The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 126 The Coveted Thing (Fourth More! Follow Up!)

Chapter 126 The coveted thing (fourth more! Follow up!)

Others shake their fingers for luck, Togepi shakes their fingers, it is a proper and fatal rhythm.

The movements that come out are some powerful moves.

Xia Yan put Togepi back on the ground and said with a straight face: "In the future, without my permission, you must not use Metronome moves, especially against your own people."

If a Precipice Blades, Dragon Ascent or something is really shaken, who can stand it?

Beedrill and Abra, who were approaching, nodded again and again.

That's right.

They had just felt the horrors of Metronome up close.

Almost got into the Pokémon Center.

Togepi's mastery of Metronome moves is good, but that doesn't mean it's also a good master of Metronome moves.

This requires training.

Togepi lowered his head and looked at his feet.

It's only just getting started.

In the past, it didn't dare to play like this in the Tunnel. First, it was afraid that the excessive movement would attract some powerful Pokémon, and second, it was afraid that the moves that would come out would cause the entire Tunnel to collapse.

"However, Togepi, are your previous Metronome moves really like this?" Xia Yan asked hesitantly.


What's more, I'll show you a demo?

Xia Yan reached out to stop it.

"Forget it, definitely next time."

The backyard, which was finally tossed, has become what it is now. If the landlord knows about it, he doesn't know how to compensate.

Togepi pursed his mouth.

But Xia Yan laughed.

It seems that the luck of this Togepi is not Normal.

To be honest, Metronome is a test of Pokémon's European spirit. If it is a European emperor, the effect of Metronome's moves is often unexpectedly good. If it is a non-chief, it is better not to learn this move.

A Pokémon possessed by a European emperor physique, which trainer doesn't like?

Think about it, too, a Pokémon as weak as Togepi, who spent so long in an underground tunnel where only some Rock-type and Ground-type Pokémon can live safely, seems to be living a very comfortable and happy life, even facing Aerodactyl, Xia Yan saves it in a mortal game.

Isn't this a sign of good luck?

The Heavenly Grace Ability, as expected, "Heavenly Grace", relying on God's father to stuff food.

click -


There was a slight movement outside the fence, Xia Yan's face became solemn, and several Pokémon also looked in that direction.

"Who?" Xia Yan said solemnly.

Very quiet and unresponsive, but Xia Yan slowly frowned and gave Beedrill a look.

Beedrill understood and walked silently towards the gap in the wall that had been blasted by the Togepi Fire Blast.

"Etc., etc!"


A man with an embarrassed smile and a moustache appeared in the gap, raising his hands.

"Sorry, I just heard a little movement here, so come and see, there is no other meaning, sorry." Moustache kept saying sorry.

However, his words not only did not let Xia Yan relax his vigilance, but his expression became more serious.


He chose this dilapidated villa because the backyard was big enough and the distance from other houses was big enough.

What's more, how can the normal inquiry situation come out of the backyard?

You must know that your backyard is connected to a dense forest, and the road is very difficult to walk. Who will come from there?

Several thoughts flashed through my mind.

Xia Yan said directly: "Beedrill."

Is there really a problem, try it and you will know.

Hearing this, Beedrill instantly understood what Xia Yan meant, Twineedle stood up, flapped his wings, and rushed towards the mustache.

"Wait! Wait! Let me explain."

Seeing Beedrill's actions, Moustache's complexion suddenly changed.

But his words did not stop Beedrill from moving.


Just as Beedrill's sharp long needle was about to approach the mustache, suddenly a pair of claws wrapped in rich black awns and grabbed towards Beedrill.

The emerald-green Pokémon slowly emerged, lying on the back of the mustache.

Shadow Claw!

A gust of wind suddenly rose around Beedrill's body, and he was prepared to avoid the sudden attack of this figure.

Immediately after that, Twineedle stabbed again and again, but the opponent's speed was also very fast, avoiding Beedrill's blow.


Xia Yan's face sank and he recognized this Pokémon.

