The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1086 Doubles? But So (1W+!)


Xia Yan knew that Oye and Denji were okay, so he went back to the Battle Frontier in the Sinnoh Region to find someone to fight.

Mainly doubles.

Doubles and singles pay attention to things and cooperation are completely different.

It is not only about the cooperation between Pokémon and Trainer, but also about the cooperation between the two Trainers and the cooperation between the Pokémons of the two Trainers.

Familiarity and understanding are extremely important.

Even if Pokémon is not as strong as Rival, it can be reversed to a certain extent through tacit cooperation and special moves.

at this point.

Both Oba and Denji are very confident in themselves and each other.


However, in the collisions and battles with each other since childhood, Laser Focus has come to understand each other.

Daye's ability is beyond doubt, he has already become a Sinnoh Region Elite Four with a lot of talents at a young age, and he has never given up the competition for the Sinnoh championship.

Even if.

Sinnoh has two big mountains, Xia Yan and Cynthia, and has never let him give up the impact on the championship.

In the original book, Daye would attack Cynthia in almost every championship tournament every year, and even had Infernape's impressive record of losing to Garchomp in a string of three.

In this world, because of the stimulation of Xia Yan's external factors, Cynthia grew faster and stronger, but Da Ye did not fall.

And what about electricity?

He is the same as Qibana, who has the title of "The Region's Strongest Gym Trainer".

When he was young, he was called "Sunyshore City Gemini" with Da Ye.

However, in the end, Daye chose to attack the Elite Four, while Denji chose to stay in Sunyshore City, first developing his hometown to a certain extent, and then attacking the Elite Four.

He was also once identified by Sinnoh Alliance as a candidate for the Elite Four, one of the most favorable contenders for the Elite Four position.

But unfortunately, today's Sinnoh Alliance Elite Four are very strong, and there is a "proxy champion" Lucian, and the competition pressure is too great.

If you change the Region.

It is not without the possibility of becoming an Elite Four.

The two Elite Four-level Trainers, coupled with their superb coordination, are indeed worthy of any combination.

"Ask, how many are you now?" Xia Yan asked.

"Nineteen." Daye shook the tournament scoring instrument in his hand.

"Twenty." Dianji also said it directly.

In this regard, Xia Yan was really surprised.

In the World Championship points competition, which is gradually being pursued by more and more people, Oba and Denji were able to rush to the top 20.

To know.

They're not Chibana, and they've been fighting intense points battles from the start.

They came to the Galar Region only after being greeted by Xia Yan.

Being able to rush into the top 20 is enough to see the doubles winning rate of the two.

"How is it, Xia Yan?" Daye asked with a smile.

Before he came, he specially checked Xia Yan's ranking.

The top 20 should be quite attractive to Xia Yan, who is out of 30.

"Hmm. It's delicious."

Take the initiative to come to the door to send points, can it not be fragrant?

Xia Yan couldn't help but muttered.


Daye didn't hear what he was saying, and asked immediately.

"No." Xia Yan waved his hand, "Doubles are fine. But I only have one person. It seems that one person is not allowed to pick two in the competition system, right?"

One pick two, he thinks it's fine.

This way, you don't have to worry about cooperating with each other.


This kind of battle mode is not allowed by the competition, otherwise, as far as the competition system stipulates that you can only choose to use one enhancement method, the single player will suffer too much.

Even if Xia Yan didn't care.

But if there is no point in winning, it is meaningless to fight.

"This is" the handsome "Wave Wind Dianji" scratched the back of his head.

"and me."

At this time.

Cynthia, who had left with Cattleya, suddenly came back at an unknown time.

She held Cattleya, who had been soothed, in one hand, looked at Oye and Denji, and said with a smile.

"Big, big sister head."

Seeing Cynthia, Daye stumbled and shouted.

"What? Can't you?"

Cynthia raised her eyebrows and asked rhetorically.

