The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 112 Dark Ruins (First Update!)

Chapter 112 Dark Ruins (First Update!)

In the end, Xia Yan determined the moves that Abra had learned and inherited.

Teleport already mastered, Ice Punch, Guard Swap and Psychic Terrain inherited, Shadow Ball learned from Steven's Flash Metang and Cynthia's Eevee.

It can be regarded as having a certain initial combat power.

It's just that it has not been trained and actual combat, and it is still relatively difficult to suddenly want to exert combat power.

And what troubled him the most was actually figuring out Abra's Ability.

Because it is bound to be accompanied by some potentially dangerous attempts.

Finally, with Beedrill's help, Abra's Ability, Magic Defense, was finally determined.

Magic Defense: Does not receive damage from outside the attack, continuous field damage like Sandstorm, Hail, Status Condition such as burning, poisoning, etc., and will not be damaged by incidental props like Life Orb.

This Ability allows Xia Yan to derive a lot of props and tactics suitable for Abra.

Get in the car.

Go to the ruins that Steven mentioned.

There are many ruins in the Pokémon world, most of which are the ruins of civilizations in the ultra-ancient period.

With the continuous growth of the Alliance's strength, and the continuous deepening of human research on Pokémon, they finally set their sights on these ancient ruins little by little.

As far as Xia Yan knows, there are currently three ruins that have been explored around Saffron City, two of which have been excavated, and the items in them have also been collected by the Alliance, and slowly they have become a place for trainers to explore.

There is another relic that has not been discovered for a long time, and is still under the blockade of the Alliance.

I just don't know which relic Steven is talking about.

Abra and Cynthia's Eevee had a lot of fun in the car, not a small space, and only they could do it.

Xia Yan held his head and looked out the window.

The gradually cold weather has made pedestrians on the road wear thick clothes, and the fallen leaves have not been swept away, adding a bit of a sudden depression to Saffron City.

The activity of the surrounding wild Pokémon has greatly affected the economy and development of Saffron City.

These become more apparent as wild Pokémon activity continues.

"Pryce and Agatha came to Saffron City for the Elite exhibition match, wouldn't it be for this? Is it too serious to alarm Elite?"

The worst thought flashed through Xia Yan's mind.

If it is a matter that requires two Elites to be dispatched, I am afraid it is not so simple.

I glanced at Steven, who was sitting next to him carefully wiping the unknown stone, and Cynthia, who was also leaning against the window and looking out the window.

"Both of them are here, so it shouldn't be too much trouble. After all, if the Elite exhibition match is held, it should attract a lot of young trainers from various regions."

Thinking of this, my heart relaxed a little.

Speechless all the way.


The car stopped at the edge of Saffron City, and if you want to move forward, you can only rely on yourself.

The three got out of the car.

Now the surrounding of Saffron City is too dangerous, even if it is the original low-risk area, it is necessary to maintain sufficient vigilance.

Wild Pokémon's hostility towards humans has been greatly increased.

Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball and summoned Beedrill, but the inexperienced Abra was not enough to protect himself.

Cynthia only brought Eevee and Steven summoned his signature Flash Metang.

Take a look at your left and right guardians.

A champion on the left, a champion on the right, and you are at ease.

"Let's go, there is still some distance from the ruins, try to get there as soon as possible." Steven waved his hand and entered the dense forest first.

Although both of them have extraordinary backgrounds, it is obvious that they can have such strength not only by relying on resources, but also have a lot of experience in field battles.


Abra followed Xia Yan, grabbing his pants, and his little head kept looking around.

It followed Xia Yan to the wild, but it was still growing up at that time, and it was still huddled in Xia Yan's clothes. This can be regarded as the first time it has faced the wild situation.

Little eyes were full of curiosity.

If a Pokémon like Abra consumes a lot of Psychic, it needs a long sleep to supplement it. Normally, it takes eighteen hours or more to recover.

But Xia Yan's Abra Psychic is different from ordinary Abra, so it will take a little longer to keep Smelling Salts.

However, once the mental power is consumed in a large amount, the required recovery time will also take longer.

Abra has not been really trained or tried to fight, so Xia Yan brought it just to let it see more, learn more, and understand what the battle should be like. The main force at this time is Beedrill.


After yesterday's contact, Abra and Eevee had a pretty good relationship. Seeing that Abra was a little scared and curious, Eevee took the initiative to act as Abra's leader.

Hearing Eevee's words, Abra nodded honestly.


As you go deeper, attacks from Pokémon in the wild ensue.

However, in the eyes of Xia Yan and the others, such an attack did not pose any threat.

Beedrill a X-Scissor, Flash Metang a Meteor Mash, Eevee a Shadow Ball, basically everything.

Abra stared blankly at Eevee's Shadow Ball, and after a single Ekans that tried to attack them, adoration appeared in his little eyes.

I didn't expect the cute looking Eevee to have such strength.

I also learned some coping methods and skills from Eevee's battle.

Although Abra did not participate in the battle, such early contact will undoubtedly allow it to adapt as soon as possible in future training and battles.

The front is easy.

But after leaving Saffron City for a certain distance, the speed of several people's progress has obviously slowed down.

"The situation here is more serious than when I went out some time ago." Xia Yan frowned.

"It's really tricky, I didn't expect the wild Pokémon around Saffron City to be so active." Steven was also a little surprised.

"Normally, wild Pokémon don't become like this for no reason, especially collective changes."

Cynthia fiddled with her hair and spoke lightly.

Steven looked down at the map.

"The ruins are not far from here. At our current speed, we should be able to arrive within half an hour."

"I just don't know if the Pokémon in the ruins will be in the same situation. If so, I'm afraid it won't go well this time." Xia Yan expressed his opinion.

"It's already here, it would be a pity if we didn't go and see."


The three of them couldn't help but quicken their steps and movements.

In fact, it is still within their acceptance range, after all, Steven and Cynthia only summoned a Pokémon.

Xia Yan's Beedrill has also been relatively restrained, and can be handed over to Flash Metang and Eevee's Pokémon, but it chooses not to shoot in most cases.

Steven and Cynthia have other Pokémon, but Xia Yan only has it, so it must always have enough physical strength and energy.

On the way, Xia Yan kept asking Abra about the Teleport range it could withstand.

There are two types of Teleport.

One is that in normal battles, Abra can Teleport anywhere within its line of sight.

The other is that its Psychic test is relatively high.

You need to leave your own Psychic "anchor" in a fixed place, and at the same time, assist yourself with the special connection with this "anchor" and move to the point where the "anchor" is.

Abra hasn't developed its own abilities, so it doesn't have much range to move.

You need to leave your own "anchor" along the way at all times, so that you can use Teleport to send Xia Yan and others back at any time.

After half an hour.

A majestic cave with obvious excavation marks appeared in front of the three of them.

Looking at the partially exposed buildings full of history, Xia Yan felt the tip of the iceberg of the ancient civilization of the Pokémon world.

"Here, the dark ruins."

(End of this chapter)

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