The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 118 Ancient Creatures (Third! Read More!)

Chapter 118 Ancient Creatures (Third! Read more!)

In the battle, Secret Power will issue different types of attack moves according to the change of the field, and come with different additional effects.

And if it is used on some trees, grass or Rock, it will have another effect, such as creating a temporary secret base.

It can be said that it is a very suitable move for both combat and survival.

At this moment, Xia Yan is in a Tunnel that Togepi created with Secret Power, which leads to nowhere.

But what he can be sure of is that they are slipping, and faster and faster.

As a last resort, Xia Yan could only ask Beedrill to help him slow down, otherwise, with such a long-distance slide, he would not be allowed to break the ground after touching the ground.

As for Togepi, the indented egg, it has long been missing from the channel.


A faint fluorescent light appeared on the Tunnel port below.

Sending Luminous Moss moss to such an underground cave adds a bit of visibility.


Xia Yan and Beedrill slipped out of the tunnel.

Fortunately, Togepi was quite reliable. After coming out, it was not in the floating position of dozens of meters. He let go of the hand holding Pidegeotto Poké Ball and stood firmly on the ground.

Look up.

The surrounding scene gave Xia Yan a lot of shock.

The dense hair Luminous Moss dimly presented the appearance of this place in front of Xia Yan's eyes.

Different from the narrow Tunnel before, this is an extremely huge underground space. The whole space is at least 20 to 30 meters high. Above it is a huge circular arc top, and the rock wall within the visual range. On the Internet, there are quite a few Tunnels, some big and some small.

In the space, there are also some Rock Pokémon gathered together in three or two.

Don't be fooled.

This is probably the only word Xia Yan can think of now.

"Beer beer."

Beedrill, who kept looking around, saw Togepi's petite shadow, pointed at the long needle and shouted.

In the open and quiet environment, Beedrill's voice was particularly abrupt.

Many wild Pokémon's eyes couldn't help falling on Xia Yan and Beedrill, and Togepi not far away even stopped, a little stiff.

Xia Yan frowned.

I don't know why, but he had a bad premonition.

It's too quiet here.

But Togepi was right in front of him, and Xia Yan didn't have time to think too much, so he chased after Beedrill.

Togepi showed an expression even uglier than crying.

He raised his foot, and he didn't know whether to drop or maintain it.

Until Xia Yan and Beedrill appeared in front of it.

Seeing Togepi's appearance, the feeling that something was wrong in Xia Yan's heart was even more obvious.

"Chucky" sighed softly.

Togepi expressed his helplessness to Xia Yan and Beedrill, who were chasing after him.

But Beedrill, who has already suffered a loss, can no longer eat it. His eyes are locked on Togepi. As long as it dares to move again, Beedrill will definitely stab it.

Togepi waved his hand helplessly, raised his hand and slowly pushed Beedrill's long needle away from him, turned to look at Xia Yan, and made a "shush" action.

Xia Yan was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a faint breeze, brushing across his cheeks and brushing the ends of his hair.


How can there be wind in such an underground cave?

But soon, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it can be clearly sensed.

Seeing this, Togepi shrank his head, turning into an egg and pretending to be dead on the spot.

A small eye appeared in the gap, looking at Xia Yan and Beedrill helplessly.

This is what you asked for, and it has nothing to do with Benbo.

next second.

The howling and violent wind hit Xia Yan's front.

Beedrill finally found the abnormality, flapped his wings and came to Xia Yan, his scarlet compound eyes flashed, and he was waiting.

Its perception as a Pokémon is clearer than that of Xia Yan, and there is a very terrifying existence that is rapidly approaching here.

Just the breath of the other party's invisibility gave Beedrill a lot of pressure.

This is still without seeing the other person's figure.

At the same time, the surrounding Rock-type Pokémon who were still active also closed their eyes one by one and stopped moving, turning into stones.


In Xia Yan's eyes, a huge hazy black shadow flapped its wings and flew towards their direction.

huge wings.

Every fan is accompanied by a whistling hurricane.

"That is."

Looking at this figure, Xia Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

at this time.


Suddenly, behind Xia Yan, a voice came from a small cave.

Immediately afterwards, a bright and reflective head, a cave that could only accommodate one person, stretched out a hand and beckoned to him.

Seeing this head, Xia Yan was stunned, but quickly reacted.

Now is not the time to be stunned, and quickly said to Beedrill: "Beedrill, here!"

Saying that, he ran towards the small cave with his bright head retracted.

Beedrill also reacted and followed Xia Yan.

With one sliding step, he slipped smoothly into this slightly crowded and unremarkable cave, and Beedrill also hid in it.

Inside, there is still a little monk.

It was the little monk that Xia Yan met, who held a few strings of Buddha beads and sold them everywhere for money to buy wine, the little monk of wine and meat.

It's just that he looked a little embarrassed at this time, the gray clothes were full of holes and dirt, and the whole person looked a little haggard.

Before he could ask why he was here, Xia Yan looked outside.

"Don't look at it, it's an Aerodactyl, a very terrifying Aerodactyl." The little monk leaned weakly against the rock wall and whispered.



Xia Yan's guess was not wrong. When he saw the figure just now, he had some guesses, but he didn't expect that it was actually Aerodactyl, and it was an Aerodactyl with such terrifying strength.

"The little monk has seen it in the ancient books of Bell Tower. It is a kind of Pokémon that survived in the super-ancient period. It is estimated that there are not many people who can recognize this Pokémon."

The little monk continued to speak, but his tone was a little intermittent.

boom! !

As his voice fell, a gray-purple Pokémon slammed onto the ground, looking very much like the pterosaur in Xia Yan's impression, with a pair of huge wings, sharp claws and a jagged delay, his sharp eyes swept around, It seems to be looking for Xia Yan and Beedrill who just made a sound.

But at this time the cave they were hiding in was concealed enough to be undiscovered.

It's just that Aerodactyl, who didn't find the target, with fierce eyes fell on Togepi who shrank not far away.

Feeling Aerodactyl's gaze, Togepi's body trembled uncontrollably.

Looking at Aerodactyl through small eyes through the gap, it just happened to meet Aerodactyl's eyes.

Immediately shrink back, the small body swaying.

Togepi's heart is desperate.

It never thought that in the end, the Flash Fire burned itself was actually himself.

Aerodactyl's snorting distance was getting closer and closer, and Togepi felt the distance to death for the first time.


A sticky thread traveled a short distance and glued precisely to Togepi's eggshell.

jerking violently.

Togepi only felt a jolt in his body.

Then fell into a warm embrace.

A warm embrace like never before.

The third shift is over today, it should be no more, you don't have to wait, we will update it on time tomorrow~~

(End of this chapter)

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