Da Ye and Denji looked at each other.

"It's not impossible." Daye replied.

As far as he knows, although Xia Yan and Cynthia have a good relationship, they have not cooperated in a few doubles battles.

The only time it happened was when everyone was still relatively weak. In the "Ling-Lan Youth Competition", after Xia Yan abstained from participating in the final, the competition ended with a doubles exhibition match in order to appease the audience.

At that time, it was Cynthia and Xia Yan teaming up, Dadu and Steven.

Although Xia Yan and Cynthia won at that time, the cooperation between the two is actually the same. More is Cynthia's main attack, and Xia Yan, who has more tactical experience, assists and cooperates.

Moreover, the exhibition match is not to be taken seriously.

In addition, the two are more fighting, but have not cooperated.

"Then it's settled." Xia Yan made the decision directly.


Team up with Cynthia for doubles?

Even if the two really didn't cooperate at all, Xia Yan took the initiative to become the best support, and cooperated with Cynthia's Garchomp, can you just pick two?

What's more, Xia Yan didn't believe that he and Cynthia had no tacit understanding at all.

Unless Oye and Denji have any doubles tricks that they haven't come up with.


Cattleya next to Cynthia gave Xia Yan an angry look.

Team up with Cynthia, how good would it be to replace Xia Yan with her?

Looking at Cattleya who left Daye and Denji after finishing the gauntlet, and Cattleya who turned away with Shi Lan because of anger, Xia Yan asked curiously:

"How did you appease that girl?"

This makes Xia Yan admire.

As a Psychic, he knows best how terrifying Cattleya's Psychic is. If there is no ghost horse, Xia Yan would not dare to confront Cattleya in Psychic.

Cynthia, an ordinary person, was able to eat Cattleya to the death, which made Xia Yan very convinced.


Cynthia smiled and said: "Cattleya is actually very good. She's just a little petty, don't take it to heart."

Xia Yan waved his hand.

How dare she.

In any case, his relationship with Cattleya and Shi Lan is still good, but because Cynthia is there, Cattleya's petty temper is a little out of control.

He wouldn't even bother with a little girl.

"So. How on earth did you appease her?"

"I didn't say anything. I just told her that you are the Sinnoh Champion and I am the Sinnoh Elite Four. In my duties, I have to assist you and provide you with Help, so that's why" Cynthia said, the smile on Cynthia's face became brighter and brighter. .

Xia Yan suddenly froze.

Dumbly said: "You, you say that, doesn't that violent little girl regard me as a landowner who oppresses the workers? She must not be determined to pick me off the horse?"

He also thought that Cynthia had used some good method.

Doesn't this just exacerbate the conflict?

"Then she is now."

Cynthia covered her mouth, her apricot eyes curved into a cute crescent shape, and her body trembled slightly.

"Well, she, it is estimated that you have taken orders from Daye and the others in the top 20, so you should go and score points."

Xia Yan: "."

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

I feel trapped by Cynthia.

"Isn't it?! Don't come to Quanguan Stadium, can't you go to Gongmen Stadium?"

the next day.

After learning that Xia Yan had accepted the challenge again, Qibana's face was "desperate".

God knows how much he paid out of his own pocket in order to restore the energy Barrier of Boxing Stadium.


Xia Yan, the "evil star", is still coming to the Quanguan Stadium to fight?

"You can rest assured that the venue of Gongmen Stadium is definitely better than Quanguan Stadium. No matter from which aspect, energy Barrier does not have to worry at all. It is the stadium with the highest power." Chibana was doing the final "Struggle".

"Don't worry. We don't need to 'extreme giant transformation' this time, and the energy Barrier is absolutely safe." Xia Yan reassured.

Why are you scared of beating your child?

"Really?" Kibana looked at him suspiciously.

"Ask Cynthia if you don't believe me."

Although Oba and Denji have been in the Galar Region for a while, they have yet to meet a "Wish Star" to make a giant wristband.

