally going back?

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you have anything to do tomorrow?" Steven asked again suddenly.

"Huh?" Xia Yan looked at him vigilantly, "What?"

"That's right, there are still a few days before the Elite exhibition match. Cynthia and I discussed it before. I was going to go to a known ruin outside Saffron City to dig stones tomorrow. I might be able to encounter some interesting things. ' Steven said.

"It's keeping the Pokémon's fighting spirit," Cynthia added.

Xia Yan frowned, "But it's not safe outside Saffron City during this time, and wild Pokémon are too active. I believe you all feel it."

"Indeed, but it's a ruin that was discovered long ago and has almost been excavated, so there shouldn't be much danger."

But why does Xia Yan feel that Steven is setting up flags?

"Let's go together, it will be safer with three people." Cynthia said calmly.

Xia Yan was lost in thought.

He looked down at Abra in his arms.

He would never agree if Abra had not finished its growth period, but Abra's Teleport capability gave him a lot of bold ideas.

Now many people outside Saffron City are afraid to go, resulting in the scarcity of a large number of resources in Saffron City to varying degrees.

Like last time Petaya Berry.

If you can find some scarce resources, you may not be able to make a fortune in this time period.

Abra's growth period is over, and there are still more places to use money in the future.

Also, it should be safer to go with Steven and Cynthia, right?

After some "intense" ideological struggle, Xia Yan made a decision.

"it is good."

Hearing this, Steven patted his shoulder with a smile and stood up, "Then we'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay. But I hope the two of you can help me keep it a secret," Xia Yan hesitated.

Steven and Cynthia were stunned for a moment, and then responded: "No problem, we understand, keep a low profile."

With that said, the two put away the Pokémon in the backyard and left in the car under Xia Yan's watch.

"Low-key. I don't know what you guys understand." Xia Yan muttered.

Holding Abra and the computer, he called Beedrill, lay on the bed in the bedroom, and began to collect some data and information about the remains in Steven's mouth.

Since he is going out tomorrow, he still hopes to learn more about his habits.


Just when he was halfway through his research, the phone rang.

It looked like an unfamiliar number.

After a little hesitation, press the answer button.


"Hello, is this Mr. Dodo?"

A soft female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Uh, yes."

Xia Yan suddenly regretted taking such a nickname, always feeling like they were mocking someone every time they called it out.

"Hello, this is the Eevee Evolution Laboratory in Vermilion City. I'm Kikuya, researcher Sakuragi's assistant."

"Hello." Xia Yan sat up straight.

"Can you please wait a moment? Researcher Sakuragi is almost finished with the experiment. He can't wait to chat with Mr. So." Kikuya apologized.

"Understood, in fact, I also really want to chat with researcher Sakuragi, but the timing is not suitable."

"Jucai, have you made a call? I'm fine."

At this moment, another voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's done, Teacher."

Mixed with some noises, Sakuragi sounded with a hearty and excited voice, "Hello, I'm Sakuragi, am I 'Dodo'?"


Du, I'm sorry, I will definitely not grab your nickname in the future.

I didn't feel it when I wrote it, it's really weird to be called like that.

"Dodo, are you free? I suggest that we can meet at some time. You can come to the Laboratory, or I can go to you." Sakuragi seemed very enthusiastic and direct.

"Recently. It may be a little inconvenient."

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone.

It was followed by a hearty laughter, "It's true that I was abrupt, and I have a few doubts."

"You say."

"Mr. Dodo, you don't have a Pokémon like Eevee, do you? It seems that the paper only has theory and no actual data."

"Not really."

"Then how did you suddenly research Pokémons like Eevee? Hahaha - of course this is purely my own curiosity, you don't have to answer."

"Just because my friend's Pokémon is Eevee, she is hesitant to evolve into which type. Of course, I also like Eevee very much, but the most important thing is... I'm short of money." Xia Yan said bluntly.

There was another brief silence on the other end of the phone.

"Indeed, in fact, I am also very short of money, and there are not many people who do research who are not short of money."

Sakuragi seems to have misunderstood what Xia Yan meant.

He is really just the most superficial kind of simple lack of money.

"Back to the point, how far do you think Trainer and Pokémon are from each other."


Wait for another one.

(End of this chapter)

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