The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 128 On The Use Of European Qi (Second!)

Chapter 128 On the Use of European Qi (Second!)


Somewhere in a dark underground secret room in Saffron City, a crisp slap sounded as the red light passed by.

In the shadow, stood a thin figure, and in front of him, a man staggered up with his face covered, standing in front of the thin man.

"Just because of an intermediate-quality Dusk Stone, two Elite Fours came quietly, how did your brain grow?" The thin man's gloomy voice came from the shadows.

"They. We didn't expect Agatha to show up."

The value of the intermediate Dusk Stone is not low, so many people below will be unable to hold back.

The thin man leaned forward slightly, his cold eyes looked straight at the trembling man in front of him, and said word by word: "So, even without Agatha, do you think the Rockets don't pay enough attention to us? Alliance's vigilance Did you really pick it up and throw it down the drain? Huh? Captain Badger?"

Badger's body trembled.

He knew too well what the character of the lord in front of him was like. The reason why this task was handed over to the lord was because of his ruthless character.

"Bajie, now the plan has come to the last minute. No matter whether it is successful or not, I don't want anyone to find out here. Do you understand what I mean?"

The moment Bajor's leather shoes touched, he straightened his body and quickly responded, "Yes! Lord Tamaki!"

Tameqi stroked his blond hair, "There are many people coveting the identity of the captain, don't let me down, Badger."

Saying that, he slowly walked towards a deeper shadow.

Badger let out a long breath, and then quickly asked, "Master Tamaki, do you want to get rid of that kid?"

"Can you still find him?" came a chuckle.

Hearing this, Badger was stunned.

the other side.

Xia Yan, who returned to his residence, hurriedly packed his things.

In fact, he didn't have many things to bring. He mostly carried some valuables with him. Except for the laptop at home and some paper documents, most of the rest of the things in the villa were left by the original landlord.

After putting a stack of five thousand Alliance coins on the table as compensation for the repair of the backyard, he disappeared into the hazy night of Saffron City.

After crossing a few streets, I found an unremarkable hotel and stayed in.

This incident taught him a lesson.

Pokémon captured in the wild also cannot be sold as Solaceon, and it is likely to attract the attention of some interested people.

And such gatherings should also be attended as little as possible.

Rather than believing in the credibility of their words, it is better to believe that there will be true peace in the world of Pokémon.

But this incident also further confirmed Togepi's luck.

If Togepi hadn't shattered the wall with the Fire Blast released by Metronome, he probably wouldn't have known that someone was watching him, eyeing the Dusk Stone in his hand.

After entering the room, let the three Pokémon out.

At the same time, he took out the crystal dark purple spar, Dusk Stone.

"Agatha said it was a medium-quality Dusk Stone, but the province would take the risk and find someone to do the appraisal."

However, I really don't know much about the evolution stone Xia Yan, and I don't know the value of the intermediate evolution stone for the time being.

In short, this thing must not be sold in Saffron City.

"Maybe, I should find a chance to leave Saffron City"

At present, he still has 900,000 Alliance coins and an intermediate-quality Dusk Stone. Even if he does not make money in a short time, it is enough to support some Pokémon expenses.

"The current Saffron City is the center of a vortex. Although chaos is good, excessive chaos is likely to involve itself in it."

Xia Yan, who was sitting in front of the table, tapped lightly on the table.

"After this Elite exhibition match is over, we will leave Saffron City after we understand the true strength of the Elite Four in this world!"

Soon, he made a decision.

Now that the most important thing has been finalized, Xia Yan turned to consider some trivial matters in other aspects.

Halfway through the preparation, I was interrupted by a party invitation sent by old Bill Gastly.

"The Eevee evolutionary conjecture has attracted a lot of attention in the paper, and the next one needs to have enough features."

Take a pen.

Silently listed a few on the paper.

1. Slowpoke relies on Kings Rock to evolve into Slowking.

2. Poliwhirl Assist Kings Rock evolves into Politoed

3. Gligar Assist Razor Fang evolves into Gliscor.

4. Neura Assist Razor Claw evolves into Weavile.

5. The effect of Feebas's beauty on the progression to become Milotic.


Too much.

But none of them are well written.

Because this requires some practical cases, or more reliable data and theories to confirm this evolution.

"Perhaps. You can consider participating in this research as an assistant. Anyway, as long as you can make money, fame or something may do more harm than good to me now."

“Sakuragi is an option”

Shake your head.

"Let's put it aside for now."

Xia Yan took out Master Suzuki's handwritten note about Breeder from the party before.

He had been studying this Codex for some time.

Great harvest.

Perhaps it is better luck, the description in this handbook is about the production of Pokémon energy blocks.

Combined with some of the Breeder family knowledge he had previously learned independently.

Xia Yan felt that it was necessary to try to make it by himself.

"Beedrill and Abra are actually pretty good. You can buy them even if you can't make them. The trouble is Togepi's energy cubes."

Because Togepi is a Fairy-type Pokémon, but the Fairy-type Attribute has not been found at present, and there will be no energy blocks for Fairy-type Pokémon in the natural market.

Of course, you can eat the energy block of the Normal system, but this will undoubtedly affect the development of the energy of the Togepi Fairy system in the future.

So there is no suitable one, Xia Yan can only make it himself.

Fortunately, he still has a certain understanding of what kind of fruit a Fairy-type Pokémon should use to make a suitable power block.

This is due to his previous research on the game tree fruit system.

"The point is the recipe."

Wrote the word "recipe" on the paper and made a few circles.

After thinking about it, it seems that I can only figure it out for myself.

"The matching of materials is one aspect, and the production is also a test of skill and luck."

In the production of energy blocks, it is very important to analyze, separate, combine and shape materials.

Especially the final molding process is a test of skill and a little luck.

Luck may even account for the majority.

Normally, when a good Breeder makes an energy block with a known formula, he cannot guarantee that it will be successful and up to standard every time.

Because there are many factors that affect the production process.


Xia Yan suddenly thought of something.

Turning to look at Togepi, who was about to hide the deflated Onion Stick under the quilt.

Several black lines appeared on his forehead.


Noticing Xia Yan's gaze, Togepi sneered and kicked the quilt, covering the last trace of Onion Stick with the quilt.

Ruo whistled at Abra expressionlessly.

Abra closed his eyes in disgust, and Psychic held it suspended in mid-air.

Its spiritual power cultivation has officially started.

"I can't eat that Onion Stick, I'll lose it tomorrow."

Xia Yan considered whether he wanted to sleep on the floor today.


Togepi lowered his head.

Apart from Togepi's naughty temperament, things like testing luck can be left to him.


With a European Emperor Pokémon around, how to make the most of its European energy

Online wait, very urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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