For them, the giant transformation is just the icing on the cake, and the two are not in a hurry.

Anyway, as long as he can rush into the final tournament knockout, Lords of the Mallocmon Group will give one to everyone who doesn't get the "giant wristband".

Kibana glanced cautiously at Cynthia.

Don't look at this woman who looks very dignified, virtuous, noble and elegant, but when it comes to fighting, it is completely another style, and her style of play is even more domineering than Xia Yan.

At least Xia Yan used tactical crushing, the kind of silent suppression with a little spring rain, and it was too late when he finally found out.

But Cynthia is the kind that uses absolute strength to crush it from the beginning to the end.

One is a happy slash, the other is painful from the beginning to the end, which one you choose can be imagined.


Behind the scenes, Chibana refers to Cynthia as "Blonde Devil".

God knows how many points he got eaten by Cynthia, and now he has fallen out of the Master Ball.

"Hmm." Cynthia nodded.

"All right."

Since he didn't use "extreme giant transformation", it was enough to support the energy Barrier of the giant transformation attack, so there would be no problem.

"Are you doubles? Who is Rival?"

Chibana suddenly felt for a moment that maybe he could team up with Dan Di to play doubles.

But he was quickly denied by himself.

Dan Di or something, it is best to use it as a Rival to defeat.

"Here. Here they are."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

Not far from the end of the street.

The exploding head, Daye, who hangs his hands in his trouser pockets, is in stark contrast to Denji, who has a cool, indifferent expression and has a very high rate of return.

Should say or not.

With Da Ye as a foil, it makes Denji look even more handsome.

It is worthy of the "wave wind power times".

Chibana's eyes brightened.

"Sinnoh civil war?"

Sinnoh Elite Four Oye and Denji, who is also known as "The Region's Strongest Gym Trainer" like him, Kibana has long noticed their existence.

The two had almost no defeats in the doubles, and the speed of the score did not know how many people were stunned.

"Yo, morning-"

Da Ye waved at the crowd.

He enjoyed having a lot of Stephanies around him.

Although these Stephanie sons are all attracted by electricity.

But who doesn't love being surrounded by adorable Stephanie sons?

Even Xia Yan couldn't help but cast an "envy" look.

Unfortunately, the sight of Cynthia beside him made Xia Yan face decisively.

In fact, Xia Yan's appearance is not inferior to Denji's, and even because of his popularity, he will be more attractive to Stephanie.

But ask.

When Cynthia was standing beside him, how many Stephanies dared to come up and strike up a conversation?

"It's early, move fast." After Xia Yan said a sentence, he turned and walked towards the stadium.

"What's up with him?"

Da Ye looked at Dianji blankly.

Dianji shook his head, "I don't know."

Then Da Ye looked at Cynthia.

But I saw Cynthia sneer, "Humph."

Daye/Denji: "???"


As soon as I walked into the Quanguan Stadium, I heard the lively cheers of the audience.

During this period of time, the residents of Quanguan City, as well as the trainers and travelers who stayed in Quanguan City, felt so happy.

You can see heart-pounding battles almost every day.


Although Qibana said that he didn't want Xia Yan to come, he was actually very honest physically.

Since he fought with Xia Yan, the daily municipal income of Quanguan City has skyrocketed by a very exaggerated rate.

This is the benefit of the tournament for the Galar Region.

Greatly stimulated the economic development of the Galar Region.

After all, such a large flow of people.

The daily necessities of life are a very exaggerated sum.

"Doubles? It's still relatively rare in the points stage."

"However, Champion Xia Yan and Cynthia Elite, against Champion Daye and Second Hall Master, feel very exciting just by hearing the names of both sides."

"Sinnoh civil war! Are there any contradictions between them?"

"You think too much."

"But I admire Oba and Denji, Rival is Xia Yan and Cynthia."


The venues for doubles matches are much larger than the venues for singles matches.