Kecleon is a registered Normal Pokémon in the Hoenn Region. It can freely change the color of its body and has strong camouflage ability.

Rarely seen in Kanto Region.

There is definitely something wrong with this guy.

Just, why are you staring at yourself?

I didn't have time to think about it. After the moustache was torn apart, the corners of his mouth twitched and he chuckled lightly. He didn't linger much, and turned around and left.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate, picked up Togepi, raised his foot and chased after him.

Abra was meditating, assisting Psychic's levitation, and following Xia Yan closely.

And Beedrill rushed to the front, trying to intercept the man.

Exactly why he is staring at him, he will know when he is taken down.

It's just that the Kecleon on the opponent's body doesn't seem to be weak. The tail is tightly wrapped around the mustache's arm, and the body keeps leaning forward to intercept Beedrill's attack. It's really not that easy to leave him all of a sudden.

The road at night is particularly deserted, especially since it is on the edge of Saffron City, there are even fewer people.

Xia Yan and Moustache were chasing on the road.

Slowly, the mustache seemed to finally feel the difficulty of Xia Yan, and he got into the alley next to him.

Xia Yan's footsteps paused.

Some hesitant.

There are too many hidden alleys in Saffron City, and the behavior of the mustache is likely to lure him to run in this direction, and there is a high probability that there are traps in it.

But if you don't catch up, why does the mustache monitor himself, when does it start, and what is the purpose?

None of this is known.

Considering that Abra was there, Xia Yan chased after Beedrill.


Echoing in the small alley.

Tee, Tee, Tee—

"Togepi, once you encounter an uncontrolled situation, you can use Metronome." Xia Yan still made double insurance.


Togepi's little head is connected, and little stars twinkle in his eyes.

Make sure to use that trick this time!

He clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

Others can set traps for themselves, and Xia Yan thought to himself that he might not have the opportunity to take the trick.

And there will be plans soon.


Moustache disappeared around the corner. When Xia Yan chased after him, he found that it was a dead end, and Moustache had long since disappeared.

"Is it really a trap?"

Xia Yan's footsteps slowed down, his expression did not change, he just turned around slowly.

Sure enough, at the entrance of the alley, I saw three figures, and in front of them, three fierce Mightyena showing fangs.

The blood-red eyes were particularly conspicuous in the dim alley, and the low bark echoed.

Mustache stood in the middle, looked at Xia Yan with a playful face, and said to the two companions next to him, "I said he would be fooled?"

Xia Yan looked at them calmly.

"Who are you?" Xia Yan said lightly.

"You don't need to know that." Mustache and the other two slowly approached with three Mightyenas.

Xia Yan shrugged, "So, are you all for this?"

He didn't remember what he did out of the ordinary during this time, and where he was coveted by others.

If I had to say it, it would be this.

I saw that in his raised hand, he was holding a prism-shaped spar, black and purple, exuding a strange halo in the dark alley.

Seeing Dusk Stone, greed appeared in the eyes of the three of them.


Xia Yan secretly said in his heart.

But doubts followed.

How do they know they have a Dusk Stone?

He said, "Unfortunately I only have one stone, how do you divide it?"

"Heh - the plot in the movie, don't." Mustache chuckled disdainfully.


Xia Yan's eyes suddenly opened.


Before he could understand, Abra sent Beedrill to the back of the trio and attacked the Trainer directly, but the eyes of the three mustaches glared, their faces full of disbelief, and their bodies slowly collapsed to the ground.

See, a dark purple round Pokémon, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, appeared behind the three of them.

With black light in the sly eyes, Mean Look Lock On three Mightyenas.

Some ghosts cast a look at Xia Yan.

"Just yep!!" Togepi was shocked by it, exclaimed, Metronome was almost instinctive.


The crisp sound of crutches echoed in the long alley.


Thank you for the reward, Mr. Meows, plus more! What, the Hold Back of the monthly pass——

(End of this chapter)

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