"Give me the maximum output frequency of the energy Barrier!" Kibana waved his hand.

on the field.

Xia Yan and Cynthia are on one side, Oba and Denji are on the other.

Both sides have confidence in each other.

What they chose this time was neither gigantic transformation nor "Z move", but Mega Evolution.

"Please be seated on both sides!"

Professional referees will have a professional Aegislash, because only in this way can they protect themselves.

As a referee, you must learn to protect yourself when you go out.

Oba and Denji looked at each other "full of love", and they both took out the Poké Ball at the same time.

On the opposite side of them, Xia Yan and Cynthia seemed more Solaceon.

"Let me help you first, practice your hands." Xia Yan said actively.

To assist, we must put the right attitude of assisting.

The two have not cooperated much, and there must be a process of adaptation.

The best adaptation process is to find a good position.

"Okay." Cynthia didn't refuse.

She flipped her slender wrist and threw the Poké Ball out of her hand.

The red light is flickering.

Along with the turbulent water, what appeared in the huge field was a pink manatee with a brown back shell, Gastrodon!

In the face of Da Ye, who is proficient in fire, and Denji, who is proficient in electricity, Cynthia's water system has already surpassed Gastrodon, who is ground.

Seeing Gastrodon, Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded secretly, as he guessed.

Immediately without hesitation, the Poké Ball was thrown out of his hand.


The powder mist was scattered, and what Xia Yan summoned was still a multifunctional Pokémon, Sylveon, that could be attacked, received and assisted.

And opposite.

Oba and Denji also summoned their own Pokémon at the same time.



The two summoned at the same time were actually the evolution of the two Eevees.

"The One God" Flareon and Jolteon.

One fire and one electricity, it complements each other.

If Cynthia started with Glaceon, it would go directly from the civil war in Sinnoh Region to the evolutionary civil war in Eevee.

speak up.

It's quite interesting.

"The evolution of the three Eevees! In a battle, you can actually see the evolution of the three Eevees!"

"Champion Xia Yan is also an 'Eevee expert'. In front of him, is it appropriate to call Eevee evolution like this?"

"It doesn't matter if it's suitable or not, in short, I think this battle has become more interesting."

"Ugh—I want an Eevee too—"

The three Eevee evolutions that appeared at once, especially the cute and lovely Sylveon, suddenly made the girls present look eager.

Just ask.

Who can refuse a cute Eevee that can be ravaged in his arms?

Xia Yan was not surprised that Daye and Denji started with Lei Flareon.

after all.

Eevee-type Pokémon, because Earl Dervish has the same form, must have similar functions to each other, which is quite versatile and uses various tactics.

"Battle begins!"

Fall with the voice of the referee.

The four-player doubles battle officially begins!

The tacit understanding between Daye and Denji was directly revealed at the first moment.

The two did not communicate at all, not even eye contact, just listen.

Big Leaf: "Flareon, Flare Blitz!"

Denji: "Jolteon, Sunny Day!"


The two Eevees spoke at the same time, and the cooperation between them was very tacit, just like the tacit understanding of the two Trainers.

As Jolteon whimpered in the sky, Cal, who was hot and shining, hung high in the Sky of the Stadium.

The appearance of the blazing sunlight made the flames of Flareon, who had been bathed in the flames, become more surging, and the rolling heat wave swept away.

At the same time, its limbs quickly opened, turning into a dazzling red fire, rushing towards Sylveon and Gastrodon.

to be frank.

Let Jolteon perform "Sunny Day", which really surprised Xia Yan a little.

Can you still fight like this?


Cynthia and Xia Yan did not show too much shock and hesitation because of this, and made the right choice for each other.

"Gastrodon, Muddy Water, press on." Cynthia stood sideways, shouting with a big hand.

Xia Yan could clearly feel that with the start of the battle, Cynthia's aura became a little different from Mikey.

"Sylveon, Reflect!"

Let Cynthia sidestep while the Pokémon Attribute prevails?


Xia Yan is well aware of Cynthia's fighting habits, so the choice made also makes Gastrodon feel very comfortable.


A Psychic halo appeared on Sylveon's body, and he moaned softly.

A special "Reflect" that was transparent like glass appeared in front of it and Gastrodon.

at the same time.

Gastrodon's expression was serious, his skirt moved slightly, and muddy earth-colored water surged under his feet in an instant, and he rode the waves to meet Flareon normally.

But right now.

"Quick Attack!"

Oba and Denji's voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Flareon and Jolteon also made changes in an instant.

I see.

Flareon, who was bathed in raging flames, could actually use another move when performing "Flare Blitz".

At the same time as the speed suddenly increased, he tried to bypass Gastrodon and aimed directly at Sylveon.

Of course, Gastrodon and Cynthia would not like it.


Jolteon, who was following behind Flareon, took the initiative to find Gastrodon, with a posture that he wanted to take the attack and stop Gastrodon by himself.

Xia Yan frowned.

"Sylveon, Copycat!"

Sylveon let out a coquettish drink, staring at Cynthia Gastrodon, and at the same time, a muddy earth-colored water flow quickly rose under its feet, rushing towards the incoming Flareon.


"Jolteon, Thunderbolt!" Denji's voice sounded again.

Jolteon, who was attacked by Gastrodon head-on, did not suffer too fatal damage.

Gastrodon is not the kind of Pokémon with a particularly strong burst output ability.


At the moment when Flareon's flames met Sylveon's "Muddy Water", the water flow collided with the flames, making a "hissing" sound, accompanied by the rising of a large amount of water mist.


Sylveon is not a water-type Pokémon, and "Copycat" can only use Mimic moves, but cannot bring the same power.

The turbulent "Muddy Water" can only be offset to the extent of the Flareon "Flare Blitz".


A smile appeared on Da Ye's face on the sidelines, and he commanded: "Flareon, Copycat!"

Copycat what?

"Thunderbolt" by Jolteon of course!

You know, at this moment, Sylveon's feet are full of turbid water.

The more turbid the water, the stronger the conductivity.


The jumping arc burst out from Flareon's body, turning into a golden streamer, hitting Sylveon head-on at an unresponsive speed.

Bang! !


Sylveon screamed in pain, and his figure was split back by this golden thunder.


Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar.

Oye and Denji actually gained an advantage in the doubles battle with Xia Yan and Cynthia? !

Before the start of the battle, it is estimated that no one would have imagined such a situation.

From the point of view of normal people, the combination of Xia Yan and Cynthia is playing Daye and Dianji, isn't that a casual fight?

How do you know.

At the beginning of the battle, Oba and Denji, by virtue of their tacit cooperation and flexible use of tactics, were not weak or even had a slight advantage.

To know.

With Gastrodon's restraint on Flareon and Jolteon, even if it's just a damage exchange, it's all earned.

This result.

Exceeded everyone's expectations.


Sylveon puffed out his mouth, stood up from the ground, glanced at the little dirt stained on his favorite snow-white satin, and the anger in his eyes grew thicker.


The delighted Daye rubbed his nose "proudly".

Even the electric times, which have never had many emotional fluctuations, can see a little smile on his face.

"Xia Yan, big sister, doubles is not like this." Daye even shouted out.

Damn it.

It was actually installed by them.

Xia Yan slowly frowned.

Although he was upset, he had to admit that Daye's words made sense.

The cooperation between him and Cynthia is more than enough to deal with Normal's doubles, but when facing the tacit "good friends" of Oye and Denji, they still seem a little "childish".

While Cynthia looked at Xia Yan, Xia Yan also looked at Cynthia.

Both of them saw a faint "unhappy" in each other's eyes.

Xia Yan's lips moved.

There was no sound, but through the change of mouth shape, Cynthia understood what Xia Yan meant.

Get rid of them!

Cynthia nodded slightly, moved her lips, and responded with two words.


"Sylveon, Dig!"

Xia Yan did not respond to Daye's "clamor", but calmly gave a new command.


Sylveon let out a low voice, digging the soil with his front paws, and disappeared into the realization of everyone in the blink of an eye.

here we go again.

"Pink Devil" evasion tactics!

"Gastrodon, Waterfall!"

at the same time.

Cynthia has also given a new command.


Gastrodon once again set up the current, raised the waves, and pressed towards Flareon and Jolteon with a rolling momentum, a posture that he wanted to attack the two Pokémons together.

"Flareon/Jolteon, Dig!"

Oba and Denji were like twins who had the same soul, and they spoke at the same time again.

The two Pokémon, in no particular order, disappeared from everyone's sight at the same time, just like Sylveon.

on the field.

Only one Gastrodon remains.

"You found Sylveon!"

They could have watched the previous battle between Xia Yan and Nie Zi and Qibana, and knew how varied the tactics after Sylveon "Dig" were.


They simply chose to respond with "Dig" as well.

Both dodge Gastrodon's "Waterfall" attacks, and

"Go find Sylveon!" Daye yelled.


Just as Lei Flareon disappeared, Xia Yan and Cynthia smiled at the same time.

Then Xia Yan shouted again: "Sylveon, Help!"

What? !

Oye and Denji, who heard Xia Yan's command, were stunned at the same time.

Isn't "Dig" down?

But I only saw that in the hole left by Sylveon, the cute blue-and-white Pokémon, drinking and jumping Splash, bounced out of the hole.

Moreover, the dazzling light spots scattered and submerged into Gastrodon's body at the same time.

And riding the wave "Waterfall" to Gastrodon in mid-air, the water under his feet is also scattered like a pouring rain in an instant.

That is to say.

Still underground, there are only Flareon and Jolteon!


Thinking of this, Daye and Dianji's expressions changed at the same time.

Sure enough, I heard Cynthia command: "Gastrodon, Mount Tai, Earthquake!"

Combination moves!

Because of the air dominance brought about by the rising waves, the power of "Mount Tai Topping" increased a bit when Gastrodon fell.

Plus Sylveon's "Help".

Looking at Sylveon, who jumped into the air, and Gastrodon, who fell heavily, Oba and Denji made the quickest reaction.

"Flareon/Jolteon, come out!"

But still heard.

Boom! ! !

The corrugated khaki texture, centered on Gastrodon, spreads rapidly around.

Accompanied by the violent shaking of the entire battlefield, as well as the cracked and sunken Ground, the huge gaps collapsed in the hard field.

One can imagine how much damage the enhanced version of "Earthquake" can do to Jolteon and Flareon that are still under Ground.


That's not enough to kill them in seconds.

speak up.

Or Gastrodon's explosiveness is lacking.


The Ground is hard uplifted.

The slow cracking of the two small drums shows that although they didn't kill them in seconds, they also did a ton of damage to Flareon and Jolteon.

And now the most important thing is.

Will Xia Yan and Cynthia really give up such a great opportunity?

The answer is of course no.

"Sylveon, Copycat!"

Another "Copycat"!


The object of "Copycat" is also Gastrodon of Cynthia.

And the move of "Copycat" is naturally Earthquake!

Sylveon, who was leaping in the air, was already in the process of falling.

As it landed heavily on its limbs.

Boom! !

The entire venue vibrated violently again, and the venue burst into a violent roar that was overwhelmed.

ka ka ka-

The cracks that had already emerged were enlarged once again.

good guy.

Be ruthless and even beat yourself up?

To know.

Gastrodon is still on the ground, that is to say, it has also suffered the "Earthquake" attack from Sylveon.


The "Earthquake" from Sylveon's "Copycat" is completely within the acceptable range for Gastrodon.

But for Oba and Denji's Rai Flareon, it was the last straw that broke the yak.

By the time Flareon and Jolteon did their best to get out of the Ground, they had no strength for Struggle again, and lay on the ground with circles in their eyes.

"Flareon, Jolteon, incapacitated!"

boom! ! !

The audience burst into cheers in unison.

This, this is directly reversed when the other party has the advantage?

Just because of Sylveon's feint?

If Sylveon is also underground, Gastrodon will never be able to cast "Earthquake", because it will also cause unbearable huge damage to Sylveon.

That's why Oba and Denji dared to let Flareon and Jolteon follow.

Of course, the oppression brought about by Gastrodon's "Waterfall" on the ground also played a big role.

It can be said that this is the virtual effect that Sylveon and Gastrodon can bring together.

One escape and one strong attack made Oba and Denji feel that they can rest assured "Dig" to pursue.

Moreover, even if Gastrodon really wants to attack with Sylveon, everyone can actually withstand a single "Earthquake".

Sylveon's "Help" also played a crucial role.

But never expected.

Sylveon actually just pretended and didn't dig at all.

the most important is.

Xia Yan and Cynthia didn't have any exchanges, right?

What they just said with their lips was shown on the big screen, and most people understood it.

Just rude words.

So. Is this a tacit understanding between Xia Yan and Cynthia? !

A tacit understanding between two champion trainers.

Xia Yan believes that Cynthia can read own tactics, and Cynthia also believes that Xia Yan can complete the final strike.

Tacit understanding!

At the beginning, there was not much tacit cooperation. Are the two of them acting like they are, or are they in the process of getting acquainted?

Sylveon and Gastrodon don't feint together, Gastrodon doesn't play decisively, Sylveon doesn't "help" and the final tip.

Without any of these links, the final result would not be what it is now.

But now it is precisely that each link is perfectly implemented and has achieved the desired effect.

"Heh - doubles cooperation, but that's it." Xia Yan held the brim of his hat and cast his eyes under the brim, looking at Daye with a bit of playfulness.

Big Leaf: "."

Damn it! It was also installed by Xia Yan.

And because of his outfit, Daye looked a little stupid before he burned.

Listening to Xia Yan's clamor, Cynthia's apricot eyes curved into crescents again.

in the mind.

Quickly flashed through many battles with Xia Yan, and they also had Du, Steven and others practicing life and death in the wild, fighting against different powerful enemies together.

The corners of his mouth curled up in a dazzling arc.

Who said that she and Xia Yan didn't have a tacit understanding and cooperation?

Their tacit understanding, but many of them are cultivated unknowingly between several lives and deaths.

It's just that neither of them felt it.

"Please replace the Pokémon with Oba and Denji players!"

The referee had to give a loud reminder, interrupting the astonishment of the two.

Oba and Denji looked at each other again.

At the same time, he took a deep breath.

Take back Flareon and Jolteon.

After a brief pause of two or three seconds, the two Poké Balls landed on the field in the same arc.


The sound of a fierce roar, the smooth body that was black and shiny, and the white bone pendant carrying a bit of a cold atmosphere.

Vicious dog from "The Underworld".


The machine was stiff but with a somewhat emotional sound, bathed in strands of flocculent fine current.

What appeared was a similar-looking washing machine, rotating with the "crash" water flow, and a Pokémon with a smirk on his face.


Washing Rotom - Trom washing machine form.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.


Cyrus' Rotom hiding in Sunyshore City was found by Dianji?

This was the first thought that crossed his mind.

Cleaning Rotom is a special form that Rotom has after getting into a washing machine with a special motor drive, and its own Attribute has changed from the original electric and Ghost type to the electric type and the water type.

Coupled with the "floating" ability it has, it is immune to Ground-type moves. It can be said that Attribute is quite a shot, and it has only one weakness as grass-type.

Just let Cynthia's Gastrodon, in front of it, can't raise the slightest temper.

Moreover, the grass type, the only weak point, was also restrained by the fire type Houndoom.

Speaking of Big Leaf's Houndoom

Xia Yan just flashed the scene where the two were fighting in "Victory Road".

Seeing Daye grinning, he touched his neck, and on a black belt bound, there was an inlaid crystal Key Stone.

At the moment when the big leaves touched.

The Key Stone burst out with bright rainbow lights.

"Houndoom, Mega Evolution!!"

In an instant.

The colorful light from the Key Stone enveloped the Houndoom, and in the haze, its appearance has quietly changed.


With another roar that made Sylveon and Gastrodon unable to restrain their bodies, the seven colors that wrapped Houndoom also collapsed.

"Mega Evolution!! Player Daye, used the reinforcement method chosen by both sides in this point match! What appears in front of us at this time is—Mega Houndoom!!"

The more majestic Mega Houndoom, the bones have become more ferocious and wanton, and it forms a solid armor of bones on its chest!


Sylveon and Gastrodon were a little bit out of breath at the aura of Mega Houndoom.

Champion level!

Even if Gastrodon has Attribute restraint on Mega Houndoom, the gap in hard power cannot be made up by Attribute.

Besides, the electric cleaning Rotom will definitely help the Mega Houndoom against.

These two Pokémon.

A Mega Houndoom and a Cleaning Rotom form a perfect zone for each other.


Xia Yan couldn't help smashing his mouth.

Cynthia also locked her eyebrows.

She naturally also saw the Attribute configuration of the two Pokémons.

"Rotom, Electric Terrain!"


"Om", centered on cleaning Rotom, a golden aura filled with wisps of electricity quickly spread to the audience.


With "Sunny Day" shining on top and "Electric Terrain" radiating below, it's the perfect combination of weather and venue for Oba and Denji.

"Houndoom, Solar Beam!"


Between the two sharp horns on the top of Mega Houndoom's head, the dots of green halo quickly converged, forming a mass of green surging energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the blessing of the "Sunny Day" weather, the "Solar Beam" move requires Stockpile, a move that requires accumulation of sunlight, and the Stockpile can be completed in an instant, skipping the middle process.


Targeting Gastrodon in Cynthia.

Gastrodon, who is restrained four times by the grass system, is guaranteed to be killed in seconds once he is hit.


The emerald-green beam of light did not give Xia Yan and Cynthia much time to think. Daye, who was trying to seize and seize the opportunity, wanted to take this advantage back.


But see.

Before "Solar Beam" shot at Gastrodon, Sylveon, straddling his slender limbs, landed in front of Gastrodon.

"Protect!" Xia Yan said solemnly.

"Come back, Gastrodon."

And Cynthia also took advantage of Sylveon's occlusion to take back Gastrodon for the first time.

Another tacit cooperation.

The two did not speak and communicate, and made the most beneficial choice for each other.

ka ka ka-

The emerald green "Protect" energy Barrier lingering around Sylveon, just persisted for a moment, before being defeated by the bright "Solar Beam".

But enough.

Time has been bought for Gastrodon to be replaced.

Xia Yan hurriedly said: "Baton Pass!"

I saw Sylveon turned into a white light and quickly returned to Xia Yan's Poké Ball, where the Mega Houndoom's "Solar Beam" and the ground left a scorched black.

Want to go together?

Did these two really play doubles together?

Denji couldn't help but have some doubts about the information provided by Da Ye.

Where does this look like there is no tacit understanding?

Not worse than them, right?

And Xia Yan and Cynthia, who successfully took back the Pokémon, finally met their eyes again.

Nod at the same time.

Throws the Poké Ball in hand.

"Come on, Lucario!"

"I'll leave it to you, Zorua—"

Two Pokémon appear at the same time.

And the appearance of these two Pokémons once again made it very clear the position of the two sides in this cooperation.

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